From "The Retreat" (805-483-3104): Subboard - "THE PI ROOM" Message # 1. Date: 28/28/09. Time: 15:25:53. Read 130 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Pi Lovers Everywhere Subj : Pi Welcome to the PI ROOM! Don't stay too long, or you might go crazy! So, Gav, wadda ya say we discuss the theories and philosophies of Pi in depth?? We could start with the first number, 3. Message # 2. Date: 28/30/29. Time: 12:24:22. Read 151 Times. From : The Pi Guy To : PIthings... Subj : Woah! Jamma! PERMIFIED Oh my! What a concept! My very own pi room. Next time, someone should inform me about these thing before I go and make a fool out of myself in the Subop Subboard. Well, the first order of business to relate to all people who can relate to pi by expressing the first law of piodynamics: / _____________________/ / | | / | | | | | | | | | | / / |_/ THOU SHALT NOT ROUND OFF PI. ---------------------------- I just thought of the missing element! Pidrogen! 3.1 41 592 6 535 89793238462643383 2795028841971693993 751058209749445923078 164062862089986280348 253421170679821480865 132823066470938446095 5822317253594081284 8111 45.. APPLE PI. Roses expire, violets may die, nothing continues, except maybe pi! May your life last as long as pi repeats... !!! GAVISCON !!! ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 3. Date: 28/30/29. Time: 16:14:23. Read 72 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : The PI Guy Subj : PI PERMIFIED I commented on that last message appropriately! There should be only one comment choice though, and that should be 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 Or something close to that! 3.1415 92653 5 8 9 79323 8 46 2 64 3 38 32795 Message # 4. Reply to #3 Date: 28/31/29. Time: 01:16:13. Read 53 Times. From : SYSOP To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : PI RECEIVED PERMIFIED IS IT POSSIBLE TO CREATE SOMETHING THAT IS PI INCHES LONG? C- - - Message # 5. Date: 10/01/88. Time: 18:43:10. Read 48 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : SYSOP Subj : Ever seen a slide rule? RECEIVED PERMIFIED I wonder if those slide rules measure out pi EXACTLY? I, for one, don't think anything can be measured out pi inches long, since you would infinitely be adjusting the measurement. However, if you believe that there are an infinite number of points between two places, then it might be possible. However, that brings me to another concept. (Proving that the pi room is not just for pi..) I can prove that Carl Lewis cannot catch up to Leslie, the snail, if you give the snail a 10-yard head start. (Carl will run his fastest, and so will Les- lie, but Carl will never catch up to Leslie) Here's a diagram: _ / \ \_/ __| / |\__ | / \ / / @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carl Lewis Leslie Now, when Carl gets to the point where Leslie started, Leslie will have inched forward a little bit. We'll make Leslie a little faster than the average snail but still slower than Carl, so that we can see the difference: | @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carl Leslie When Carl reaches the point where Leslie was this time, the same thing will occur: | @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carl Leslie and again: | @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carl Leslie Now, the next time, when Carl gets to the point where Leslie WAS, (The last picture) Leslie will again have moved ahead a little bit. So, no matter how fast either goes, Carl will always be behind, even if by the slightest dec- imal of an inch. Because every time Carl gets to the point where Leslie was each time, Leslie will be a little in front of that point. So, the next time some one wants to race you, ask for a small headstart. At least a foot. Then, as long as you keep moving, you can walk to the finish line and still win... Remember: Mathmatics is your friend. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ Message # 6. Date: 10/01/88. Time: 21:27:36. Read 40 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gav Subj : race RECEIVED PERMIFIED But what happens when Carl gets to the point where leslie IS??? Nevermind. (I hate Mathmatics!) Message # 7. Date: 10/01/88. Time: 21:28:33. Read 42 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Hack Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED PERMIFIED Yeah, you could probably measure out something that is PI inches long, but first you would have to find an instrument that measures things out to googolths of an inch!! Do that, and you're set! Of course, it wont be much longer than 3.14 inches! Just a LITTLE bit longer. And I stress the word LITTLE. Hell, I'll stress it again. And yet another time. VERY LITTLE in fact, it would be. I wonder EXACTLY how long it would take for a nerve impulse to travel EXACTLY Pi millimeters. Maybe someday I'll find out. But I won't be satisfied until then. That could be my life find out that piece of information!!! Yeah! The Music Man Pi in your face! Message # 8. Date: 14/06/14. Time: 04:04:54. Read 36 Times. From : SYSOP To : NOBODY Subj : A PROJECT PERMIFIED GO UP TO A MATHEMATICS PROFESSOR AND ASK HIM TO PUT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT INTO MATHEMATICAL NOTATION AND THEN PROVE IT. "THIS THEOREM IS NOT A THEOREM" IF YOU CAN PROVE SOMETHING TO BE TRUE USING MATHEMATICS THEN IT IS SAID TO BE A THEOREM. IT WAS ONCE BELIEVED THAT ANY TRUE STATEMENT COULD BE PROVEN MATHEMATICALLY AS LONG AS IT COULD BE WRITTEN WITH MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS. THEN SOME JERK NAMED GODEL CAME ALONG AND WROTE "THIS THEOREM IS NOT A THEOREM" USING MATHEMATICAL NOTATION. SO, GO AHEAD AND ASK A MATHEMATICIAN TO PROVE IT. YOU SEE, THE PROBLEM IS THIS. IF HE PROVES IT, THAT MEANS THAT IT IS A THEOREM. BUT, IT CAN'T BE A THEOREM BECAUSE IT SAYS THAT IT ISN'T A THEOREM. THEREFORE IT CAN'T BE A THEOREM. OBVIOUSLY THIS MEANS THAT THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IT CAN'T BE A THEOREM OTHERWISE A PARADOX WOULD RESULT. SO EITHER IT IS TRUE, OR MATHEMATICS IS A PARADOX. SO, HERE WE HAVE A TRUE MATHEMATICAL STATEMENT THAT REFUSES TO BE CLASSIFIED AS A THEOREM. THIS IS VERY STRANGE SINCE THE DEFINITION OF A THEOREM IS SUPPOSED TO BE A MATHEMATICAL STATEMENT THAT IS PROVEN TO BE TRUE. LOGICALY THIS STATEMENT MUST BE TRUE, BUT MATHEMATICS CAN'T PROVE IT. SO BASICALLY MATHEMATICS SUCKS. C- - - Message # 9. Date: 14/06/14. Time: 15:56:56. Read 32 Times. From : peggy To : sysop Subj : pi RECEIVED PERMIFIED favorite is warm apple with cheddar cheese!!! Message # 10. Date: 14/07/14. Time: 15:44:11. Read 29 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Hack Man Subj : Math PERMIFIED Even though I hate math, I have to stand up for it. Math doesn't suck, it is merely imperfect. How can you expect something as imperfect as a human to come up with something that can be perfect under all conditions. I'm happy Goedel predicted all that, because too many people take math too seriously. It is a tool, nothing more, but people have come to worship it, as blasphemous as it seems, as a science! Or even worse, a religion! Math is a nifty little idea that makes things easier for people who with to indulge in it, but any true philosopher will realize that it is just a foolish concept, created to give man something to do with their time besides thinking about important things. It is more the simple minded, unintelligent individuals, to give them them the idea that they are intelligent, when they are only fooling around with simple little abstract concepts such as "numbers". The real crime is when a true genius gets cought up in it, wasting his intellectual abilities, when it could be applied to something more productive. What would have happened if Mozart learned about math first instead of music? He probably would have came up with the "this theorem is not a theorem" concept first, and the world would have been without a lot of great music, and lacking a stepping stone which "led" to music of the modern era! Math Indeed! People need to see it for what it REALLY is, a damn waste of time! -TMM If it weren't for pi, I'd probably hate math altogether! #10. Message # 11. Date: 188/188/. Time: 17:53:44. Read 29 Times. From : The Pi Guy To : Math lovers/Death to math Subj : Consider this PERMIFIED Given: X = Y (A perfectly valid equation. Nothing wrong... Just a def- inition) Therefore: X - Y = 0 (Subtract Y from both sides) 2(X - Y) = 0 (Multiply both sides by 2) X - Y = 2(X - Y) (Both = 0, so both are = to each other) (X - Y) 2(X - Y) ------- = -------- (Divide both sides by X - Y) (X - Y) (X - Y) 1 = 2 !!! GAVISCON !!! ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | -Who sees the problem? Message # 12. Reply to #9 Date: 10/14/88. Time: 15:45:31. Read 27 Times. From : omicron To : peggy Subj : pi RECEIVED PERMIFIED now that, my dear, is a west coast treat!! most people look at me weird when i think of such things. but alas, this is not the big apple!! (-.-) Message # 13. Reply to #12 Date: 10/14/88. Time: 15:47:42. Read 25 Times. From : omicron To : omicron Subj : pi RECEIVED PERMIFIED pi are round, not square!! (-.-) Message # 14. Date: 14/15/88. Time: 08:07:54. Read 23 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : The Pi Guy Subj : Your Equasion PERMIFIED Division by zero....what a putz! Pi forever! -TMM Message # 15. Date: 10/16/88. Time: 10:56:11. Read 24 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : OH sure... Don't even think about it, will you? RECEIVED PERMIFIED Can't you even ponder it a bit? That's one of my favorite equations! Zing bop, what a drag. Well, guyz, I think it's about time that I cleared up the purpose of this sub- board. (I'll write an intro soon... REALLY!) Basically, this board is a blend of The Obfuscatorium, the Temple of Dillusion, The Science and Technology, and the What If board. (Throw in the Sex board, too, if it'll drum up a little bit more business...) This is your chance to throw away the rulez of life, and get a little crazy. (Oh what the heck: Go insane) There is only so much the aver- age person can say about pi, and that's not the real purpose... The number pi is just the symbol of greatness. It's the symbol of infinity and immortality. It shows that not all problems in the universe can be completely solved. It is the essence of randomness, yet the relaxing stability of a constant. No matter what happens... you gnow it won't change. Along with a few trig functions, it is the basis of how we live our lives today. Plus all that, it's one hell of a long number! So what is the purpose of this board? ....To explore strange new words... ....To seek out new paradoxes, and less simple equations.... ...And to boldly show what no man (or women, or other) has shown before! __________/ / | | | | | | / \_/ The power of pi is with you all. ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ Don't forget: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445- 92307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647... Message # 16. Date: 10/16/88. Time: 11:14:31. Read 23 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Resident Subj : (advertizement) PERMIFIED ...and now a word from our sponser... _______________________________________________________________________________ STUCK IN A DULL, LOW PAYING JOB? ______________ WANT TO MAKE BIG MONEY? / | \ ________________________ /_______|________\ / \ ## ### ## / Be a \____ /# ___ ___ #\ \ QUANTUM MECHANIC! \ \ \_/ | \_/ / \______________________________ \ | / | \_> | \/ | ______ | )--------( | |_____ \_____________________________ | | | | ____ \______________________________\ \ \____/ / |____| \ \____________/ ____/ ______________________________/ |______/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...Even if you never finished High School! : : : [] Yes! I want to get : \ _____________________ / : in on the ground floor : - (____STUDY AT HOME!___) - : of this exciting new : / \ : field. I understant no : : salesmen will call. : Message # 17. Date: 10/16/88. Time: 15:12:13. Read 23 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : whomever Subj : Pi PERMIFIED Some of you may wonder what all this PI stuff is all about. You may wonder what Pi is, and what it's good for. If if causes brain damage, or debilitating diseased. Has the surgion general determined that memorizing pi is hazardous to your health? Can you contract AIDS from pi? Is it really safe to get a pi thrown in your face? Is is possible that pi is the answer to world problems, or will it be responsible for the destruction of all of us? Does pi have a favorite color, or prefered sexual position? How does pi feel about the world economy? Who would pi vote for in the presidential election? Where does pi stand on religious viewpoints? Is PI really an atheist? Does pi have a girlfriend? Does pi like mexican food? Does pi get around much? Is pi able to accept infinity? What does pi want out of life? If you REALLY want to know, not just really want to know, but REALLY want to know, not excluding really REALLY want to know, or REALLY REALLY want to know, or any variation thereof, then go to the store right now, and buy the best selling autobiography in existence.... PI...THE CONTINUING STORY. (Pi Press, Copyright 3.141592653589793238462643383.. ....) Get your copy NOW, before everyone else does! Message # 18. Date: 10/16/88. Time: 15:24:25. Read 23 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Pi Subj : For those who didn't know PERMIFIED PI\'pi\n,pl pis \'piz\[MGk,fr. Gk pei, of sem origin; akin to Heb pe] 1: the 16th letter of the greek alphebet 2: a: the symbol ( ) denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter b: the ratio itself: a transcendental number having a value to eight decimal places of 3.14159265 Just in case you didn't know.... Message # 19. Date: 10/16/88. Time: 15:30:35. Read 22 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : whomever Subj : A joke PERMIFIED How Many Pis does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620 8998628034825342117067982214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111 74502841027019385211055964462294895493038196442881............... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Message # 20. Reply to #16 Date: 10/16/88. Time: 19:46:01. Read 22 Times. From : SYSOP To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : (advertizement) RECEIVED PERMIFIED YES! I WANT TO BE A QUANTUMN MECHANIC! CAN I LEARN SIX EASY LESSONS WITH TWO EASY FOLLOW UPS? C- - - #20. Message # 22. Date: 10/181/1. Time: 207:43:4. Read 21 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : SYSOP Subj : Be a quantum mechanic! RECEIVED PERMIFIED ...or just look like one. Yes, you too can impress your friends in this excit- ing new field. To sign up, just leave your name, address, and the credit card number on which you have the highest credit limit, and we'll send to you, ab- solutely FREE!(*) the following items: The home booklet, with easy to read articles about those hard to understand areas. Some Do-at-home projects, including a full size model of the proton, and how quarks are held togther by gluons. It demonstrates accurately the concept of the "Uncertainty principle" which states that the accuracy of measure- ment of momentum and location are inversely proportional. (Please note: A small problem in our shipping staff has complicated the release of this item. As soon as a sample is shipped to a specific address, the package, itself usually becomes unlocatable. Conferances are being held with the U.S. Postal service regarding this matter, involving blindfolded mailmen, but for now, the orderer may or may not receive this bonus gift.) A portable particle accelerator! (Assembly required) Impress your friends as you turn billions of tax dollars instantly into a small beam of subatomic particles. Track the particles themselves with the in-home computer track system! (Cost extra) Make your own modern art, at half the price! Plus, a two-in-one phone center, if you order right away. Just dial 1- (213) 976-5233, that's 1-(213) 976-5233. Pay by check or credit card, but don't even think about C.O.D.'s. (*)Note: Add $15 for shipping and handling, $23 to cover packaging costs, $98 for raw material expenses, $314.15 for company revival, $127 for labor pay, and $256 for miscellaneous expenses. If order is sent in after October 18, 1988, then add $50 late fee. Message # 23. Date: 10/21/88. Time: 10:11:12. Read 24 Times. From : peggy To : ALL Subj : pi PERMIFIED Of course, there's always Pecan with whip cream! Message # 24. Date: 10/21/88. Time: 17:37:04. Read 18 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : peggy Subj : RECEIVED PERMIFIED BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Message # 25. Date: 10/21/88. Time: 17:37:32. Read 24 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : ALL Subj : PERMIFIED Pi in your face! Message # 26. Date: 30/22/88. Time: 22:29:28. Read 19 Times. From : Tasslehoff Burfoot To : Anyone will to try it Subj : I have a request PERMIFIED Just what is the best way to derive PI on the computer? Most computers have a certain range of accuracy, which is usually about 13 to 14 digits. That's just not good enough. Although I have heard of techniques where you use string math, and do everything the hard way. The only limit to the numbre of digits of PI you can find is the memory in the computer and disk. (It gets terribbly slow when you begin using the disk, even with a hard drive.) Well, lets hear your favorite method for deriving PI on a computer! Maybe even a program or two? >The Tazz< Message # 27. Date: 30/23/88. Time: 00:28:30. Read 22 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Tazz and others... Subj : Methods don't work. PERMIFIED There are many, many ways to derive pi, usually by some equation that has a fraction with a denomintor that keeps reducing by a certain number, therfore zeroing in on the actual number. However, like Tazz said, most computers are limited to a certain number of digits in any variable. (usually a whole lot less than 13 or 14. Usually about 8 or 9) And it's beyond my comprehension to try to use more than one variable to represent one number. So how can one of those equations be used effectively on a computer? I don't gnow. If I did gnow, I'd take advantage of the multitasking part of the Amiga, and have a few thousand digits calculated by now. Maybe to do it, you'd have to think of how a computer thinks of numbers, and use bianary... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ -I want to say, right now, that this is The Pi Room, and not The Pie Room. If you want The Pie Room, go three doors down, on the left. You can't miss it... If you think it's just plain clever to see that there is indeed a similarity between pi and pie, than I hate to break it to you, but it's quite obvious, & it's been done many times before. I'd appreciate it if the majority of posts on this subboard are somehow distantly related to whatever I mentioned in a post a little while ago, and not on food. Topics don't have to be on pi, and probably shouldn't be, since it gets a little boring at times, but they would be best if they were about things like infinity, insanity, inferiority, insa- tiablility, dedication, and words that don't belong. To be general, the main topic here is about quirks, and bizzare, unusual topics, and not about fruit stuffed in bread, given an endothermic blast of energy. Message # 28. Date: 30/184/9. Time: 203:48:1. Read 18 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gav Subj : Pie RECEIVED PERMIFIED Pi in your face! Message # 29. Date: 30/184/9. Time: 203:48:3. Read 18 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Tass Subj : Calculating pi PERMIFIED I have three formulas for figuring out pi. If you can somehow write a program to calculate them, then go for it! pi/4 = 1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/11+..... pi/4 = (4)(tan^-1)(1/5)-(tan^-1)(1/239) pi/4 = (tan^-1)(1/2)+(tan^-1)(1/3) If you figure out a way, let me gnow! Message # 30. Date: 10/24/88. Time: 23:14:41. Read 24 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Tazz and TMM Subj : Like I said... PERMIFIED The problem is not in the equation or the calculation. I, myself, have about 6 different ways to derive pi. But, I'd be very grateful if someone could solve that "variable barrior" I was talking about. -Also, everyone should now put a little pressure on Hack Man. I've sent him a multitude of E-Mail on two different subboards, to create the intro to The Pi Room, but he hasn't even replied to the E-Mail, nevermind create the file. (I strongly suggest to him that he should let the sub-op's do this themselves, so that it can be easily changed.) Also, I wanted the comments changed to: 1, 2, 3, 3.14, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 so that anyone who comments can use the Gavisconian scale of one to pi. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ -Trapped on Terra. #30. Message # 31. Date: 10/185/8. Time: 208:12:4. Read 40 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : Boy... It's easy to get recognized around here... PERMIFIED Hello, all. I believe now would be a good time to explain a few things. First, I invite everyone to use the comment line at the bottom of a message. It's the official Gavisconian scale of One to pi. Depending on the quality of the mes- sage, give it a: 1 - Worst thing I ever read. Absolutely boring, not interesting, whatsoever. If I had enough hands, I'd give it three thumbs down. (If the message is related to pie, then give this comment, also.) 2 - Pretty bad, but not repulsive. I wouldn't think that it should have been there, and I'm sure the phone company would've appreciated it if I had not spent their fiber optic cables on such a message. 3 - It's got a chance to be real A-1 class material. It hasn't quite made it into the upper classes yet, but all around, I'd give it a definate aver- age. Maybe a few gramatical errors were present, and that's why it was not given a 2. 3.14 - Upper class message. Premo! Zilch my feathersnatch, and bluk me a pot 'o fry. I'd be tempted to use the "R" command just so I could read it again. 3.14159265 - (Actually, I would have prefered more digits, but this is good enough.) Super message! Could easily win a door prize at any of a number of message-appreciation seminars. I'd be glad to sass that hoopy user. Now, there's a frood who really gnows where his towel is... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. -Note: The purpose of this area is to combine science with insanity, and see where it takes you. What do you think would happen if friction were sudden- ly reversed? And would you concider doing this if you were paid? Message # 32. Date: 10/185/8. Time: 214:16:0. Read 21 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : Insanity PERMIFIED I like the opening to this sub-board. I must say, the "insane" people of this world are treated unfairly! All that separates us from them is the distance between each of us, and the concept commonly accepted by society as "reality ". But who is to say what is real and what is not? Who is to say that just because someone sees things differently, they should be locked up? I think this is a form of predjudice! The main problem is that these people are unable to fight for their rights, much like unintelligent people (who are, in fact, to stupid to even realize that they are being discriminated against, and even if they realize it, they are to stupid to know what to do about it, but that's their fault, they are stupid, and there is no excuse for stupidity!), but unlike unintelligent people, they are not stupid, just a little "out of touch" with said "reality". Also, the insane are not even given a chance to explain their opinion (unlike stupid people, who are given the chance, but always say something stupid!), but are just locked up, and considered "crazy". Who is to say that WE are not the ones who are out of touch with reality?? I think anyone who would vote for Dukakis, for instance, should be locked up instead, for they are not only a danger to themselves, but are also a threat to society. For that matter, I think anyone who would want to be the president of this country, and actually believes they can improve things are a little more out of touch with reality than a schizophrenic!!! And what about all these people who claim they are Jesus Christ??? One of them just might be him!!!! Ans WE locked him up! They should let these people out so they can go out into the world and try to save it! They couldn't do any worse than swaggart or baker!! Maybe the "insane" people see the world as it REALLY is!! Their freedom of speech is taken away from them. As soon as you say something that sounds insane, you get locked up! It's unconstitutional!! We are all a little out of touch with reality, so where do they draw the line? (all the way around the frontal lobe, and it's dotted!) -TMM Message # 33. Date: 11/01/88. Time: 16:35:40. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Fellow lunatics Subj : Insanity can be fun. PERMIFIED I've always held a belief in mind, but have been unable to think about it lond enough to turn it into a quote for this board... Einstien, himself, stated, quite simply, that imagination is more important than knowledge. Einstien was a lousy student, and got F's in math, but if there's one thing he had, it's imagination. Without imagination, we would be nothing. We would not be able to invent anything, or have any goals, beliefs, or advancements. The human race would be nothing more than a wild animal, doing nothing more than attacking other animals in the same manner as always, never changing in our ways. We could never learn anything knew unless we observed it from someone else. But, without imagination, we would have no one else to learn it from. (You can tell that I'm serious on this one, because I'm not paying attention to my margins.) You can teach a child anything, but that child is nothing more than a mindless computer without the imagination and inovativeness (basically the same meaning) to enable that child to apply the knowledge to new concepts. Certainly, there are only two things that separate the human race from normal animals in the wild... The first is the opposible thumb. Imagination is the second. I would say that imagination is the single most important thing to contribute to the huge technological advance of our modern age. ___________________________________________________ So, why is an overactive imagination termed insane? --------------------------------------------------- !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 34. Reply to #33 Date: 11/02/88. Time: 04:09:43. Read 18 Times. From : SYSOP To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Insanity can be fun. RECEIVED PERMIFIED PEOPLE WITH IMAGINATION ARE HARDER TO CONTROL. C- - - Message # 35. Date: 11/11/27. Time: 16:45:39. Read 25 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Recipient Subj : (advertisement) PERMIFIED _______________________________________________________________________________ C L O N E Y O U R S E L F By Mail! _______________________________________________________________________________ ||||| ||||| / \ / \ That's right! Through amazing new genetic [ O O ] [ O O ] technology not yet released for publica- | > | -> | > | tion, genetic scientists will clone any- | \_/ | | \_/ | one who applies. Just send, along with a \___/ \___/ small coverage fee, a lab-treated sample of your blood, a cleansed strand of your hair, or an official, documented labora- Use your new clone to take out tory report of your complete genetic code of town business trips, serve by an authorized genetic physician(*) and inconvenient jail terms, or to we'll do the rest! send yourself out for pizza! ............................................. (*) Special note: New laws . [] YES! I want to take advantage of this . designate that genetic . amazing new offer. Enclosed is a check . codes are the proporty . or money order for $229.95 ($25 P&H.) . of the individual. DO . Name:___________________________________ . NOT TRY TO CLONE ONE . Address:________________________________ . OF YOUR FRIENDS. It is ............................................. illegal. Message # 36. Date: 11/21/88. Time: 05:10:02. Read 17 Times. From : SYSOP To : NOBODY Subj : QUANTUM MATHEMATICS PERMIFIED PI DOESN'T EXIST! THIS IS ACCORDING TO MY NEW PHILOSOPHY OF QUANTUM MATHEMATICS. A NUMBER DOESN'T EXIST UNLESS YOU CAN WRITE IT DOWN. AND RECITE IT. THEREFORE PI DOESN'T EXIST!C- - - Message # 37. Date: 11/21/88. Time: 21:47:16. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Our dear mistaken SYSOP Subj : I disagree! PERMIFIED (I wonder if that entire name got typed out, or if the TO: is cut off?) If you give an infinite amount of monkeys an infinite amount of time and an infinite amount of paper, they would still misspell Line 43, Scene 2, Act V of Hamlet, but they would be able to recite pi, nevertheless. It is primi- tive thinking to remain in the world of the finite. There are infinites all around us, no matter what the quantum model states... Sure, maybe Quantum mechanics tells us that there is a fundamental unit of time, measurement, & space, but there are an infinite number of ways thesee units can be miscal- culated. And I happen to gnow a few people who get pretty close to infinity by miscalculating... You've got to believe in a world of imaginary numbers, and 1/0. Infinity can be your friend, for if you can control infinite im- probablities, and calculate them through limits, you can accomplish the im- possible in an infinitely small amount of time. (Imaginary time) Therefore, with pi, you can do anything! (Of course, I never give away the secrets as to HOW to do all this, because that would take out all the fun of discovery for you guys...) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 38. Date: 11/24/88. Time: 14:10:49. Read 17 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : infinite RECEIVED PERMIFIED What's wrong with something not existing, if things can be infinite? Non- existence to me seems just as logical an idea as always-existence. CI Message # 39. Date: 11/25/88. Time: 23:26:31. Read 16 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Cleric Ilsaram Subj : There's absotruthly nada problem with non-existance RECEIVED PERMIFIED Wait! Don't clear the screen! I think I might have misspelled that! Oh well. Too late... Non-existance is perfectly all right. Many things are in a state of non-exis- tance at one time or another. Jimmy Hoffa, for one. (Dillinger, on the other hand, still exists, but it very clever about it) Car keys and ball point pens often going into a temporary state of non-existance, usually choosing a place that has been searched the most often to come back into existance. (Car Keys are more playful, while ball point pens just want to escape and never return) Johny Carson's guests are in non-existance for a little while until he calls the onstage. There are a few things that have been in non-existance since the beginning of time. (An infinite amount of time ago) For instance, Vice-Pres- ident Qualye's supporters are non-existant, and have never been existant. But there is one thing that has ALWAYS been in existance, and that is PI. I would try to explain the theories behind it, but they involve twelve-dimensional physics, and if you read it, your brain would explode. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. (HELP!) Message # 40. Date: 11/26/88. Time: 10:22:37. Read 18 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gavisconalia aviscennae Subj : The phun of discovery Oh, but I have been provided with a pre-blown brain, so as a result, I can withstand even as much as forty-eighth dimentional Quazi-Physics and react with nothing more than a few faint pops and crackles. But wait, imagination???? My friend(or whatever you are), It is a well known certainly probably fact that creativity (or imagination, as you so unpoetically put it) is nothing more than the result obtained from the proper application of wisdom towards intelligence (given that, necessarily, the wisdom as well as the intelligence must both be in great abundance). But, alas, lack of creativity has it's own merit, that far surpass the benefits aquired through the even a highly compulsive manipulation of creativity in the greatest sense! Those who have learned the essence, nay, the virtues of the lacking of creativity, it is then that they are able to lead a completely fulfilling and pleasureable life, without the drawbacks brought about by the over-indulgence in creativity, which tends to lead one down a road of great dispair and misery, never again to laugh, or experience the overwhelming sensation of pure joy. Instead, they are subject to the unappealing effects of creativity overload, and find themselves underwhelmed by things not meant to be applied to the miniscule intellect of mere mortal humans, who by no means would dare to question a monkey having been asked by the monkey if it were creativity, or the lack of it that leads to a productive evolution in primates, and similar living organisms, but would instead answer the monkeys question, and withought (neat word, huh?) compleate comprehension of truth, and lacking understanding of the things that make the mind blossom into cortexial obscurity, and would inform the monkey, fallaciously of course, that the answer is "creativity". The poor unfortunate beast would then be cast into the depths of misunderstanding, and contemplate to the fullest, as only a monkey can do, the possibilities of creativity, thus being caught up in more or less unimportant logical progressions, filling the creatures head with confusion, and frusterating it to such a degree that the result would be, unfortunately, that the monkey will never obtain the potential to be anthing more than a monkey, which is what is started out to be in the first place. I have to admit, I pity that monkey, and I pity all of you pro-creativists who claim that dellusions and ultra-fantasmical folly are the greatest behaviors to indulge in, and live your lives as such! You must, by all means, see the truth in the lack of creativity, and understand the understandable, instead of creating the createable, which in reality, if over-done by any means, will result in your life, as you know it now, turning out quite similar, or more appropriately described, "Identical" to that of the poor, mislead monkey, who will never again aquire the experience of relating to reality as it really is, and not as the closed- minded, intellectually neglected homo-sapiens who actually expect to find a ball-point pen when they apply themselves to searching for it, but in reality, which is far beyond their comprehension, the pen was never meant to be found, for it has been removed from the premises and sent to a place where nobody, aside from the household cannine, will encounter it, as mistakenly as possible, misinterpret it as a felt-tip pen, thus casting them into an eternal torment of mental anguish, never again to hear the phrase, stated with genuine encouragement and faith, "Get Real!". From there, things only get worse! In all reality, it is clearly evident that the existence of the possibility of your attaining variable understanding of the productivity of lack of creativity is at this time undeniably uncertain. Nevertheless (neat word, huh?), it is always possible (unless it is too late, at which point nothing is possible) that you may some day come to realize the importance of lack of creativity. I could always tell you, but I wouldn't want to rob you of the satisfaction aquired through discovery! And, if all else fails, read the newspaper! The Music Man -=obfuscate=- If it's not obscure, then it's not for sure! (or is it?) #40. Message # 41. Date: 11/26/88. Time: 11:02:04. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : infinity Subj : PI (What Else??) I'm afraid that I have a bit of bad news for some of you, and that is that pi is in fact not infinite! I was informed of this by way of obfuscative revelation, which showed to me the truth, pi, as it really is! Obfuscative inspiration reavealed some never-before-shown-footage to me, and it has been made clear to me that pi is actually not the infinite progression of decimalistic continuence as previously assumed by people of all walks of life. It is, in every way conceiveable, the difference of the numerical value of "ONE"(1) subtracted from the slightly abstract value refered to by the same people of all walks of life as, of all things, infinity. I think this kindof knocks the edge off of pi. In actuality, is appears to be nothing more than merely another boring number. Three-point-infinity-minus-one seems dull, and unexiting, quite the opposite of what it was, at one time, valued to be. In response to this obfuscative revelation, I see it appropriate that we appoint another numerical value to take the place of pi. Maybe we can requisition something interesting from the result of some quantumly physical equation, and memorize it instead of pi, which, as we now know, can in actuality be memorized to it's fullest, contrary to past theories which stated the contrary, and given enough memory capacity, can be recited in less than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years, obviously far less than the legendary belief that it would take an eternity!! How could we have been so blind all of these years??? Why have we failed to see the truth, to see reality as it really is??? WHY???? I KNOW WHY!!! CREATIVITY!!!!!!!!!! Go ahead, refuse to believe me! Close your mind to the truth! Don't see things as they really are!! Turn you back to reality!!!! But remember that I was the one who warned you!! I hope you one-day grow beyond your world of fantasies, and day-dreams, and accept things for what they are, and not what you want them to be!!! Roses will whither, and violets will die, for nothing's eternal, including your pi! Sorry to break it to ya this way kid! I hope you choose to discontinue living in your dream world, and accept pi for what it REALLY is.....just another number! The Music Man -=obfuscate=- GOD'S PROPHET Message # 42. Reply to #39 Date: 11/26/88. Time: 17:15:20. Read 16 Times. From : SYSOP To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : There's absotruthly nada problem with non-existance RECEIVED I DON'T EXIST RIGHT NOW. I'M SURE OF IT IN FACT. I CAN EASILY NOT DETECT MY PRESENCE OF NOTHINGNESS, AND I KINDA LIKE IT. (IT'S GOOD FOR A CHANGE ONCE IN AWHILE) NOW IF I COULD ONLY CONVICE THIS KEYBOARD HERE THAT I DON'T EXIST. IT JUST KEEPS RAMBLING ON INDEPENDENT OF ME (WHO DOESN'T EXIST RIGHT NOW.) C- - - Message # 43. Reply to #40 Date: 11/26/88. Time: 17:20:47. Read 16 Times. From : SYSOP To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : The phun of discovery RECEIVED MY COMPLIMENTS. THAT MESSAGE WAS VERY CREATIVE. C- - - Message # 44. Date: 11/26/88. Time: 18:03:00. Read 21 Times. From : SYSOP To : ALL Subj : IT'S TRUE! JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO I DEMONSTRATED THAT IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT YOU DON'T EXIST, AND YOU DISREGARD ALL OF YOUR SENSES THAT INDICATE OTHERWISE, THEN QUANTUMN MECHANICS WILL TAKE OVER AND YOU WILL ACTUALLY CEASE TO EXIST. THE REASON BEING THAT YOU ARE NOT AROUND TO PERCIEVE YOURSELF, AND SINCE YOU ARE (IF EVEN FOR A MOMENT) UNPERCIEVED, THEN YOU TRULY DO NOT EXIST. THE TRANSITION FROM EXISTENCE TO NON-EXISTENCE IS NOT VERY FLASHY, AND THE ONLY NOISE CREATED BY THE NON-EVENT IS (CURIOUSLY) THE EXACT SAME NOISE THAT A FALLING TREE MAKES WHEN NO-ONE IS AROUND TO HEAR IT. I WISH YOU COULD HAVE SEEN IT (BUT THEN THERE WAS REALLY NOTHING TO SEE). THE ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT IT IS DIFFICULT TO MAINTAIN THIS NON-CONCENTRATION FOR VERY LONG, AND PRETTY SOON YOU POP-DOINK BACK INTO EXISTENCE. (YES, FOR SOME REASON IT SEEMS TO MAKE A POP-DOINK SOUND UPON RE-ENTRY.) HERE LET ME TRY IT AGAIN o........ ^UU USER LOGGED OFF Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 45. Date: 11/26/88. Time: 20:20:50. Read 30 Times. From : Tasslehoff Burfoot To : All Subj : Regergitation Those who arn't creative must experience everything in order to experience everything. Those who are very creative can imagine everything, thus experience everything, thus they lots of extra time to physicaly enjoy everything they imagined being worth physcialy experiencing. Correct am I not? >The Tazz< At the end of this message you are going to hear me make the noise of dead, double stripped, Mid-African Zebra, while it is lying in the middle of the field, and vultures are flying overhead, getting ready to dive down to their meal. This is not a test. What you are about to hear is for real. ((In stereo where available)) __ >||< (Hint...) Message # 46. Date: 11/26/88. Time: 23:55:46. Read 27 Times. From : SYSOP To : ALL Subj : NONEXISTENCE HMM, I'M GETTING PRETTY GOOD AT IT NOW. BUT LAST TIME I CAME INTO EXISTENCE AFTER CEASING TO EXIST I FOUND MYSELF SITTING IN MY PEN DRAWER. IT WAS VERY DISCONCERTING AND RATHER PAINFUL. C- - - Message # 47. Date: 11/27/88. Time: 05:44:30. Read 36 Times. From : SYSOP To : ALL Subj : PI TO 1001 PLACES 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620 8998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117 4502701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165 27091456 C- - - Message # 48. Date: 11/27/88. Time: 15:04:49. Read 26 Times. From : peggy To : Omnicron Subj : existance I think...therefore..I am! Message # 49. Reply to #48 Date: 11/27/88. Time: 17:33:27. Read 29 Times. From : Maddog To : peggy Subj : existance RECEIVED I think, therefore...I think I am. I might not be though. I think I am, but if I think, then I don't think that I think I am. Think abnout it. Think you, and have a nice day....I think.....therefore.....I think I am. I might not be though. I think I am, but if I think, then I don't think that I think I am. Think about it. Think you, and have a nice day....I think.....therefore.....I tink I am. I might be though. I think I am, but if I think, then I don't think that I think I am. Think about it. Think you, and have a nice day....I think...........>>>end<<< Message # 50. Date: 11/27/88. Time: 21:58:33. Read 30 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Maddog Subj : Message #49 RECEIVED That's what YOU think!! #50. Message # 51. Date: 11/27/88. Time: 21:59:04. Read 26 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : peggy Subj : ectivity RECEIVED That cute little quote from Decartes is highly subjective, and only goes as far as proving that one exists given that they think that they exist, but unfortunately it really proves nothing. Logically, that deduction, "I think, therefore I am," is based on the assumed premise that if something thinks, then it consequently exists, or in other words, something thinks only if it exists. This may appear to be quite reasonable on the surface, but he failed to do one thing first, and that thing is proving the truth or validity in the assumed premise. The quote holds true only if the premise hold true, but the premise has yet to be proven! In order to prove that, one must first define what thinking is, and in order to define thinking, one must understand the process, and in order to understand the process, one must first understand the behavior of the brain in depth. Unfortunately, we do not understand much about the brain, and do not completely understand how the process of thinking is carried through. So, as a result, his quote is based on a mere theory, and not on a fact, and logically, and logical truth that is based on a premise which is drawn through inference, rather than factual information is not necessarily true, and will not be valid. Furthermore, the concept of existence still has yet to be fully understood, and proven to exist. Trying to prove that existence exists is like trying to prove that a doink doinks. I think the point I'm making is quite clear, if not, nevermind. So, being that the quote "I think, therefore I am." does not necessarily hold validity, I refuse to accept it as truth! I suggest you reconsider it yourself, and you may understand the fact as well that logic that illogically proves something is not logical. In addition, since there are no logical proofs that prove otherwise, I shall continue to be non-existent, yet continue to think at the same time, and nobody can say anything about it. I will also continue to, on various other occasions, exist and not think, which is a much more common behavior in humans, but far less understood (at least by those who don't bother trying to understand it!) The Music Man -=obfuscate=- Message # 52. Date: 11/27/88. Time: 22:19:24. Read 23 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Hack Man Subj : Non-existence I tried it, but instead everything around me ceased to exist, and reappeared with a doink-fizz.....did I do something wrong??? Message # 53. Date: 11/27/88. Time: 22:21:38. Read 22 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : whomever Subj : pi Pi in your face! Message # 54. Reply to #50 Date: 11/28/88. Time: 08:16:13. Read 22 Times. From : Maddog To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Message #49 RECEIVED Yes, I think so......I think. But you see, if I think, then I don;t think that I think I am. It's not complicating, IS IT?? I think not....I think. Message # 55. Date: 11/28/88. Time: 10:25:35. Read 23 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : logic RECEIVED You do not have to define a premise to have a truth-functional statement. CI Message # 56. Reply to #49 Date: 11/28/88. Time: 14:34:08. Read 24 Times. From : peggy To : Maddog Subj : existance RECEIVED If I cease to think...then I cease to am? Message # 57. Date: 11/28/88. Time: 17:42:43. Read 21 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Pi people Subj : Boy! Leave the nest for a few daze, and look what happens... Without imagination, nothing new can be thought. Without knowledge, nothing new can be invented. Without wisdom, nothing old can be used. Each part of intelligence is needed, and none can exist well independantly of the other. ...and pi is infinite, and I challenge anybody to prove otherwise by showing me the point where it repeats or ends. Yawn... I'm tired. I think I'll lie back and go to sleep in the comfort of some quantum foam. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 58. Reply to #48 Date: 11/28/88. Time: 22:56:27. Read 23 Times. From : SYSOP To : peggy Subj : existance RECEIVED OH NO! SHADES OF JOE BLOW. C- - - Message # 59. Reply to #51 Date: 11/28/88. Time: 22:58:39. Read 21 Times. From : SYSOP To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : ectivity RECEIVED ON THE CONTRARY. "I THINK THEREFORE I AM." IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LOGICAL PROOF OF ANYTHING. IT IS MERELY A BASIC ASSUMPTION THAT DESCARTES ASSERTED MUST BE ACCEPTED BY ALL. THIS OTHER DUDE CALLED EUCLID MADE ANOTHER SUCH ASSUMPTION: "THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS IS A STRAIGHT LINE." THIS IS SOMETHING THAT HE AND EVERYBODY ELSE COULD NEVER PROVE, SO THEY DECIDED TO BE POLITE AND NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. THAT IS UNTIL A FEW DECADES AGO THESE ROTTEN SPOILSPORTS REFUSED TO BELIEVE THAT "THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS IS A STRAIGHT LINE." THEY FORMED A CLUB AND CALLED THEMSELVES THE "NON-EUCLIDIANS". THEY WROTE LOTS OF BOOKS AND DID A FEW TALKSHOWS BUT MOSTLY STAYED TO THEMSELVES. WE COULD LEARN FROM THIS EXAMPLE AND CALL YOU A NON-DESCARTESIAN, BUT FRANKLY I WOULDN'T GNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE IT. SO INSTEAD I'LL JUST CALL YOU NON- EXISTENT FOR SHORT. C- - - P.S. TRY IT YOU MIGHT LIKE IT. Message # 60. Reply to #56 Date: 11/28/88. Time: 23:07:00. Read 18 Times. From : SYSOP To : peggy Subj : existance RECEIVED IF YOU CEASE TO THINK THEN YOU PROCEED TO AIN'T. C- - - #60. Message # 61. Reply to #56 Date: 11/29/88. Time: 14:56:57. Read 18 Times. From : Maddog To : peggy Subj : existance RECEIVED I don't know. But if I cease to think, then I don't think that I think that I can think. Therefore, I cease to be what I might've been. Message # 62. Reply to #59 Date: 11/29/88. Time: 14:59:42. Read 17 Times. From : Maddog To : SYSOP Subj : ectivity RECEIVED Yea, and the "NON-ECLUDIANS" wrote a book called "Murphey's Laws" Message # 63. Reply to #58 Date: 11/29/88. Time: 21:01:09. Read 18 Times. From : peggy To : SYSOP Subj : existance RECEIVED who? Message # 65. Date: 12/03/88. Time: 14:16:52. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Ned Zeppelin Subj : #251 Fuck YOu! Message # 66. Date: 12/03/88. Time: 14:17:17. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : Pi In 1706, the English writer William Jones introduced the Greek symbol PI as the symbol for the famous mathematical constant. It was then popularized by the swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler. I think the man deserves a little thanks! Message # 67. Date: 12/03/88. Time: 14:19:20. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Cleric Ilsaram Subj : I think... RECEIVED True, a truth-functional statement doesn't need a premise to be valid, but then it is only inductive logic, and can therefore only be probable, and never "proven" true. Sinse Decartes statement was not deductive, it is only probable. He has proven nothing! Message # 68. Date: 12/03/88. Time: 14:21:37. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : SYSOP Subj : Decartes RECEIVED Actually, he was an apistomologist, and was dealing with life for what it really is, and not for what it was assumed to be by people. He started from scratch, and disreguarded everything that he had been taught, and only accpeted those things of which he was certain. He was not certain that he existed, so he had to prove it. All he was certain of at that point was that he doubted. He was clearly doubting things at this time, and could not see it as anything else. From that he concluded that he thought, because he figured that if he could not think, he wouldn't be able to doubt, thus he started with the proof "I doubt, therefore I think." Now that he knew he did in fact think, he attempted to use this as proof for his existence, because this is what he wanted to do all along. Noone had done it before, and if people were going around doing things all day, and not existing, then something was wrong (yes, he was serious about this, but then, this was hundreds of years ago, when they were also trying to figure out if material objects existed). He used "I think, therefore I am", but at the time did not realize that his conclusion was only probably, and not definite. Deductively, the whole of his intellectual flings equals the proof "I doubt, therefore I am", which is actually more acceptable to me, because doubting is less abstract than thinking (of course, that is pure opinion, and you gnow how I think). As for being non-decartesian (daykarteeshun), I like it. I cannot be non-existent because I don't believe existence exists at all, and I would be a little redundant calling myself that. Actually, I am a decartesian in many respects, because I respect his style of thinking. I think that is what he should have sold off instead of the results of his thinking. Results will always be subjective, and relative, but the form of thinking leads to a more clear, and highly objective view of concepts and analytical understandings as a whole. Of course, I have had to modify his style a little, but it was a start. So on the whole, Decartes wasn't a complete failure. -TMM Message # 69. Date: 12/03/88. Time: 14:34:23. Read 18 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Maddog Subj : Thinking RECEIVED I wouldn't get too caught in thinking if I were you, otherwise you might end up becoming wise!! Message # 70. Reply to #69 Date: 12/31/77. Time: 15:41:28. Read 18 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Thinking RECEIVED You're wrong. Truth-functionality is part of Symbolic Logic. CI #70. Message # 72. Date: 12/04/88. Time: 04:41:08. Read 19 Times. From : SYSOP To : TMM Subj : BUT WHEN? BUT ON WHAT DATE DID HE INTRODUCE THE SYMBOL PI? WE MUST GNOW SO THAT WE CAN CELEBRATE PI DAY! C- - - Message # 73. Date: 12/04/88. Time: 13:50:48. Read 19 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Cleric Ilsaram Subj : Logic RECEIVED I'm not wrong in the least bit! Like you said, it is symbolic logic that is truth-functional. But you failed to see that symbolic logic IS deductive logic. That was my point, that it was deductive, not inductive. Deductive logic is certain, because it is symbolic, and can be expressed in the same way that math is. Inductive logic is only probably, and can only be expressed in figures and statistics. Maybe I should have left a longer message explaining the whole thing in detail, but I prefer to do that stuph on my own board, and not dirty up gaviscon's with long boring lectures. I'll leave that to him, since it is what he does best (jk!!!) Of course, all that is certain about deductive logic is that the conclusion follows from the premises, and nothing more. Since there are not true facts, being that all knowledge is inductive, deductive logic is nothing more than a tool to prove that our way of looking at things is not contradicting itself, thus allowing us to hold stronger to the probability of our ideas. It's no difference thatn math, I can prove that 1+1=2, but it doesn't prove that such is the case when analogically applied to anything else, because then it is only probable again, and based on correct scientific observations. -TMM Message # 74. Reply to #72 Date: 12/04/88. Time: 14:00:38. Read 18 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : SYSOP Subj : BUT WHEN? RECEIVED I am sure it gradually happened over a long period of time, so a date is probably impossible to come up with. We can celebrate PI years though!!! Message # 75. Date: 12/05/88. Time: 19:46:31. Read 21 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Pibeings... Subj : Ned Oooh! I love being sub-op of my own board. It means I can delete Ned's adver- tisements! In no way do I, or have I ever supported Warboards, and I concider them an in- sult to my race. (Which, by the way, is not humanity) I may have to put up with Ned's repulsive... Oh, sorry. I mean redundant messages and useless adventisements, (not to mention the annoying z's..) on other subboards, but I will not have them on my own subboard. So, I'm taking advantage of the KILL function! But, enough of that. A friend of mine works at B. Dalton's, now, and I'm going to get him to buy me The History of Pi for a 30% discount. (As a small favor for all the times I had to drive him everywhere.) So, anyone with a weak heart condition, pregnancy, or low-stress tolerance, you had better look out! You're going to get more vapid messages than you can handle... Better get ready to use the "C" command... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 76. Reply to #75 Date: 12/06/88. Time: 06:21:24. Read 18 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Ned RECEIVED Oh joy!! Everything you never wanted to gnow about pi!!! Message # 77. Date: 12/06/88. Time: 17:28:57. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Pi lovers Subj : A pi fact! I think I mentioned this before, but I never had the actual facts with me when I mentioned it: The most innacurate estimation of pi ever officially used: In 1897, the General Assembly of Indiana (the legislature for the entire state, not just a small municipality) enacted in House Bill #246 that pi was de jure 4. That's right... FOUR. What kind of idiot would estimate, officially, for pi to be FOUR???? It's considered the most innaccurate version ever. Of course, you can't just break this record by saying "Pi is five." But, if we could get the California legislature to pass a bill that would make pi, well, let's say, 0, then Calculus would be so much easier... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 79. Reply to #74 Date: 12/07/88. Time: 03:21:32. Read 19 Times. From : SYSOP To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : BUT WHEN? RECEIVED THERE MUST BE SOME DATE. MAYBE THE DATE THAT IT WAS FIRST PUBLISHED IN A JOURNAL. WE MUST HAVE A DATE! C- - - Message # 80 -- Private. #80. Message # 81. Reply to #77 Date: 12/08/88. Time: 03:13:18. Read 19 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : A pi fact! RECEIVED I gnow a second grader who was many times greater in his inaccurate estimation of pi. He thought it was 31. Don't ask me how he got that number, or even why a second grader would even be concerned with pi, but it happened. Message # 82. Date: 12/08/88. Time: 16:15:57. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Pithings Subj : PIthings Yeah... But that was just total ignorance. Anyone gnow any good math jokes? (Kind of a contradiction in terms, isn't it?) Can the Music Man divide by zero? Cosecant! What happens to a male math teacher at the beach? He becomes a tangent. What does an acorn say when he grows up? Geometry! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 83. Date: 12/09/88. Time: 17:29:06. Read 38 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gav Subj : Math Jokes RECEIVED Actually, I think it's a redundancy in terms. As for divinding by zero, yes I can. Deviding somethign a zero number of times is equivalent to not deviding it at all. Logically speaking, the value of zero (0) means something is false, or the highest degree of improbability. So, dividing it by zero is nothing but the negated act of dividing, thus we come up with the same number we started with, because we didn't ddivide it. See how easy it is? I drove my high school algebra teacher insane this way. Message # 85. Date: 12/09/88. Time: 19:18:48. Read 38 Times. From : SYSOP To : ALL Subj : PI DIVIDED BY PI PERMIFIED DOES PI DIVIDED BY PI EQUAL 1? CAN YOU PROVE IT? C- - - Message # 86. Reply to #85 Date: 12/10/88. Time: 08:01:37. Read 29 Times. From : Maddog To : SYSOP Subj : PI DIVIDED BY PI RECEIVED PERMIFIED Yes, it can be. If you take any number of the same value, and divide it with itslef, you will always get the number 1 as a rresult. Besides, I have a calulator here....hehehe... Message # 87. Date: 12/10/88. Time: 14:55:07. Read 30 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Maddog Subj : Cheater! RECEIVED PERMIFIED Calculator's are mathmatician's crutches. Sure, any number divided by itself is one, but unless you can carry it out to an infinite number of digits, it is very hard to prove. And calculators are worse... Especially those that only have a few digits... For, as everyone should gnow, the first law of pi- odynamics is: THOU SHALT NOT ROUND OFF PI! So, let's see if we can do a formal, or informal, or casual proof: Prove: pi/pi = 1 _________________ pi = constant (Common gnowledge) f(x) = pi (We are defining a function to be pi) f(pi * x) = pi (Since there are no variables, any value inserted into the function do not affect the value of the function.) f(x) = f(pi * x) (Both functions equal a constant, and therfore, both functions equal each other) x = pi * x (Divide by f) pi = 1 (Divide by x, x cannot be equal to 0) pi/pi = 1/1 (We already proved that pi = 1) pi/pi = 1 (Everyone gnows that 1/1 equals 1) But, that's only if x is not equal to 0. Therefore, to avoid any complication, we take x out into the backyard, and shove a stick of dynamite up it's y-axis. Tomarrow, I'll prove that red equals green... Or maybe the relationship of lint and bellybuttons... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 88. Date: 12/10/88. Time: 15:11:12. Read 38 Times. From : The Pi Guy To : Prospective members Subj : Future Traveller's Aid Society. PERMIFIED All right, everyone. In case you didn't remember from the Tavern, a represena- tive from the admissions branch of the Future Traveller's Aid Society will be arrive in the Sol Subsector, tomarrow. He may or may not get a chance to talk to us until Monday, depending on whether he gets lost, or anything. (It's very hard managing Christmas traffic between Betelguise and Sirius, where he has to deliver a seminar, before he comes here.) I want everyone to be on their best behavior when he arrives. He's very busy, and if he is insulted, he may find that he'd rather get a jump on next week's plans, instead of talking to us. I have been a member of the Future Traveller's Aid Society for quite some time, and it's been quite a thrill. But, I'll leave the details up to our represena- tive, and let him tell you all about it. Anyway, he will be staying with me at Central City, Venus, and this is one of many boards, and places that he will be visiting while in the area. If you have any questions about his visit, feel free to ask me. If you have questions about the society, I can answer a few general topics, but you should probably write them down and remember to ask him when he gets here, sometime tomarrow. (Sunday, December 10) And remember, he may need a day or two to adjust to Terra's time system. He spends a large amount of time in space, and he's not used to things like hours, weeks, years, and days... When he arrives and speaks with us, he'll give you details on how to apply for admission into the program, and qualifications neccessary. I hope that there are many here who wish to join. Feel free to speak up and ask questions. We'll have to wait for his arrival, for now. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ -Member and officer of the Future Traveller's Aid Society. P.S. I am not quite sure which represenative will be meeting with us, and I have not received all the details, myself. But, I will try to give you more information on him before he speaks with us. (Like, perhaps, his name...) Message # 89. Date: 12/11/88. Time: 23:53:36. Read 33 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Prospective members Subj : Furthur details... PERMIFIED Our represenative has arrived! He is busy settling himself today, and will make an appearance tomarrow. I was happy to see that we are blessed with the honor of having Dr. Kurt Zenith with us, an old friend of mine. We go way back to days when Terra wasn't even gnown to support life! It was good to see him again, and I hope the rest of you appreciate the circumstances as well. He is very intellectual, and should be able to answer any quest- ions that you may have. I believe that he has a program of events that he will share with us, detailing some of the actions and services offered by the Future Traveller's Aid Society. Anyway, he assures me that he will be calling tomarrow, on Monday, the 12th. (Is that today, yet?) So, let's all give him a warm welcome, hm? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- .:'Future Traveller's Aid Society':. -Trapped on Terra. Message # 90. Date: 12/12/88. Time: 15:55:00. Read 31 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Mr. Zenith Subj : Warm Welcome PERMIFIED CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP #90. Message # 92. Date: 12/12/88. Time: 17:16:54. Read 32 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : An Interested Individual I have one question... What the (explicitive removed)? Message # 93. Date: 12/12/88. Time: 17:20:29. Read 31 Times. From : Dr. Kurt Zenith To : All board members Subj : The Future Traveller's Aid Society PERMIFIED Good evening, all. I am here to answer any questions that you may have about the Future Traveller's Aid Society, and to admit any member who qualifies for admittance. I am sure a great deal of you have many questions pertaining the Future Traveller's Aid Society, and I welcome your questions, comments, and criticisms. Let me state a few things pertaining to the society, to familiar- ize some of you who may not have heard of the society. The Future Traveller's Aid Society is a form of assistance program to help supply information, equipment, grants, and events to travellers of any kind. We help most members throughout the galaxy who wish to take advantage of the most recent technology available and who wish to promote discovery, and the future of travel. We try to supply the most recent information to all sorts of travelling, from something as minor as space trading to the infinitely complex, such as dimensional transponding, and even genetic research. (While genetics is not, itself, a form of travel, we find that providing information on all the most modern sciences, indeed, indirectly helps promote the future of travel.) Following are a few facts about the society: 1) There are millions of members, spread throughout the galaxy, from over a hundred different races, and dozens of sexes. Almost every member will have something good to say about the Future Traveller's Aid Society. 2) Membership in the society IS somewhat exclusive. Prospective members must be able to demonstrate certain abilities, including communication, some sort of matter detection, and a sufficiantly advanced technology level. I will be conducting interviews personally, and distributing questionaires to those that request membership. The human race has effective communica- tion, and it's natural sense of detecting different frequncies of light, somewhere near the order of 5 x 10^8 MHz, I believe, although small, is sufficiant to qualify. While the technology of Terra is not very well established, there are certain individuals suitable for qualification. Gaviscon is such an example, although he is not a native Terran. 3) There is a small membership few required. The society is not governmentally financed, as many mistakenly believe. Maintaining the society is an expensive task, and providing free brocures does not come easily, either. While we do generate an income through the sale of various helpful items, and through other FTAS expeditions, we need the support of the membership fees to help finance things like computer costs, and, ironically, member- ship recruitment. I have been asked to provide a schedual of FTAS activities in your local area, and will therefore express that in the next message. Dr. Kurt Zenith Admissions officer Future Traveller's Aid Society Message # 94. Date: 12/12/88. Time: 18:01:10. Read 28 Times. From : Dr. Kurt Zenith To : Users Subj : FTAS Schedual PERMIFIED The following is a schedual of various FTAS events taking place in your area. (The Sol Subsector, and some surrounding systems) Note that the first event is actually on Terra, itself. You may wish to attend. Non-members may attend, but may only observe, and not take place in debates, or Society business. # Date Coordinator Place Event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 11/29/88 Gaviscon A. Terra, U.S.A, Florida, Seminar on Time Travel. To Ft. Lauderdale. Hyatt be held by Gaviscon two Regency Hotel weeks ago. 2 12/15/88 Dr. Nucleic Alpha Promixa, Artifi- Discussion/Debate on the cial Planetary Station more popular controversies Number 2, Section B10 of genetic mutation. 3 12/31/89 Dr. Zenith Sol Subsector, Europa, New Year's Eve Party. The Southern Rim. Phone Intergroup of Time Diala- information for in- tion is expected to make structions to party. it an interestingly repet- itive affair. 4 01/15/89 Se?ss Terra (?) Unplanned seminar on new travel techniques. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -I hope that many of you will attend... as members. Dr. Kurt Zenith Message # 95. Date: 12/13/88. Time: 03:42:23. Read 29 Times. From : SYSOP To : DR. KURT ZENITH Subj : TRAVEL PERMIFIED HI, IV'E BEEN INTERESTED IN INTERGALACTIC TRAVEL FOR A LONG TIME. I HAVE A SPACE SHIP OF MY OWN "AN ALPHA CENTURIAN GRADE A 'INDESTRUCTIBLE INVULNERABLE SPACE CRUISER'" BUT EVERY TIME I GO OUT I GET LOST. I AM INTERESTED IN GETTING AS FAR FROM EARTH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. IF THAT INVOLVES INTERGALACTIC/INTERDEMENSIONAL TRAVEL THEN I WOULD BE HAPPY TO GO THERE. PLEASE LEAVE INFO! C- - - Message # 97. Date: 12/13/88. Time: 17:28:45. Read 29 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN Subj : Intergalactic Travel PERMIFIED I am often asked that question. With no intention of insulting your planet, many people ask me how they could get as far away from Terra as possible. This is absolutely impossible, of course, since no matter where you go, you can always go furthur, but as for your difficulty in navigation, and your limited Terran techonology, I can understand your problem. The Future Traveller's Aid Society can help you. By becoming a member, you are given instant access to a plethera of travel information. (For a nominal fee.) Navigation is easy with Professor Arsum's all new "Tourist's Map to the Stars." Not only does it include detailed map of the Soloramis Rim, but it will show many of the major populated sectors in even larger detail, as well as the location of many popular holographilm stars, and their homes! Members are also sent periodic bullitans, annoucing the latest in future advancement. As you have seen from the previous schedual, seminars are always held, concerning events important to members. Interstellar travel has become a popular topic lately. You can probably find many people with your own in- terests who can solve many of your problems. And in case you plan to do any serious travelling, many other pamphelets and periodicals are available to an active member. You can obtain information on specific planets, and their in- telligent lifeforms, or perhaps a brief listing of various territories and the species influencing and controling those areas. No longer does the con- cept of space travel have to be inconvient and confusing. Additionally, FTAS members stick together. By just painting the sign of the FTAS on your spacecraft, you'll be astonished at the number of geetings, and support you will receive in your journeys. Plus, there are many special- ists in the tops of their fields involve in the FTAS who are always glad to solve member's problems. For now, I'd suggest having a gyroscopic guidance system installed in your spacecraft. It will help to insure that you never have to return to Terra, accidentally, ever again. I will try to offer more suggestions when I look up the specifications on your type of spacecraft. The fact that it was obtained near Alpha Centuri is quite helpful. It shouldn't take long before I cross- referance your vehical type and offer more suggestions. But, I must again restate my emphasis of membership in the FTAS. Dr. Kurt Zenith Admissions Represenative Future Traveller's Aid Society P.S. I am currently with Gaviscon, and therefore found it much easier to simply use his account here to post this message. However, I have been inform by him that it is possible to alter the name for a short time. Therefore, I will use my own name to answer questions. For now, I wish to learn more about this system from Gaviscon, so I do not make such a similar mistrake. Message # 98. Date: 12/13/88. Time: 22:39:50. Read 27 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Dr. Kurt Zenith Subj : Ditto PERMIFIED Since my last message was not replied to, I shall try yet another time. I wil to be a member. I am not merely interested in being a member, nor am I curious about membership, but I do, now, willfully, and without any reserve, wish to become, at this time, as soon as possible, a member of said organization. I travel often, but do not require the aid of a vehicle or device to propell myself across inter-stellar distances. I also wish to offer my services as a correspondant and all-around guide to various points of interest contained in the universe, as well as outside the universe. The Music Man Message # 99. Date: 12/14/88. Time: 16:42:13. Read 30 Times. From : Dr. Kurt Zenith To : The Music Man Subj : The Future Traveller's Aid Society RECEIVED PERMIFIED That is wonderful to hear. I will be issueing questionaires at the end of this week to interested parties, which I will forward to the main admissions office near Betelguise. By the time the questionaires are processes, I will have departed for my next destination, but the results will be relayed to Gaviscon, and he will inform you of admissions. I was not aware of too many interdimensional travellers living on Terra, other than Gaviscon, who was stationed here some time ago. I would be interested to hear what form of propulsion you use, whether it be through psychokinetics, or the like. I find that it is often more useful to use the technology available in modern times other than rely on inherent abilities. You may, however, find that The Future Traveller's Aid Society caters more to mundane space travel, rather than interdimensional transport, or postuniversal distances. Most members of the FTAS are ordinary space travellers, and therefore, more information is supplied to them. Also, there is more information known in these areas, than your own. However, we have many experts in every different field. Therefore, you should find yourself quite welcome within our society. May I also suggest that you attempt to recruit other willing applicants, yourself. It is much easier for the dominant species on a planet to judge individuals than for a newcomer, like myself. I've noticed that this section of Terra has experienced a depression in user attendance and style. If you gnow of any interested parties, please try to have them get in touch with me. While we do not grant "recruitment discounts," it is generally to your advantage to have many FTAS members on your own planet to discuss matters with, and to influence FTAS policies. Dr. Kurt Zenith Admissions Officer The Future Traveller's Aid Society Message # 100. Date: 12/15/88. Time: 20:32:12. Read 35 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : guy Subj : hi Why die high, fly by my eye-sky - wry lie, aye? CI #100. Message # 101. Reply to #99 Date: 12/16/88. Time: 14:32:17. Read 31 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Dr. Kurt Zenith Subj : The Future Traveller's Aid Society PERMIFIED I use my telepathetic abilities to move from place to place, from time to time, from dimention to dimention, and from existence to existence. Mundane space travel has suited me quite well lately, but I prefer to avoid the toys technology creates. Dealing with all the little knobs, and buttons, and switches and stuph is far too much of a bother. I much rather prefer to close my eyes and merely drift off into space and time until I find something more interesting to do. I prefer this place. I lived in the Betelguise system once, but became tired of skies that ranged in colors from yellow to orange to red. I much prefer yellow suns, and blue skies. I will fill out the application when the time comes, but until then, I won't. The Music Man Trapped on Tutti-Fruity Message # 102. Date: 12/17/88. Time: 21:19:10. Read 30 Times. From : SYSOP To : DR ZENITH Subj : MY SPACE TRAVEL PERMIFIED I USE THE STANDARD INDESTRUCTIBLE INVULNERABLE SPACE CRUIZER (MODEL 1010) (YOU GNOW THE TYPE THAT FOLDS UP INTO A SMALL SILVER BALL THAT YOU CAN PUT IN YOUR POCKET.) ANTI-MATTER IS VERY EXPENSIVE ON EARTH SO I'VE ALSO RECENTLY AQUIRED AN INTER-PLANETARY BALLISTIC STEALTH WINNEBAGO (IPBSW) I USE IT ON SHORT HOPS. IT RUNS ON SIMPLE DEUTIRIUM (HEAVY WATER) WHICH IS (SUPRISINGLY) QUITE CHEAP IN SOL SYSTEM. C- - - Message # 103. Date: 12/31/77. Time: 55:25:18. Read 33 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Applicants Subj : Zenith has left. PERMIFIED I apologize for not calling in some time, but Dr. Kurt Zenith unexpectantly had to leave for his next destination. It seems that he must correspond his visit to Alpha Proxima with an important ambassador, who is on a very tight schedual. He sends his regrets at having to leave early, and states that he was VERY happy to meet the few of you who seemed interested. I will relay the past few messages to him, for his concideration. I had to give him a lift down to Alpha Proxima, and that is the reason I am late. He commented on your form of travel, Music Man, and he was pleased to see a telepathic on Terra, but was dismayed the fact that you seem tied to simply viewing and examining the different dimensions and times, rather than visiting them, physically, for that is how telepathic travel works. While the same ef- fect is achieved, your physical being does not actually move, just your exis- tance, and your thought waves. You may experience the same thing, but there is no experience like "really being there." (These are not precisely his words, but I'm paraphrasing what he said.) Either way, he wishes the best of times in your travels, and hopes that you use your talents to their utmost. As for the application process, he left me several copies of the formal ap- plication, to give to you, but as I only talk to you over the phone, I'll post the questions in the next message, and I urge anyone who wants to join to send me a message, privately. PLEASE USE THE PRIVATE MESSAGE OPTION ON THIS SYSTEM. And do not discuss the application with others. I am doing this on the faith that you will complete the application in private. There is a short quiz that is designed to test your gnowledge of our physical world. Usually, the quest- ions are randomly chosen from a library of thousands of questions, but you'll all receive the same copy, specifically designed for this area. I would like to request that any sub-ops who can view private message to not read other's answers, and to answer the questions on your own. Dr. Zenith sends his best. I hope you all qualify. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 105. Reply to #104 Date: 12/21/88. Time: 04:36:20. Read 38 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : The questionaire! RECEIVED PERMIFIED I will do my best to fill out the questionairre, but I must point out that to properly answer the questions, I would have to write a book for each one. I will do this, but since the time and disk space lack abundance, than I shall summarize each book, and post them. As far as my mode of travel, it is not telepathic, although I have tired (oops, tried) telepathy, and enjoy it, I prefer to use telepathetic powers. Telepathetic powers are a bit different from telepathic powers. In order to completely explain the mode of travel in depth, you would have to first learn the swknetspickzy language (as can best be pronounced in this language), which is only used in the fourth dimention, and therefore requires fourth dimentional syntax, which is near impossible to reproduce on a two dimentinal screen. The language is somewhat common in the Galaxy labeled NGC 1265, which is in the perseus cluster of galaxies, relative to Terra. Being that I cannot describe telepathetic powers in detail, I can still give you a good idea of what it's mode of travel is like, and in only one word: Efficient. Physical manifestations are possible, but in some areas, quite deadly. I find it is much safer to travel in a non-physical form, get an idea of what the area is like, and then consider subjecting myself to the harsh atmospheres, the brutal aliens, and the discusting refreshments offered by alien (relatively speaking) lands. You may wish to inform Dr. Zenith of this, as he may or may not be familiar with it. If he happens to speak swknetspickzy, then I will fill him in on it. The Music Man -=obfuscate=- -UL APPROVED- Message # 110. Date: 12/24/88. Time: 00:06:50. Read 21 Times. From : SYSOP To : ALL Subj : PI TO INFINITY PLACES 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620 8998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117 4502701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165 27091456 2 #110. Message # 111. Date: 12/24/88. Time: 01:50:05. Read 27 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : sysop Subj : hey RECEIVED Ok, Hack, time for an explanation. CI Message # 112. Date: 12/24/88. Time: 16:34:45. Read 25 Times. From : Tasslehoff Burfoot To : HACK MAN Subj : HACK MAN In every revolution, there is one man with a vision. ///////// // // /// /////// /// /// /// /// /// /// >The Tazz< Message # 113. Date: 12/25/88. Time: 15:48:49. Read 26 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : SYSOP Subj : PI to infinity RECEIVED You made one little mistake. The 5 in the 10^73850165849023857971987583498699 0389879287375th decimal place should be a 2. Other than that, it's pretty accurate! Message # 114. Date: 12/25/88. Time: 19:47:16. Read 35 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Pi People Subj : The Future Travellers Aid Society PERMIFIED Good, Hack, but a bit too preprogrammed for me... I'm a bit disappointed to see that no one has replied to the questionaire, yet. I gnow Hack Man and The Music Man were both interested, and I'm hop- ing that The Cleric, Lord Cirdan, and Tazz will take the time to fill it out and return it to me. It is really an excellent society, and there is no obligation. True, there is a small cover charge, to cover the costs of printing and delivering newsletters, membership pamplets, and the like, but it is not too large, concidering the vast benifits. Plus, we will not force you to pay anything until you decide for sure. The application is a first-trial "see if you make it" thing. You don't have to join if you fill it out... It just indicates that you are interested, and the Society will inform you if you are eligible for entrance. So, take the time. Sit down, print it out, and answer the questions. It's not too hard. Plus, it will give me something to do... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. :Start counting and let me gnow when you get to infinity... Message # 115. Reply to #114 Date: 12/26/88. Time: 17:44:05. Read 29 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : The Future Travellers Aid Society RECEIVED PERMIFIED Actually, a person has reached infinity as soon as they begin counting, considering that they necessarily are not planning to stop counting..... Have you ever imagined infinite space? Try it! Think of something as nig as you can, the largest amount of space you possibly can, as soon as you do that, get a firm grip on reality, and double that amount of space. Upon doing that, double it yet another time, then look at it for what it is. You can always start by thinking about the space between the sun and the earth, and then comparing that to itself multiplied by a billion. What IS a billion, afterall? Can you grasp that? It's close to infinity, but infinately far from it. Take what you have and double it again, stretching the space and the boundaries, opening up you mind to great distances. Double it again, and continue to do this until you get bored. But don't get bored too soon. If you actually apply yourself, you be able to invision a great amount of space, but will not even be close to infinity, for infinity never ends! Try it some night when you are laying in bed with nothing more interesting to do but sleep, only don't sleep, think infinity! Try to think of space never ending. THe closer you come to actually grasping this concept, the closer you come to reality, and by default, the closer you come to insanity. It's fun though! THe Music Man -=obfuscate=- Think Infinity! Message # 116. Date: 12/27/88. Time: 00:12:28. Read 27 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : TMM Subj : Infinity RECEIVED PERMIFIED I heard that there was actually a person who successfully envisioned infinity in his mind. In fact, there were a few people who accomplished this. By the way, ever heard of spontaneous combustion? Too bad... So, you want to envision infinity, do you? Try the Emo Phillips way! Imagine that you are at a grocery store, waiting in line, next to, but not in the express lane... and everyone is paying by check... and none of the items are marked... and the attendant doesn't speak any English... Divide that value by 2, and you'll get a pretty good idea at how large infinity actually is... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 117. Reply to #116 Date: 12/27/88. Time: 19:15:56. Read 28 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Infinity RECEIVED PERMIFIED I can invision infinity. In fact, I was once stuck in a Total Perspective Vortex, and laughed at it. It not only told me that I was in the wrong place, but it was infinitely small compared to reality. My immense ego allows me to get away with this, without having to worry about spontanious combustion, which I've only done a couple times, usually during arguements, and just for effect. When I blow up at people, I really blow up at people! I actually prefer to think of things infinitely small rather than infinitely large. Another good way to imagine infinity is to take our universe, or however much of it you can comprehend without burning up, and imagine that that amount of space is merely an electron. Then think of the size of the world to which this electron is contained in, in fact, think of the size of the universe this electron is contained it, then pretend that universe is merely a quark, and go on to expand from there....or make smaller from's you something to do when you're bored.....and something to think about while goin through the "It's A Small World" ride at Disneyland.... The Music Man -=obfuscate=- Think Infinity! Message # 119. Date: 12/28/88. Time: 12:36:09. Read 13 Times. From : candy To : music man Subj : infinety i tried what you sugested and almost passed out. thats big! now i have a big empty space in my head with nothing to fit inside of it. is this what you meant by insanity? candy Message # 120. Date: 12/28/88. Time: 15:10:09. Read 44 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Applicants Subj : The questionaire! (Again) PERMIFIED ___________________________________________________________________________ I HAVE DECIDED TO REPOST THE QUESTIONAIRE AS A SUBTLE REMINDER TO THOSE OF YOU WHO WISH TO APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE FUTURE TRAVELLER'S AID SOCIETY. (I LIKE THIS EDITING FEATURE... I DON'T HAVE TO RETYPE THE THING.) THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL BUG YOU ABOUT IT, BUT DR. ZENITH WILL BE DISAPPOINTED TO SEE THAT NONE OF YOU ARE INTERESTED. YOU SEEMED TO HAVE AN INTEREST WHEN HE WAS PRESENT. DON'T WORRY IF YOU CAN'T ANSWER SOME QUESTIONS. THEY WERE DESIGNED THAT WAY... !!! GAVISCON !!! ___________________________________________________________________________ Please send a private message to Gaviscon, answering the following questions to the best of your gnowledge. Do not discuss these questions with friends, and please be honest. In your reply, indicate the question number before you supply an answer. Thank you. PART I: GENERAL INFO 1.1) Your Name 1.2) Mailing Address (See below) 1.3) How can you be quickly reached most efficiently? (Telepathy, phone#, nuetrino ray local) 1.4) Date of Birth/Assembly/Creation 1.5) Place of Birth/Assembly/Creation 1.6) Sex 1.7) Race (Probably Terran) 1.8) Current Employment/What do you do to stay alive? 1.9) What type of currency do you use? (ans: American dollar system) PART II: IMPORTANT FTAS QUESTIONS 2.1) What is your inherant method of matter detection? (Terrans: sight. Just state general detection of differing frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum between infra-red and UV.) 2.2) What is your inherant method of communication? (Terrans: {Speech (English)} is good enough) 2.3) Please describe any other notable inherant senses. (smell, touch, taste) 2.4) Please give a few general statistics on the planet/station you currently are residing. 2.5) Who first introduced you to the Future Traveller's Aid Society? (Either Dr. Zenith or me, if this is your first introduction) 2.6) How many FTAS members do you gnow? 2.7) Name a few of the most influencial. 2.8) What are your reasons for joining the FTAS? 2.9) What form(s) of travelling do you do most often? What are your reasons for travelling these ways? (Note: "Fun" is a perfectly acceptable answer) 2.10) List the Craft(s)/Method(s) you use to travel. (Where applicable, supply details/specifications) 2.11) In what form(s) of travel will you need the most assistance? 2.12) Include a list of you hobbies/activities that do not pertain to travel. PART III: THE QUIZ (Mostly basic interstellar questions) 3.1) What color is Betelguese? (If you do not view the same spectrum as do Terrans, indicate a frequency or wavelength instead of color) 3.2) What is the most frictionless SOLID? 3.3) What is the galaxy closest to the Milky Way Galaxy 3.4) At what sound frequency (in Hertz) does the Xeesenri Chiroptera's internal radar system work? (Within 5 kilohertz) 3.5) What is the speed of light in a vacuum? 3.6) What is the speed of sound in a vacuum? 3.7) List a few scientific objects that have never been seen. (i.e. blackholes) 3.8) What is the approximate population of Terrans (humans) on their own home planet? 3.9) What is the dominant lifeform on Dison? Why is this peculiar? 3.10) Why is Cygnus X-1 an area of mass interest? PART IV: OTHER 4.1) We would simply like you to list any details about yourself that you feel will be of interest to the FTAS admissions council. ...Thank you for wanting to join the ranks of the Future Travllers Aid Society ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: (From question 1.2) Your complete Address, for FTAS use, is: (street) (city), (state), (zipcode) (country) (World), (system) (Galactic section), (auxilary code) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Milky Way Galaxy is understood. If you live in another galaxy/dimension, you should include it, also, proceding the previous information) For those of you on the board, the information is as follows: Street/city/state/zipcode/country: you all gnow these. World = Terra. System = Sol Subsector Galactic Section = Solomani Rim Auxilary Code = J0902 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I realize this is quite a bit to answer, but as Dr. Zenith said before he left, if your a REAL traveller, you're used to doing menial tasks... I'd suggest that you capture this message in your buffer and print it out, so you don't have to keep re-reading it. Please reply as soon as possible... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. -I hope you all concider joining. Please answer truthfully. /extra post, extra time, extra annoyance. #120. Message # 121. Reply to #119 Date: 12/28/88. Time: 23:32:20. Read 15 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : candy Subj : infinety RECEIVED No, insanity occurs when you begin to find things to fill the space with. If you fill it with the wrong things, you will surely be considered insane! Message # 122. Reply to #119 Date: 12/29/88. Time: 02:27:38. Read 13 Times. From : SYSOP To : candy Subj : infinety RECEIVED THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD START. NOW, CONCENTRATE ON THAT EMPTY SPACE AND SEE WHAT POPS INTO IT. IF YOU SEE AN UGLY OLD LADY THAT SAYS, "I'LL GET YOU MY PRETTY, AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOTO TOO!" THEN YOU ARE DEFINITELY INSANE. C- - - Message # 123. Reply to #115 Date: 12/30/88. Time: 17:19:42. Read 27 Times. From : Tasslehoff Burfoot To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : The Future Travellers Aid Society RECEIVED Infinity? Ahk! Being one endowed with an enormous and powerful imagination, I just tried what you said. I'm now sitting here with a blank expression on my face, and my mind feels like more of a void than it normally does. Could there be some link between the fourth dimension and thinking about infinity? Hmm... >The Tazz< Message # 124. Reply to #121 Date: 12/30/88. Time: 19:44:13. Read 13 Times. From : candy To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : infinety RECEIVED what kinds of things would i need to fill it with to be considered insane? candy Message # 125. Reply to #122 Date: 12/30/88. Time: 19:45:49. Read 12 Times. From : candy To : SYSOP Subj : infinety RECEIVED all i see are fields of flowers, and myself spinning around and around in a summer dress singing about how wonderful it is to be alive with the sound of music while being a hill. do i pass yet? candy Message # 126. Reply to #123 Date: 12/30/88. Time: 19:49:43. Read 12 Times. From : candy To : Tasslehoff Burfoot Subj : The Future Travellers Aid Society RECEIVED do you see flowers or little dog totos? Message # 127. Date: 12/31/88. Time: 14:09:13. Read 28 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Chairmen of the subboard Subj : All right... That does it... PERMIFIED I can see no one is interested. That's a shame, too. It's a lovely society, without all those disgusting things in it, like nature, and flowers and all those things... Strictly travel, and how to get away from places like that. Well, now that you've WASTED a week of Dr. Zenith's time, I'll get to the actual topic at hand... or foot. What was the topic? Ah, yes... What should you fill your brain with to be insane? Well, get rid of raindrops on roses and wiskers on kittens. That's for mothers, and Mary Poppins. You should imagine yourself in someplace other than Kansas, because everyone gnows that, next to Maine, Kansas is the state where the least is heard from (at least since the movie) Suddenly from out of nowhere... It's a twister! Aunti Em! Aunti Em! It's a twister! Oh darn, there goes the house! Hey, stupid brother of mine! Haven't you fig- ured out that you'll go around in circles whether you're on a bicycle or not? Oh no! I seem to have killed this poor lady with my house.. ACK! What the &*#% is this?? "It's called technicolor. They don't have color in Kansas." Who said that? "We are the Lollypop kids... the lollypop kids... the lollypop kids!" But I've got to get back home. Aunti Em will be frantic. "Yeah, and how do you explain the fact that your house, dog, and yourself have made it here, while your Aunti Em is still in Kansas." I think I'll just follow this road... (I've seen yellow lines down the middle of the road, kiddies, but never quite this wide!) "Duh huh. I'm, uh... I'm.. uhh I'm a scarecrow. Huh?" What's your problemo? "Duh. I wish I had a brain." Maybe you should start out small... Like with a spinal cord... "Hi! I'm a tin man!" (I would never have guessed...) "I need a heart!" (I think you should get together with the guy who needs the brain..) "Roar! I'm a lion! I need courage!" Hmmm... Well, according to the evolution of the species theorized by Charles Darwin, you shouldn't be here at all, but come with us. We're going to... THE WIZARD! "Ha ha! I'll get you! And your little dog Toto, too!" Uh, couldn't you just take the dog? Snif snif... Yawn. Kansas really isn't all that great, anyway. Black and White is kind of boring. I think I'll just lie back and relax in this field of... POPPIES... POPPIES... poppies... (Best idea I've heard so far...) No wait! We must go. We've got to see... THE WIZARD! "No sorry, you can't come in. The wizard has more pressing business..." Does his wife gnow about this business? "Come right on in... He's been expecting you." Oh Mr. Wizard! "YES!" Arf! Arf! (No Toto!) Arf. (Oh my goodness! The wizard is just a machine! And the real wizard is smaller than a midget lollypop kid!) (Strange that the audience figured out the he was a machine as soon as the smoke appeared...) I want to get back home! "I want a heart" "I need courage" ............... And? ............... "Oh, sorry. I want a cereberal cortex." Bing, zap, pow. You've all got it. Now there's the matter of my fee... What? You're supposed to the good, kind, great wizard. You don't ask for anything in return! "Why, you selfish little brat! I ought to..." Too late. The lion ate everybody. Perhaps the wizard should have waited a bit before granting his courage back... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @+- "Asdfghjkl;" Message # 128. Reply to #126 Date: 12/31/88. Time: 15:08:06. Read 12 Times. From : Tasslehoff Burfoot To : candy Subj : The Future Travellers Aid Society RECEIVED No, not really.. I see bizzare things. Checker board patters, and strange shapes and objects. I see cereal box labels for as far as the eye can see. And then when I feel like, I start to imagine things, and they appear real, at least in my minds eye. I guess having a vivid imagination can help out quite a bit. In fact, I can envision you in a field of flowers, gyrating about wildly, and I've never even seen you! (And I didn't even see the movie last night either!) Like some famous mathematician/phycist once said: Imagination is more important than Intelligence. I'd have to agree, especially considering how imaginitive my spelling is! Now that you've got the field, try to imagine something else... And then tell us! >The Tazz< >Obfuscate< Why? But of course! Message # 129. Reply to #124 Date: 01/01/89. Time: 16:39:54. Read 13 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : candy Subj : infinety RECEIVED Kumquats!!! Message # 130. Reply to #127 Date: 01/01/89. Time: 16:43:29. Read 25 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : All right... That does it... RECEIVED Well, I'll fill it out, but I'm a procrastinator! You definitely pass as insane! have you thought infinity lately? #130. Message # 131. Date: 01/01/89. Time: 16:45:50. Read 28 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : ALL Users Subj : Think Infinity! Think Infinity...Think Infinity...Think Infinity...Think Infinity...s Message # 132. Date: 01/01/89. Time: 23:40:52. Read 34 Times. From : omicron To : whomever Subj : infinity Message # 133. Reply to #128 Date: 01/02/89. Time: 18:02:53. Read 10 Times. From : candy To : Tasslehoff Burfoot Subj : The Future Travellers Aid Society i was spinning, not gyrating, or are they the same? after spinning in the flowers for a while, they all of a sudden grow all around me to about ten feet high, or maybe i am shrinking. the infinite space is now filled with giant daisies, and aphids are jumping on me from everywhere. they are all smiling and chanting .. raid .. raid .. raid .. candy Message # 134. Reply to #129 Date: 01/02/89. Time: 18:08:02. Read 10 Times. From : candy To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : infinety RECEIVED really? how many kumquats fit into infinity? candy Message # 135. Reply to #134 Date: 01/02/89. Time: 21:27:22. Read 26 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : candy Subj : infinety RECEIVED All of them. Message # 136. Date: 01/03/89. Time: 01:00:21. Read 28 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : TMM Subj : Thinking infinity.... Infinity thought. RECEIVED PERMIFIED Tazz: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstien. (Some really intelligent guy, right?) I've instructed my computer to think infinity, and it replied: THINKING INFINITY... PLEASE WAIT... That was yesterday... It's still going. It's an awfully good thing that the Amiga has multitasking, but I find that the memory keeps slowly diminishing byte by byte, and K by K... I hope it finishes soon. As for me, I've tried thinking infinity many times, but I've given it up lately, because I don't like haven't to buy gnu clothing to replaced the ones that burned when I exploded. And, as for your annoying message, I found the point where it actually ending, and I thought, "HA! So he didn't use his influence with Hack Man to create an infinitely long message." But, then, when I typed "c" to comment a low number, the computer just said, "Ha! Just kidding" and continued on... I have a feel- ing that I shouldn't have instructed this thing to think infinity. It's start- ing to become something of a free spirit. It's thinking of things that it has never thought of before. And that free memory keeps getting smaller and small- er... Oh no! What have I done? Somebody help! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. -And you, Mr. Hack Man, have you given up on The FTAS? Did you gnow that every spaceship manufactured on Alpha Centari has a "Supplimental User's Guide for Proper Navigation?" available for sale ONLY to FTAS members? I'd think about it if I were you, which I'm not. (And I'm glad, because if I were you, I would not yet be joined in the Future Traveller's Aid Society) Message # 137. Date: 01/05/89. Time: 21:56:27. Read 28 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : gav Subj : FTAS RECEIVED You haven't given yourself a nickname yet. By the way, I would be glad to join the Society, except that I am already a charter member of DON'T PANIC. One of the rules is to not join other related societies, the reason being I surmise is so that illiterate children do not result. CI Message # 138. Reply to #137 Date: 01/06/89. Time: 18:32:25. Read 27 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Cleric Ilsaram Subj : FTAS RECEIVED Hmm... That is interesting. Tell me a few things about the DON'T PANIC club or federation, or establishment, or society, or whatever... Perhaps out two clubs could work out a compromise. I could inform a higher authority. Or if we could find a loophole, perhaps the two clubs could both be considered as non-overlapping... My father is a lawyer, you gnow... He could find some- thing or other... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. FTAS! Message # 139. Date: 01/12/89. Time: 02:22:43. Read 28 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : yes RECEIVED Well, DON'T PANIC, as the name implies, was created about the same time that The Guide came out. It is sort of like having a subscription/membership, where the newsletter gives certain updates on The Guide, hoping that someday it will be "Future Perfect." The society is made up of various diverse members, many of which really have no interest in travelling at all, but merely wish to impress their friends by having a copy of the newletter on the glass coffee table in the parlor. I'm not one of those, but I must admit the travelling I've done has been limited to this plane of existence, as I cannot stomach the thought of approaching a black hole, the cheapest (and only way I could afford) to get to congruent universes. Every time I try, my Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic screws up, anyhow. Actually, I shouldn't be talking about it much, because they try to be a secret society, even though they aren't (you know how that goes), and dislike leaks of information concerning themselves. Anything I've told you so far is in the public domain. If you want more info, just drop your towel at the next major thorough-space interchange system, and you'll automatically get more help than you want! CI Message # 140. Date: 01/13/89. Time: 17:21:17. Read 30 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : The Cleric Subj : My towel? I don't gnow if I could do without my towel... It's strange I never heard of it. The Guide happens to be my all-time favorite book. In fact, I put it at the top of the list of ten books (for a college scholarship application) who (er, I mean that) had the greatest impact on my life. I even wrote an essay to the regents scholarship office of UCSB, telling them how Douglas Adams is like a modern Mark Twain. It was a great essay. After I wrote it, I felt as if I were going to sit down and prove that Dr. Seuss is like Jane Austin. I am interested in this DON'T PANIC club... If there were an ideal picture of the universe that I would like to live in, it's the one depicted in Hitch- hiker's Guide to the Galax. The FTAS uses many theories devised by Douglas Adams to develop new modes of travel. (We are still in the development of a new infinite improbability drive. We tried using finite probability drives, to generate one, but we keep ending up a few decimals off, and we seem to get a lot of mobius strips, instead...) !!! GAVISCON !!! -+@ Margin Master @+- -Can you find where the message broke? #140. Message # 141. Date: 01/16/89. Time: 03:50:05. Read 26 Times. From : Cleric Ilsaram To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : smubject RECEIVED Yes, I know what you mean by finite not quite leading to infinite. It is kind of like the digital/analog problem. But not quite. In any case, DON'T PANIC is worth looking into, but as I said before, they're not too hip on other rival (as they consider them (though they try not to consider them, considering the fact they believe (as far as I know) that they are to go without mention (so don't mention that I mentioned it))) 'societies,' so to speak (so I did (or type, as the case may be (or ment (not my base, anyhow), gnow what I mean (that added to show that the missing 'a' is intentional)))). As it all ends out, I'll bet FTAS is exactly the same organization, and nobody's telling. I wonder how high up this goes? CU CI SIMI Message # 142. Date: 01/16/89. Time: 15:39:51. Read 31 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : :CI (Remember the :) Subj : The FTAS/DON'T PANIC scandal Well, there are very, very few Terran FTAS members, which is the precise reason why I invited Dr. Zenith to visit the Sol Subsector. I believed that Terra had great potential in the future, and there are some quite outstanding individuals on Terra. (Unfortunately, most of them are out, standing...) Obviously, I was somewhat mistaken, if not overzelious. I support them a lot, as you may have noticed, but that doesn't mean I'd never join another group, and they make no effort to discourage that. It is rather strange that DON'T PANIC makes a rule about that. As a matter of fact, they are very similar. The Hitchhiker's Guide depicts an Earth that is very backward, and ignorant... And the FTAS proves it. !!! GAVISCON !!! -)Future Traveller's Aid Society(- -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ _________________________________________________ I'm just a robot and I gnow my place. A metal servant to the human race. I work my head off trying to satisfy. I gnow they'll disconnect me by and by... Chip on my shoulder made of silicon, My painted circuts like a lexicon, Ten million logic functions, maybe more, THey make me pick up paper off the floor. Soletary, Solinoid, Terminally Parinoid... Marvin. You gnow what really makes me mad? They clean me with a brillo pad. A carwash wouldn't be so bad. Life... Don't talk to me about Life. I'm so depressed, I could expectorate. My moving parts are in a solid state. I want to Rust in Peace, switch off and lie, In that great junkyard in the sky. Solitary Solinoid, Terminally Parinoid... Marvin. Nothing left to be enjoyed, every diode rhumetoid... Marvin. Outer alloyed, In a void... Marvin. Happiness is being distroyed... --------------------------------------------- Message # 143. Date: 01/17/89. Time: 04:21:01. Read 35 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : NEW SPACE DRIVE I'M NOW PERFECTING THE NONEXISTENCE DRIVE. IT IS USES A MENTAL FIELD GENERATED BY SEVERAL SPECIES OF SMALL FURRY ANIMALS THAT ARE FORCED TO WATCH LAWRENCE WELK RE-RUNS. A FIELD OF INTENSE BOREDOM AND COMPLETE DISINTREST RESULTS. THIS FIELD CAN BE AMPLIFIED TO THE POINT WHERE EVERY SUB ATOMIC PARTICLE WITHIN THE FIELD BECOMES TOTALLY DISINTERESTED AND FAILS TO PERCIEVE OR CARE ABOUT EVERY OTHER PARTICLE, CAUSING A COMPLETE STATE OF NON-EXISTENCE. FINALLY EVEN THE FIELD IT'SSELF CEASES TO EXIST FROM IT'S OWN BOREDOM, CAUSING THE SPACE CRAFT TO SPONTAINEOUSLY RE-EXIST (WITH A DEAFENING "POP-DOINK" NOISE) AT A COMPLETELY RANDOM POINT IN THE UNIVERSE (DEPENDING UPON THE UNIVERSAL BOREDOM DENSITY RATIO). I NEVER THINK I COULD HAVE GOTTEN SO FAR WITHOUT LAWRENCE'S HELP; BUT, SO FAR I HAVEN'T FIGURED OUT HOW TO AIM IT. THE SHIP WILL ONLY RE- APPEAR AT THE MOST BORING SPOT IN THE UNIVERSE. (A SPOT WHERE THE BORDER BETWEEN REALITY AND NONEXSISTENCE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY BLURRED BY UTTER BOREDOM) THE FIRST TIME I USED IT I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER GET BACK TO EARTH BUT I SOON FOUND THAT I FREQUENTLY KEEP RE-APPEARING IN HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOMS. NOW, IF I COULD ONLY FIGURE OUT HOW TO INVERT THE DIS-INTREST GRADIENT PERHAPS I COULD GO TO THE MOST EXCITING SPOTS IN THE UNIVERSE. C- - - Message # 144. Date: 01/17/89. Time: 17:20:40. Read 25 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN Subj : As a member of the FTAS, I must say... RECEIVED That's a very interesting concept. Scientists have worked on similar projects for years, but most experiments have delt with probability physics, where the improbabilities can be calculated and generated. But not too much research has gone into boredom fields. The reasons are obvious, however, for any self- respecting traveller gnows better than to visit the most boring locations in the universe... They would rather visit the hip party-places, like the newly revived generation-ship colonies, near the outward section, where it is said that the suspended-animation nutrition capsules are used to create a contin- uous party, where the guests don't experience any real sleep, or have to eat anything nutritious to stay alive. It is said to be one of the most swinging parties in the galaxy, (next to, of course, the renegade floating beer party, that we all gnow and love, going into it's fourth generation...) and through the usage of matter transferance, and a couple of tricky holographic illusion projections, all 52 generation ships are linked to each other, making a sin- gle, huge dance floor. (Some drunk holographic engineers decided that there needed to be more space to mingle, so they assigned each ship a different and important task, programmed by a computer with a sophisticated artificial in- telligence implant. Therefore, one ship could break off from the pack, and go to a planet to fill up on potato chips and M&M's, while the matter transfer- ence beams would insure that the dancing floor space could still be used, if it stayed within range.) Partiers would actual "beam" from ship to ship, but no one would notice anything other than a particularly large dance floor and cocktail bar, because of the holographic technology. Needless to say, after they engineers perfected the setup, they retired to the suspended-animation nutrition capsules, to rest, and have not emerged since. The generation ships were originally designed as a long distance trip to a far away place, before Faster than light Travel was deemed possible. Everyone has since forgotten about the mission, and a renegade hacker locked up the computer guidance systems, so that no one but the computer will ever remember the destination. The ships are still cruising along at speeds as low as 80% the speed of light, and when the destination is finally reached, a large por- tion of the galaxy is expected to attend the celebration. Until then, parking is available, and tickets inside run up to about 200 creds. However, the tic- ket seller has become something of a large ceremonial figurehead, much like a queen or king of England, since everybody and his brother gnows about a heat- ing duct on ship GS-4 that will link up with any modern airlock system. Most party-goers simply crawl through the duct to get inside. In fact, a ladder has been propped up on the inside, so that no one hurts themselves while try- ing to sneak in. Anyway, if you can somehow get your boredom-drive ship to reverse polarity and appear near the valet parking of the establishment, be sure to let us all gnow. That will probably indicate a success. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped, woefully trapped, on Terra. -)Future Traveller's Aid Society(- Comments : 3.10=6 3.14=22 Message # 145. Date: 01/21/89. Time: 03:10:59. Read 26 Times. From : Lynx To : Gav Subj : My answers the the FTAS questionaire RECEIVED 1.1 Mynk Lynx Incorperated (I go by Lynx most places) 1.2 Address code 05-247-002-13 (planet section-city-street-house) planet Deva rew system Galaxy Milar section A4-8 Aux. Code: Z8012 1.3 by Hyperphone # 48-05-247-002-13-1 1.4 15-26-9845 (deva calendar... about 211 terran years ago) 1.5 Deva (05-247-004-01) 1.6 Lynia (similar to the terran feline race) 1.7 Equivolent to the terran male. 1.8 Buy, Sell, trade, breathe 1.9 just about anything, Usually gold in coins, but we also deal in credit 2.1 Sight 2.2 I can speak, or whatever it takes, over 30 different languages known to the rew system, but using some technology I have the ability to communicate with practically anything... we wouldn't want to lose a sale over not being able to communicate now would we. 2.3 smell, touch, hear, taste, and through tecnology just about anything you you can imagine. 2.4 Deva is basically the trade center of trade centers, there are a few spots here and there that aren't part of the trade center though. days are long compared to terra's. 2.5 gaviscon 2.6 2 2.7 gav 2.8 I've been travelling for a while now, just thought I'd like to join a travellers organization. 2.9 Mostly dimension travelling... I do it to collect goods to sell, trade back on Deva, but sometimes I do it for fun... 2.10 some use a d-hopper to get around, but only as a last resort, or they just don't know how to demiansion travel. 2.11 I don't know 2.12 calling hack's retreat, searching for new dimensions and searching for other planets with life on them. 3.1 I don't know 3.2 I don't know 3.3 the depends on how you travel 3.4 I didn't know it worked. 3.5 Varies, about 1/3 the speed of the current fastest ship known in Milar 3.6 Varies, about 341 m/s 3.7 about the only think our scientists haven't seen is anti-matter but then again who knows? 3.8 (lost question in memory due to snyad) 3.9 Who knows... Who cares... 3.10 I like it because of the goods I get there, they sell like crazy. 4.1 well... I guess I could attept to teach you how to dimension travel, but not everyone can do it... I know alot of good places to get thing at good prices, and I guess I would feel really good to have joined a worthwhile organization. Lynx -I need an asperin... Message # 147. Date: 01/25/89. Time: 15:52:31. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx Subj : Quest for answers RECEIVED Thank you, I will send the information to The FTAS auxilary base on Betelguise, where local applications are handled. They will inform you through the mail of your acceptance/rejection. Do you have any address on Terra that you would rather have the mail sent? You can send a private letter to me if there is another address that you'll be staying at most often, or somewhere where it would reach you a bit more quickly. Once again, thank you for applying. The rest of you can still apply at any time. You get lots of little free gifts with membership, you gnow. (Maybe that will get them..) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -)Future Traveller's Aid Society(- -Happiness is the Earth in your rearview mirror. Message # 150 -- Private. #150. Message # 154. Reply to #147 Date: 01/28/89. Time: 12:56:43. Read 23 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Quest for answers RECEIVED ...ON beteguise? That is a star, don't you gnow, not a planet! Message # 157. Date: 01/29/89. Time: 16:30:52. Read 24 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : FTAS potentials. Subj : Answers for quest. Hurrah! Happy day! The Music Man has answered the questionaire. And it only took two months! Now we have three applicants. My faith in Terra is restored once more! (Even though one of the applicants is from Deva.) Hmmm. Did I say ON Betelguise? Boy... You catch me with a mistake, and you think you're God, huh? (Or at least a Prophet.) Actually, the headquarters near Betelguise is a station that rotates the star, rather than a planet, & is, in fact, an artificial planet, rather than an artificial moon, so there was no planet I could name to specify its location, so I mentioned the star. After all, wouldn't you say that SkyLab was on Earth? (No wait... It crashed didn't it? That means it IS on Earth.) Well, you gnow what I mean. If you were light years away from Terra, (The two names are interchangable on Earth but Terra is the more common term off Earth) you'd said that any satellite could be found on Terra, rather than orbitting Terra. Oh, nevermind. be glad i didn't tell you exactly how many kilometers away from the star it orbits. By the way, there is a small application fee, in case you've forgotten, or never gnew. Converted into Terran (U.S.) currency, I believe it is around $4 or $5. It's not in an effort to make much of a profit, but rather to cover postage costs, materials, time, effort, utilities, etc... You see, there is more to joining FTAS than getting an official membership card... You'll get notices, updates, newletters, brochures, and important information. The cost is to cover the production and mailing of these periodicals. And the fee is only a yearly fee... The FTAS makes its profit by the many items it sells, and information that is purchasable, not from membership. And you don't have to buy everything it produces... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 159. Reply to #157 Date: 01/29/89. Time: 18:00:44. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Answers for quest. RECEIVED A station that ROTATES the star??? I didn't gnow that a single space station had the ability to rotate a large red giant the size of betelguise! Unless, of course, you meant that it rotates AROUND the start, that would make more sense, but then again, what has sense got to do with it! I guess this DOES make me a prophet! (not really, I was one already!) I hope my answers were appropriate! I had just returned from a theoretical visit to the 10th dimention and my sense of direction was all thrown off! Message # 160. Date: 01/29/89. Time: 22:24:46. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : HOW MANY ANGELS ON THE HEAD OF A NEEDLE I HAVE CONDUCTED SOME EXHAUSTIVE RESEARCH WITH THE HELP OF SOME FRIENDLY ANGELS, AND I HAVE DETERMINED THAT EXACTLY PI TO THE POWER OF PI TIMES THE NUMBER OF WIERDOS ON THE EARTH, ANGELS CAN FIT ON THE HEAD OF A NEEDLE. C- - - #160. Message # 161. Reply to #160 Date: 01/30/89. Time: 22:48:54. Read 22 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : HACK MAN Subj : HOW MANY ANGELS ON THE HEAD OF A NEEDLE RECEIVED The question now is, would they want to? Message # 162. Date: 02/06/89. Time: 15:36:39. Read 15 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : Whatever Pi in your face! Message # 163. Date: 02/06/89. Time: 21:29:12. Read 22 Times. From : Lynx To : all Subj : You know what I think... I think that the only reason we need pi, is because some guy (whoever it was who defined pi) was trying to get a big name. Pi is really equal 3, it's just that the guy thought that was to simple, so he tweaked the gadgets, and made it read 3.1415927... so all we need to do is make a time machine and go back and shoot the guy before he messes with the gadgets, and it will save us from all that dreaded math... Lynx p.s. And if you believe that I got some other stories about the gravitation constant, e, and many others... Message # 164. Reply to #163 Date: 02/08/89. Time: 15:38:43. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Lynx Subj : RECEIVED You Heretic! How dare you speak such blasphemies in the pi room??? Even if it IS just jokingly?!?!?!?! You had better be careful, or the pi guy just may banish you from this place! Message # 165. Date: 02/08/89. Time: 16:59:54. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : TMM & Lynx Subj : True, true... The world would be too simple if pi and all infinitely repeating constants were as simple as 3. If we found that every mathmatical constant was easy to use, and could give entirely accurate measurements and calculations, we would have conclusive proof that God DOES exist. The human race would nev- er accpet the fact that all such universal constants come out so evenly, unless there was a God who made it that way. And, per say of the Hitchhiker's Guide, on Babel fish: If God gave conclusive proof of his existance, then he has committed an error. For he says that his existance relies on faith, and those easy constants are a dead giveaway, and that proof denies faith. Therefore, by His own rules, the constants are conclusive proof that God does NOT exist, by His own reasoning. ("Oh my! I hadn't thought of that," exclaims God who promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. Man then goes to try to prove black is white, and gets himself killed at the next stoplight.) Besides, Life would be boring without infinitely repeating constants. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | Message # 166. Date: 02/08/89. Time: 22:45:44. Read 22 Times. From : Lynx To : TMM/Gav Subj : pi Oops... sorry... I should have thought before I even started to say anything that might prove GOD did actually exist. Oh my... how terrible. Hey gav, how long does it take to get responses from your superiers(sp?)? I have been waiting for a while now. You know how impatient us deveel get now don't you? Lynx - pi = 3 or somewhere there abouts. -minor confusion -Mooses of the world Unit! -pizza lover- -3AMer- *Anti Jerk* other various stuff... Message # 167. Date: 02/09/89. Time: 16:21:49. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx Subj : Replies RECEIVED I realize it has been taking quite a while for some of you to get your admissions info, and I'd like to take the time to explain why: First of all, the mail lines between here and Betelguise have not yet been formally established by the Galactic Postal Service, and until I get the time to lobby for better district zones, all mail must be sent by the GPS to the Alpha Proxima station, and then by personal courier to the Sol Sub- sector, where it is sent to me, and I send it out by local mail. That's another reason why I am stationed here... I control most of the communications between Terra and the FTAS. Hopefully, I will some day be able to establish the Sol Subsector in postal zones, and other business trafficing, and if I can get everything set up right, I will be able to leave Terra. Oh well... It should be quick. You've heard of the profit motice, haven't you? I believe, by now, all applications have been sent, read, and evaluated... All members and applicants are registered in our bio-computer network with all the information gnown about each, and their position/status as an FTAS member. I received a notice the other day that a delivery was being sent from the Tri-star area, so I assume it's your replies. All in all, I would estimate that you will receive them very quickly. Perhaps in two or three days... Maybe more depending on the Terran Postal Service. ...Sorry for the delay. Next Saturday, I'm going to take a shuttle to the nearest branch offices and file a complaint with the GPS, and give them a diagram of the new, proposed district zones. With luck, it will be sent to the Postal Council and be included when the new maps are drawn up. I have also been giving the FTAS offices information on Terra regularly. Perhaps in the same trip, I will talk to our manager about extending the Traveller Courier lines to include a direct link from Betelguise to Sol. If I can get that to happen, we won't even need the GPS. Until then, I guess we'll have to be patient. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 168 -- Private. Message # 170. Date: 02/12/89. Time: 01:33:15. Read 22 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : FTAS Applicants. Subj : Information ...Quick telelink transmission. They just "called" and asked if I would like it to be delivered, or if I would come and pick it up myself. It's a bit of a problem for me to drop what I'm doing and travel a little more than four light years, and back, so I had them delivered, and charged it to my FTAS business account. Good news! I just got them delivered today! Three envelopes! I'll send them through the mail as soon as possible, but it's Sunday, and I believe Postal Services are closed on Sundays and Holidays (Monday?) so it may take longer than I thought. Also included in the package were some promotional inserts, my periodic newletter, and a few pamplets and things, which I haven't gotten around to reading, yet, but I may share some information with you when I get around to it... It appears that the FTAS is going leaning more and more to stellar travel, lately, and paying less and less attention to higher forms of travel, like dimensional transponding, and time travel. That's what hap- pens when a company continues to expand... It tends to center more on the majority of its public. Admittedly, most people in the galaxy, or, indeed, perhaps the universe, (which is very much unexplored) are stellar travellers and most races don't event gnow that time travel is possible. I apologise to those who would rather see more in the more advanced areas, but they still do supply a lot of information on them, and all the old publications are available... Also, one more news brief. Rumor has it that the FTAS is temporarity lowering its annual postage and mechandicing cost ("subscription" cost) to encourage new membership, but I'm not sure. The normal cost is around $5-$6, the last I heard. (It cost me less when I first applied, but that was a LONG time ago..) They may lower that price by a few dollars. (Actually, its not technically in "dollars," but as the Terran represenative, one of my jobs is also converting currency from dollars to credits, hexigrods, or whatever else... (Well, I am not that good. I convert to credits, and other places will convert to other currencies...) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -)Future Traveller's Aid Society(- #170. Message # 171. Date: 02/16/89. Time: 16:22:02. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : FTAS prospectives Subj : Letters I sent out some letters a day or two ago, and some of your may have received them already. I wish to apologize to Lynx. Due to a mistake in addressing, I believe his letter was sent to Deva, then re-routed elsewhere, and arrived late, to me. I eventually had to recopy his address from the board, one more time, just to make sure. Anyway, he should get his soon, but it will take a bit longer than the rest of you, who will receive them shortly. Let me gnow how things turn out. I forget what the procedure is for new members. If you want more information, then write to: THE FUTURE TRAVELLER'S AID SOCIETY Terra Base #1 (Street) Ventura, CA 93004 I don't want non-members to destroy my house, so you can get the Street number and name from the return address on the envelope. Also, you may be asked to write to that address to apply for membership. I believe that is the procedure in FTAS. Let me gnow how things turn out... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 172. Reply to #171 Date: 02/18/89. Time: 00:05:52. Read 15 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Letters RECEIVED I got it, I'll be replying soon (i hope!) Message # 173. Reply to #171 Date: 02/18/89. Time: 13:04:37. Read 15 Times. From : candy To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Letters RECEIVED how do i join? candy Message # 174. Date: 02/18/89. Time: 15:46:15. Read 16 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : candy Subj : How to join RECEIVED You'll have to read the messages on this subboard before you can join. (To see if you can complete monotonous tasks.) I believe that message #120 contains a questionaire, and that Dr. Zentih visited us at about message #80, so I would suggest that you read from #80 on... Those messages should explain everything you need to gnow about the Future Traveller's Aid Society. But, if you have a question or two afterward, feel free to ask me... MUSIC MAN: You mentioned some time ago that you wanted to make your application public... Well, a REAL easy way to do this is to find it in the message base, and use Hack's ignored "Edit" function. You could take out the private stuff, so people won't bomb your house, and make it un-private. The board will then put it at the front of the messages, and everything will be fine... Also: (to candy) I believe that the questions on the quiz portion of the questionaire are going to be changed. For now, answer what is there, and if they do change, I'll inform you, and you'll get a new questionaire... But you'll only have to answer Section III on the new one... !!! GAVISCON !!! -)Future Traveller's Aid Society(- -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 175. Date: 02/19/89. Time: 00:54:39. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : FTAS QUESTIONAIRRE (finally!) RECEIVED Here Goes (I think): 1.10 The Music Man 1.20 [CENSORED] Drive Camarillo, California (93010), 1.21 United Stated of America, Western Hemisphere, Terra, Sol Subsector, 1.22 The Orion Spur, Milky Way Galaxy, Solomani Rim (J0902), 1.23 God's Universe, Fourth Dimention, My Mind 1.30 Telepathetic Communication (134.5 Mm x 136.6771 Mm) 1.31 Telephone (1-805-[CENSORED] @ 15.70 through 18900.00 Hertz (cps)) 1.40 11,821,022,064.0057213 Billion Years PBB (Post Big Bang)(relative to 1.41 Terra, which did not extist at that time) March, 6th, 1968 AD (Relat- 1.42 ive to Terra Civilization #2,303,002 (See Earthling Relativity, Hitch- 1.43 hikers Guide to the Galaxy) 1.50 St. Johns Hospital, Oxnard, California, United States of America, 1.51 Western Hemisphere, Terra, Sol Subsector, The Orion Belt, 1.52 Milky Way Galaxy, etc... 1.60 Rare, if any. 1.70 .9999999999999999% Terran, .0000000000000001% Xzarquinskzethian 1.80 The education of developing Terra inhabitants in the knowledge of 1.81 primitave logic based computational devices gnown as computers. 1.82 I stay alive by breathing, when on Terra. 1.90 Currancy: A vague Terran concept I have little to do with. 2.10 Objective analysis of various signals from sensory receptors composed 2.11 of an atomic structure similar to the matter to which I sense which 2.12 respond to outside electromagnetic radiation from the whole spectrum 2.13 and catagorized as light, heat, and sound and consist of variations in 2.14 the wavelengths of each. I am also equipped with bio-chemical sensory 2.15 organs which chemically break down matter into concepts which are catag- 2.16 orized as taste and smell, and similarly vary in description. All mat- 2.17 ter is interpreted, analyzed, and measured in a bio-chemical organ cal- 2.18 led the brain, which is the primary tool used in matter detection. All 2.19 of these are inherent, but other means have been manufactured. 2.20 Speech, which produces audible sound varying from apporximately 2.21 100 to 10,000 herts which is comprised of sounds discernable as 2.22 language and is commonly interpreted by others. English is most 2.23 popular in my current area of civilization, although I communicate in 2.24 over 50 different dialects, including audible speech, as well as 2.25 Telepathic and telepathetic tranference. 2.30 As stated in 2.1, all senses used in matter detection (usually 2.31 measured as the reaction between the matter and radiation) is 2.32 comprised of several means of detection. All are interpreted the same, 2.33 but have evolved to recieve signals from a wide range of specra. 2.40 Terra is a spherical planet composed of rock and living organisms. 2.41 It has an atmosphere comprised of approx. 77% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 2.42 and several other gases including Carbon Dioxide, Xenon, and Nitrous 2.43 Oxide, all under 1%. It is approx. 149,600,000 km from it's nearest 2.44 star, and orbits at a rate of 29.8 km/sec every 365.256 days which is 2.45 the number of time it spins on it's own axis, a day being 23.9345 2.46 hours. It has a diameter of 12,756 km. it has a mean density of 2.47 5.52 g/cm^3, and ranges in temperatures from approx. 60 degrees Celsius 2.48 to -90 degrees celsius. It has an albedo factor of 0.39. It's 2.49 most advanced froms of life are the Terrans, Crustaceans, and mice. 2.50 Could be Gaviscon Aviscenna, could be Dr. Kurt Zenith... 2.60 Only a couple, see 2.50 2.70 Could be any, see 2.60 2.80 Because it's there, why else? 2.90 Trans-Dimentional travel is my most common means. I enjoy it, moreover, 2.91 I learn and expand my knowledge, which I enjoy. Time travel was my 2.92 latest obsession, but I almost got lost. Aside from that, walking (which 2.93 is fun, convenient, and necessary), and automobile driving (which is 2.94 Hell, inconvenient, and silly, but necessary) 2.100 (are we regressing?? (I've been confused!) Methods? Means? See 2.9 2.110 Time Travel (I always get lost!) 2.120 There is no hobby to which travelling does not pertain being that either 2.121 the being or entity moves, or the object of the hobby moves/travels. 2.122 Oh, well, Learning, thinking, discovering, inventing, teaching, 2.123 Music (playing, singing, listening), computers, shooting, herbs (simple 2.124 Terran life forms), kumquats. 3.10 Red (7000nm) 3.20 Possibly the Carbon based solid known as Graphite? 3.30 The Andromeda Galaxy, also gnown as M31 or NGC 224 3.40 10,000,000nm 3.50 Approx. 186,000 miles per second (3.00x10^8 m/sec.) 3.60 You've gotta be kidding!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! 000.00000000 3.70 The Gravitron, Boson, Gluon, Any Singularity, Any planet revolving 3.71 around a start other than our own, various anti-particles, (you use 3.72 the word "seen", visually, neutrinos, microwaves, xrays, radiowaves, 3.73 gamma rays, and many other forms of radiation (detected, not seen)) 3.74 and Michael Jackson's Brain. 3.80 5,026,000,000 Terrans 3.90 What? Phreakers? 3.100 The massive amounts of x-rays detected. The silly humans and their 3.101 Black Hole obsession!!!! 4.10 I am God's Prophet. Enough Said! The Music Man -=obfuscate=- There, you have it now! Remember to THINK INFINTY!!! Message # 176. Date: 02/22/89. Time: 17:25:25. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : FTAS potentials Subj : So, what's the deal? Did everyone get accepted? Is anyone going to join? Oh, and, by the way... I can't handle checks... The bank doesn't understand the Society, and the Soc- iety can't cash a Terran check. So, if you make out a check, send it to: DARREN BLEUEL (oooh! How incriminating!) However, cash is much easier to handle, when I have to convert to credits... I promise not to keep the cash and say "Money? What money?" Otherwise, why hasn't anyone responded? If the membership fee turns you off, I'd like to gnow... It IS necessary in order to supply you with everything.. I promise: it's not simply a cheap attempt to raise money... That's what the maps are for... And those of you still wondering about the FTAS: It's a sort of Auto Club type thing, only with more important travelling in mind... Space travel, mainly... It's main attribute is convenience. Dr. Zenith has been quoted: "They're always there when you need them, and they're tax deductible on most outspin worlds." But it's more than a expanded Auto-Club. It's an Everything-Club. You can get close to anything from them by just writing a them a note. Maps... Conversion tables... Lifeform data... Any kind of information dealing with travel! If you would like more information, write to me at the Terran base office. I'll glad- ly give interested parties the address in E-Mail. Or, ask me straight out, on the board. After all, if I'm going to be stuck on Terra doing FTAS business, anyway, I might as well have some friends in the club, too. One more thing... In the FTAS, you're not just a "member" of a space-age auto- club. You can gain rank, and become very influencial. All new members start as NEW MEMBERs. (Status level) but, you soon become better gnown, the longer you stay with the FTAS. But, one bit of advice... Don't volunteer for long duty on small, unpopular worlds... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -They'd better give me a free year's membership for this! Message # 177. Date: 02/22/89. Time: 18:10:30. Read 17 Times. From : Lynx To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : responce RECEIVED I got my notification, but I still need to raise up enough dough for the dues. I have been out fo work, so money doesn't exist in my realm right now. Lynx p.s. hopefully soon though... Message # 178. Date: 02/24/89. Time: 17:03:31. Read 16 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx Subj : All right... RECEIVED Hope to hear from you soon. I'll be receiving a new membership card soon, and it is supposed to look very stylish. For the past year or so, the membership card's theme was the beautiful surface of one of the FTAS's latest Terraform- ing projects on one of the moons of Xeentresi. (Picture taken at about 100 ft above the surface) The project failed, as you may or may not gnow, but the attempt made for a great membership card background. I'm not sure what this year's theme will be... Those who don't gnow, Terraforming is a bit like the genesis project in the Star Trek movies, only slower. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. Message # 179. Date: 02/25/89. Time: 13:28:45. Read 17 Times. From : Lynx To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Terraforming RECEIVED I know a bit about that project. Mynk Lynx Inc. lost a few credits in it. To bad they failed. I need to get a few more planes livable real soon. If I don't I could be in for a major loss in company revenues. Oh well... Look for the responce in about a week... maybe more if I can't work something out with those planes (as in plane of existence... we on deva specialize in travelling to other planes (we call it dimension travelling) among other things... Lynx Message # 180. Date: 02/28/89. Time: 17:49:47. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Mynx Lynx, Inc. Subj : Sorry to hear that... Although I am glad to hear you've invested in it. It's a worthwhile project, but I believe it might be just a tad bit ahead of modern technology...Speak- ing of which, I'd like to discuss modern technology... Technology is a wonderful thing. We've learned the secrets behind travelling faster than light, dimensional gating, and improbability physics. But, not everything is possible, through technology. The FTAS has one of the best records in research and development in the galaxy. We still have difficulty in SUPER long distance travel. Getting to the Andromeda Galaxy is still very hard to do quickly, even through alternate reality jumping. Our best ships take over 8 or 9 years just to get there. But, concidering the astronomical distance, this is still very impressive. Our FTAS extension in the Andromeda Galaxy is difficult to get in touch with, at best, and has almost turned in- to an entirely separate Society. Sometimes I have doubts as to if we should even be trying to keep things updated between us. It seems that we may not even be ready to effectively extend into that galaxy. As for interdimensional transponding, and planar travel, it is a relatively new science, one that the FTAS researchs, and has an interest in, but gener- ally regards as dangerous, unpredictable, and controversial. They believe it to be important to their customers, but better left, economically, to those who have use for it, such as the traders from Deva, and our familiar friend, the intersteller biogrowth, Demitr'x. (You can send away to the FTAS for an entire history and biography of Demitr'x, if you are a certified member.) I have stated before that the main interests of the FTAS lie in intersteller travel. The general area around here is pretty much satuarated with the pop- ulous, but daring explorers are still dedicated to exploring ungnown systems on the other end of the galaxy, and some of the more difficult territories right here, at home. These few facts of the universe and modern times are probably well gnown to a lot of you... You all gnow how easy it is to travel down to Proxima Cen- tari for a bite to eat, and how hard it is to get the Andromeda branch of a club of any kind, including the FTAS, to cooperate, but I thought I'd post a message describing the actual limits of our modern universe. (In travel that is...) Many of you may think that by joining the society, you'll be able to leave the galaxy, or waltz straight through some of the dimensions that have not even been named, yet, but I thought it was important to include some of the things we CAN'T do... After all, when you hear about all the good things you begin to wonder exactly what can't be done, and why we even bother ex- ploring anymore. I also wanted those who have been trapped down here on good 'ol Terra to gnow exactly what's going on out there... !!! GAVISCON !!! -) Future Traveller's Aid Society (- -One day, this signoff could be yours! #180. Message # 181. Date: 03/16/89. Time: 17:32:59. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Owner Subj : The Pi Room What a dull, lifeless place.. Who runs it? He should really do something about the mess it's become. Dust all over the messages... Spiderwebs hanging from the entrance prompt... The comment list has almost been blackened with all the soot... Pitiful... Just pitiful. I demand to speak to the manager. Who's in change, here? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Magin Master @=- -Trapped on... Wow! It really IS dirty in here... Comments : 1.00=1 2.00=1 3.00=1 3.10=1 Message # 182. Date: 03/24/89. Time: 00:15:57. Read 17 Times. From : YellowBeard To : whomever Subj : Life is a cherry PI. Comments : 3.14=3 Message # 183. Reply to #182 Date: 03/24/89. Time: 12:53:27. Read 16 Times. From : Xanadu To : YellowBeard Subj : Life RECEIVED Are you sure? Xanadu Message # 184. Reply to #182 Date: 03/24/89. Time: 17:38:23. Read 17 Times. From : YellowBeard To : YellowBeard Subj : Life RECEIVED well, no. but at least a cherrie Pie is round.... or was that wedge shaped? YOU decide... well actually, for me, lately life has been the PITS! Oh well, reality sux. YellowBummer Message # 185. Date: 03/24/89. Time: 17:40:23. Read 22 Times. From : YellowBeard To : all Subj : writing to myself... hey wow... I just wrote a message to myself... I told you I was shitzo!!! YelloWierd Message # 186. Reply to #185 Date: 03/24/89. Time: 18:49:16. Read 14 Times. From : Xanadu To : YellowBeard Subj : writing to myself... RECEIVED I gotta meet you! If life for you is that great, you gotta be crazed, like me! Join the CUGA (pronounced KOOGA): The Crazed Users' Group of America! Xanadu Message # 187. Reply to #186 Date: 03/25/89. Time: 02:32:14. Read 14 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Xanadu Subj : writing to myself... hey Great!!! I'd love to be a part of it! I wonder if I can be a part of FTAS, or an official obfuscate? ..... Naw.... I'm too far gone! ON the other hand, this planet is getting to me... I need to go somewhere else. and I am rather demented... YellowBeard -CUGA -Bored with Terra Message # 188. Date: 03/25/89. Time: 02:38:23. Read 26 Times. From : YellowBeard To : all Subj : Alright Everybody!!! Today we're going to go marching UP and DOWN the square!!!! Is there anybody who objects to marching UP and DOWN the square? Message # 189. Date: 03/28/89. Time: 17:09:41. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Yellowbeard Subj : The FTAS RECEIVED (and to anyone else who wishes to join...) Read the messages on the base from 88-120. Also, take a look at message 180, which summerizes a sort of "state of the galaxy" address made by the FTAS a few months back. The application is in message #120, but I do suggest you read the other messages first, anyway... Hasta. !!! GAVISCON !!! -My average message length is going to hell. -=@ Margin Master @=- -Trapped on Terra. -)Future Traveller's Aid Society(- Message # 190. Date: 04/03/89. Time: 00:17:35. Read 24 Times. From : Lynx To : Subj : Marching RECEIVED Yeah... I got a book I'd like to finnish up... Lynx #190. Message # 191. Reply to #190 Date: 04/10/89. Time: 01:13:07. Read 19 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Lynx Subj : Marching RECEIVED W-H-A-T!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WOULD RATHER READ A BOOK THAN GO MARCHING UP AND DONW THE SQUARE????!!! DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU WOULD RATHER READ A BOOK THAN TO GO MARCHING UP AND DOWN THE SQUARE???!!! A BOOK!!! Message # 192. Reply to #191 Date: 04/17/89. Time: 14:01:01. Read 16 Times. From : Xanadu To : YellowBeard Subj : Marching RECEIVED I would... Message # 193. Reply to #192 Date: 04/19/89. Time: 00:35:27. Read 15 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Xanadu Subj : Marching WHAT!!!! YOU TOO???!!! YOU WOULD RATHER READ A BOOK THAN GO MARCHING UP AND DOWN THE SQUARE???!!! Well, Alright then, off you go! Message # 194. Date: 04/19/89. Time: 00:38:06. Read 21 Times. From : YellowBeard To : all Subj : Marching All right men.... is there anybody else who objects to marching up and down the square? Message # 195. Reply to #194 Date: 04/19/89. Time: 04:44:22. Read 13 Times. From : squirrel-one To : YellowBeard Subj : Marching RECEIVED What's the purpose of the march?If I agree with it,I'll march up and down the square.If it's just something to pass the time,I'll go for it anyway. sl8s Message # 196. Reply to #195 Date: 04/19/89. Time: 17:03:15. Read 13 Times. From : YellowBeard To : squirrel-one Subj : Marching RECEIVED didn't you ever see the Monty Python flick 'The Meaning of Life'? if not, this joke is meaningless. I liked the end... A man was sentenced to death... He was to be chased off a cliff by a band of bare-breasted women! what a way to go! Message # 197. Reply to #196 Date: 04/19/89. Time: 22:38:25. Read 13 Times. From : squirrel-one To : YellowBeard Subj : Marching RECEIVED I've seen it,but not in ages.I was gonna rent it last time I went to the video store. Message # 198. Date: 04/20/89. Time: 22:42:47. Read 20 Times. From : Dark Wizard To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : The Traveller RECEIVED James, Have you talked to ol Mike Udin lately??? Just wondering... haven't seen him awhile, I'm sure his hair is probablt down to his knee's by now!! Still playing multible instruments??? Message # 199. Date: 05/04/89. Time: 03:18:20. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : WOW I JUST CALLED AT EXACTLY PI O'CLOCK! HOW NEAT! I CALLED AT 3:14 AND 15 SECONDS! AND I HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT IT WAS EVEN MORE ACCURATE THAN THAT. C- - - Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 200. Reply to #199 Date: 05/04/89. Time: 12:52:29. Read 28 Times. From : YellowBeard To : HACK MAN Subj : WOW RECEIVED WOW! AWSOME! #200. Message # 201. Reply to #198 Date: 05/05/89. Time: 09:27:40. Read 20 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Dark Wizard Subj : The Traveller No, yes. Message # 202. Reply to #194 Date: 05/05/89. Time: 09:28:25. Read 22 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : YellowBeard Subj : Marching RECEIVED Actually, it all depends upon how the square feels about it. Afterall, it IS the one which is to be marched up and down upon, and it may object to such treatment, in which case we would be liable for square abuse, which has a mighty stiff (stiff?) penalty, consisting of being smothered to death amongst the bosoms of multitudes of bare breasted women! The Music Man -=obfuscate=- Message # 203. Reply to #202 Date: 05/08/89. Time: 20:37:14. Read 20 Times. From : YellowBeard To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Marching RECEIVED In that case, the penalty is not so stiff-- it's soft! I am ready to face it! excuse me! Can I have your liver? YellowBeard Message # 204. Reply to #203 Date: 05/13/89. Time: 14:14:53. Read 19 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : YellowBeard Subj : Marching RECEIVED No, my dog ate my liver. Message # 205. Reply to #204 Date: 05/16/89. Time: 22:13:00. Read 20 Times. From : YellowBeard To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Marching RECEIVED then can I have your dog's liver? Message # 206. Date: 06/03/89. Time: 23:15:41. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Anybody here. Subj : Well, I gnow that nobody reads the posts here, but... Did everybody hear? Did anybody hear? Some dude from India memorized pi to 35,000 digits! There go my chances for world fame! I guess only memorizing 167 digits in pi is no big thing any- more... Boy, am I going to get jostled about this from my friends. Of course I'll bet nobody heard about it... It got so LITTLE coverage. That's probably because it happened in Witchita, Kansas, huh? Well, here's a copy of the ar- ticle in the newspaper, for those who didn't get around to reading it: _______________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT remembers 35,000 digits of pi WICHITA, Kan. - A student who has memorized 35,000 digits of pi is the subject of a $157,000 federal study. Srinivasan Mahadevan, a graduate student from India at Kansas State University in Manhattan, is trying to remember the first 100,000 digits to pi. Only three cases of such ability to remember have been documented in 200 years. One of those people became insane when he became unable to forget anything. _______________________________________________________________________________ Woah! Is that what my fate is? Am I going to go insane? Am I going to get to the point where I can't forget anything? God! I hope so. !!! GAVISCON !!! 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286- 208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128- 4811174502841027... Message # 207. Reply to #206 Date: 06/04/89. Time: 22:56:42. Read 16 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Well, I gnow that nobody reads the posts here, but... RECEIVED what a shame Gav... just when you thought you had the world by the balls! (do you start counting digits before or after the deciml? I only know it to about 5 places after the decimal... my I.Q. is 3.14!) YellowDumb Message # 208. Date: 06/10/89. Time: 22:47:25. Read 19 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Digits and Decimals Subj : ATDT484-4230 When I say digits, I count the 3. When I say decimal places, I count everything after the period. Personally, I'm always messing it all up somehow. I usually never REALLY gnow how many digits I've got, because I remember more, and I lose track of how many I've done, and when I go to count them up, I might miss something, and then I can't remember if the number I get included the 3 or not, etc.. etc.. But, I gnow that I gnow 167 digits (decimal places?) because I've got a shirt with the number pi written on it that I ordered through a magazine that thinks I am a school. (They send catalogues to the "Aviscenna School of Sci- ence." They also think I am the head of the Science Department.) In an advertisement for the shirt, they mention that it goes out to 167 dig- its or decminal places, and I have just recently memorized it to the last digit on my shirt. I've got to go find another source, now... In my files, somewhere, I've got it out to 204 decimal places. (DECIMAL PLACES... I remember that! Not digits!) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ Message # 209. Reply to #205 Date: 06/26/89. Time: 12:46:38. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : YellowBeard Subj : Marching RECEIVED Only if he doesn't mind! Message # 210. Reply to #206 Date: 06/26/89. Time: 12:48:05. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Well, I gnow that nobody reads the posts here, but... RECEIVED So that's what did it! Now I feel much more at ease with my utter insanity, not that it makes any difference! I have gone beyond pi (I learned it to infinity places), and am now working on e, the inverse of the natural logarithm! 2.71828.... #210. Message # 211. Reply to #208 Date: 06/26/89. Time: 12:54:55. Read 15 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : ATDT484-4230 RECEIVED I have pi to close to 1000 decimal places in a boring math book of my fathers. It is in the back, but it is rare for me to beable to see it since I always fall asleep flipping through the pages looking for it (equations have a sedative effect upon my psyche!), and pass out on top of the book. I will make an attempt to post it, though. If I can... Message # 212. Reply to #206 Date: 06/30/89. Time: 17:05:05. Read 16 Times. From : Seldon To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Well, I gnow that nobody reads the posts here, but... RECEIVED Wait a sec....I think you made an of those 8's should have been a seven... Seldon Message # 213. Date: 07/09/89. Time: 14:09:50. Read 16 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Seldon Subj : Where? RECEIVED I reread it, and it looks fine to me. Which number is wrong? Or were you making a joke? When you gnow as many digits of pi as I do, it's hard to understand jokes like that... TMM: Post it if you can... I can't memorize any furthur than my pi shirt, now. If you get really bored posting it, then you only have to do about 250 or so... I'd like to have all 1000, but I once had to type the 1,200-letter chemical name that is considered the longest "word" in the world and at the last letter, I felt like swaring off methly's forever... e=2.7182818284.... (That's all I gnow. I ought to try for more.) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Speed of light=186,282.3976 miles per second. Max. depth of Mariana trench=35,840 feet. Highest Mtn, K2=29,064 feet. (I'm starting to learn number facts.) For your information: exa- 10^18 atto- 10^-18 peta- 10^15 femto- 10^-15 tera- 10^12 pico- 10^-12 giga- 10^9 nano- 10^-9 mega- 10^6 micro- 10^-6 kilo- 10^3 milli- 10^-3 hecto- 10^2 centi- 10^-2 deka- 10^1 deci- 10^-1 meter/liter/gram/whatever Message # 214. Date: 07/13/89. Time: 13:31:23. Read 18 Times. From : Dr. I Dont Know To : all Subj : welp I prefer the much more difficult things in life to memorize...hmmm..abcdefghi....thats it for now.... -Dr. I Dont Know +1235! Message # 215. Date: 07/14/89. Time: 01:58:14. Read 20 Times. From : Warrior/Avathon To : all Subj : abcdefghi..uh..uh.. I hate that. every time I get abcdefghi memorized, and I start on j-r, I forget A-I and have to go back again. Warr/Avat Message # 216. Reply to #213 Date: 07/15/89. Time: 03:51:05. Read 16 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Where? RECEIVED HOW MANY PECKS ARE THERE IN A BUSHEL? HOW MANY TALK SHOW HOSTS CAN YOU FIT IN AN ELEVATOR? HOW MANY WHITE DASHES ARE THERE IN THE ROAD FROM HERE TO BARSTOW? WE NEED MORE NUMBER FACTS. C- - - Message # 217. Date: 07/16/89. Time: 17:00:20. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Hackbot Subj : Pecks in a Bushel 4 pecks = 1 bushel (bu) = 2,150.42 cubic inches = 32 quarts (The other questions may take a little more time) How about this one? What weighs more: (A) A thousand pounds of feathers (B) A thousand pounds of lead (C) Rossanne Barr (I wish I could remember the Query code procedure) Formulate and answer, then press any key. The answer is (A)... Metals are weighed in Troy Pounds, not Avoirdupois pounds. A Troy pound is about .823 avoirdupois pounds. (However, don't use this quiz on your friends by asking with ounces, because a troy ounce (12 troy oz=1 troy lb) is heavier (1 oz t = 1.097 oz avdp) than a normal ounce.) Fun to use on friends! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -) FTAS (- -> FTAS <- -) FTAS (- -| FTAS |- -( FTAS )- -< FTAS >- -( FTAS )- -| FTAS |- Message # 218. Date: 07/19/89. Time: 23:12:42. Read 25 Times. From : Randy Morceau To : all Subj : pi(e) To facilitate circumfrential calculations you need to make pi equal to 3. this is accomplished by increasing the value of 1 to pi/3. There are many practical advantages.... by increasing the diameter in relation to the circumference you tend to pop up the middle. This is convenient in making pies in that the crust will tend to stay in place while you mash down the edge with a fork. circular pats of butter on stacks of pancakes would melt more uniformly over the stack. wheels would require shorter axles. high school students would graduate sooner. Those interested in a constitutional amendment making pi equal to 3 may contact me directly. Message # 219. Date: 07/22/89. Time: 17:09:45. Read 15 Times. From : skyhawk To : anyone Subj : PIE Do PI'S decimal points go on to infinity, or where do they stop? Message # 220. Date: 07/22/89. Time: 21:13:23. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : skyhawk Subj : Infinity, Lady Labotomy, and Apple Pi RECEIVED Yes... They go on forever, with no repeat and no pattern. So far, computers have calculated about 400 million digits of pi. The record for human memor- ization of pi goes to a Japanese who memorized about 40,000 digits. However an Indian hopeful plans to surpass that record. (And he'll do it quite eas- ily, too) I have an article about him that was published in the L.A. Times. It says he's memorized 31,811 digits so far (probably more by now) and he's having a bit of trouble with digit #31,812 for some strange reason. The guy can also look at a grid of 30 numbers, then repeat any row, column, or dia- gonal, backwards and forwards. I believe that when given the "random number test" he repeated about 50 digits back. (The test is widely used to test an individuals memory, and is nothing more than a person listening to randomly generated numbers, then attempting to state them back later. I think the human average is about 7 or 8.) Anyway, the number itself is interestingly dull, and I would NEVER want it to be set officially to simply 3. I've spent too much time memorizing it... And confusion and complication is fun, anyway. Ask any Obfuscate. !!! GAVISCON !!! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288- -=@ Margin Master @=- 41971693993751058209749445923078164- -=OBFUSCATE=- 06286208998628034825342117067982148- ___/ ___/ 08651328230664709384431755058226092- /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | 53594081284811174502841027... | | | | #220. Message # 222. Date: 07/24/89. Time: 00:15:47. Read 15 Times. From : Warrior/Avathon To : all paranoids Subj : paranoia Racer X: those four questions sound like a condensed version of the Army Intelligence anti-espionage training films. s one of your buuddies selling stuff to the reds? Did he used to have alotta bills, bt now seems to be rollin in dough? Does he go out with "freinds" a lot, but never wants you to meet them? If so contact Countrer-Intel at 23-4557, any time. Actually, paranoia is one of the most usefull mental conditions. It's a lot less harmful than, say, homicidal psychosis. At least it is based on self preservation. Warr/Avat p.s. did you know that paranoids love the army? All their life they sspect someone is watching, waiting to strike. In the army, they have entire units devoted to watching OUR GUYS, to make sure they don't do anything "wrong". W/A Message # 224. Reply to #223 Date: 07/26/89. Time: 10:20:40. Read 15 Times. From : SKURKEY To : HACK MAN Subj : Paranoia RECEIVED MY LINE TAPPED.... UHH OHHH!!!! Message # 225. Date: 07/26/89. Time: 11:04:08. Read 20 Times. From : Warrior/Avathon To : all Subj : paranoia Of course my line is tapped! I did it myself to catch all those little noises made by people listening in on my line! Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not after me. Warr/Avat I'm in boise wait! I'm in Tulsa actually I'm in Buffalo New York. Do you really think I'm going to tell you where I am? Get off my back! Shoo! Scram! W/A Message # 228. Reply to #220 Date: 07/30/89. Time: 19:15:47. Read 16 Times. From : skyhawk To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Infinity, Lady Labotomy, and Apple Pi RECEIVED Hmmmmm. Then let's see. Since Pi goes on for infinity, it must also equal infinity. Therefore any thing divided by zero is equal to pi because anything divided by zero is equal to infinity. But is Zero divided by zero infinity, or is it one because a number divided by itself is always equal to one, or is it zero. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? p.s. Don't you just love nonsequiturs? Message # 229. Date: 07/30/89. Time: 22:25:04. Read 21 Times. From : Warrior/Avathon To : all Subj : pi anyone here know a good formula to find pi? I've got a friend who is obsessed with it. He has an Atari 400 + printer he bought juust so he could have it sit and print pi out to who knows what length. He has only one problem: he can't figure out how to calculate pi. he tried 22/7, but that is wildly inacrate. It goes wrong three decimals in. Any suggestions out there? Warr/Avat Message # 230. Date: 07/31/89. Time: 01:32:21. Read 15 Times. From : Lynx To : someone Subj : How many.... Three... It takes three licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. Lynx -think... really think... #230. Message # 231. Reply to #230 Date: 08/01/89. Time: 01:50:45. Read 16 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Lynx Subj : How many.... RECEIVED I actually did lick all the way to the center of a Tootsie Pop once, just to count how many licks it would take. I counted 714 licks. I was confident I had solvedd the mystery. A couple of months later I read that someone had done it in 548. Now I had to face the possibility that there was no one true number. Soon I realized that, armed with all this data, I could figure an average number. So, the true average number of licks is 631. (I gnow, Lynx, you think I should also include the number 3 in my calculations. But I have reason to believe that the data is inacurate because of poor controls on the experiment. "Let's see...One...Two...Thuree...CRUNC "Hoo's" going to believe an owl anyway?) Message # 232. Date: 08/01/89. Time: 22:24:35. Read 16 Times. From : Lynx To : The one who licks Subj : Indubidably! Well... technically... it could be done with just one very long and involved lick! You could also justify 2 licks... 3 licks... 4 licks... and so forth... All the way up to infinity (by doing very very small licks). You could even do pi licks! (I had to keep the topic somehow.) Anyway, this would make the average infinity/2 (half infinity) which is infinity. Taking this into account it would be practically impossible to get to the tootsie roll in the middle. One would have much trouble doing infinity licks! Lynx -hee hee hee I'm beginning to sound like a damn scientist... Message # 233. Date: 08/02/89. Time: 13:02:43. Read 15 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Warrior/Avathon Subj : Calculating pi RECEIVED Well, you've come to the right person. (Imagine asking The Pi Guy a question about pi, and actually expecting him not to gnow!) There are many, many ways to calculate pi... If you gnow Calculus: _ 1 / _______ 4 | / 2 _/ \/ 1 - X dx 0 (It's hard to get a computer to do that, though) Most of the ways to calculate pi involve an infinite series... Here are a few: 2 x 2 x 4 x 4 x 6 x 6... pi = 2 -------------------------- 1 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7... 2 4 1 2 (For this one, you'll have to take -- = 1 + --- 3 2 4 and divide by the series...) pi 2 + --- 5 2 2 + --- 7 2 + --- (I believe the "2" is what is being 2 + ... added to, each time.) ...and there are more, each with its own history behind how it was first conceived, and by whom. However, once Newton came along and invented Calculus and the arc functions were developed, that became the best way. All the super computers that have been programmed to calculate millions of digits use some sort of arctan to calculate. (Ususally two, one as a "check" for the other..) The computers calculate pi's decimals in bianary, and then the conversion to decimal usually take the computer just as long as it did to calculate it, in the first place. Here are two of the arctan equations used: Machin's formula: pi = 16 arctan(1/5) - 4 arctan(1/239) (Used in 1954 on Naval Ordnance Research Calculator. (NORC) Did 3,089 digits in 13 minutes...) Stormer's formula: pi = 24 arctan(1/8) + 8 arctan(1/57) + 4 arctan(1/239) (Used on an IBM 7090 to calculate 100,265 decimal places in a total amount of time of 8 hours and 43 minutes. (3 different sessions, & 42 minutes to convert from bianary to decimal... 1961) I believe the Stormer's formula, which is faster, has been used since then. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 234. Date: 08/02/89. Time: 20:06:59. Read 14 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : Tootsie pops It takes pi licks to get to the center! Silly humans! Message # 235. Date: 08/02/89. Time: 20:09:05. Read 15 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : WHomever Subj : Numbers It must be pointed out that infinity is officially considered an imaginary number. That means that mathematicians, from the very start, have set out to fail if in fact infinity does exist (which we all believe it does!). I have come to the conclusion that infinity is in fact a reality, and it is finite numbers that are imaginary, therfore, math is an illusion! -TMM And I wonder why my mathematics scores went form an A to a B! Message # 236. Date: 08/03/89. Time: 01:38:14. Read 15 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Anyone interested in pi. Subj : FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Ever feel like saying "To hell with decimal places! Give me a good ratio I can use!" Well, it's probably because decimal places weren't even used practically until the 1600's. The idea of the ratio (or fraction) was invented LONG before the decimal. So, all the very first estimations of pi had to be made in ratio form. Since then, some people even believe that 22/7 is the actual value for pi. Such fools should be drawn and quartered, then covered with honey. However sometimes it's easier to use a fraction, rather than a decimal estimate. So, I have provided you all with this list of fractions, each more accurate than the one before it... The list, itself, was prepared from an infinite series of in- creasingly accurate fractions, developed by Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777 A.D.) who was one of the first to prove the irrationality of pi: 3:1 22:7 333:106 355:113 103993:33102 104348:33215 208341:66317 312689:99532 833719:265381 1146408:364913 4272943:1360120 5419351:1725033 80143857:25510582 165707065:52746197 245850922:78256779 411557987:131002976 1068966896:340262731 2549491779:811528438 6167950454:1963319607 14885392687:4738167652 21053343141:6701487259 1783366216531:567663097408 3587785776203:1142027682075 5371151992734:1709690779483 8958937768937:2851718461558 336851849443403:107223273857129 1019514486099146:324521540032945 (etc) 1019514486099146 Now don't ask me the obvious question: Why would you ever use ---------------- 324521530032945 as an estimate, anyway? I have no idea. I also don't ever expect to use all the decimal places I've memorized, either, but it's still fun to have all this useless information. I'm sure The Music Man will appreciate this chart. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | Message # 238. Reply to #236 Date: 08/03/89. Time: 13:47:06. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : FOR YOUR INFORMATION! RECEIVED Appreciate it? Heck, I'm gonna start using it! (I'll let you gnow when I figure out what for!) And since I have successfully created a perfect right margin with the first couple lines of the messages I'm leaving, I'm going to have to keep leaving it because I gnow how much you love the straightness of any right margin staring you in the eyes. Maybe those ratios can be applied to the proper creation of margins, which are words that have no decimal points either, but instead can be expressed as a ratio of verbosity to the nothingness of of space, which lies just to the right of the margin, and in the same way, never gives you any hint as to the actual value of pi aside from the fact that it could also possibly go on forever, given the patience of the person leaving the message, but still remains to be as irrelevant to any application to life as it may really be aside from the general content of the message, this one referring to the existence of itself for the sake of itself (which bares some similarity to like messages in the past left by me on the subject of being left for the sake of being left), in that I am only leaving it so to prove to myself, and possibly others that I too can leave a message with a perfect right margin if I feel so compelled to, as I obviously do at this particular time, and am quite surprised at how incredibly easy it is, even when being that there is something worthwhile to say, which the purpose of this message does not bother to have anything to do with because these margins alone have a certain worthwhile flavor to them, and I am quite certain that it may be pretty close to a record set by Gaviscon himself for being what may be the longest run-on sentence that is also right hand justified, and at the same time does not at any time throw in any extra spaces which are used to line up the margin, nor have I used any misspellings, aside from any nonintentional mistakes, in order to make the right margin any more equal than would normally have been had it been posted with no intent whatsoever to create a long, run-on, even margined message that this particular message is shaping up to be, and may already at this point in the message have blown away any previous record set by Gaviscon who is the only person I gnow of who has, in the past, successfully left messages of a similar quality without uneven right margins, although this one does not explain some complicated theory on the subject of quantum physics, but it does mention pi, which I am sure that he would agree that it more than makes up for it, even though this one is far less interesting that his tend to be, if one actually has the patience to read all of it and actually follow what he talks about, whilst not falling asleep or dieing of boredom, as one is quite likely to do while reading the message that I have left for the sake of leaving one to prove to myself, and possibly others, that with little effort, I too can leave a message with a right margin that is perfect, and a long run-on sentence at that! Crud! So much for that long run-on sentence, but the margins are still even! The Music Man What was I talking about, anyway? Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 239. Reply to #233 Date: 08/04/89. Time: 02:27:56. Read 13 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Calculating pi RECEIVED YEAH, BUT HOW DO YOU FIGURE OUT THE ARCTANGENT TO ZILLIONS OF PLACES? C- - - Message # 240. Reply to #236 Date: 08/04/89. Time: 02:31:10. Read 15 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : FOR YOUR INFORMATION! RECEIVED OK, SO WHAT'S THE FRACTION YOU USE TO GET PI TO 1000000 PLACES? I'M SURE THAT WOULD BE MUCH EASIER TO MEMORIZE. C- - - #240. Message # 243. Date: 08/04/89. Time: 15:13:53. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Whomever Subj : Pi Great, TMM! I HATED trying to make my margins with no extra spaces. (Which Pizza Man insisted I do once) Of course, its a bit easier when you're just writing about nothing in particular, because you can always change general flow at any time. (Too bad you flubbed it at the end, though!) It's really not all that hard, it is just incredably time consuming. And, sometimes it helps to have a Thesaurus on hand. And, to Hack Man... It really wouldn't be easier to memorize. After all, a simple fraction like 22/7 only is accurate to 3.14, which is only a mere 2 decimal places, and it took 3 digits to be 3 digits accurate. The fraction 355/113 is accurate to 3.141593, which is 6 digits to memorize, and 7 dig- its accurate, so it seems like it might be worth it, but I'm sure when you get higher up, like 1146408/364913 you'd have to memorize many more digits than the accuracy you would get. I may be wrong, (and I probably am) but I would rather memorize the number, anyway. After all, if I wanted to memor- ize more digits, I'd have to memorize a completely new ratio. And one more thing... If you plan to get an estimate, DO NOT use the first infinite series that I gave. (2 x 2 x 2 x 4 x 4 x 6../1 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5..) As it just so happens, 300 terms are insufficient to give accuracy to even TWO decimal places. In order to obtain up to 100 decimal place accuracy, a series of 10^50 terms would be needed!!! The importance of the series lies in the fact that it was the FIRST infinite series for pi ever devleoped... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- /extra spaces are not needed. Message # 244. Reply to #243 Date: 08/05/89. Time: 12:28:00. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Pi RECEIVED I many decimal places would be needed to construct a circle that, although in theory would not be a perfect circle (in that it would lack the infinity of pi) but would appear to be perfect if the drawing were analized under an electron microscope (given the most powerful computer in order to draw it a accurately as possible).(?) This number, realistically, would be all you would need to memorize, since it would have no other practical use other than its memorization (true, practicality is irrelevant, but theoretically speaking, I'm curious!) . Message # 245. Reply to #244 Date: 08/05/89. Time: 21:08:09. Read 15 Times. From : HACK MAN To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi RECEIVED UNFORTUNATELY YOU DON'T EVEN USE THE VALUE OF PI WHEN YOU CONSTRUCT A CIRCLE. CERTAINLY THE DUDE THAT INVENTED THE WHEEL DIDN'T GNOW PI FROM A HOLE IN THE GROUND. C- - - Message # 246. Date: 08/07/89. Time: 01:37:19. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Hack/TMM Subj : Pi Hack Man: Ah yes, but I bet it would have been easier if he had! Music Man: Well, you've also got to consider that when you figure out that circle, a circle twice as big would need even more accuracy. So, you have also got to define the size of the circle. How about a circle with a radius of 18 billion light years? In 1889, Hermann Schubert, a Hamburg mathmatics professor, made a point in the following consideration: Conceive a sphere contructed with the earth at its center, and imagine its surface to pass through Sirius, which is 8.8 light years distant from the earth [that is, light, traveling at a velocity of 186,000 miles per second, takes 8.8 years to cover this distance]. Then, imagine this enormous sphere to be so packed with microbes that in every cubic milli- meter millions of millions of these diminuitive animalcula are present. Now conceive these mircobes to be unpacked and so distributed singly along a straight line that every two microbes are as far distant from each other as Sirius from us, 8.8 light years. Conceive the long line thus fixed by all the microbes as the diameter of a circle, and imagine its circumference to be calculated by multiplying its diameter by pi to 100 decimal places. Then, in the case of a circle of this enormous magni- tude even, the circumference so calculated would not vary from the real circumference by a millionth part of a millimeter. This example will suffice to show that the calculation of pi to 100 or 500 decimal places is wholly useless. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | -But will that stop us? No way! Message # 247. Reply to #245 Date: 08/08/89. Time: 20:50:46. Read 13 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : HACK MAN Subj : Pi RECEIVED How did you know? WHo is to say that the first human didn't acutally conceive naturally the whole value of pi? WHo is to say that, in time, we lost the ability to think about it somehow? (possibly too much red meat!) Maybe it was once necessary to know pi (as early primates did daily) in order to construct the first circle, but in time, our brains evolved the mechanism to be able to see the circle itself without using pi, and even be able to draw it with the circle device (used along with pi, constructed from the pelvic bone of an extinct dinosaur that has yet to be, and probably never will be discovered by modern man!)! How would you gnow? Don't be silly! Message # 248. Reply to #246 Date: 08/08/89. Time: 20:56:14. Read 13 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Pi RECEIVED I want to thank you, though, for efficiently proving my point, even though, as I had said, was entirely irrelevant, but conceiveable (which, alone, makes its consideration worthwhile! (an obvious contradiction in my reasoning, being that I just declared something both irrelevant and worthwhile at the same time, a paradox, which must mean that it has some real application to life, which it does, not that it mattersm which it doesn't, paradox aside!)) Message # 249. Date: 08/09/89. Time: 02:41:02. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : Paradoxi Even though this is the subboard for paradoxi, I'd like to do away with that word for this week. (It's being overused lately.) Instead, in it's place, I would like you all to use the word "Juxtiposition." (And its differing gram- etical uses) Now, I gnow that the definition of Juxtiposition doesn't quite fit that of the paradox, but for now, assume that they mean precisely the same thing. It's just that I like that word, and I'd like to see it used in- stead of "paradox." Thank you for your cooperation, if that is what you are doing. (Cooperating, that is.) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -A justiposition in itself. Message # 250. Reply to #246 Date: 08/09/89. Time: 04:46:15. Read 17 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Pi RECEIVED HOW LONG WOULD THAT LINE BE? IS THE UNIVERSE THAT LARGE? C- - - #250. Message # 251. Date: 08/09/89. Time: 04:49:03. Read 20 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : PARADOX I PREFER XODARAP. C- - - Message # 252. Date: 08/10/89. Time: 13:35:49. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : XODARAP Subj : Hack Man Good enough... As for the line, I don't think the galaxy really IS that large. It's only 36 billion light years across. (If you can really say it that way... The whole thing might "wrap around" at that point) So, you'd only need about 4 billion microbes at those distances to get all the way across. And, the example said that there were millions of microbes in each square centimeter. I'd assume that in that big sphere, there are more than 4000 square centimeters... So I guess it wouldn't fit in our universe! I'll have to get back to you on the circumference of the universe... (And accuracy needed.) !!! Gav !!! Message # 253. Reply to #249 Date: 08/17/89. Time: 00:36:59. Read 15 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Paradoxi RECEIVED Properly spelled, juxtaposition. Message # 254. Reply to #252 Date: 08/17/89. Time: 00:38:01. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hack Man RECEIVED Well, I gnow for a fact that the universe is not infinite, I've been there. I decided to find the edge of the universe once (or the infinity of it), and headed in a given direction, indefinitely (until I could no longer). I ended up crashing into a cornea. I turned, and headed back the other direction, as far as possible, and encountered a wall of smooth glass, an immense wall, resembling the inside of Magrathea, only more so. Message # 255. Date: 08/18/89. Time: 16:57:46. Read 20 Times. From : GREMLIN To : everybody Subj : PI in your face SPLAT!!!!! :dink: Message # 256. Date: 08/27/89. Time: 16:14:34. Read 19 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : WHomever Subj : pi Gav is gone, but pi lives on. Message # 257. Reply to #256 Date: 08/27/89. Time: 23:29:38. Read 18 Times. From : GREMLIN To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : pi RECEIVED SPLAT!!!! :dink: Message # 258. Date: 09/01/89. Time: 00:04:21. Read 21 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Pi people. Subj : Suggested values for Pi. Apple .89 Blueberry .99 Kumquat 29.95 Peach 1.49 Gooseberry 1.09 Huckleberry .69 Finn ? Rhubarb .89 Coconut Cream 3.14 Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 261. Reply to #258 Date: 09/21/89. Time: 20:49:36. Read 24 Times. From : Gizmo To : Unka Buck Subj : Suggested values for Pi. RECEIVED looks like cocunut cream is the closest Message # 262. Date: 10/05/89. Time: 02:07:12. Read 28 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Subj : Could Goliath have played for The Lakers? RECEIVED Biblical Weights and Measures- Weight: Shekel; abt. 1/5 oz. Pound; 50 shekels Talent; 3,000 shekels Length: Cubit; elbow to finger tip (abt. 20 in.) Sabbath Day's Journey; 2,000 cubits (That's all they were allowed to travel on the sabbath.) Volume: Bath; abt. 8 1/4 gal. Cab; a little less than 2 qt. Cor; 10 baths or ephahs (below) Ephah; same as a bath, but the bath is liquids, the ephah is for dry measure. Firkin; abt. 9 gal. Hin; 1/6 of a bath. Homer; 1 cor or 10 ephahs. Log; nearly a pint. Measure; 1/3 an ephah Omer; 1/10 an ephah. Incidentally; Goliath measured 6 cubits and a span (the width of a spread hand) making him over 10 feet tall. Imagine slam-dunking with both feet flat on the floor. Message # 263. Reply to #262 Date: 10/05/89. Time: 20:05:40. Read 20 Times. From : Adonijah To : Unka Buck Subj : Could Goliath have played for The Lakers? RECEIVED And David killed him. Maybe he'd be a good hockey player. Maybe Moses would play water polo, since he'd have a lot of experience with traversing through water. But did you know that he was the first tenis player? He played in Pharaohs court. hahaha. Sampson would be a good football player. Message # 265. Date: 10/12/89. Time: 17:58:18. Read 20 Times. From : obscene jester To : pi guy Subj : hey Hey, does anybody know pi to the nearest goolith? +-+-+TOJ+-+-+ Message # 266. Date: 10/13/89. Time: 22:01:04. Read 20 Times. From : Gizmo To : pi people Subj : pi to 11000 I have a program that prints pi to 11000 places to the screen or printer... tell me how to captre it into a text file and i shall upload pi to 11000 here (i have an apple //e) Message # 267. Reply to #266 Date: 10/14/89. Time: 18:16:30. Read 21 Times. From : obscene jester To : Gizmo Subj : pi to 11000 RECEIVED Wow, that sounds cool, but like I heard of a guy who memorized pi to the 10000 place, pretty cool huh...seems like a waste of a life though... +-+-+TOJ+-+-+ Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 268. Reply to #265 Date: 10/18/89. Time: 23:10:21. Read 21 Times. From : GREMLIN To : obscene jester Subj : hey RECEIVED No. :dink: Message # 269. Reply to #266 Date: 10/18/89. Time: 23:11:09. Read 20 Times. From : GREMLIN To : Gizmo Subj : pi to 11000 RECEIVED Uh? Type it in. :dink: Message # 270. Reply to #269 Date: 10/19/89. Time: 21:11:25. Read 25 Times. From : obscene jester To : GREMLIN Subj : pi to 11000 RECEIVED Hmm, let me have a go... 3.14652745787646175482675725492640264954926492513163759673427596734283957284756 12434654275651219185094767611607676111116 1467676146590959121216565012167606718710871212178017012840704786504616406096016 1247647608464014760111146478646474606508512608620765121765026408640651264012126 1456297602762765876592650264572407652765012605626726407627862765026507124976126 1214587562650267527652657265626501214787658766875456287865126191265909865912126 1257578690961216561219565265956578768211768756185621916587165860856165856587626 I did it to the 13461 place, is that good? +-+-+TOJ+-+-+ "Surely You Jest!" #270. Message # 271. Date: 10/20/89. Time: 00:29:13. Read 24 Times. From : Unka Buck To : The Obsolete Jester Subj : 13461? 13,461 characters? 13 lines x 40 or so columns = 13,461 (?) Surely Yuzo Jest Besides, I noticed some of the digits were incorrect. Message # 272. Date: 12/24/88. Time: 00:06:50. Read 64 Times. From : SYSOP To : ALL Subj : PI TO INFINITY PLACES 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620 8998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117 4502701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165 27091456 0 Message # 273. Reply to #272 Date: 10/23/89. Time: 20:11:28. Read 26 Times. From : obscene jester To : SYSOP Subj : PI TO INFINITY PLACES RECEIVED Hey, messed up on the 20974 place, the 6 was supposed to be a 7, but I'll let you slide on that...hehe +-+-+TOJ+-+-+ "Surely You Jest!" Message # 274. Date: 11/12/89. Time: 23:01:50. Read 23 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Hackbot Subj : Pi Only the first 147 decimal places were correct, the rest were random! Terrible thing! The Pi Dude Message # 275. Date: 11/12/89. Time: 23:02:42. Read 31 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : Pi Two brothers at Columbia have blown away the limits to which pi, the ratio of a circles circumpherence to its diameter (for those of you who forgot), can be calculated. The challenge of calculating this infinite, supposedly random sequence, has obsessed the minds of mathematicians through the ages (and in my opinion, they deserve it!). The ancient babylonians and Egyptians first approximated it at 3.14 (circles weren't very round back then, it took a long time for the circle to evolve!). Now Gregory and David Chudnovsky have extended the number to over a billion decimal places (this is the truth!), more than quadrupling the mark of 201 million set in 1988. THey have accomplished the feat with an innovative algorithm that enables them to add digits to pi without having to restart their calculation from the beginning. In essence, "we're extending the tail of pi without having to regrow the head each time," says Greg Chudnovsky (nice name, huh?). "We can do this because the algorithm expresses pi as the sum of an infinite series of numbers." This also allows mathematicians to double check and given portion of their calculation without having to start from scratch. The formula is simple enough that most anyone can calculate a few hundred digits of pi using no more than a hand-held calculator. The brothers have already started a sort of pi chain letter among mathematicians and computer hackers around the world, with the goal of together creating a multi-billion- digit pi. They have also detected patterns in the distribution of digits in their record- breking pi, challenging the belief that the number's digits are truly random. It is estimated that, if printed out, their billion digit number would reach from Boston to New Orleans, and it would fill a stack of computer sheets 60 feet high! The Pi Dude (by permission of "The Pi Guy", in his absence) 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097 4944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282 3066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385 2110555964462294895493038196442881 (The REAL Pi, as much as it is) (I only have the first line memorized! Gaviscon has had it ALL in the past!) Message # 276. Reply to #274 Date: 11/13/89. Time: 19:07:49. Read 24 Times. From : Unka Buck To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi RECEIVED "Fraud!" cried the maddened thousands, And echo answered, "Fraud!" Could it be? Is HACK MAN pulling our collective legs?I would hate to think that my multipaged Pi print-out is a hoax. "Say it ain't so?" Message # 277. Reply to #276 Date: 11/13/89. Time: 23:12:31. Read 22 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Unka Buck Subj : Pi RECEIVED Sorry, it's so. Message # 278. Date: 11/26/89. Time: 01:47:18. Read 26 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : ALL Subj : Pi Pi in your face! Message # 279. Date: 12/06/89. Time: 13:33:30. Read 22 Times. From : Giz To : ALL Subj : post! post! post! come on peoples, lets have some activity in the Pi sub. we could all talk about: /\ \/ __ || || || || \\ \\_____ \_____| or some other wierd mathematical phenomenon. I have one for ya: what would our universe be like if the speed of light weren't 186,282 miles per second,but more like 50 miles per hour. We wouldn't be able to go that fast. to hear thunder from 1 mile away would take at least about a minute ( air can't go faster than light either ) we'd be able to look at the moon (like we look at a quasar), and we'd be looking about 50,000 hours into the past!!! (thats about 6 years!) the sun would be about 2,000,000 hours in the past (24 years!) but what would our common everyday life be like (it would take 30 minutes for one character sent from a ventura modem to get here!) Message # 280. Reply to #279 Date: 12/06/89. Time: 13:46:47. Read 21 Times. From : Giz To : Giz Subj : post! post! post! RECEIVED also... our 60 megahertz computers would run at about 5 hertz (oh my god!!!) because of electrical jam up (the same reason you can't run a 60mz chip at 1 gigahert. oh yeah! our brains would run slower too, so matbe we'd never even notice the differnece. #280. Message # 281. Date: 12/09/89. Time: 16:26:25. Read 22 Times. From : Adonijah To : Tmm Subj : Well... RECEIVED Well, your were right. Infinity does not come in different sizes. I hate that. Anyway, I was talking to my statistics teacher about it. Then we flipped through a book on nondenumerable numbers, and a guy named Cantor who did a lot of work on it in the 1880's. He proved that say, the sets of real numbers and the set of integers were the same size. And that there were as many even positive integers as positive integers. (I almost choked on that one!) He also found a way of organizing all the positive rational numbers. That blew me away too, because I thought that there would always be numbers between two of them. But he put them in order. He also proved that the numbers greater thanzero and less than one were denumerable. Pretty wierd stuff. Message # 282. Reply to #280 Date: 12/14/89. Time: 05:11:15. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Giz Subj : post! post! post! RECEIVED ACTUALLY BRAIN WAVES GO ABOUT 50MPH. SO, WE WOULD BE THINKING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! C- - - Message # 283. Reply to #281 Date: 12/14/89. Time: 05:12:37. Read 24 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Adonijah Subj : Well... RECEIVED AND ALL OF IT IS OUTDATED BULL. YOU CAN'T DO UPPER LEVEL SET THEORY WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGING THE FACT. C- - - Message # 284. Date: 12/22/89. Time: 14:37:22. Read 19 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Guess who? Subj : NO... Go on. Guess. Hello, all. Well, I did get one thing out of Berkeley... The first week I was there, I went to the Astronomy/Mathematics/Statistics library, (Berkeley does not have one huge multi-storied library like CalTech, UCSB, Stanford, or what- ever other school has huge, multi-storied libraries. Instead, Berkeley has 87 smaller libraries, raning from the 3-story, one-basement Moffit Undergraduate library, to the Doe "stacks", to specifics like the "Asian-American studies" library and the "Optometry" library. (Actually, I haven't the faintest idea if there is an "Optometry" library, but the others exist)) and I found the book of tables that had pi calculated to 100,000 decimal places and photocopied it. SO I now have pi printed out to 100,000 decimal places. Now, I just need to go an enter it into the computer. Does anyone gnow where I can get a good Data entry employee, cheap? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 285. Reply to #282 Date: 12/28/89. Time: 12:12:48. Read 21 Times. From : Giz To : HACK MAN Subj : post! post! post! RECEIVED yes, but they would be slowed down... i think? Message # 286. Reply to #283 Date: 12/29/89. Time: 15:32:05. Read 20 Times. From : Adonijah To : HACK MAN Subj : Well... RECEIVED Which is? Message # 287. Date: 01/01/90. Time: 03:48:10. Read 24 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Subj : Tilting at windmills. RECEIVED I gnow it is a useless point to try and make, but... This is not the end of the decade. (Nor the start of one.) 1990 is the last year of the decade. There was no A.D. 0, we went straight from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D. So 10 A.D. was the first last year of the decade for A.D. (or C.E. if you prefer that designation.) Decades end with the "0" year not the "9" year. The same principle applies to centuries. 2000 will be the last year of the 20th century. 2001 will be the first year of the 21st century. But we still say 1989 is the last year of the decade, and 1999 will be the last year of the century. I gnow, "so, what?" Message # 288. Date: 01/04/90. Time: 02:16:56. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Unka Buck Subj : So what? RECEIVED What do you mean so what? That was well put, and I've been complaining that very fact to my friends for quite some time. Every little annoying fact on this Earth is important, and you should never degrade the important of such trivia by saying "So what?" or "It really doesn't matter" or the like. Tidbits of information like that were made for one purpose only... To annoy. Who are we to deny them their destinies? While people everywhere are cele- brating the dawn of a "new decade," point out that it's still the previous one. You're liable to get a lot of people mad at you, but that's the price you have to pay. You see, most common people don't realize that YOU are not the one being annoying. You are just a catalyst, per say, for the annoying FACT. IT is what is annoying--you're just offering it freedom of expression. Work on it... The next time someone exaggerates, catch them with an exact figure. If someone says "It's hotter than the sun today", explain in great detail that the surface of the sun is, in fact, approximately 7000 degrees Farenheit and that temperatures within the core reach many millions of de- grees, and that a 93 degree high with 90% humidity does NOT qualify. , The next time someone uses a cliche or expression, analyze it in full detail. For example, "blind as a bat." Bats, indeed, use a sophisticated form of aud- itory radar, operating at approximately 80,000 Hz, to see and thereby have a night vision unequaled in the entire animal kingdom. Plus, most bats DO have normal eyesight, like that of any mammel, that is complimented by the extro- dinary radar capabilities. It's little bits of contradictory information like this that keep wars going! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | Message # 289. Date: 01/06/90. Time: 11:45:30. Read 19 Times. From : Giz To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : yo gav! this ones for you RECEIVED 10 P=4 20 C=3:S=-4 30 P=P+S/C 40 PRINT P 50 S=-S:C=C+2 60 GOTO 30 hope you like it! (it completely describes you) Giz mogwai Message # 290. Date: 01/06/90. Time: 22:22:19. Read 26 Times. From : Lynx To : Gav Subj : PI RECEIVED Did you gnow they now have PI out to over a billion digits? (1,011,196,691 digits, to be exact.) It's going to be published on Microfiche (500,000 digits per film (2000 pieces of film (100 pounds!))). And... I even have the formula they used! It's really quite elegant! At least I think it is! Unlike other formulas where you always start over each time you want to break the "most digits" record... this one doesn't require you to drudge through the already gnown (and boring (only by comparison to the ungnown)). You can take the 1,011,196,691 digits and just continue adding more! Neat huh?! Here it is... (infinity) (I think this is supposed to be implied) / (multiplication... the source does not ) /\/\ /(have anything here. I'm a bit rusty...) \/\/ / ------| / n 3/2 \ (6n)! (-1) (640,320) 1 \ [c(1) + n] * -------- ------------ = -------------------- * --- / 3 3n ____ / (3n)!n! (640,320) 163*8*27*7*11*19*127 // / ------| / / n=0 13,591,409 c(1) = ------------------- 163*2*9*7*11*19*127 Lynx Comments : 3.14=1 #290. Message # 291. Reply to #290 Date: 01/06/90. Time: 22:53:43. Read 26 Times. From : Giz To : Lynx Subj : PI RECEIVED I saw that in discover too! Now prove you gnow what it means by writing a program that uses that formula. Then I'll truly gnow that you gnow what it means. I stuck with PI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- = --- - --- + --- - --- + --- - --- + --- - --- + and on and on 4 1 3 5 9 11 13 15 17 its inefficient, but it works! gnow any other formulas Gav? Message # 292. Date: 01/07/90. Time: 01:44:09. Read 28 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Giz/Lynx Subj : Formulas Ah yes, I have plenty of formulas to calculate pi. Unfortunately, I left all of my files and things at Berkeley, so I'm at a loss when it comes to getting all that neat information that I usually have at my fingertips. Giz: Your formula is the simplest, but VERY slow. I think, in order to get to two decimal place accuracy, you have to add together 500 terms! And 100 digits would require 10^30 terms. The formula that they used to use to get computers to calculate pi was based on arctangents, and it went something to the order of: arctan (1/7) + arctan (1/57) + arctan (1/297) which was equal to some multiple of pi. (pi/4 or pi/2 or maybe just pi) We've learned in Calculus about calculating infinite series dealing with values of arc functions, which is how Giz's formula was derived. (Now is the point when you'll stop understanding what I'm saying) The Taylor Expansion series for any function is given by: (n) f'(0) f''(0) 2 f'''(0) 3 f (0) n f(x) = f(0) + ------- x + -------- x + ------- x + ------ x ... 1! 2! 3! n! Got it? Didn't think you would, but I think I'll go through the trouble to keep on explaining, because this board doesn't get enough activity as it is, and I get a kick out of listening to myself think. ________________________ (nth derivitive) / (Infinity)----> OO / ____ (n) \ f (0) n or: f(x) = > -------- x /___ n! n=0 Therefore, any value of any function can be approximated by plugging in values to this equation. So, you can figure out the value of sin(1) by the Taylor Ex- pasion: sin(0) 0 cos(0) 1 -sin(0) 2 sin(x) = ------ x + ------ x + ------- x + ... 0! 1! 2! ...and, after simplifying and substituting: sin(1) = 1 - 1/6 + 1/120 - 1/5040 + 1/362880 - 1/(11!) + 1/(13!) ... ...which, you can see, converges very quickly. (I hope you're all taking notes. There will be a quiz on this later.) So, finally, since pi/4 is gnown to be arcsin(1/sqrt(2)), a Taylor series expansion of arcsin(x) with 1/sqrt(2) substituted for x becomes Giz's for- mula. A simpler way is with arctan(x), sustituting x=1, thereby arctan(1), which is easier. We had to do this for a Math problem... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Any questions? Any Answers? Anyone care for a mint? Message # 293 -- Private. Message # 294. Date: 01/07/90. Time: 10:32:42. Read 25 Times. From : Giz To : anyone Subj : powers of two I recently wrote a program that could calculate any power of two (2^x) (up to 20000 digits --- the 66,664th exponent of 2). its in BASIC, any one want a copy. it shouldn't be too system specific... nothing in its tied to the machine (such as graphics). uses its own number system,and could probably do lots more digits on a bigger puter (apple //e in 64k mode was what i used!) Giz Message # 295. Date: 01/08/90. Time: 23:18:46. Read 31 Times. From : Lynx To : ALl Subj : A computer program to use that formula... As soon as I get Turbo Pascal 5.5 (which I need to write the UD section of the up and comming IBM version of this BBS) I'll probably write a program to do it. In fact, I'd also like to write a program that creates the nifty graphic that was in that article. Another really elegant thing about that formula is that it's all integers. the dudes claim you could add digits to pi by just using a pocket calculator. Anyway... Lynx Apparently you don't need to keep the attained value of pi in a standard real variable... you can just feed the digits into the formula somehow... anyway again... Message # 296. Date: 01/09/90. Time: 18:06:50. Read 30 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx Subj : Well, it makes sense. RECEIVED We learned in Calculus that infinite series, which are used to create approximations of pi, have a certain, calculable error, which is easy to visualize. For instance, take this infinite series: 3 + .1 + .04 + .001 + .0005 + .00009 + .000002 + .0000006 + .000000005 + ... (There is no formula that does this, but it's easier to talk about) Now, the error after the third item in the series has been calculated is 10^-2, and the actual number 3.14 is not needed to calculate .00159265... Now a more complicated series, maybe: 3 + .111111111111... + .044444444... - .0088888888... + ... ... might not work because there are always trailing infinite digits. But, nevertheless, after the third item, the error is 10^-2, and the 3.14 part will never be changed again, so it is not needed. (This is probably a bad example... I see problems cropping up everywhere.) I don't really gnow what's going on, but maybe they found a way to calculate it without repeating decimals, so each digit can be calculated without being an affect of all the trailing digits. If this is so, perhaps it is possible to calculate a specific digit, say the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000th, without calculating 999,999,999,999,999,999 before it. That would be neat, but I do not think that is how it is done... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 297. Date: 01/10/90. Time: 15:27:08. Read 33 Times. From : Giz To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : hmm RECEIVED what it is is that they found a way to keep the fractional numbers down, so that it would be practical to have pi calculated as two integers ( one over the other ). consider: By using the same procedure we all learned in 3rd grade (the Lowest Common Demoninator) even the one formula for pi we have defined can avoid the trail digit stuff. consider that 4-4/3 = 8/3 , 4-4/3+4/5 =44/15, ect, ect... All those two dudes did, in actuality, was design a formula where the deno- minator didn't grow horendously fast, so it was possible to leave pi in its fraction form (stored on magnetic tape) and then print out the value it had later ( the decimals ) ya gnow? Gizmo Message # 298. Reply to #297 Date: 01/15/90. Time: 14:47:14. Read 31 Times. From : Giz To : Giz Subj : hmm RECEIVED hello? Pi room needs posts! Gav... talk about something! tell me why (1+1/k)^k =e what does (1+2/k)^k =? help! anyone what to gnow the 10000th power of two? (someday, you'll be lookin at that number as the amount of computer memory you have... though at the present time im not exactly sure how it will be done (understatement of the year!)(do you like parenthisthes(sp(spelling check))(ya gnow? little curvy things i like them too!))) so join the (most common word in english(a language invented in england (a eurpopen( across the atlantic) country))) parenthesis (ya gnow... little (small (indicates size)) marks (no... not Mark... marks )(the curvy ones)) club(not a Club as in cards (ancient game with money(english for currency(valued bills(not shopping(getting stuff)bills, dollar(american money)bills!) or as in cavemen (ancient humans (i.e. homo (not fag) sapiens), but as in organization (when people get together in an orderly fassion (not fassion like womens fassion, fassion like(most common valey word)the(theres that most common english word (MCEW) again!)way it (pronous) is done.)) ok (abreviation for something I dont know (lack of knoledge!)) ???????? ahh... got it all out of my system (human body) (maybe not (not--- contradictary word)) Gizmo (small creature of the race Mogwai) Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 300. Date: 04/06/90. Time: 18:27:34. Read 31 Times. From : GIZMO To : pi people Subj : aksjdb,mfcx pi room need posts last post 3 months ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #300. Message # 301. Date: 04/10/90. Time: 23:20:07. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Subj : RECEIVED DOINK! C- - - Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 302. Reply to #301 Date: 05/19/90. Time: 11:43:02. Read 23 Times. From : Gizmo To : HACK MAN Subj : RECEIVED thatkx for the post! Message # 303. Date: 05/20/90. Time: 18:51:08. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : To whom it may coagulate Subj : Pi Things Why does lim (1+1/k)^k = e? (As k approaches infinity) That's the topic of today's post. Hmm... Good one. I used to gnow why, myself. Give me a minute... Oh frazzlesticks. I can't remember. I may have to go and derive that myself. I assume it was determined from a Taylor series expansion of f(x)=e^x (x=1), so: (n) f'(0) 1 f''(0) 2 f (0) n f(x) = f(0) + ------- x + -------- x + ... + -------- x (n -> Infinity) 1! 2! n! And the successive derivitives of f(x) are all e^x, and e^0=1, so: 1 1 1 1 1 f(1) = e(1) = 1 + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ... + ---- 1! 2! 3! 4! n! (as n approaches infinity) Hmm.... I can't seem to go anywhere from there. Let me check my calculator... Well, if you add them together, the first five terms gives you about 2.718056 so it DOES appear to be approaching e. (e=2.71828182845...) Now, if I could only simplify it into the original problem... Ah well. I just proved another formula, entirely. That sucks. Ah well, I hate having to prove things anyway. I CAN say, however, that: lim (1+2/k)^k = lim (1+2/2n)^2n = lim [(1+1/n)^n]^2 = e^2 Therefore: lim (1+2/k)^k = e^2 All of this was entirely pointless and largely confusing, but hell... I needed to say something. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 304. Reply to #303 Date: 05/20/90. Time: 23:22:27. Read 20 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Pi Things RECEIVED Is that anything like Chebyshev's theorem? Chebyshev's is a phenomenon in statistics. It says; "The probablity that a random variable will take on a value within k standard deviations of the mean is at least 1-1/k^2." I have no idea if it's even the same kind of k, (your k looked like calculus to me). (A new expression! "It's Calculus to me.") Chebyshev's is used in stats when you have irregular data and can't use a normal curve distribution. I don't gnow what I'm talking about, the formuli just looked similar. -ÕNKA ÂUCK- Message # 307. Date: 05/21/90. Time: 23:30:31. Read 23 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Unka Buck Subj : k and Calc RECEIVED The number "e" comes up a LOT in probabilities, so you're probably right when you compare the two equations. By the way, the "k" is just mathmatician's way of not actually including Infinity in any equation. It's always "limits" as a variable approaches either a finite number that would create an undefined e- quation: lim(k->0) 1/k or else infinity. The k in the e equation is infinity but you can get a good estimation of e by plugging in a very large number. (I suggest using a calculator) But in the circumstance you refer to, the k does NOT refer, specifically to infinity, but rather to the number of things that the probability applies to. For instance, if you take a certain number of slips of paper, numbered one to n, (n is any number) and match them up with another set of slips of paper, also numbered 1 to n, the probability that all the slips of paper are in the wrong envelopes is (I believe) (1-1/n)^n. As n approaches infinity, (an in- finite number of slips of paper) the probability is (I gnow) 1/e. Your equation, however, is (1-1/k^2) which is not related to e, just similar. Basically, what it means is that if you take two numbers, (ANY two numbers) the probability that the second number is "within" k, (Something that I might believe to mean "between -k and k" or something similar) k being the first number, is 1-1/k^2. Notice that as k approaches infinity, 1-1/k^s approaches 1, which indicates that the second number is always within infinity (between negative infinity and positive infinity) or that the probability of that is 1 to 1. Of course, if k equals 1 (-1>n>1) that means the probability is 0... But the guy said that the proability is "at least" that value. (Or was it Not more than?) Anyway, it's not equal to e. (What a terrible, long-winded way to say that...) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Marginally Somethinged @=- Message # 308. Reply to #307 Date: 05/22/90. Time: 20:03:13. Read 24 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : k and Calc RECEIVED Thanks, that actually made sense. -ÕNKA ÂUCK- Message # 309. Date: 05/25/90. Time: 07:27:04. Read 30 Times. From : Gizmo To : gav Subj : slowest RECEIVED the slowest way to do pi on a computer add up the sums of x paralell, equidistant lines running perpendicular to the center of the circle, the divide this mess by x^2 close anyway but its slower than the sumnation most of us know _______ ___ ___ ___ Formula for the day _______ ___ ___ ___ square wave n=00 (infinity) \------ \ sin (x(2n+1)) y= > --------------- / 2n+1 /------ n=0 ta da! Message # 310. Date: 07/12/90. Time: 02:31:30. Read 23 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : My imaginary friends Subj : Hello? Hey guys? Are you here? Shasta, is that you? Big Bob! I thought I recognised you. Ah, and Suzy Gee! Love of my life... I'm glad to see you're waiting for me. I'll be spending all my time here in about a week, I expect. You all will be happy to hear that. Wasn't it nice of Hack to set up this place that no real people seem to frequent? I guess they are afraid of it. That leaves room for us... There's people like me. Like most people, I'm real. But, like PI, I'm very irrational. As a result, this place is right at home for me. That's why it is called "The Pi Room". It's for irrational people. Rational people might as well stay at home and subtract the rest of their lives away... "The Pi Room" is also now the home of imaginary people, like my imaginary friends. They're a little complex, but fun to be around. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -NO RATIONAL PEOPLE ALLOWED #310. Message # 311. Date: 07/12/90. Time: 23:30:49. Read 22 Times. From : Lynx To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Irrationally doinked people. RECEIVED What about me? °±²Û²±°L °±²Û²±°y °±²Û²±°n °±²Û²±°x --==OBFUSCATE==-- *Anti-Rational* Message # 312. Date: 07/13/90. Time: 00:10:05. Read 19 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx Subj : You RECEIVED You can come in, but only if you promise to act irrationally. And be sure to wipe your feet before you leave. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 313. Date: 07/16/90. Time: 17:18:41. Read 21 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Shasta Subj : Hi RECEIVED So, how was your day? You gnow what I saw the other day? During the Dodger/Cubs game, the Stealth fighter decided to do a fly-by! What a trippy dip! And what a strategic time for me to switch to that channel! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Irrational Message # 314. Reply to #313 Date: 07/16/90. Time: 17:24:44. Read 20 Times. From : Shasta To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hi RECEIVED Oh come on, you gnow I don't watch Dodger games. Stealth fighter, though? Sounds truely keen. And, my day was great, thank you. /\/ Shasta /\/ -Imaginary Message # 315. Reply to #314 Date: 07/19/90. Time: 00:28:41. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Shasta Subj : Hi RECEIVED Truely keen? I haven't heard that expression in quite a while. As for the Stealth fighter, it looked pretty cool. I have to commend the Government for creating the most unareodynamic flying vehicle since the Hindenberg. It IS awfully black and sleek, though. What do the rest of you think? Is the shape of the Stealth really for "radar evasion" or do you think the big wigs at the Pentagon have a sense of style? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Irrational Message # 316. Reply to #315 Date: 07/19/90. Time: 01:04:26. Read 18 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hi RECEIVED No, it couldn't have been the bigwigs at the pentagon with the sense of style. Had to have been some engineer somewhere. -ÕNKA ÂUCK- -Order of the Spatula- Message # 318. Reply to #315 Date: 07/21/90. Time: 01:03:01. Read 18 Times. From : Suzy Gee To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hi RECEIVED Personally, I think that the big wigs at the Pentagon have the power of a bit of style. I don't think it's entirely beyond them. They've been stylish in their own way for years on end. After all, $700,000 toilets HAVE to be stylish in one way or another. It's very stylish to spend billions on a plane that can't fly or a tank with no opening. Hi Gav. Did you miss me? _ __ __ ___ ___ ( | | / \_/ / _ |__ |__ _) |_| /_ | \_/ |___ |___ . . . -Imaginary. Message # 319. Date: 07/21/90. Time: 01:04:24. Read 20 Times. From : Big Bob To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Stealths and Hexagons RECEIVED Naah... It must have been a fluke. Everyone gnows that only people like you have style, and people like you don't work for the Pentagon, because they gnow that the rest of the Pentagon wouldn't allow said style to flourish, right? -| Big Bob |- -Imaginary. Message # 320. Reply to #319 Date: 07/22/90. Time: 03:06:51. Read 21 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Big Bob Subj : Stealths and Hexagons hEY GAV.....WHO ARE ALL OF THESE IMAGINARY PEOPLE? aND WHERE IS MY BUDDY...MUSIC MAN? IS HE LIKE ON VACATION OR SOMETHING? WILL SOMEONE PLEASE LEAVE ME EMAIL? EVEN IF IT IS ONLY IMAGINARY? #320. Message # 321. Reply to #310 Date: 07/22/90. Time: 12:38:29. Read 21 Times. From : Ender To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hello? RECEIVED I imagined myself, and continue to do so, to avoid extinction. is that ok... its a little borderline _____ / \ < Ender > \_____/ Message # 322. Reply to #318 Date: 07/23/90. Time: 00:53:38. Read 15 Times. From : Racer X To : Suzy Gee Subj : Hi Deficit spending has been in style for years. Racer X Message # 323. Reply to #320 Date: 07/23/90. Time: 00:55:32. Read 15 Times. From : Racer X To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Stealths and Hexagons Wait a second. Have you been one of Gav's imaginary friend's all along? Now I'm really getting confused. That Gav's a sick boy... Racer X Message # 324. Date: 07/23/90. Time: 09:09:09. Read 25 Times. From : Ender To : all Subj : problem make this equasion true (or close) by moving only one stick. XXIII ----- = II VII the v constitutes four sticks (segments) and the X's are wo crossed sticks. The line between the fractions and the equals sine must not be messed with (NO not equal to signs!!) Message # 325. Reply to #324 Date: 07/23/90. Time: 23:39:47. Read 23 Times. From : Lynx To : Ender Subj : problem RECEIVED XXII __ ---- = II <--- PI (sort of) VII Lynx Message # 327. Date: 08/06/90. Time: 10:34:46. Read 27 Times. From : Melvin the Martian To : all Subj : a gripe I would like to point out that I am also imaginary and I'm tired of all you so called "real people" trying to bring us imaginary people down. It really gets my goat when you try to say that we do not exist! To us it is you who are imaginary. Go ahead, try to prove that you are real and I am imaginary! Me and the other people of Mars have been written about in many novels. I bet that's more than you can say for yourself. < Melvin the imaginary Martian > Message # 328. Date: 08/09/90. Time: 13:35:56. Read 24 Times. From : Ender To : Lynx Subj : Ok then Lynx RECEIVED Arrange these sticks to form SIX (6) squares ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | |___| |___| |___| there are, of course, four sticks in each square above. no dividing sticks into there single character subunits, either. just flat out, no trickery, real- world, make 6 squares. Oh, all 6 squares have to touch at least 1 other... _____ / \ < Ender > \_____/ Message # 329. Reply to #328 Date: 08/09/90. Time: 18:41:50. Read 23 Times. From : Lynx To : Ender Subj : Ok then Lynx RECEIVED | --|-- | | | --|---|-- | | | | --|---|-- | | | --|-- | Okay... so it's seven squares... give me a chance... Lynx ÎÎjÝ'>=øSÀn7R» USER LOGGED OFF Message # 330. Reply to #329 Date: 08/10/90. Time: 16:41:26. Read 28 Times. From : Ender To : Lynx Subj : Ok then Lynx RECEIVED Very good. Now for the REAL chalenge: _________________________________________________ Try to get six squares without crossing the picks _________________________________________________ it can be done! _____ / \ < Ender > \_____/ #330. Message # 331. Date: 08/11/90. Time: 13:57:27. Read 32 Times. From : Ender To : All (especially Gav) Subj : Perfect Numbers Perfect Numbers: Any number that equals the sum of its factors (except itself, of coures) 1+2+3 = 6 1+2+4+7+14 = 24 ? = 496 ? = 8128 ?= I dont remember the factors! anyway, OF THESE FOUR NUMBERS AT LEAST i have noticed this property 1+2+3 = 6 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28 1+2+3+...+31 = 396 1+2+3+...+127 = 8128 so the first four perfects are Triangular... diagram below! * * * * * * * * * = 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = 28 anyway, so are the next two perfects... also notice that each LAST number in the triangular sumnation + one = a power of two! from graph above (^ = triangular, like * equals times...) 3^ 6 7^ 28 31^ 396 127^ 8128 notice that +1 gives you 4,8,32,128? here's what I ask of you: My //e is highly slow. I just need the fifth prime number, to test it for those characteristics. I cant seem to find it using my apple, as only Nine sig. digits are there, and only about 7 or six can be used acurately (factor testing requires the integer testing, which needs a large amount of decimals to the right of the point) so..... does anyone have the fifth perfect? also... computers that have done up to like the 40th with about a zillion digits have verified NO ODD PERFECTS so far. so dont even bother testing odds if youre looking for #5. _____ / \ < Ender > \_____/ Message # 332. Reply to #327 Date: 08/12/90. Time: 02:02:27. Read 26 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Melvin the Martian Subj : a gripe Please refer to Kiri Kim Thon's First Law of Metaphysics: "Nothing unreal exists." -ÕNKA ÂUCK- Message # 333. Reply to #331 Date: 08/16/90. Time: 00:56:32. Read 26 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ender Subj : Perfect Numbers RECEIVED HMM. WELL. I SUPPOSE I'LL WRITE A LITTLE PROGRAM TO FIGURE IT OUT. DO YOU HAVE AN ALGORYTHM FOR IT? C- - - Message # 334. Date: 08/16/90. Time: 16:40:14. Read 29 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Imaginary and irrational Subj : Real/Imaginary Marvin the Imaginary Martian (?): I never claimed that you didn't exist. I consider anyone who exists in my mind to exist as much as people who don't. I often have arguements with people concerning my imaginary friends. Some claim that Big Bob is invisible, while I argue the point that he is not in- visible but simply imaginary. Since he is a product of my imagination, he exists for me, but cannot be seen by those who do not believe in him, even if his effects can be felt. And if I put any more philosophic thinking into this, I may end up disbelieving, and I'd never want to lose my imaginary friends, so I'm going to leave it at that. If you are imaginary, who imag- ined you? Ender: By all means, keep imagining yourself! You work on the same priciple of avoiding paradoxi that virtual particles do. Virtual particles aren't sup- posed to exist because they violate the concept of conservation of mass and energy. (You can't get something from nothing) They aren't even considered "real" matter. (To which I would assume they must also be imaginary) Scien- tists allow them to exist, because when virtual particles are created, they have already made a "promise" to the universe that they will give back the energy that didn't exist when they were made, thus preserving the total amount of energy and matter in the universe. You exist because when you im- agined yourself, you made a sort of promised to the universe that you would one day stop imagining yourself. Kind of a sad fate, but virtual particles are supposed to become real if someone gives them the missing energy so that they don't have to fulfil their promise to "give it back". So maybe if you could find someone to imagine you... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 335. Date: 08/16/90. Time: 16:52:24. Read 31 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Multi-celled organisms Subj : Ameobas Ameobas have got to be the mose amazing mathmatical paradoxi in the universe... They multiply by dividing! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 336. Date: 08/23/90. Time: 06:34:59. Read 32 Times. From : Ender To : HACK MAN Subj : alogrithm RECEIVED Find perfect numbers. 1: let x = 2 2: find all factors of x (including 1) that are unequal to x 3: add them. let sum be z 4: compare z to x. if x=z then x=perfect number 5: add 2 to x, goto 2 REM perfects are even, not odd. output... first two numbers 6 26 anyway, thats programming in english! _____ / \ < Ender > \_____/ Message # 337. Reply to #336 Date: 08/23/90. Time: 23:20:07. Read 27 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ender Subj : alogrithm RECEIVED THAT SUCKS! THERE MUST BE AN EASIER WAY. C- - - Message # 338. Reply to #337 Date: 08/24/90. Time: 02:11:26. Read 31 Times. From : Ender To : HACK MAN Subj : alogrithm RECEIVED no doubt! thats what makes it take soooo long. sorta like finding primes. which is why I went to the trouble of noticeing that the first four were triangular, and there tri root was always a power of two. BUT IS THE FIFTH? _____ / \ < Ender > \_____/ Message # 339. Date: 09/17/90. Time: 21:41:40. Read 25 Times. From : D'Artagnan To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : avicenna RECEIVED Warum haben Sie sich benammt fur ein Arab? Studieren Sie Al-Khindi, oder Ibn-Khaldun? Die Arabische Wissenschaftmannern sind sehr interessant, nicht wahr? Message # 340. Date: 12/08/90. Time: 20:46:37. Read 23 Times. From : Ender To : HACK MAN Subj : Mods RECEIVED modification: dont show the poems/intro to a subboard unless theres new messages in it... this ought to keep ya busy for a day or so (depending...) modification/addition: put in a feature so the user can upload posts. this will make posting much simpler (i must admit that i have an ulterior motive for #2 but you can probably figure it out fairly easily...) Ender #340. Message # 341. Reply to #340 Date: 12/09/90. Time: 01:07:06. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ender Subj : Mods RECEIVED YEAH, I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THAT. C- - - Message # 342. Reply to #341 Date: 12/09/90. Time: 10:50:42. Read 21 Times. From : Ender To : HACK MAN Subj : Mods RECEIVED have you figured out my ulterior motive yet? ___ __ ___ ___ (__ |\ | ( \ (__ (___) (___ | \| )__/ (___ ) \ Message # 343. Reply to #342 Date: 12/09/90. Time: 13:28:54. Read 19 Times. From : Lynx To : Ender Subj : Mods RECEIVED Hey ender, if you think that it will allow you to do ANSI messages, then forget it, it won't. You might be able to do PTS messages though, but couldn't you do those already? Lynx -Fritlditlbotlite- Message # 344. Reply to #342 Date: 12/09/90. Time: 18:23:25. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ender Subj : Mods RECEIVED SHALL I COUNT THE WAYS? UH I DUNNO. BECAUSE YOU WANT TO UPLOAD PI TO 1 BILLION PLACES? C- - - Message # 345. Reply to #344 Date: 12/09/90. Time: 19:25:44. Read 24 Times. From : Lynx To : HACK MAN Subj : Mods RECEIVED That would be neat-o! --=// --=// --=//ynx ((==== -Oh shit! My handle's been macronized!!! Where's Ender??? (Kill... Kill...) Message # 346. Reply to #343 Date: 12/10/90. Time: 16:45:39. Read 20 Times. From : Ender To : Lynx Subj : Mods RECEIVED actually, no. there is no way to post control characters that I gnow of. I only MERELY wanted to do things like spinning cursors (easily accomplished using ^h) I already gnow that hacks retreat regards the more complex cursor functions seperately, thats what lets me read ANSI posts with dec-100... hacks retreat performs a translation from its code to either ANSI, DEC-100 or C128 (which doesnt work right) emulations ___ __ ___ ___ (__ |\ | ( \ (__ (___) (___ | \| )__/ (___ ) \ Message # 347. Reply to #344 Date: 12/10/90. Time: 16:48:02. Read 19 Times. From : Ender To : HACK MAN Subj : Mods RECEIVED I have it to 11,512 places! ___ __ ___ ___ (__ |\ | ( \ (__ (___) (___ | \| )__/ (___ ) \ Message # 348. Reply to #345 Date: 12/11/90. Time: 00:48:27. Read 18 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Lynx Subj : Mods RECEIVED WELL, IT'S A NEAT MACRO AT LEAST. C- - - Message # 349. Reply to #345 Date: 12/11/90. Time: 00:56:18. Read 23 Times. From : Lynx To : Lynx Subj : Mods RECEIVED Yeah, it is kinda cool looking.... *************** ******//\***//* *****//*\\*//** ****//***\//*** ***//*YN*//\*** **//****//*\\** *//====//***\\* *************** Message # 350. Reply to #349 Date: 12/16/90. Time: 10:53:36. Read 26 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Lynx Subj : Mods RECEIVED DITTO! C- - - #350. Message # 352. Date: 12/27/90. Time: 20:16:57. Read 28 Times. From : Lynx To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : PI RECEIVED 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620 8998628034825342117067982148086513282306647092844609550582231725359408128481117 4502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288160848820718329005161383303750 5 Message # 353. Reply to #352 Date: 12/28/90. Time: 01:22:24. Read 24 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Lynx Subj : PI RECEIVED Bullshit! It is a crime to misquote Pi in the Pi room! shame!!! Message # 354. Date: 12/28/90. Time: 15:32:10. Read 25 Times. From : Lynx To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : 3.1415 RECEIVED But I'm not a totally engrossed (stupified) follower of PI. I just use it sometimes... and the number I quoted was plenty good for most calculations consider that the first few lines were actually PI. So there! Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 355. Reply to #353 Date: 12/29/90. Time: 00:55:17. Read 25 Times. From : Unka Buck To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : PI RECEIVED You mean Pi isn't random? -UNKA BUCK- Message # 356. Date: 12/31/90. Time: 15:05:20. Read 22 Times. From : Shasta To : Gav Subj : Gav? RECEIVED Hello? Gaviscon? Are you there? I see that I'm on Hack's again, so I'm assuming you're in town. It's not often I get to post around here. Are you ever going to bother typing out 100,000 digits of pi? It would be great training on the numeric keypad! /\/ Shasta /\/ Message # 357. Date: 12/31/90. Time: 15:33:18. Read 23 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Shasta/TMM Subj : Ay yup. Yeah, I'm here. Sorry about not being able to call lately... I didn't get the computer down here until recently, and didn't get it set up until yesterday... As for juggling/pi recitation, I must warn you: I can now juggle four! (Although not too well) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | Message # 358. Reply to #355 Date: 01/02/91. Time: 01:35:21. Read 21 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Unka Buck Subj : PI RECEIVED IT IS RANDOM. BUT IT IS PREORDAINED RANDOMNIMITY. PI IS ACTUALLY THE KEY TO UNIVERSAL UNDERSTANDING. IF YOU CAN GRASP PI IN IT'S FULLNESS THEN YOU WILL HAVE THE POWER TO GNOW ALL AND SEE ALL. C- - - Message # 359. Reply to #351 Date: 01/03/91. Time: 10:14:47. Read 26 Times. From : Ender To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : PI! RECEIVED humph! you probably typed it in as numbers and had your computer change it into words. I'll be BACK with a GOOD pi! ___ ___ ___Ender___ Message # 360. Reply to #352 Date: 01/03/91. Time: 10:15:46. Read 32 Times. From : Ender To : Lynx Subj : PI RECEIVED Ive seen it before lynx, only the first 150 are correct, eh? ___ ___ ___Ender___ #360. Message # 361. Date: 01/04/91. Time: 01:37:18. Read 31 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : candy Subj : Hello Well, I'll just assume that if I am to reach you, you will be here, since this is my haven for paradoxii and imaginary friends. Hello. How are you? Is now a good time to go mad? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -300 baud can ruin your average message length. Message # 363. Reply to #361 Date: 01/05/91. Time: 03:48:25. Read 30 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hello RECEIVED NO BUT NOW'S A GOOD TIME! HOWEVER BY THE TIME YOU READ THIS IT WON'T BE A GOOD TIME ANYMORE. WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IS GO MAD AT PRECISELY THIS TIME TOMORROW. C- - - Message # 364. Reply to #363 Date: 01/06/91. Time: 20:54:41. Read 32 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN Subj : Hello RECEIVED Damn. Missed it. I'll have to remember to go mad at... FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING?!?? That's a terrible time to go mad. Nobody would appreciate it and I'd fall asleep before anyone woke up. If I got unlucky, I might go sane when wak- ing up, and what would be the use? Hmm... You gnow, that might also be a good time, because I'd get a lot of practice at being mad before my date with the world... Good idea! What a dude! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Time to set my watch... It's only good to the picosecond. How accurate should I be? Message # 365. Reply to #364 Date: 01/06/91. Time: 21:31:31. Read 35 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hello RECEIVED IT SHOULD BE ACCURATE TO THE NANOSECOND. C- - - Message # 366. Reply to #365 Date: 01/06/91. Time: 22:12:51. Read 34 Times. From : Ender To : HACK MAN Subj : Hello RECEIVED then he's got it covered. ___ ___ ___Ender___ Message # 367. Reply to #364 Date: 01/06/91. Time: 23:38:20. Read 35 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hello RECEIVED Your watch should be unbelievably, incredibly accurate; but you should never look at it because you should not be a slave to time. -ÕNKA ÂUCK- Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 368. Reply to #367 Date: 01/09/91. Time: 00:43:06. Read 33 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Unka Buck Subj : Hello RECEIVED But I like being a slave to time... (Another fawcet of my irrationality, I suppose) As for the watch, it counts off as precise as the attosecond, but its reliability is about plus or minus one hour each minute it is running. Just yer basic Heisenberg tradeoff, I suppose... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Attopicofemtonanomicromillakilomegagigatera????exosomething Message # 369. Date: 01/15/91. Time: 07:10:05. Read 30 Times. From : THE TIMEKEEPER To : Anyone who'll readit. . . Subj : OMIGOSH! Yo! There sure is a hell of alot of traffic on this sub. But, however, since only a few of you frequent it, I'll let you all in on a little secret. . . . Does anyone here gnow what BOHICA stands for? If you gnow, don't tell anyone. It'll be our joke to them. If, on the other hand, you don't, I'll post tomorrow w/ the answer. I offer this info only because it seems the people who post on this sub are the ones I have come to like the most. . . . THE TIMEKEEPER MLCC/"BOHICA" Message # 370. Date: 01/18/91. Time: 02:49:28. Read 37 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : THE TIMEKEEPER Subj : BOHICA Is it the "Basically Okay Humanoids In Cognito Association"? Or "Birds Over Highways In California Airspace"? I gnow! It's "Brain Overly Hurt, Insane Cranial Arrest" It's a medical term! Here's a plausible one, and it fits the circumstances of today: "Better Off Hiding In Canada Association" (Draft Dodgers of America/Canada) !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Being Ostracized Here Is Clearly Annoying @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | -I'm glad you like my humble adobe. Just watch out for all the imaginary walls and floors...And check your sanity at the door. Big Bob will see to it that it is processed, stamped, filed, and lost. Comments : 3.14=1 #370. Message # 371. Date: 05/02/91. Time: 01:44:27. Read 21 Times. From : DEADMAN To : who knows? Subj : I SWEAR I SWEAR, IM SO TIRED OF CHECKING THIS BOARD I JUST HAD TO POST SOMETHING... Message # 372. Reply to #371 Date: 05/02/91. Time: 08:36:00. Read 20 Times. From : Gizmo To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED In indiana legislating was once past rounding Pi to and even 4! (not a 3, a FOUR!) _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 373. Reply to #372 Date: 05/03/91. Time: 03:49:07. Read 21 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED PI IS ACTUALLY EQUAL TO 42. C- - - Message # 374. Reply to #373 Date: 05/03/91. Time: 20:48:34. Read 19 Times. From : Gizmo To : HACK MAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED gasp! _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 375. Date: 05/04/91. Time: 03:14:48. Read 21 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Subj : WOW! RECEIVED HEY! im IMPRESSED, -gone for a couple days and look! More posts than this boards seen in weeks? months? WOW. -DEADMAN Message # 376. Reply to #372 Date: 05/04/91. Time: 03:16:36. Read 19 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Thats okay, the last math teacher i had at Oxnard was trying to convince us that pi is irrelavant..! THe BLAsphemy! (this is the same man who did the same algebraic equation twice, came up with two different answers, looked up with a straght fac, nodded, and said, 'the ends change')-(not to mention the time someone made a sarcastic comment to him,about him and he replied 'thats a topography.') OHS! YEAH! (right) -DEADMAN Message # 377. Reply to #376 Date: 05/04/91. Time: 05:57:36. Read 21 Times. From : Lynx To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Which teach was that... sounds kinda like one I didn't have (thank god). Lynx p.s. Ever had Mr. Hilburn? Message # 378. Reply to #376 Date: 05/04/91. Time: 14:45:39. Read 18 Times. From : Gizmo To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED n=oo (infinity ------ \ 4 4 > ------ - ------ / 4n+1 4n+3 ------ n=0 thats pi _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 379. Date: 05/05/91. Time: 00:56:21. Read 20 Times. From : MINK LINK To : all Subj : Pi calculation I have done it!!. Yes, thats right, i found elvis. If you take message 351, the huge calc of PI, print it, take every other page and put it over the page before it, then stretch this out, you will get the secret Elvis Presley secret to immortality. Now you guys owe me something. After all, you will all live forever because of me. !kniM Comments : 3.14=2 Message # 380. Reply to #377 Date: 05/06/91. Time: 01:17:44. Read 21 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Lynx Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED That was MIESENHIEMER (i understand they tried to remove him from the district but the DAMNED union interfered...) Nope i was able to avoid Hilburn, THATS a LOOOOOOONG story... Ever clash with Walthall? #380. Message # 381. Date: 05/06/91. Time: 21:45:30. Read 23 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : DEADMAN Subj : TO the next most awesome sub.. RECEIVED Hilburn.... hIlBurn??? Why are you doing this??? The only place I though You should gnow better. Well i I checked this sub, did you. I think it is pretty cool. Do you gnow what 1/PI is? It's the chance that humans might survive long enough to actually get off this planet. And Im only counting people like you and me and the others. This planet isnt working. Message # 382. Date: 05/06/91. Time: 21:50:46. Read 19 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : Srehcaet RECEIVED So when did you have Larry? Were you in the AP class or what? Did he teach you that pi calculation? No matter what Deadman says, Walthall is awesome, and thats all there is to it. How much assembly do you gnow? Do you gnow pinouts for the IIe? F=ma Miteybyte. Message # 384. Reply to #382 Date: 05/06/91. Time: 22:28:37. Read 21 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : Srehcaet RECEIVED I gnow basicly everything about the 'out of the box enhanced //e' there is to gnow. Yeah, I can get ya pinouts, designs for NMI cards, anything! Force=MassxAcceleration. I learnt the pi equasion somewhere else... dont remember where though. (heheheh learnt... new word for the Gizmodisctionary!) Nah, Im not in AP. believe it or not, there still exist people who do most of their learning outside of school... hmmm.... n=oo (infinity) _________ \ -n > 24* 2 /_________ n=0 calc that... (NO, that isnt the ultimate question, but close...) What do you get if you multiply six times nine and.... "Im all out of scrabble pieces!" oh well... Hmmmm... hmmm.... (Beauty)(Smarts)=[a constant] _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 385. Reply to #380 Date: 05/06/91. Time: 23:28:12. Read 21 Times. From : Lynx To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Don't really recognize either of those names, but the second one sounds vaguely familiar(walthall). Actually you should not avoid Mr. Hilburn. He's the only teacher in the whole damn school that actually deserves to be a teacher. He teaches a damn good Physics/Calculus class. (HONORS AP) I shouldn't be so harsh there were a couple other teachers that were okay, but most of them at OHS were glorified babysitters who didn't know shit! Lynx p.s. I actually manages to stay out of Wistler's classes!!! LUCKY ME!! Actually, I did alot of sneaky things to avoid classes there... I skipped Chemistry alltogether... Mainly because the teacher sucks p.p.s. Is that lab still running (the computer one in room 201)? I hear that they are having troubles with the IIgs with the hard disk. I set that thing up and rewrote parts of the boot and pdos loader so that thing would work. When HALL left that place went to shit... they deserve it Message # 386. Reply to #382 Date: 05/06/91. Time: 23:35:04. Read 20 Times. From : Lynx To : Mitey Byte Subj : Srehcaet RECEIVED He hasn't had Larry, he goes to some lame camarillo High School. I had HIlburn for the AP Physics Calculus class when he first started it. It was great. I just remembered who Walthall was... and honestly he was lame. of course he was just starting out when I graduated. Lynx p.s. our classes class projects for Hilburns AP class were AWESOME! he was floored... ask him about the guys who did the project on the H-BOMB and how it works and such... Message # 387. Reply to #384 Date: 05/06/91. Time: 23:39:42. Read 21 Times. From : Lynx To : Gizmo Subj : Srehcaet RECEIVED THAT LAST EQUATION IS COMPLETELY IN ERROR! I have seen and have known many people who completely deny that formula in both ways. Some almost zero while others almost infinity... Lynx p.s. (Handle that has a Z in it)(Supporter of BINK) = LOSER! Message # 388. Reply to #382 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 00:18:35. Read 20 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : Srehcaet RECEIVED WALTHALL, ahem ill lower my voice. Is, no wait, if they know who he is i need not comment. 'nuff said. -LORD OF FALLING THUNDER Message # 389. Reply to #385 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 00:21:49. Read 20 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Lynx Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED WEEEELL, the new chem AP teacher isnt bad at all, although many students dont like him.. he gives quite a workload. As far as the lab, its still there more or less, by now its probably operating at only about 50% of what it was when you were last there. Mitey Byte is trying to repair a lot of it including the IIgs w/the hard drive. -DEADMAN Message # 390. Reply to #381 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 05:06:30. Read 23 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : TO the next most awesome sub.. RECEIVED Hmmm, if i ever get off my ass and start working on my math, i might still study electrical engineering in which case i am hoping to find a spot on the first space station/ Mars/Moon base (whichever wins the budget wars..) in which case i wont be on this mudball for long..! Hey, if im rEEEEEAAlly successful, ill fund that billion+ item virtual net we were talking about..HEHEHEH. oh yeeeaah.. what happened to that spare IBM modem you mentioned..? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? nocturnally, -DEADMAN #390. Message # 391. Date: 05/07/91. Time: 15:43:35. Read 22 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : DEADMAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Dead man, where ya taking the EE class? I'm gonn ashoot for that too, at least enough to get me around what ever my next computer is. Remember that billion+ Cyberspace/Dungeon/Blow-your socks off deal were into? How about putting that on the MOon/MArs as the only source of entertainment? We would have a monopoly, but then again when we do do it, no one will want to do anything else. Imagine it in the reduced gravity, we would not need suspension cables. Hell, we could use the actual surface of the planet, have transparent goggles, then retexture-map the surface (in the goggles), then overlay the other graphics. Comin over??? P.S. How much Ram would WISH require? MiteyByte Message # 392. Date: 05/07/91. Time: 15:53:15. Read 20 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : LEarnin RECEIVED LEarning outside of school? tell me about it. I learned all my inerfacing and electronics ouside of school, all my programming, and not once in school did anyone teach me how to do something on a computer that I already didn't know. Could you see Young people teaching a class of adults about computers? I believe the cause of this (besides that fact that its basic highschool) is pretty much summed up by Lynx. Ya know, about baby sitters... gotta meet ya... MiteyByte Message # 393. Date: 05/07/91. Time: 15:58:06. Read 21 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Lynx Subj : Quantum Fluctual Coicidences RECEIVED Lynx, you wrote that program that runs the IIgs hard drive? I was just messin with the sucker today (the HD, not the code). You dont know how right you are when you said "went to shit". That place is even going to be worse next year. I feel so sorry for it, because it has a little potential, and all they need is someone who knows how to do more than turn on the machines and clean them. I've been concentrating mainly on the Mac II. That thing was hurtin so bad before I got there. Hall, if you know him, has shown up a few times since he left. He's been a help in straighting things out up there, but I wish he were back. I tried to stick the 1meg RAM board thats in my apple in the IIgs with the harddrive. That thing has 512K of RAM and when you load ProDOS 16 in, you lose about 384K to the OS. Needles to say, we can't run anything thats on the harddrive, because we dont have enough RAM. What a waste... When Hall was there, he had to buy his own expansion boards, because Cisneros wouldnt kick with a little cash to finance them. So, when Hall left, the Computer Lab turned simply into... Room 201 (the one with all the computers.) If ya wanna drop by, Im there 6th... Hilburns projects, huh? Im gonna work for Dan Thompson instead of doing a project. I dont know if you know what that is, but we do sorta an intership with this Electronics/Computer firm. I'll ask him tomorrow about that H-bomb Project. So I though I was the only one who could care for a room full of machines.... I guess there are alot more Real Hackers in the world. Got thing all the locals Got RETREATS number. Later-----------------------> MiteyByte Message # 394. Date: 05/07/91. Time: 16:09:44. Read 21 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : DEADMAN Subj : Modem RECEIVED That modem needs a power cable and a 25pin connector, then some phone tones and its ready to go... No docs on it, although my friend is looking for them... MiteyByte Message # 395. Reply to #385 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 16:49:58. Read 23 Times. From : Gizmo To : Lynx Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED HAHAHAHAH! weve got mr hall and his macintosh now! he came with a gs... but hes seen the way and purchased a mac! _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 397. Reply to #387 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 16:51:59. Read 21 Times. From : Gizmo To : Lynx Subj : Srehcaet RECEIVED It was a joke... _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 398. Reply to #389 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 21:23:21. Read 20 Times. From : Lynx To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Actually, Hall used to have me come in once in a while and fix things after I graduated. Since he left I haven't been there, though. They didn't have Chem AP when I was there. Lynx Message # 399. Reply to #393 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 21:28:33. Read 19 Times. From : Lynx To : Mitey Byte Subj : Quantum Fluctual Coicidences RECEIVED I mainly just modified the boot up code for the GS with the HD. It used to have 1.2 megs of ram. Anyway... Hey! Dan Thompson was in my Class! (If it's the same Dan Thompson.) He's the only gu yI know of that took the class twice. I was going to, but decided to take some other math classes and no science my junior year... I SHOULD have just take the Physics/calculus class both years would have been better off. Oh well... Lynx P.S. have you read the book "HACKERS: Heroes of the computer revolution" by Steven Levy? GREAT BOOK! Message # 400. Reply to #395 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 21:33:18. Read 22 Times. From : Lynx To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Actually he had two (probably still does) MACs at home back when he was my teacher. He's always liked the Macs better. He also realizes the need for students to learn IBM, because of the REAL world which consists of mostly IBM (or clones). Lynx p.s. proof is in the sales. #400. Message # 401. Reply to #393 Date: 05/07/91. Time: 23:42:45. Read 19 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : Quantum Fluctual Coicidences RECEIVED SO, I WONDER WHAT HAPPEND TO ALL THAT WONDERFUL LOTTERY MONEY THAT'S EARMARKED FOR EDUCATION. OBVIOUSLY NONE OF IT GOT TO THE COMPUTER ROOM. C- - - Message # 402. Reply to #391 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 02:25:43. Read 24 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Well i have trafic school the next coupla nights then ill see about dropping through. After i ROYALLY blew this year off i think im lookin at a JC somewhere, (you might recall about a year and a half ago my aspirations were a BIT higher.. HEHEH..) After a (most likly) LOOONG yr of that i might sty to hit CalPoly, Stanford, and MIT, in that order, in that many years (its a worthy reason to tour the nation, no?) The prob w extended sims in orbit (at least VEERY extended) in bone mass, you need brief (1-2 hrs) of sim .8 Gs at least a day. (i think those stats are right.) RAM? weeeell A LOT! HEY GIZ..! whats the K to item ratio of an immobile object in a virt reality? The real RAM sucker would be the various AI sub programs and Semi random moveement routines or at least the representations of the movement would take a lot... By the way, u still headin to SB..? -DEADMAN Message # 403. Reply to #394 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 02:37:00. Read 21 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : Modem RECEIVED HEHEHEH wonder who that would be.. Message # 404. Reply to #395 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 02:37:34. Read 20 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED WHAT A SELL-OUT..! HMMMPH.! -DEADMAN Message # 405. Reply to #400 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 02:39:20. Read 26 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Lynx Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Halls problem though.. was a horrible phobia of the word AMIGA.. sent him into violent diclaimant (think thats a word) hysterics.. Message # 406. Reply to #400 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 15:44:09. Read 21 Times. From : Gizmo To : Lynx Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED IBM sells crap.... $1490 for a MCGA system? dream on! Clone manufacturers out there make IBM clones cheap... Apple is the largest 'pure' computer manufacturer on the planet... there are more Macintoshes sold than IBM sells IBM's The Mac would have been WILD! if apple had allowed compatibles... _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 407. Reply to #402 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 15:47:54. Read 24 Times. From : Gizmo To : DEADMAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Hmmm... With proper compacting, you could create a virtual room with... hmmm... I believe the garage, after packing, could be adequetly simulated with a terabyte on info. (that includes all the books he has.. and the HackModem) _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 408. Reply to #405 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 15:50:24. Read 27 Times. From : Gizmo To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED My parents are thinking of getting a MAC LC... they are, in june... anyway, me and Hall were talking about the various macintoshes to get... Hes really concerned... he wants me to have an SI rather than an LC... its like he's really passionate about computers... as a joke, im going to tell him I convinced my mom to get an amiga 2000 (GRIN!) heheheh... _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 409. Date: 05/08/91. Time: 16:10:53. Read 18 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Lynx Subj : Hulking giants.... RECEIVED Yeah, i read Hackers. well at least i read the first chapter about the Tech Model Railroad Club and the MIT hackers. Those dudes are so cool... They were stoked to have 4k of ram. Those guys were the true hackers in my eyes. Can you imagine how streamlined their code must have been to fit it all into that 4K on the PDP-1? Those guys had to be hardcore, and it seems that they were, judging by how Levy wrote of them. Even they hated IBM's. They knew what was right, even 40 years ago...f©jCx1^ USER LOGGED OFF Message # 410. Date: 05/08/91. Time: 16:58:03. Read 19 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Lynx Subj : $28 years later... RECEIVED $28 years later, and we still cant stay logged on for more than 10 minutes... Well it was DEADMAN, so its ok. My Dan is your Dan, i specifically remember LArry mentioning that he took the class twice. Larry wasn't working today, so i didn't get a chance to ask him about the H-bomb project, manana... I take the Calc AP friday. lucky me. MiteyByte. (5) #410. Message # 411. Date: 05/08/91. Time: 17:01:34. Read 17 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : HACK MAN Subj : Lottery Money RECEIVED Lottery money? you dont actuallty believe anythig our government says, do you. Well i know you believe them when they say they are raising taxes, but so do I. I think the only thing the Lottery has given OHS was maps, I think for an english teacher. No, other money would not get in there either, because Mr. Cisneros, the principal there, would rather put the money into Keep Hispanics In School programs, even though half of them don't really want to be there anyway. He got the boot though, after the hispanics he fought t so hard to keep in school took part in a brawl that O.P.D. had to quelch. Too bad I won't be there next year. (yeah, right!). I believe the sole purpose of the lottery was so dukemayjun could say " Well, as long as we have all this money coming in from the lottery for schools, we don't need to spend this other money on them, so lets cut this budget, and this and and and and...". Sorry, future.. Message # 412. Reply to #402 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 17:43:30. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : DEADMAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED I'M IN THE PROCESS OF DOWNLOADING MY BRAIN TO MY HARD DRIVE. C- - - P.S. I NEED MORE SPACE. Message # 413. Reply to #412 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 20:46:06. Read 18 Times. From : Unka Buck To : HACK MAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Yeah, at least 40 meg. -UNKA BUCK- -OBFUSCATE- Message # 414. Reply to #409 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 21:50:46. Read 19 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : Hulking giants.... RECEIVED Vengaza! you were logged off for a reason! 'Clones' arent so bad... But the Macintosh IS king... as long as you can afford it... people say why not buy a cray if you have unlimited money? I say cause a cray has no real user installed base... can you do DTP on one? I doubt DTP programs for cray exist! Mac//fx is the ultimate... and a 386 is the best deal $$$-wise (but god, dont ever get an amiga---the pinto of computers!) I read and loved the book hackers. I have read it three times thru, and I read parts of it every now and then. I love the index in the back: want to find out about how ziploc baggies affected the computer revolution? look up ziploc in the back! honest! its almost like hypercard! things to look up: Ziploc baggies Communists Tom Swift Terminal there are many other things, all of which the book tells about! Its kind of like a bible, i guess, it tells about the genesis and the evolution (gasp!) of Hackers... All in 3 sections I honestly prefered the hardware hackers to the 'true' hackers... even though often the 'true' hackers were higher up on the ladder, and did much neater things, look at where they were: on top of an ivory tower! _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 415. Reply to #412 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 22:00:46. Read 18 Times. From : Gizmo To : HACK MAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Yeah I can tell. Now the messages are being deleted by the shadow. p.s. YOUR BRAIN? What a waste! I want my message space back! :) _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 416. Reply to #413 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 22:01:31. Read 17 Times. From : Gizmo To : Unka Buck Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Im sure he could get by with 10 megs _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Ozone Lover Message # 417. Reply to #408 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 23:53:56. Read 21 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED TAKE A PICTURE! PLEEZE..! -DEADMAN Message # 418. Reply to #411 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 23:56:31. Read 18 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : Lottery Money RECEIVED Its not confirmed, but i think someone besides me finally noticed the $$$$ Cisneros was siphoning from certain other school budgets... HEHEHEHEH what a shame... -DEADMAN Message # 419. Reply to #412 Date: 05/08/91. Time: 23:58:31. Read 17 Times. From : DEADMAN To : HACK MAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED QUICK! someone! get the man more memory! if he loses something in the transfer, who knows which of us will be LOST! a very concerned -DEADMAN Message # 420. Date: 05/09/91. Time: 15:35:22. Read 19 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : HACK MAN Subj : More Mem RECEIVED First, what baud does your neurolink run at? Deadman has one that goes, 4800, but it's not Caucasian compatible. I have one that is Caucasiisan compatable, but its only 2403 baud. I also have a fractal recording surface that has infinite area, VERY handy for your typical memory intesive applications. I would be really impressed if you could download your harddrive on your brain, or have you? MiteyByte #420. Message # 421. Date: 05/09/91. Time: 15:38:49. Read 20 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : ALL Subj : We lost him... When was the last time you saw something backwards on this sub? Anyone gnow why? Because green man doesnt gnow that were here. Although, i bet I could find some other cool stuff on the other boards, once i get through ALL of them... Bite Myne.. Message # 422. Date: 05/09/91. Time: 16:10:51. Read 19 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Lynx Subj : LArry RECEIVED Larry remembered you. Arroyo. He liked your project, said it 'was one of the better projects I've seen'. Thats that. Peace, u Hbomb lover. Mitey Blyght.. Message # 423. Date: 05/09/91. Time: 17:13:34. Read 19 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : Boinked? RECEIVED What are you, some kind of gremlin? Do you know what you think youre trying to do? I do, but you wont catch me doing anything, except what i did, which was.... welll.... look an see... Byte Myne. Message # 424. Reply to #406 Date: 05/09/91. Time: 19:13:21. Read 19 Times. From : Ubik To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Apple is aflicted with massive bad karma for firing Jobs. Ubik Comments : 3.10=1 3.14=1 Message # 425. Reply to #412 Date: 05/09/91. Time: 19:17:20. Read 21 Times. From : Ubik To : HACK MAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED You could end up like Gibsons Fin. Being an oracle to bums on some inner city side street. Far out! Ubik Message # 426. Reply to #417 Date: 05/09/91. Time: 23:15:31. Read 23 Times. From : Gizmo To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED A haha! Its the recieved y/n part!!!! THATS whats different@ 35mm or poloriod or xapshot?? _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 427. Reply to #420 Date: 05/09/91. Time: 23:17:21. Read 21 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : More Mem RECEIVED The problem with the fractal drives is that there access time is toooo slow... _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 428. Reply to #426 Date: 05/10/91. Time: 00:36:12. Read 21 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED either will do.. HEHEH. Message # 429. Reply to #428 Date: 05/10/91. Time: 17:22:30. Read 22 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Hey, when i left your house today, some lady rear ended me. Not too much damage, made me jump though. The chick was freaked: "are you ok... are you ok...". No, my car has a small dent in it. Thats ok though, its a piece of junk, just like IBM's. Mitey Byte Message # 430. Reply to #429 Date: 05/10/91. Time: 20:43:12. Read 23 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED BUT NOT COMPATIBLES! You got rear ended by a chick? usually it goes the other way around... exactly how did you two manage??? _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker #430. Message # 431. Reply to #420 Date: 05/11/91. Time: 02:28:19. Read 20 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : More Mem RECEIVED WELL I TRIED ONCE, BUT MY BRAIN IS FULL OF VIRUSES AND IT DOESN'T WORK WELL. THE DATA JUST ISN'T RELIABLY STORED, EVEN WITH ERROR CHECKING. I ONCE RAN A VIRUS SCAN ON MY BRAIN AND THE PROGRAM CRASHED. C- - - Comments : 3.14=100 Message # 432. Reply to #431 Date: 05/11/91. Time: 08:09:32. Read 19 Times. From : Gizmo To : HACK MAN Subj : More Mem RECEIVED Hack Man has got the C.H.I.P.S. virus! _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 433. Reply to #427 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 08:31:49. Read 19 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : More Mem RECEIVED Yes but your not considering that they spin at .999999999982c, so the time is actually slowed down for it, and distances are much shorter at those speeds. You must have seen a cheap one, or one o the prototypes. It is true, there was a problem with access time, but now they are all worked out. I once saw someone get aged when he neurolinked it though, so there are some obvious implications of biological interfacing. I also read on an otherworld broadcast that they are being used to shift dimensions, ya gnow, length becomes height, height becomes width, width becomes time and time becomes length. With a heavy enough rocoding media, and fast enough rotational inertia, the dimensions shift and wala(?).... get rid of norton QUICKUndelete... Skate. Mitey Byte.. Message # 434. Reply to #430 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 08:38:17. Read 18 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED Well if you were a chick, I would show you, but if the bumpers don't match, your car is going to be alot more fucked up then mine got. These sexual discrim.... Mighty Byte.. Message # 435. Reply to #431 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 08:40:07. Read 18 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : HACK MAN Subj : More Mem RECEIVED Those don't matter, brain viruses I mean. You forget that your body has one of the best anti-virus systems in existence... your immune system, it just has to adapt to scan synapsis for signals now. I think we worked out the formula for a gene splicer that sets up your immune cells for just the thing... if i find it, I'll let you gnow. Mitey Byte.. Message # 436. Reply to #433 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 15:06:29. Read 17 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : More Mem RECEIVED That wasnt the problem I was refering to. of course the actual 'access time' is very fast. But its a real pain in the byte for a CPU to have to search thru all of that data. It takes a very effecient directory structure to keep track of it. _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 437. Reply to #435 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 15:08:46. Read 16 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : More Mem RECEIVED Yeah, thats how they cured C.H.I.P.S. the human-computer virus. _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 438. Reply to #405 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 20:11:09. Read 19 Times. From : Lynx To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED hahahhahahahhahha... that's because of me! I used to bug him all the time about Amiga's and how great they are. Sorry about that... Lynx p.s. actually I'm not really sorry Message # 439. Reply to #406 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 20:12:31. Read 17 Times. From : Lynx To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED You obviously pulled that out of thin air. Take a look at some stock reports, take a look at Profit/net/sales reports... IBM is clearly about 4 times the size of Apple and they have about 3 times the sales. YES I.B.M. Of course the clones (all them added together) have about ten times the sales of IBM... If you need proof check out some of the recent Computer Reseller News weekly papers... Another interesting thing is that Apple has only about twice the number of sales as CBM (Commodore). they used to be about 4-6 times more, but that's changed... Hmmmmmmmmm..... Lynx Tandy is bigger than Apple, but not bigger than IBM... Message # 440. Reply to #407 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 20:17:41. Read 23 Times. From : Lynx To : Gizmo Subj : Hackin RECEIVED You are seriously in error with that calculation... we have done a few calculations and found the not even 100 Terabytes of info could contain a recocnizable representation of The Garage. Of course you have to be an OBFUSCATE to fully appreciate it's full exsistence. Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Comments : 3.10=1 3.14=100 #440. Message # 441. Reply to #408 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 20:20:20. Read 22 Times. From : Lynx To : Gizmo Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED DO IT!!! that will be great!!! hahahhahahahhahahahhaha Lynx Message # 442. Reply to #410 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 20:22:42. Read 21 Times. From : Lynx To : Mitey Byte Subj : $28 years later... RECEIVED Cool... Read the rest of the book... It picks up more towards the end... Ask him about me (Roy). I want to know what he says, and don't tell him you are gonna tell me. Just a test okay... Lynx Thanks Message # 443. Reply to #422 Date: 05/12/91. Time: 20:29:13. Read 21 Times. From : Lynx To : Mitey Byte Subj : LArry RECEIVED Yep... thought so... I don't love H-Bombs... unless they have red hair maybe... Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 444. Reply to #440 Date: 05/13/91. Time: 09:11:22. Read 20 Times. From : Gizmo To : Lynx Subj : Hackin RECEIVED You are wrong. With 100Tb, you could have a 3d field of 100,000 x 100,000 x 10,000 giving you a resolution, in garage-space, of about .3mm in one dimension and .03 mm in the other two. more than sufficient. of course the books and computer stuff would require different data storage. _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 446. Reply to #442 Date: 05/13/91. Time: 16:50:33. Read 17 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Lynx Subj : $28 years later... RECEIVED What did you think arroyo was, a fucking river? He said you guys were good students, and your hbomb project was one o the best, even though you didn't have worksheets or tests for the class mates to do. (Which sounds excellent to me.) Ill ask him some more stuff, it's cool, hackers honor.... Mi{{{{]]n]ds [[m[]}{{}76[xsd[ USER LOGGED OFF Just kidding. Mitey Byte.. Message # 447. Reply to #444 Date: 05/13/91. Time: 16:54:35. Read 17 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Object oriented data structures would be so much more efficient than just a bitmapped image of the GAraGE. One hundred thousand pix in every dimesion? Why??? You would have to go and bitmap all that air. Object oriented data is so much more manipulatable and is set up especially for viewing. What if someone gnocked something over? It would be incredibly hard to restructure the bitmap, but object orientation would allow the entity to be moved, JUST LIKE IN THE REAL WORLD. MiteyByte.. Message # 448. Reply to #436 Date: 05/13/91. Time: 16:59:06. Read 17 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : More Mem RECEIVED Very efficient memory structure? Fractals themselves are the most complex and the most ORGANIZED things ever gnown. Indexing is very, very simple with fractals, if you gnow what I mean. Maybe not... Bighty Mite.......... The directiry would be the fractal itself, self indexed. I like this full screen editor thing, but I need to learn how to use it. All i can do is copy... Message # 449. Reply to #444 Date: 05/13/91. Time: 18:21:17. Read 17 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Gizmo Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Come on! That would only give you a 3-dimensional projection. Do you plan to ignore the 12 other gnown dimensions? And what about the obfuscation compensation sub-routines? And how do you intend to display the non-visible wave length spectrum? What about the variable values for space-time continuum displacement? And have you worked out the logarithms for the imaginary components of the garage? You're always trying to over-simplify everything. -UNKA BUCK- -OBFUSCATE- Comments : 3.14=100 Message # 450. Reply to #444 Date: 05/14/91. Time: 05:15:43. Read 25 Times. From : Lynx To : Gizmo Subj : Hackin RECEIVED There is more to the garage than pure image data and such.. But you would not understand... you are not an OBFUSCATE. you could do a 10000000000000000x10000000000000000x100000000000000000 3d image of the garage and it would still be easily recognized as just that an image by any OBFUSCATE. Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- #450. Message # 451. Reply to #447 Date: 05/14/91. Time: 15:54:36. Read 18 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Exactly! I was merely pointing out that you could even use INEFFICIENT bitmapping and get away with 100Tb (with some objects...) _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 452. Reply to #448 Date: 05/14/91. Time: 15:56:13. Read 17 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : More Mem RECEIVED True, but that doesnt help you when your looking for your Mother in laws phone number, or the name of the cm USER LOGGED OFF Message # 453. Reply to #452 Date: 05/14/91. Time: 20:42:43. Read 16 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : More Mem RECEIVED The name of the cm? I got that right here: cm. Why would i waste fractal drive space? Mitey Byte.. Message # 454. Reply to #450 Date: 05/15/91. Time: 15:42:38. Read 16 Times. From : Gizmo To : Lynx Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Its not an image, it actually stores info on each little component, what its made of, ect... thus wood isnt stored as 'Non-glowing, but reflecting brown' but 'wood' (thÄUU USER LOGGED OFF Message # 455. Reply to #454 Date: 05/15/91. Time: 16:50:50. Read 17 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Maybe if we get together, we can get HACK MAN to change the all too familiar USER LOGGED OFF to TO BE CONTINUED... Mitey byte.. Message # 456. Reply to #453 Date: 05/15/91. Time: 22:34:20. Read 16 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : More Mem RECEIVED Nah... CM is someone else... notice i said the CM? :) _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Message # 457. Reply to #455 Date: 05/15/91. Time: 22:35:09. Read 17 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : Hackin RECEIVED YES!!! I think its a great Idea, we should do it n{01[ni{ TO BE CONTINUED... Comments : 3.10=1 Message # 458. Reply to #405 Date: 05/16/91. Time: 01:05:51. Read 21 Times. From : HACK MAN To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED BELIEVE ME, IF LYNX BUGGED YOU ALL THE TIME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU WOULD GO INTO HYSTERICS AND BE SCARRED FOR LIFE TOO. C- - - P.S. THAT'S WHY THEY CALL HIM OBNOXIOUS BUTTHEAD. Comments : 3.14=101 3.141=1 Message # 462. Reply to #407 Date: 05/16/91. Time: 02:55:19. Read 21 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gizmo Subj : Hackin RECEIVED YES, LYNX REFERS TO THE OTHER NIGHT. WE WERE WATCHING "ENCOUNTER AT FARPOINT" THE PILOT FOR STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION (WE = U.B. LYNX AND ME), AND I BEGAN TO WONDER EXACTLY HOW MUCH STORAGE YOU WOULD NEED TO DIGITIZE A HUMAN BEING (SO THAT YOU COULD STORE THEIR TRANSPORTER PATTERN AND REPRODUCE IT (AS THEY HAVE DONE A FEW TIMES ON THE SHOW)). SO, I STARTED TO THINK ABOUT IT. MY REASONING IS THAT YOU WOULD HAVE TO DETERMINE THE WIDTH OF THE SMALLEST ATOM AND THEN ESTABLISH A 3 DIMENSIONAL GRID THAT WAS ABOUT THE SIZE OF A HUMAN BEING. WELL, THE WIDTH OF THE SMALLEST ATOM (HYDROGEN) IS ABOUT 1X10^-8 CM. THIS IS THE ANGSTROM NUMBER. SO, USING 2.54 CM/INCH THIS YEILDS A MAXIMUM POSSIBILITY OF 3048000000 ATOMS PER LINEAR FOOT. MULTIPLY THIS BY A 4X4X8 FOOT CUBIC SPACE (TO ACCOUNT FOR A REALLY HUGE GUY WITH LOTS OF CLOTHING AND GEAR) AND YOU HAVE 3.625X10^30 ATOMS. NOW, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO STORE ABOUT EACH ATOM? WELL THERE'S THE ATOMIC NUMBER (GIVE ONE BYTE FOR THAT) THE NUMBER OF NEUTRONS (ONE BYTE FOR THAT) THE NUMBER OF ELECTRONS (ONE BYTE FOR THAT). ALSO YOU HAVE TO INCLUDE A LIST OF ALL THE NEIGHBORING ATOMS AND WETHER OR NOT YOUR ATOM IS BONDED TO IT. ((TO ACCOUNT FOR MOLECULES.) IN THIS SYSTEM ALL THE NEIGHBORING ATOMS ENCOMPASS A 3X3X3 GRID (GIVE IT A 27 BIT BITMAP (OR 4 BYTES))). THAT GIVES YOU A TOTAL OF 7 BYTES PER ATOM. MULTIPLY THIS BY 3.625X10^30 AND YOU GET 2.5371894546432x10^31 BYTES. THIS IS A PRETTY FUCKIN' HUGE AMOUNT OF STORAGE. I DON'T EVEN GNOW IF THERE IS A NAME FOR IT. I CALL IT 25.4 FUCKINHUGEABYTES. C- - - P.S. WOULD YOU SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN A BITMAP IF IT WAS "YOU" WHO WAS GOING TO BE DIGITIZED? Comments : 3.10=1 Message # 463. Reply to #462 Date: 05/16/91. Time: 15:24:52. Read 26 Times. From : Gizmo To : HACK MAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED NO! I want an 'outline' Bitmaps suck. _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Comments : 1.00=3501 3.141=1 3.1415=1 3.141592=1 3.14159265=1 SQRT(-PI)=1 Message # 464. Date: 05/16/91. Time: 15:25:52. Read 25 Times. From : Gizmo To : HACK MAN Subj : Comments! RECEIVED when you dont have comments 6-10, you can enter them anyway... they blank. I hereby nominate comment code #10 for... [im speechless]... it will be blank. _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker Comments : SQRT(-PI)=2 Message # 466. Reply to #464 Date: 05/17/91. Time: 00:42:02. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gizmo Subj : Comments! RECEIVED THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD ONE. C- - - Message # 467. Reply to #463 Date: 05/17/91. Time: 00:42:42. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gizmo Subj : Hackin RECEIVED OK. BUT THAT MEANS THE YOU WILL BE REPRODUCED AS A SHADOW WHEN YOU GO THROUGH THE TRANSPORTER. LET'S ALL FEEL SORRY FOR GIZ. C- - - Message # 468. Reply to #458 Date: 05/17/91. Time: 14:00:09. Read 24 Times. From : DEADMAN To : HACK MAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED OHHH.. i think i begin to see your point. (time to sharpen it again though, dont you think?) -DEADMAN Message # 469. Reply to #466 Date: 05/17/91. Time: 15:10:31. Read 23 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : HACK MAN Subj : Comments! RECEIVED That is a good one! Did you change ULO to To Be contined, or is Giz playing with me? Message # 470. Reply to #469 Date: 05/18/91. Time: 09:21:42. Read 23 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : Comments! RECEIVED ULO was never changed, I did that. But I was the one to discover the [im speechless] comment... _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| Hardware Hacker #470. Message # 471. Date: 05/20/91. Time: 16:40:53. Read 20 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gizmo Subj : LIne tranfsefsjfkjsac RECEIVED Hey ,giz, i played with those files a little, and what i did should have worked, but.... First i transferred the files from ProDOS to plain and simple (and editable) DOS 3.3. Then I took my favorite Sector Editor (DISK ZAP, by Vance Gibony) and changed the bytes in the directory that correspond to file type so the file type would be a Binary file. Well it all worked, i is yust zat i donna no how work!! I tried loading the siles in at loc$800, so if it ever was an applesoft program, now the only valuable info was where it should be. Still no. Then i tried Bloading and Brunning all the files separately, and big nada. I guess we should have changed TXT to something? Mitey Byte.. Message # 472. Reply to #467 Date: 05/21/91. Time: 00:16:45. Read 21 Times. From : Unka Buck To : HACK MAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Ah, gee... -UNKA BUCK- -OBFUSCATE- Message # 473. Reply to #468 Date: 05/21/91. Time: 02:08:59. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED YEAH. IT'S TIME FOR A GOOD SHARPENING. C- - - Message # 474. Reply to #473 Date: 05/21/91. Time: 02:50:43. Read 24 Times. From : DEADMAN To : HACK MAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED bring it to the pizza party n ill help u with it.. Message # 475. Reply to #471 Date: 05/21/91. Time: 19:34:02. Read 23 Times. From : Gizmo To : Mitey Byte Subj : LIne tranfsefsjfkjsac RECEIVED Edit the ProDOS disk, when you edit files types in DOS, you gain or los 1 or 2 bytes... or do this: Catalog (in 80 columns) Bload [name],TTXT, A$ [for ML, $6000, for basic, doesnt matter] Create [othername],[TBIN or TBAS] Bsave [othername],[TBIN or TBAS],[A$6000 or for basic, whatever you did before],l$1000 try that... _______ /_______O | _____ | ||__ | I Z M O | |/__| | |_______| One liner at bottom of macro for rent, contact gizmo Message # 476. Reply to #474 Date: 05/22/91. Time: 01:43:01. Read 26 Times. From : HACK MAN To : DEADMAN Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED OKEDOKE. C- - - Message # 477. Date: 05/27/91. Time: 21:30:23. Read 30 Times. From : Gizmo To : Subj : RECEIVED Message # 478. Reply to #477 Date: 05/28/91. Time: 02:19:46. Read 26 Times. From : Stranger To : Gizmo Subj : RECEIVED thats nice Message # 479. Reply to #477 Date: 05/28/91. Time: 18:18:19. Read 21 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Gizmo Subj : RECEIVED Yeah, right. Do you really expect anyone to believe that? -UNKA BUCK- -OBFUSCATE- :) Message # 480. Reply to #478 Date: 05/29/91. Time: 20:29:00. Read 24 Times. From : Gizmo To : Stranger Subj : RECEIVED isnt it? #480. Message # 481. Date: 05/30/91. Time: 20:43:40. Read 24 Times. From : DEADMAN To : .. Subj : .. RECEIVED The damn place died again... -DEADMAN Message # 482. Reply to #481 Date: 05/30/91. Time: 20:44:41. Read 24 Times. From : DEADMAN To : DEADMAN Subj : .. RECEIVED HEY! lookit that the shadows back already..! Message # 486. Date: 06/09/91. Time: 14:37:28. Read 25 Times. From : Suzy Gee To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Hello, Gav? RECEIVED Gav? You here? I'm back in Ventura again, so I assume you are, too. That's the way things tend to go around us. Your recursive message in EMail was very sweet, but damn annoying, I must say. Thank you and take off. Boy, haven't you noticed the terrible pressure of posting a significant first message to be simply... well... terrible? I mean, talk about extreme anti-climatics! It should allow you to just post "This message is truely cool, but I'm not going to allow anyone to read it, because you probably couldn't handle it" and then the pressure would be off. Of course, no one would be able to read it so I can't think of a point but... Ghastly weather we've been having, hasn't it? What you real people don't realize is that when you're having sunny, cheery weather, it's perfectly mis- erable for us imaginary people. I mean, think about it! Suppose you've got a 10% chance of rain... What do you suppose happened to the other 90%? It's an imaginary sum. There is a 90i% chance of rain on such a day. And when there's a 0% chance of rain, like today, you can bet that we're getting a virtual downpour of imaginary rain! (The term "virtual" in this sentance should, of course, be read as a noun, and not an adjective) Well, Gav, rots a ruck to you in reading all the new messages on the BBS. For once, I'm glad I'm limited to The Pi Room. ...Suzy Gee (i) -Imaginary Message # 487. Reply to #484 Date: 06/09/91. Time: 21:42:28. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : I SWEAR RECEIVED HILLBURN! Message # 488. Reply to #486 Date: 06/09/91. Time: 21:46:33. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Suzy Gee Subj : Hello, Gav? RECEIVED OH DARN!, I'M GONNA HAVE TO TAKE MY CAR TO THE IMAGINARY CAR WASH AGAIN. C- - - Comments : 3.00=17 Message # 489. Reply to #488 Date: 06/11/91. Time: 18:44:06. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN Subj : Hello, Gav? RECEIVED Are you kidding? On an imaginary rainy day like today? What a concept! The imaginary car wash attendants would laugh and laugh... Of course, I once washed my car at a Chevron station when it was raining... Go ahead, make i spray... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 490. Reply to #486 Date: 06/11/91. Time: 18:46:45. Read 22 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Suzy Gee Subj : Hello, Gav? RECEIVED Hi Suzy. Yeah, you can't even imagine the loads of catching up I have to do on all these subboards! I've gotten through The Tavern, The Pi Room, The Obfuscatorium, The StoryBoard, and The Temple of Dillusion. That covers all the important places. Hey, Suzy wanna gnow something interesting? VENTURA COUNTY JAIL Inmate Regulations: A. All inmates will be required to: 1. Have bed made by 7 A.M. 2. Keep themselves neat and clean. 3. Shave daily - No beards, unless you are unsentenced and had a beard when you were booked. 4. Address all officers by their proper rank, or as sir or mister. 5. Submit all requests in writing to cellblock officer. This request "kite", shall contain name, tank number, date and specify nature of requrest. 6. Have TV turned off between 11 P.M. and 7 A.M. ...more later !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- #490. Message # 491. Date: 06/22/91. Time: 00:57:03. Read 25 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : ALL Subj : Cheezy So did this board die or what? too bad, we were rollin for so long, and Ice devil never found us... Mitey bYte ^^ Message # 492. Reply to #491 Date: 06/23/91. Time: 16:24:10. Read 22 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Mitey Byte Subj : Cheezy RECEIVED r u sure? i thought i saw him back there somewhere.. -ME! Message # 493 -- Private. Message # 494. Date: 06/24/91. Time: 20:02:45. Read 24 Times. From : Suzy Gee To : Youm Subj : Continuing Gav's post... For those of you who would like to gnow: VENTURA COUNTY JAIL Inmate regulations EACH INMATE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: A. ALL INMATE WILL BE REQUIRED TO: 1. Have bed made by 7 A.M. 2. Keep themselves neat and clean. 3. Shave daily - No beard, unless you are unsentanced and had a beard when you were booked. 4. Address all officers by their proper rank, or as sir or mister. 5. Submit all requests in writing to cellblock officer. This request "kite", shall contain name, tank number, date and specify nature of request. 6. Have TV turned off between 11 P.M. and 7 A.M. B. WHEN CALLED OUT OF A TANK, ALL INMATES WILL: 1. Be fully dressed with sleeves rolled down and buttons buttoned. 2. Empty all pockets except for property envelope. 3. Not smoke or talk. 4. Walk directly across the hall and face the wall, keeping hands out of pockets. C. NO INMATES WILL: 1. Keep food in the tank, except commissary issue. 2. Light fires. 3. Participate in any gambling. 4. Transfer money or property. 5. Conduct personal business from the jail. 6. Talk with any administrative officer without apporbal of the cellblock officer. 7. Cup call or shout from a tank unless an emergency situation exists. D. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Each tank will be inspected Monday thru Saturday. 2. Cells and the dayroom will be inspected for overall cleanliness and neatness. 3. Bunks will be made with one blanket folded at the head of the bunk. 4. The metal area under the mattress will be clean and items arranged in an orderly manner. 5. Any article of clothing left in the cell during inspection will be taken. 6. Walls and bunks will not be written nor drawn upon. 7. There will be no pictures fixed to the walls or bunks. 8. The cleanliness of the dayroom, the catwalk and the catwalk bars will be the responsibility of the entire tank. * Aditional regulations are posted in tanks. * Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in disciplinary action. CUSTODY DIVISION Ventura County Sheriff's Department _______________________________________________________________________________ Gavy: If you didn't already notice, you left your inmate regulations at my house... ___ ___ (___ / __ ___) uzy \__/ ee ... :I need a better sign-off: Message # 496. Date: 07/06/91. Time: 02:12:39. Read 25 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Subj : . RECEIVED this didnt even rate the traditional two dot title... only one new post in a LOOOONG tyme and it was PRIVATE and i couldnt read it. how irritating. Message # 497. Reply to #496 Date: 07/07/91. Time: 08:15:12. Read 21 Times. From : stranger To : DEADMAN Subj : . RECEIVED Oh. Stranger Message # 498. Date: 07/08/91. Time: 00:09:01. Read 21 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : DEADMAN/stranger Subj : Woah! Hey! There are people here? Wow! I thought I was alone with my imaginary friends. Ever since I made this place into my retreat from the retreat, most of the real people don't visit anymore. My imaginary friends and I have great fun, but after a while it kinda gets to you... I mean, what's the point in only sending messages to your own imaginary friends? Even- tually, you get to talking about imaginary things and everyone who is rational loses interest. (Most of us are irrational, and lose interest to a lesser extent, while I never lose interest only because they are MY imaginary friends) At any rate, I think I will still let this place re- main a haven for imaginary people, but reinstitute it's original purpose which the (B)oards list will tell you is for paradoxii and related hap- penstances. Actually, the main purpose of this subboard is a reflection of what "sane" people refer to as insanity. (You ought to hear what name us "insane" people have given to those who claim to be sane.) So, any REAL psychopaths in the audiance tonight? Not you wanna-be mass murderers or you egotistical sadists. I mean REAL psychopaths. You gnow, the kinda guy who can slice a person up and really be bored by it. The motive for the psychopath: "Let your conscience be your guide!" !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 499. Reply to #498 Date: 07/08/91. Time: 01:27:31. Read 24 Times. From : stranger To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Woah! RECEIVED Dont worry, Im just an imaginary friend too...and about psyopathy, the guy who said he'd kill a hundred babies! (if that doesnt clinch it, read my Tales fromthe Stranger!!!) Im not actually a psycopath...just disregard everything i said, ok? wellll... Stranger Message # 500. Reply to #497 Date: 07/08/91. Time: 21:56:35. Read 28 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : stranger Subj : . RECEIVED Awwww come on, just cuz things are a little slow doesn't mean yu have to contribute. Leave a Message!!! Mitey bYTe.. #500. Message # 501. Date: 07/09/91. Time: 00:48:11. Read 26 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : PUBLIC DENOUCEMENT EARLIER TODAY I WITNESSED LYNX ROUND OFF PI ON ANOTHER BBS (SURFSIDE). ICE DEVIL IS MY WITNESS. HE ROUNDED IT OFF TO 6 DECIMAL PLACES NO LESS. WE MUST HAVE A TRIAL AND A PUNNISHMENT. Message # 502. Reply to #498 Date: 07/09/91. Time: 05:27:45. Read 24 Times. From : DEADMAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Woah! RECEIVED well if you get REEEAAAAALLLLLYYY bored u can talk to my imaginary friendz for awhile.. howz that? (I HATE SUNBURNS! they only strike me in the back of the knee.. wouldnt u gnow.) Psychopath huh? hmmm Well waitll i get up the energy to find the guy who owes me 700$$$ then well see! -DEADSHADE Message # 503. Date: 07/09/91. Time: 10:22:50. Read 24 Times. From : popeye To : Lynx Subj : What RECEIVED Are you looking at me!? I gnow you can see thru my monitor. Do you see in sixteen color? Shoot! Po peye Message # 504. Date: 07/09/91. Time: 13:28:21. Read 26 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN/others Subj : Things... Here here! Send Lynx over here... No, wait! I'll deliver him a subpeona on the Tavern... Yes, that's what I'll do. (I've got to get back to work now, so don't anyone say anything to him until I can get it typed up... Ah, the advantages of working for a lawyer!) As subop of The Pi Room and as self-declared Pi Guy, I hearby designate myself as judge to this trial. I will be sending out jury duty notices to several of the users who call most often, and we will bring Lynx to the stand. HACK MAN, you shall be the attorney for the prosecution. I suggest you get to work col- lecting the evidence. (In your buffer, say...) Lynx can represent himself, or find another user to represent him... Wait. I just remember that you subpoena witnesses, not the accused. You've got to arrest the accused. Who's the Pi Police around here? The cops have to get him and read him his Miranda rights! HACK MAN, you do that also, since you are the one who caught him. I also suggest lowering his access to only the PI Room if you can or will, until he's pays his bail. (Which I shall determine after you have brought him in) !!! GAVISCON !!! -Da judge! Message # 505. Reply to #503 Date: 07/10/91. Time: 00:27:01. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : popeye Subj : What RECEIVED I'M LOOKING AT YOU! AND I CAN SEE IN 256 COLORS. NEXT TIME YOU CALL TRY TO HAVE SOME FABULOUS BABES WITH YOU. C- - - President Grover Cleveland, before he was the president, escaped the military draft by hiring someone else to take his place. Message # 506. Reply to #504 Date: 07/10/91. Time: 00:36:52. Read 27 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Things... RECEIVED OK. UNFORTUNATELY, I FORGOT TO SAVE THE BUFFER. BUT WE CAN GET ICE DEVIL TO TESTIFY TOO (I HOPE). LYNX HAS BEEN GIVEN READ ONLY ACCESS TO THE PI BOARD AS A CONDITION OF BAIL UNTIL SENTENCING. C- - - If you totally flattened the world, dug up the mountains and put the dirt into the ravines, the entire earth would become covered with two miles of water. (ANOTHER GIZMO QUEST?) Message # 507. Date: 07/10/91. Time: 09:38:33. Read 29 Times. From : popeye To : Hack Man Subj : Babies? RECEIVED Why would I want to bring a bounch (flock, school, pack) of babies with me? I've spent the last 100 years sailing around practicing the art of procreation, but, being careful not to actually leave any genetically superior Sweepee's crawling around. The world under two feet of water??? Awesome. Guess we'd all have to sail in shallow draft boats. P opeye Message # 508. Date: 07/10/91. Time: 13:54:38. Read 27 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx and others Subj : Sentancing Great. I'll send out jury duty notices... Lynx vs. The Users of BBSs everywhere Lynx is hereby charged with Viol.(#)3.14 of the PI-nal code. "Thou shalt not round off pi!" Hack Man has been assigned the legal enforcement powers and is also the Prosecuting Attorney for the Plantiff. Suzy Gee will be Court Reporter. The maximum punishment allowable for this offence is one month as a Twit (access=1) and/or a fine of up to 500,000 characters. (Since this is a first offense, the actual punishment is not likely to be so harsh) Bail is set for $3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820... to be paid to the Bailiff (The Bell Captain) with Hack Man as witness and Note or Republic. After bail has been paid, Lynx's access to the subboards will be reinstated. The preliminary trial will then be set, and Lynx's plea will be heard. Should the plea be "Not Guilty" then a trial date will be set and the jury will be summoned. Lynx's rights are that he gets one free post, under Hack Man's supervision, to write to his laywer or family. ...I need a gavel... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 509. Date: 07/10/91. Time: 23:06:55. Read 23 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : lynx Subj : .. RECEIVED You have the right to stop posting. Anythin gyou post can be used against you in a PI subboard. You have no other rights. If you cannot afford to have no other rights, one will be appointed to you. Do you fully understand these HEY! I'M TALKIN TO YOU! GET THIS GUY OUTTA HERE!!! Message # 510. Reply to #508 Date: 07/10/91. Time: 23:09:55. Read 24 Times. From : Mitey Byte To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Sentancing RECEIVED Gavel? sorry, but you can use an IBM as the hit-thingy. What is that called, anyways, you honor? DMB.. #510. Message # 511. Reply to #508 Date: 07/11/91. Time: 03:27:44. Read 25 Times. From : Lynx To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Sentancing RECEIVED But gav, my friend, you rounded PI twice in that post alone! Lynx My rounding of PI was on a different BBS entirely, and many people were watching, and they would not have appreciated the shear awesomeness of PI unrounded being displayed for them... :) Message # 512. Reply to #511 Date: 07/12/91. Time: 13:18:52. Read 28 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx Subj : Sentancing RECEIVED I didn't round off pi. The PI-nal code just so happens to be Viol.(#)3.14 P.C. And the "three dot" convention is allowed under said law. By the way, you can not pay the fine yourself... I forgot to mention that. You'll have to get some other user to post bail for you, so that you can regain access to other subs. (Hense the use of your one free post) If I said this too late, well then just ignore it... You have a valid arguement, Mr. Lynx. I suggest you find a lawyer, or choose to represent yourself. If you don't have any friends and no one will be your laywer, than one will be appointed for you. I suggest you read the law con- cerning your case. (I have included a copy of the code at the end of this message.) I believe that we can speed up the normal court proceedings if the defendant wishes. You may enter your plea now, or choose an extension to meet with your laywer or councel. I assume, from your last message that your plea will be "Not Guilty", but we never can tell, can we? So, Lynx, what is your plea? MB: "Gavel coaster"... I'm sure of it! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- $ 3.14 [Thou shalt not round off pi] No regular user of Hack's Retreat shall round off the number pi on any other BBS or on any written document unless, pursuant to Section 3.141, the three- dot convention proceeds the last printed digit, thereof, when as such round- ing off involves obvious usage of number in question as the value pi. ...This is just the initial wording of the code. I shall post the entire code later, when I get back from work. (These darn lunch-break calls always get cut short) Message # 513. Reply to #512 Date: 07/13/91. Time: 04:58:20. Read 25 Times. From : Lynx To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Sentancing RECEIVED Well, I believe I used the "..." on my quoting of PI. SO DOINK! Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- p.s. You have to take my word for it... there is no buffered proof. Message # 514. Date: 07/19/91. Time: 16:21:36. Read 25 Times. From : stranger To : um... Subj : Hey! I just realized that my monitor isnt broken! Its just on one color! now how do i switch back... stranger Message # 515. Date: 07/21/91. Time: 23:29:33. Read 23 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Lynx/HACK/everyone else Subj : The trial The trial has been cancelled due to extreme apathy and the fact that no one appears to want to play. Foo! By the way, stranger, why are you asking that question here? I don't mind, of course, but I wouldn't think The Pi Room would be the best place to illicit a technical response. I don't have a solution to your problem, myself, if it's a computer problem, but if it's a problem with logging in, then you should change your Default colors in the (S)tats department from the main menu. It is option number 16 after pressing S. It doesn't sound like that is your prob though... Ask Hack Man. He gnows things like that... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 520. Reply to #519 Date: 07/27/91. Time: 03:14:21. Read 22 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : The trial RECEIVED But this isn't Hack's retreat anymore. It's just The Retreat. Of course it is Hack's. It's Hack's The Retreat. No no no... It's The Retreat of Hack's. No wait... It's The Retreat. Which Hack Man owns. There. Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- p.s. PI? #520. Message # 521 -- Private. Message # 523 -- Private. Message # 524. Reply to #393 Date: 08/05/91. Time: 15:35:19. Read 23 Times. From : Katana To : Mitey Byte Subj : Quantum Fluctual Coicidences I think I had the best project Mitey! What did you think?!?! Katana Message # 525. Date: 08/07/91. Time: 23:45:38. Read 26 Times. From : Katana To : pi followers Subj : HALLOOOOOO!!!!!! Hello all, I posted a while ago on here and no messages have been posted since! How sad!! Well all I habe to say to you is pi!!!!!!! Katana Message # 527. Reply to #409 Date: 08/19/91. Time: 01:28:46. Read 22 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Mitey Byte Subj : Hulking giants.... I guess you can't even say anything bad about IBM on this board. Now that's what I call censorship! +++Gravebuster --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 528. Reply to #412 Date: 08/19/91. Time: 01:31:05. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Don't you have plenty enough? :) +++Gravebuster --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 529. Reply to #421 Date: 08/19/91. Time: 01:34:19. Read 20 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Mitey Byte Subj : We lost him... And who is this "green man?" +++Gravebuster --==I'm still trying to catch up on this board==-- Message # 530. Reply to #429 Date: 08/19/91. Time: 01:36:58. Read 22 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Mitey Byte Subj : I SWEAR Did you remember to get her name and phone number, and then ask her out for a date that night? +++Gravebuster --==ssllloooww==-- #530. Message # 531. Reply to #431 Date: 08/19/91. Time: 01:39:20. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : More Mem RECEIVED Then you need Gravebuster's Kumquat Juice, $35.00 a case, or $50.00 if your initials are HM... +++Gravebuster --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 532. Reply to #486 Date: 08/19/91. Time: 01:52:33. Read 20 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Suzy Gee Subj : Hello, Gav? I guess I should have hung around the Pi Room more often. Hello, Suzy Gee! Do you gnow candy? +++Gravebuster --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 533. Date: 08/19/91. Time: 02:05:35. Read 23 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : I'm Sorry I'm Late RECEIVED I'm Mynk Lynx's counsel, and I ask that the court dismiss the charges on the grounds that not only is the accuser Hack Man insane (as can be evidenced by this existence he is currently imagining), but because Lynx is insane, and since this subboard is insane, then everything's okay and there's no need to have a trial. What? The trial has been dismissed due to a lack of participation. Well, come now, I gnow that I was late, but that doesn't mean that you have to cancel the trial... What? You've already left for Berkeley! Well, of all the insults. See if I present another obfuscated argument in your courtroom again. +++Gravebuster --==besides, anything said in this courtroom is immaterial, just like you==-- Message # 534. Reply to #533 Date: 08/19/91. Time: 16:39:56. Read 21 Times. From : Ubik To : Gravebuster Subj : I'm Sorry I'm Late RECEIVED Relax all of you. You should all gnow that in the good old US (thats us) court procedings take a long time. You must expect something like this to take a year or three to decide. (giving the profesional participants time to acumulate massive fees) I move that court simply be recessed until prosecuting council has time to prepare his case (about one semester should do it) Then in a year or so we can hang the pi splitter. Its the American way! Ubik a minor juror Message # 535. Reply to #534 Date: 08/20/91. Time: 22:39:52. Read 22 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Ubik Subj : I'm Sorry I'm Late RECEIVED Ah, go hang yourself! My client puts ellipses after his pi's. Besides, this isn't the US--this is the Retreat! And if Gav wants to call off the court, it's his perrogative. +++Gravebuster --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 536. Reply to #535 Date: 08/21/91. Time: 18:13:31. Read 21 Times. From : Ubik To : Gravebuster Subj : I'm Sorry I'm Late RECEIVED There is no justice anymore! UBIK! --==OBFUSCATE==-- HaHaHa! Message # 538. Reply to #536 Date: 08/22/91. Time: 20:32:10. Read 26 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Ubik Subj : I'm Sorry I'm Late RECEIVED Yes, you can't get just ice have to buy some cola to go along with it... No, seriously (who am I kidding?), there is no justice anymore, because he quit for the fall and is studying up in Berkeley... +++Gravebuster --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 540. Reply to #533 Date: 09/01/91. Time: 14:20:22. Read 24 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gravebuster Subj : I'm Sorry I'm Late RECEIVED THAT'S THE MOST REASONABLE ARGUMENT I'VE EVER HEARD! I OBJECT ON THE GROUNDS THAT IT LACKS INSANITY! C- - - #540. Message # 541. Reply to #540 Date: 09/03/91. Time: 19:49:17. Read 25 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : I'm Sorry I'm Late RECEIVED And what could be more insane than to present sanity in a land of insanity? I rest my case! +++Gravebuster --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 542. Date: 09/06/91. Time: 23:17:05. Read 28 Times. From : (classified) To : Anarchists ? Subj : Neccessities ? Love - Needed only for yourself. They say you must love yourself to love others. Gotta start somewhere. Honor - People who have it, or if they don't, do not pretend to have it, are fools. A useful tool. Honesty - If you are good, everyone thinks you are. Spirituality - Hey, it never hurts to be religious. What if there is a god. Cover all your bases. Courage - bravado is better. You live longer. Compassion - actually, this is neccessary. You still have to be nice to people to get something from them. If you are nice enough, they will usually just give it to you. This is a useful skill. Do you believe this ? Do you think that I believe this ? Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 543. Date: 09/07/91. Time: 01:25:02. Read 25 Times. From : NUMBER TWO To : Adding you to the userlog Subj : N o t h e r e. b u t m a y b e o n a d a y when we all ..................................... praise MUKOR n o t m e.... Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 544. Reply to #542 Date: 09/16/91. Time: 05:19:05. Read 25 Times. From : phantom Sweetener To : (classified) Subj : Neccessities ? Hardly anarchism someone somewhere !!!believes it!!! Message # 545. Date: 09/21/91. Time: 18:48:34. Read 28 Times. From : Gizmo To : All Subj : Locked out Now I wonder what type of FACIST would do that. Gizmo Message # 546. Reply to #545 Date: 09/22/91. Time: 15:40:27. Read 28 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gizmo Subj : Locked out RECEIVED I don't gnow. What's a "facist"; a person who believes in faces? Is a "facist" related in any way to a "fascist"? Or are you using the Gizmo dictionary again? +++Gravebuster --==DOINK!==-- Message # 547. Reply to #546 Date: 09/23/91. Time: 17:21:57. Read 28 Times. From : Ubik To : Gravebuster Subj : Locked out RECEIVED I vote for GaveBuester for COMMISIONER of SPELLINK but he must restrict his activities to the Bogg Ubrik Message # 548. Reply to #547 Date: 09/26/91. Time: 00:38:11. Read 23 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Ubik Subj : Locked out RECEIVED I decline the post... +++Gravebuster --==and your spelling was atrocious!==-- Message # 549. Date: 09/26/91. Time: 02:10:30. Read 25 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : Adding Up A Solution To Competitiveness RECEIVED From the Los Angeles Times, Innovation feature by Michael Schrage Look at any of the so-called critical technologies you want--biotechnology, new materials, software, etc.--and the fact remains that the cheapest, most cost-effective and influential investment America could make in industrial competitiveness is in mathematics. Few things are as pwoerful--or as profitable--as an equation whose time has come. The Black-scholes options pricing formula--which lets financial engineers craft new securities and sniff out arbitrage opportunities between old ones-- has transformed the flow of trillions of dollars in global capital markets. The Reed-Solomon algorithm determines the fidelity of both music and data in millions of computers and compact disc players. The emerging non-linear equations of Chaos Theory provide practical insights into the physics of the heart and the future of the environment. As much as the cost of capital or any presidential directive, obscure equations now shape the effectiveness and competitiveness of U.S. industry. While America has tremendous mathematical talent and resources, you wouldn't know it from the way they have been applied. "We lead the world in this area," asserts Louis Auslander, who recently directed mathematical research for the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. "It's a great advantage for us but we're not using it." We should be taking that advantage and using it to create new technologies and new market opportunities. In the same way that new mathematics redefined finance, mathematics should be redefining our competitiveness in engineering and molecular biology. Universities should be creating departments of "mathematical engineering" to give people tools to manage the complexity of assembly lines. More companies should be teaming mathematicians with their engineers and innovators. Unfortunately, most companies simply can't figure out what to do with mathematics--or they believe that mathematics is statistics for quality control. They think of mathematics as a set of cold equations that freezes observations into unambiguous numbers rather than as a rich language that gives people new ways to describe realitiy. The mathematicians themselves have made things worse. Mathematics in America has been stripped down from "the queen of the sciences" to a Sibyl-like creature of multiple factions and narcissistic indulgences. Too many brilliant mathematicians with Ph.Ds take unhealthy pride in the notion that their work has no relevance at all to the real world. Of course, Newton's Calculus, Einstein's Relativity and the swirl of mathematical breakthroughs generated by Chaos Theory were all inspired by real world problems. "Mathematicians ahve forgotten where their problems came from," says Avner Friedman, who directs the University of Minnesota's Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, one of the few academic institutions explicitly looking at how to link mathematics with real-world problems. Unfortunately, Friedman observes, "the dominant attitude" in mathematics today is that relevance is more nice than necessary. Mathematics has become less of a culture that wants to communicate than a collection of cults that talk to themselves. "Most mathematics departments are very narrow," Friedman says. "Only a small percentage of people are seeking collaboration with the outside world. Integration has not yet taken root." That's not to say that pure mathematics--that is, mathematics based on mathematics itself, rather than on real world problems--is irrelevant or wasteful. On the contrary, many of these intellectually challenging and obscuring mathematical branches can offer practical insights into real-world problems. For example, work in topological "knot theory"--the computational geometry of knots--has given a new context for biologists to consider the design of proteins, the building blocks of life. Indeed, in a tasty irony, it turns out that the great Victorian mathematician G. H. Hardy--who reveled in the irrelevance of his elegant mathematics--in fact created equations that have had enormous impact on the development of control theory--the complex branch of mathematics that yields the software enabling ultra-sophisticated planes to fly. No matter how beautiful or elegant, it seems that mathematics con't escape relevance. "One has to wonder whether the mathematical thoughts that our brains are thinking reflect a certain underlying natural order or pattern that leads to virtually all our mathematics becoming applicable at some time or another," observes Howard L. Resnikoff, a former mathematics department chariman at UC Irvine who now runs Aware, a mathematics company in Cambridge, Mass. However, it's clear that there is now a grow imbalance between mathematics for the sake of mathematics and mathematics driven by problems posed by complex realities. The National Science Foundation and the various branches of the Pentagon collectively spend about $150 million on "mathematics research"--but most of that is focused on excruciatingly narrow classes of problems. What's worse, very little of the funding promotes interdisciplinary efforts between mathematics and others fields. We don't "leverage" mathematics well. A recent Natinal Research Council report calls for more "technology transfer" in mathematics, but that doesn't nearly go far enough. "I don't think there's anything preventing a Caltech, a Berkeley, a Stanford or an MIT from starting a department of mathematical engineering," Aware's Resnikoff says. Indeed, Auslander asserts, for a little as $5 million, you can launch a new area of research in multidisciplinary mathematics. You can lure people into examining the interesting classes of problems that the reality of a complex assembly line or a intracellular transport mechanism can offer. "We don't need more mathematicians," sayus Auslander, a distinguished mathematics professor at City University of New York. "We need more mathematicians with a different attitude." But we also need more policymakers and corporate managers who understand that the numbers that can really make a difference to industrial innovation and competitiveness aren't just found in the accounting books. The real power and beauty of mathematics isn't in the way it can describe reality--it's in the way it can be used to improve reality. +++Gravebuster Message # 550. Reply to #546 Date: 09/27/91. Time: 22:51:45. Read 32 Times. From : Gizmo To : Gravebuster Subj : Locked out RECEIVED Yep, the Gizmo dictionary... #550. Message # 551. Reply to #547 Date: 09/28/91. Time: 02:54:08. Read 36 Times. From : NUMBER TWO To : Ubik Subj : Locked out RECEIVED here here...... Message # 553. Date: 10/14/91. Time: 20:10:38. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : SOME NICE POETRY The Poetry of Mathematics Come, let us hasten to a higher plane, Where dyads tread the fairy fields of Venn, Their indices bedecked from one to n, Comingled in an endless Markov Chain! Come, every frustum longs to be a cone, And every vector dreams of matrices. Hark to the gentle gradient of the breeze: It wispers of a more ERGOTIC zone. I'll grant thee random access to my heart, Thou'lt tell me all the constants of thy love; And so we two shall all love's lemmas prove, And in our bound partition never part. Cancel me not -- for what then shall remain? Abscissas, some mantissas, modules, modes, A root or two, a torus and a node: The inverse of my verse, a null domain. I see the eigenvalue in thine eye, I hear the tendor tensor in thy sigh. Bernoulli would have been content to die, Had he but known such a cosine of 2 pi! Courtesy of FRED LACAYANGA (The Duck Pond BBS) C- - - Message # 554. Date: 11/16/91. Time: 03:24:04. Read 33 Times. From : Number Two To : Gav fans everywhere Subj : I await with baited breath I await with baited breath, the return this ho ho time, of The Great Pandemic. ..........Gaviscon Aviscenna............ Be Seeing You??? Message # 555. Reply to #554 Date: 11/17/91. Time: 21:19:07. Read 34 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Number Two Subj : I await with baited breath RECEIVED Are you sure that your breath isn'[t bated instead of baited? If it is baited, then I recommend that you wash it out with Gravebuster's Kumquat Juice, $35.00 a case, or $50.00 if your initials are HM... +++Gravebuster Message # 556. Reply to #555 Date: 11/18/91. Time: 13:32:56. Read 38 Times. From : Number Two To : Gravebuster Subj : I await with baited breath RECEIVED You know what is funny? I was gargling with the stuff just before I called. Go figure. But yes, thank you for pointing out my misspelling. I used the wrong spelling of the word. I hope that I didn't get a bad batch of kumquat juice?? Be Seeing You?! Message # 557. Date: 12/19/91. Time: 19:51:09. Read 38 Times. From : Ender G To : ALL Subj : pi 3.1... such accuracy! ________________ /\______________/\ /``\************/``\ /````\**********/````\ /``````\********/``````\ /````````\******/````````\ /``````````\****/``````````\ /````````````\**/````````````\ <``````````````\/``````````````> \\````````````````````````````/ > \\``````````````````````````/ / \\````````````````````````/ / \\``````````````````````/ / \\`````````pie````````/ / \\``````````````````/ / \\````````````````/ / \\``````````````/ / \\____________/ / \>___________\/ All right, who took the slice from the top??? Ender G -=DNA/Darwin=- Hackers of the world, UNITE! Xenogenesis Comments : 1.00=100 3.141592=3 Message # 558. Reply to #557 Date: 01/14/92. Time: 02:24:30. Read 30 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Ender G Subj : pi RECEIVED Gee.... I guess no one comes here..... an excellent place to hide! Arweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Message # 559. Reply to #558 Date: 01/19/92. Time: 09:05:24. Read 29 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : pi RECEIVED There is no place you can hide! +++Gravebuster --==HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA==-- Message # 560. Date: 01/23/92. Time: 03:50:30. Read 30 Times. From : Morpheus To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : chewing on the concrete RECEIVED I just left I only knew that I had to Be cause : grinding gears lost their lubrication and If I didn't then I never would again st say I must sever Or lose my identity I never will Sitting staring at the blank wall s replaced with bull it s sh The gun the wall Staring back at me un giving for getting the simple malleable give room or rather space I suffocate d Now I chew @wonderland #560. Message # 561. Date: 01/30/92. Time: 01:45:25. Read 26 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : wonderland Subj : 34 where is that? Can I hide there? x34 Arwen Message # 562. Date: 02/04/92. Time: 10:48:24. Read 27 Times. From : Number Two To : No One Subj : Stop Reading NOW! I am not here, so don't even bother thinking abouut responding to me, cause I wont see it. If you want to talk to me, call my house, but be prepared to leave a message, cause I'm not there either. I'm not even going to tell you where I am, especially if I actually knew the difference between there and here. So there! Your Pal 2 Comments : 3.14=34 Message # 563. Reply to #561 Date: 02/05/92. Time: 01:42:59. Read 25 Times. From : Morpheus To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : 34 RECEIVED I don't think they play at all fairly, and they all quarrel so dreadfully one can't hear oneself speak- and they don't seem to have any rules in particular; at least, if there are, nobody attends to them- and you've no idea how confusing it is all tthe things being alive: for instance, there's the arch I've got to go through next walking aboutt at the other end of the ground- and I should have croqqueted the Queen's hedgehog right now, only it ran away as soon as iit saw mine coming!! non compos mentis @wonderland Message # 565. Reply to #563 Date: 02/05/92. Time: 23:53:10. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Morpheus Subj : 34 RECEIVED I GNOW THE FEELING EVEN THOUGH I'VE NEVER EXPERIENCED ANYTHING LIKE IT. C- - - Message # 566. Reply to #558 Date: 02/10/92. Time: 00:35:53. Read 24 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : pi RECEIVED I SEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Message # 567. Reply to #566 Date: 02/10/92. Time: 01:45:55. Read 26 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : YellowBeard Subj : pi RECEIVED So, you can always see me..... you jus' gotta look over your shoulder! I love confined spaces....with the right person! Arwen Message # 568. Reply to #567 Date: 02/10/92. Time: 16:27:31. Read 24 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : pi RECEIVED Where is the Energizer bunny when you need him? Message # 569. Date: 02/18/92. Time: 01:37:23. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : SOMETHING I DOWNLOADED LONG AGO THAT I FOUND IN THE ARCHIVES IMPURE MATHEMATIX WHEREIN IT IS RELATED HOW THAT POLYGON OF WOMANLY VIRTUE, YOUNG POLLY NOMIAL (OUR HEROINE) IS ACCOSTED BY THAT NOTORIOUS VILLAIN CURLY PI, AND FACTORED (OH, HORRORS!). ONCE UPON A TIME (1/T) PRETTY POLLY NOMIAL WAS STROLLING ACROSS A FIELD OF VECTORS WHEN SHE CAME TO THE BOUNDARY OF A SINGULARLY LARGE MATRIX. NOW POLLY WAS CONVERGENT AND HER MOTHER HAD MADE IT AN ABSOLUTE CONDITION THAT SHE NEVER ENTER SUCH AN ARRAY WITHOUT HER BRACKETS ON. POLLY, HOWEVER, WHO HAD CHANGED HER VARIABLES THAT MORNING AND WAS FEELING PARTICULARLY BADLY BEHAVED, IGNORED THIS CONDITION ON THE BASIS THAT IT WAS INSUFFICIENT, AND MADE HER WAY AMONGST THE COMPLEX ELEMENTS. ROWS AND COLUMNS CLOSED IN FROM ALL SIDES. TANGENTS APPROACHED HER SURFACE. SHE BECAME TENSOR AND TENSOR. QUITE SUDDENLY, TWO BRANCHES OF A HYPERBOLA TOUCHED HER AT A SINGLE POINT. SHE OSCILLATED VIOLENTLY, LOST ALL SENSE OF DIRECTRIX, AND WENT COMPLETELY DIVERGENT. AS SHE REACHED A TURNING POINT, SHE TRIPPED OVER A SQUARE ROOT THAT WAS PROTRUDING FROM THE ERF AND PLUNGED HEADLONG DOWN A STEEP GRADIENT. WHEN SHE ROUNDED OFF ONCE MORE, SHE FOUND HERSELF INVERTED, APPARENTLY ALONE, IN A NON-EUCLIDEAN SPACE. SHE WAS BEING WATCHED, HOWEVER. THAT SMOOTH OPERATOR, CURLY PI, WAS LURKING INNERPRODUCT. AS HIS EYES DEVOURED HER CURVILINEAR COORDINATES, A SINGULAR EXPRESSION CROSSED HIS FACE. HE WONDERED, WAS SHE STILL CONVERGENT? HE DECIDED TO INTEGRATE IMPROPERLY AT ONCE. HEARING A COMMON FRACTION BEHIND HER, POLLY ROTATED AND SAW CURLY PI APPROACHING WITH HIS POWER SERIES EXTRAPOLATED. SHE COULD SEE AT ONCE BY HIS DEGENERATE CONIC AND DISSIPATIVE TERMS THAT HE WAS BENT ON NO GOOD. "ARCSINH!" SHE GASPED. "HO, HO," HE SAID. "WHAT A SYMMETRIC LITTLE ASYMPTOTE YOU HAVE. I CAN SEE YOUR ANGLES HAVE LOTS OF SECS." "OH, SIR," SHE PROTESTED, "KEEP AWAY FROM ME. I HAVEN'T GOT MY BRACKETS ON." "CALM YOURSELF, MY DEAR," SAID OUR SUAVE OPERATOR. "YOUR FEARS ARE PURELY IMAGINARY." "I, I," SHE THOUGHT. "PERHAPS HE'S NOT NORMAL, BUT HOMOLOGOUS." "WHAT ORDER ARE YOU??" THE BRUTE DEMANDED. "SEVENTEEN," REPLIED POLLY. CURLY LEERED, "I SUPPOSE YOU'VE NEVER BEEN OPERATED ON." "OF COURSE NOT," POLLY REPLIED QUITE PROPERLY, "I'M ABSOLUTELY CONVERGENT!" "COME, COME," SAID CURLY. "LET'S OFF TO A DECIMAL PLACE I KNOW AND I'LL TAKE YOU TO THE LIMIT." "NEVER!!" GASPED POLLY. "ABSCISSA!!!" HE SWORE, USING THE VILEST OATH HE KNEW. HIS PATIENCE WAS GONE. COSHING HER OVER THE COEFFICIENT WITH A NATURAL LOG UNTIL SHE WAS POWERLESS, CURLY REMOVED HER DISCONTINUITIES. HE STARED AT HER SIGNIFICANT PLACES, AND BEGAN SMOOTHING OUT HER POINTS OF INFLECTION. POOR POLLY. THE ALGORITHMIC METHOD WAS NOW HER ONLY HOPE. SHE FELT HIS HAND TENDING TOWARD HER ASYMPTOTIC LIMIT. HER CONVERGENCE WOULD SOON BE GONE FOREVER. THERE WAS NO MERCY, FOR CURLY WAS A HEAVYSIDE OPERATOR. CURLY'S RADIUS SQUARED ITSELF; POLLY'S LOCI QUIVERED. HE INTEGRATED HER BY PARTS. HE INTEGRATED HER BY PARTIAL FRACTIONS. AFTER HE COFACTORED, HE PERFORMED RUNGE-CUTTA ON HER. THE COMPLEX BEAST EVEN WENT ALL THE WAY AROUND AND DID A COUTOUR INTEGRATION. CURLY WENT ON OPERATING UNTIL HE HAD SATISFIED HER HYPOTHESIS. THEN, HE EXPONENTIATED AND BECAME COMPLETELY ORTHOGONAL. WHEN POLLY GOT HOME THAT NIGHT, HER MOTHER NOTICED THAT SHE WAS NO LONGER PIECEWISE CONTINUOUS, BUT HAD BEEN TRUNCATED IN SEVERAL PLACES. BUT, IT WAS TOO LATE TO DIFFERENTIATE NOW. AS THE MONTHS WENT BY, POLLY'S DENOMINATOR INCREASED MONOTONICALLY. FINALLY, SHE WENT TO L'HOPITAL AND GENERATED A SMALL BUT PATHOLOGICAL FUNCTION WHICH LEFT SURDS ALL OVER THE PLACE AND DROVE POLLY TO DEVIATION. THE MORAL OF OUR SAD STORY IS THIS: "IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR EXPRESSION CONVERGENT, NEVER ALLOW THEM A SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM." Message # 570. Date: 02/18/92. Time: 01:48:33. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : SOMETHING ELSE FROM THE ARCHIVES The Poetry of Mathematics Come, let us hasten to a higher plane, Where dyads tread the fairy fields of Venn, Their indices bedecked from one to n, Comingled in an endless Markov Chain! Come, every frustum longs to be a cone, And every vector dreams of matrices. Hark to the gentle gradient of the breeze: It wispers of a more ERGOTIC zone. I'll grant thee random access to my heart, Thou'lt tell me all the constants of thy love; And so we two shall all love's lemmas prove, And in our bound partition never part. Cancel me not -- for what then shall remain? Abscissas, some mantissas, modules, modes, A root or two, a torus and a node: The inverse of my verse, a null domain. I see the eigenvalue in thine eye, I hear the tendor tensor in thy sigh. Bernoulli would have been content to die, Had he but known such a cosine of 2 pi! Courtesy of FRED LACAYANGA (The Duck Pond BBS) #570. Message # 571. Reply to #354 Date: 02/23/92. Time: 02:39:39. Read 19 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Lynx Subj : 3.1415 But it WASN'T pi! Message # 572. Reply to #355 Date: 02/23/92. Time: 02:40:05. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Unka Buck Subj : PI No, just non-repeating! Message # 573. Reply to #357 Date: 02/23/92. Time: 02:40:43. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Ay yup. RECEIVED I can juggle four as well. I hereby challenge you to a juggling-pi-reciting- water-balanging competition next time you are in the area! Message # 574. Reply to #359 Date: 02/23/92. Time: 02:46:09. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Ender Subj : PI! No, I don't use little trick like that. Message # 575. Date: 02/23/92. Time: 03:05:12. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : PI! This is nasty! Here we are in the Pi room, and the value of Pi has not been expressed since more than the last 50 messages!! SHAME! So, out of proper protocol, I shall now express Pi! (And will do it especially for those who don't like numbers, as I): Three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven nine Three two three eight four six two six four Three Three eight three two seven nine five zero two eight eight four one nine seven one six nine three nine nine three seven five one zero five eight two zero nine seven four nine four four five nine two three zero seven eight one six four zero six two eight six two zero eight nine nine eight six two eight zero three four eight two five three four two one one seven zero six seven nine eight two one four eight zero eight six five one three two eight two three zero six six four seven zero nine three eight four four six zero nine five five zero five eight two two three one seven two five three five nine four zero eight one two eight four eight one one one seven four five zero two eight four one zero two seven zero one nine three eight five two one one zero five five five nine six four four six two two nine four eight nine five four nine three zero three eight one nine six four four two eight eight one That should do it! The Music Man Hey gav: What do you say to another juggling/pi reciting competition? Message # 576. Reply to #575 Date: 02/23/92. Time: 15:47:47. Read 18 Times. From : Number Two To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : PI! RECEIVED Pi is evil, and irrational, and unneccessary. Your Pal 2 Message # 577. Date: 02/24/92. Time: 03:03:36. Read 15 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : number dos... Subj : Pi, pie.... you would think that since you are only "2"... Comments : 3.14=2 Message # 578. Reply to #577 Date: 02/24/92. Time: 12:05:42. Read 16 Times. From : Number Two To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED Pi was created by a greek mathematician while under the influence of the mind- warping hallucinogen "Muscaria something or other". It is not neccessary, except maybe in circles and spheres Message # 579. Reply to #576 Date: 02/24/92. Time: 16:03:15. Read 16 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Number Two Subj : PI! RECEIVED That is REDICULOUS... Message # 580. Reply to #577 Date: 02/24/92. Time: 16:03:35. Read 15 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED Yeah.... he's upset because '2' isn't first (or even second) in the sequence. #580. Message # 581. Reply to #576 Date: 02/27/92. Time: 11:39:57. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Number Two Subj : PI! RECEIVED Then stay off this board, you heathen! Comments : 1.00=34 3.14=1 Message # 582. Reply to #578 Date: 02/27/92. Time: 11:40:49. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Number Two Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED In my opinion, if God used it to make the planets, then it's important! Message # 583. Reply to #581 Date: 02/29/92. Time: 02:31:32. Read 16 Times. From : Number Two To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : PI! RECEIVED Lock me off then, I refuse to believe in this sub's existence. Your Pal 2 (now that's a number) Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 584. Reply to #583 Date: 02/29/92. Time: 13:28:28. Read 16 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Number Two Subj : PI! RECEIVED I shouldn't, I'm not the subop!. Message # 585. Reply to #583 Date: 03/01/92. Time: 00:15:31. Read 18 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Number Two Subj : PI! RECEIVED It doesn't matter that you don't believe in this sub's existence, because it obviously believes in yours... +++Gravebuster Message # 586. Reply to #585 Date: 03/01/92. Time: 17:38:40. Read 17 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Gravebuster Subj : PI! RECEIVED Non-existance should be the subop of this board... Message # 587. Reply to #578 Date: 03/05/92. Time: 19:30:19. Read 17 Times. From : Ubik To : Number Two Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED Really??? Neat!!! Must have been Aminita Mascaria. Its a neet easy to identify mushroom. It is bright red and has white spots. You have probably seen them in pictures. They grow hear, but I wouldnt eat them. The active part is very variable and the safe dose window is very narrow. In Asia the shaman drink their urine to stay high longer, recyceling what is excreated. What? No takers? Ubik mushroom Pie Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 588. Reply to #587 Date: 03/06/92. Time: 11:24:55. Read 17 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Ubik Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED Psylociben piss? Message # 589. Date: 03/08/92. Time: 01:57:36. Read 15 Times. From : Morpheus To : all jungen und madchen Subj : last msg in the pi room There are far too many letters in the alphabet most people could get along with only a few some could get along with none there is no humor in depletion there is no truth in letters @wonderland Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 591. Reply to #586 Date: 03/08/92. Time: 14:28:32. Read 20 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Mojo IV Subj : PI! RECEIVED But how can non-exist'a'nce be the subop of this board if he holds to a non- exi stance, which, for all practical purposes, is non-existent, and exists for nothing, not even to board an operational sub, let alone operate a subboard? +++Gravebuster -minor confusion Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 592. Reply to #591 Date: 03/08/92. Time: 18:15:11. Read 19 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Gravebuster Subj : PI! RECEIVED Right! Exactly my point! Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 593. Reply to #587 Date: 03/08/92. Time: 22:53:46. Read 17 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Ubik Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED Speaking of mushrooms... where I live, when it rains, there are mushrooms everywhere. Does anyone know how to really determine which mushrooms are "silly cyben"? Just curious... Message # 594. Reply to #588 Date: 03/09/92. Time: 18:32:33. Read 18 Times. From : Ubik To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED I bet it doesn't taste any better. Ubik Message # 596. Reply to #593 Date: 03/09/92. Time: 18:36:41. Read 18 Times. From : Ubik To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED There is probably some tiny ones called "liberty Caps" in your area. Silly ones are coprafitic (dung loving) look for them growing out of cow pies after a rain. The Autobon Guide to Wild Mushrooms at your local bookstore. Ubik even with the book its not easy, but all the info is there. Message # 597. Reply to #593 Date: 03/10/92. Time: 00:45:15. Read 22 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED Make a spore print. Place a cap on a white sheet of paper and mush it down. If it turns blue, it contains psylociben. Message # 598. Reply to #597 Date: 03/12/92. Time: 01:09:33. Read 26 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED Yeah, but will they kill me? Message # 599. Reply to #598 Date: 03/12/92. Time: 19:31:57. Read 21 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED I guess that depends on exactly HOW WELL you two got along?!?! Message # 600. Reply to #598 Date: 03/16/92. Time: 14:57:59. Read 28 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi, pie.... RECEIVED No. #600. Message # 601. Date: 03/23/92. Time: 17:59:11. Read 25 Times. From : Ubik To : All Subj : Pie At the B. Dalton in Oxnard they have "The History of Pi" its 9 bucks or so and has pi to the first 10,000 digets. Ubik Marie Calander eat your heart out. Comments : 1.00=1 3.14=1 Message # 602. Reply to #601 Date: 03/24/92. Time: 01:25:06. Read 22 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Ubik Subj : Pie RECEIVED I already have that book, got it at B. Daltons over a year ago... Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym Message # 603. Date: 03/26/92. Time: 03:39:37. Read 25 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : all Subj : Marie's Pies Speaking of Pies... Will someone leave me mail and let me gnow when the Strawberry Festival is? I will like to come down for it. That is one of the few things I miss.... Marie Callenders Strawberry Pie... the little personal one... smothered with WHipped CREAM! Message # 604. Date: 04/12/92. Time: 13:46:26. Read 22 Times. From : Stranger To : Oh, i don't know, let's j Subj : Pi ust see who reads it. There's no such thing as Pi. It's just a mistake in Pythagoras' notebook, yeah, it was a doodle. He was on the phone, and started drawing circles an' stuff.... Stranger Message # 605. Reply to #604 Date: 04/12/92. Time: 17:23:10. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED Pi is a definite number, as many obfuscates will tell you, and I tell you that it is a living number, forever growing longer and longer, which is why no one can calculate the end of pi. However, NT will object to this. He can't stand anything that would thrash the General... +++Gravebuster --==why?==-- Message # 606. Reply to #605 Date: 04/12/92. Time: 18:49:46. Read 23 Times. From : Ender G To : Gravebuster Subj : Pi RECEIVED They suspect PI may have a pattern, like kinda fractalish. Hey Skurkey, are you fractalish? fractal fractal fractal. sorry, that was terrible. ÛÜEnder GÜÛ EOF Message # 607. Reply to #606 Date: 04/12/92. Time: 20:23:13. Read 22 Times. From : Stranger To : Ender G Subj : Pi RECEIVED I commend the person who chose the word fractal. It has a very nice ring to it. Maybe it one of those poeple hired by the government to create cool sounding acronyms. Then again, they came up with some pretty dumb stuff, so maybe not. I want to have that job...just sit around and make new words. That'd be great. Stranger Message # 608. Reply to #606 Date: 04/12/92. Time: 23:09:16. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Ender G Subj : Pi RECEIVED Terrible? Read very weird-like to me. +++Gravebuster Message # 609. Reply to #604 Date: 04/16/92. Time: 16:29:59. Read 22 Times. From : Number Two To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED Ahhhhhh, finally!! Someone else who isn't deluded my modern math and science. Take Pi away and see what changes. Really, what would be differant? Your Pal 2 Message # 610. Reply to #609 Date: 04/16/92. Time: 19:44:50. Read 22 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED You wouldn't want to gnow! +++Gravebuster #610. Message # 611. Reply to #609 Date: 04/16/92. Time: 22:30:37. Read 22 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED take pi away and you would put the world in the stone ages. How could we have cars? engines are designed around calculations that use pi. Almost anything we make probably has a calculation with pi in it that helps make it possible to make it. If we did not have the value of pi (or close to it) to use in our calculations then we'd have a bunch of square stuff! Just think... no tv... no cars... no CDs... no music except for live perfomances with sticks and other square wierd stupid sounding things.... no computers. no tapes... no no no no.... Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. :) Message # 612. Reply to #609 Date: 04/17/92. Time: 12:21:20. Read 24 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED If there was no such thing as Pi, this sub would be called The Room! That would suck. Strange Message # 613. Reply to #611 Date: 04/17/92. Time: 13:40:48. Read 22 Times. From : Number Two To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Pi RECEIVED So roundness is impossible without Pi? I guess the guy who invented the whell had to wait until he invented Pi. R. Buckminster Fuller created a system of geometry that did not use Pi, and it's at least as good as the one we use now. Your Pal 2 Message # 614. Reply to #612 Date: 04/17/92. Time: 13:42:55. Read 21 Times. From : Number Two To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED You know that' s the best arguement I have heard yet. Your Pal 2 Comments : 3.14=100 Message # 615. Reply to #612 Date: 04/17/92. Time: 17:09:55. Read 24 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED I say we have a random sub, that changes names every time someone logs on. Hmmmm, that would be interesting! -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- Message # 616. Reply to #615 Date: 04/18/92. Time: 01:04:29. Read 24 Times. From : Number Two To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Theif!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my idea. In fact I am sub-op on such a sub on the Mine. Good idea though. I like the way you think. Unless, of course, you are who I know you are. Your Pal 2 Message # 617. Reply to #615 Date: 04/18/92. Time: 04:59:13. Read 23 Times. From : Stranger To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED How original......Hmm, didd I hear that in a past life, or in a conversation with number two? (Could be mutually the same.) Strange Message # 618. Reply to #613 Date: 04/18/92. Time: 13:28:07. Read 20 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED It just uses another numbering system or a mechanism which removes pi but adds another nuumber "like" pi to rely on. Mynk Lynx p.s. it's impossible for me to explain.... We would have round things, but without PI we would never have gotten the ADVANCED round things we have. All things ADVANCED are designed on paper and computers using math (and PI) long before they are made... they are tested and built only after they can be mathematically prove to work using pi. (all this is a long way of saying DIE YOU SCUMMY PI hater!!!) Message # 619. Reply to #616 Date: 04/18/92. Time: 20:30:30. Read 22 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED And who would that be, oh Grand Laminator? -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- "A kumquat with a mission" Message # 620. Reply to #617 Date: 04/18/92. Time: 20:31:06. Read 23 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED Ach, if you could only read my Email to Obfu.. er, Hack Man. Actually, my idea expanded on yours... every user who logs on can change the name of the sub. -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- #620. Message # 621. Reply to #607 Date: 04/19/92. Time: 02:02:51. Read 21 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED I saw a program on Buckminster Fuller on the Discovery channel whilst in Spokane, WA.... It was interesting.... He refused to live by PI.... Message # 622. Reply to #611 Date: 04/19/92. Time: 02:03:56. Read 21 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Pi RECEIVED Oh, yeah.... the point of that program was to discuss "Bucky Balls".... Message # 623. Reply to #615 Date: 04/21/92. Time: 21:12:16. Read 28 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED ARe you aware of your typing hbits in hopes to Obfuscate? Interesting that you just say enough to be noticed, but not enough to be found out... Message # 624. Date: 04/22/92. Time: 03:03:51. Read 24 Times. From : RazorBoy To : all Subj : Bucky and his non PI It seems to me that none of Buckys creations can trully be called round. The geodesic dome is actually only a pseudo round object made up of polygons and the bucky ball just spirals out in its search of roundness and never quite connects (wait.. is this correct? I guess i will have to read the srticle on the bucky ball again) Anyways I believe that Bucky Fuller is a square searching for his true self. Unfortunatly he will not find it untill he reaches deep into his soul and finds the true roundness that is found deep inside all of us. And when he does this he will denounce all of his previous discoveries as false. ...or.....maybe not. Your friendly neighborhood and somewhat round RazorBoy Message # 625. Reply to #623 Date: 04/22/92. Time: 13:42:33. Read 25 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : SKURKEY Subj : Pi RECEIVED Nothing at all like Gravebuster, eh?? -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- Message # 626. Reply to #625 Date: 04/23/92. Time: 21:00:55. Read 21 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Hmmm... I wonder who would hold and be bold enough to voice such an oppion. I know who you arn't (to some degree)... so in reality, you really don't bother me. Message # 627. Reply to #626 Date: 04/24/92. Time: 13:37:52. Read 21 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : SKURKEY Subj : Pi RECEIVED Why would I bother you, madamoiselle? Am I not the Anti-Hack, the Anti-Lynx? I would never bother you. But, one major hint: Its no-one you've dated. -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- Message # 628 -- Private. Message # 629. Reply to #628 Date: 04/24/92. Time: 19:37:02. Read 26 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : SKURKEY Subj : Pi RECEIVED No, I wasn't trying to be rude. I was trying to rule out Kev and Jason. -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- Message # 630. Reply to #623 Date: 04/25/92. Time: 04:09:44. Read 31 Times. From : Number Two To : SKURKEY Subj : Pi RECEIVED Of course, he's said enough to be found out. Two words and I knew who he was/is. It's ridiculous that many people don't.....but soon will.... Your Pal 2 #630. Message # 631 -- Private. Message # 632. Reply to #630 Date: 04/25/92. Time: 20:12:07. Read 24 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED Number Two: I'm not mojo. He doesn't like this board anymore. -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 633. Reply to #627 Date: 04/26/92. Time: 01:15:11. Read 22 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED I don't see why anyone would be bothered by you. You seem to think we should be wasting our time trying to figure out who you are. Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. DOINK! (I could care less... in fact I am doing so now... Message # 634. Reply to #629 Date: 04/26/92. Time: 01:16:48. Read 24 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED You also rules out two others users.... Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. do you know that? Message # 635. Date: 04/26/92. Time: 03:02:35. Read 22 Times. From : Morpheus To : Wren Maltomeal Subj : bored spirals Perhaps if circle is just an easy term for geometric figure with infinite sides then pi is just an abstract absolution or symbol for the ennumeration of its sides in a heretofore [and all dat] unkown systems theory It sounds to me more like lazy spirals , thinking about it will never get you full . . HrHrHr Mukor rules THIS galaxy M'Naghten Mens Rea Message # 636 -- Private. Message # 637. Reply to #633 Date: 04/28/92. Time: 14:06:59. Read 19 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Pi RECEIVED I've always wanted someone to care less for me. -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- Message # 638. Reply to #634 Date: 04/28/92. Time: 14:07:19. Read 23 Times. From : Obfuscate Man To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Pi RECEIVED No. I know it doesn't rule out YOU though. -=*OBFUSCATE MAN*=- Message # 639. Reply to #638 Date: 04/29/92. Time: 15:40:27. Read 27 Times. From : Number Two To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Actually, I think it's me. At least, it could be. We call pretty close to the same times; Neither of us really uses any colors or obfuscatronix; neither of us really has anything pertinent or intelligent to say; we both ramble incoherently......Hmmmmmmmmm, it's me guys, Now I just have to catch myself in the act. -=*Obfuscate Two*=- Message # 640. Reply to #638 Date: 04/30/92. Time: 00:19:37. Read 25 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Obfuscate Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED And I am glad of that! Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. Did I say that? YES! #640. Message # 641. Reply to #611 Date: 05/21/92. Time: 10:38:36. Read 26 Times. From : Ender G To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Pi RECEIVED We could chuck PI if we definded things in terms of pythagoras theorum and for sines and cosines we would use the orig. right triangle definition, not this circle crap. Whever pi was truly needed an equasion could be substitututed for it. The area of a circle would be defined as: area =f( [equasion of circle, like y= +or- sqr(radius^2-x^2) ]) sines and cosines would be the orig (opposite over adjacent, etc.) formulas for spheres would be double-integrations. THink how much more fun life would be! ÛÜEnder GÜÛ EOF Message # 642. Reply to #616 Date: 05/21/92. Time: 10:42:48. Read 26 Times. From : Ender G To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED It would have to use a dictionary, and randomly selevt a nouna nd a verb one day it might say: HACK SUCKS or BELL DIES! etc... hmmm 0511; 594858 092969 510147 583606 876632 ??? I dunno about this... RANDOM NUMBER SUCKS!!!! hgiwmgopsyrnb; jfye gjeig shrygis Did you know where Skurka is? Its between woodside greens and camarillo's sewer plant. DIG! ÛÜEnder GÜÛ EOF Message # 643. Reply to #622 Date: 05/21/92. Time: 10:46:21. Read 26 Times. From : Ender G To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi RECEIVED A while back they developed graphite tubes, that is, sheets of graphite would into tubes. I heard a joke about someone attaching one of those too two bucky balls and making bucky-genetalia.. chemists are perverse! (it would be the worlds smallest obscene artwork!) ÛÜEnder GÜÛ EOF Message # 644. Reply to #642 Date: 05/28/92. Time: 10:40:53. Read 31 Times. From : Endeiktikon To : Ender G Subj : Pi RECEIVED Why is there a suboard here devoted to a mathematical constant? Message # 645. Reply to #644 Date: 05/31/92. Time: 03:47:56. Read 30 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Endeiktikon Subj : Pi RECEIVED The theme of Hack's is Obfuscation. The number appropriate to obfuscation is PI. It works for me.......... Arwen P.S.... do you just comment on everything? Or don't you have any original ideas of your own? Message # 646. Reply to #645 Date: 06/01/92. Time: 03:00:56. Read 32 Times. From : Endeiktikon To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Pi RECEIVED Original ideas? Moi? I don't think so. There really are no original ideas. Why do people worship confusion here? Do they consider it original to wallow in the mud of oddities? Pi isn't even confusing, it's a tool. Doesn't it get old after a while? The first message on this suboard was years ago. It boggles my mind. Maybe you succeeded in onfuscating me. But I doubt it. Message # 647. Date: 06/06/92. Time: 20:33:42. Read 31 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Endeiktikon, Arwen, etc,, Subj : This Board It looks as if we need another refesher course into the purpose of this subboard. The purpose is... uh... Damn. I forgot. Well, Endeiktikon, I suggest you go read some of the more original posts on this board if you want to truely understand the purpose of a board dedicated to a mathematical constant. The problem is that the subop of this board (Mine, truely) tends to leave for about four to eight months at a time and in that time, it goes to hell, because no one but me actually understands the true purpose to this subboard. So what is the purpose? I can't tell you. Why can't I tell you? Because the purpose is something you have to feel. It's a new paradigm. Even sort of a Catch-22 if you will. If you understand the board than you don't get it at all. If you want to question why, then you don't deserve to gnow. If you're dedicated to not liking what you can't understand, than you'll never like what you can't understand. This board is a paradox. This board pervades the inner me--it is spawn of my inner self, and it illicits the unseen parts of it's members, the face beneath the mask. PI: The number without ratio. A number that must exist, and can only be what it is. It infuriates some people. (As you have seen) It could not be different and that makes it magical. It is irrational, and so should you be. I only accept two kinds on this board: The irrational and the imaginary. Rational people should post elsewhere. If you want to be rational, I have no qualms with that, but you won't fit in here. Give in to your unpredic- table side. Do it. Be irrational. I'm going to spend the summer helping the rest of you to use this part of the board. It's a different way of thinking. Anyone up for it? Those who are not: Chill out, okay? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | Message # 648. Reply to #647 Date: 06/07/92. Time: 11:16:19. Read 24 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED DOINK! C- - - Message # 649. Date: 06/08/92. Time: 22:53:57. Read 21 Times. From : John Doe To : Boredom Subj : Just for the sake of argument Just for the sake of argument: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406 286208998628034825342117... Memorized over a couple of slow weeks. Message # 650. Reply to #647 Date: 06/09/92. Time: 10:36:52. Read 25 Times. From : Ender G To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED I personally prefer 'e' myself... k / 1 \ lim < 1 + - > where oo is the lazy eight symbol for infinity ÛÜEnder GÜÛ EOF #650. Message # 651. Date: 06/11/92. Time: 02:03:13. Read 23 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : But Your Honor! RECEIVED I say that Mynk Lynx is innocent on the grounds that he is guilty of everything else, and he should be released so he can continue to be blamed for everything that goes wrong! +++Gravebuster --==advocate for the guilty defense==-- Message # 652. Reply to #651 Date: 06/12/92. Time: 00:41:39. Read 26 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Gravebuster Subj : But Your Honor! RECEIVED Man! You people don't forget a grudge, do you? What was that, ten months ago? I hearby declare that entire mess null and void due to the extremely short statute of limitations assosicated with the law of which he had so formerly been accused. You are now free to bring the Lynxmeister up on any charges you can think of. Talk to my secretary, Suzy Gee, if you want to get an appoint- ment to discuss the possibility of a meeting on the tentativeness of obtain- ing a court date. For now... Case dismissed! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Judge of characters Message # 653. Reply to #652 Date: 06/12/92. Time: 11:56:59. Read 24 Times. From : Ender G To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : But Your Honor! RECEIVED Which character would you judge to be better, judge A (Ascii ID #65) or B (Ascii ID #66) (i think I got that right) Message # 654. Reply to #652 Date: 06/12/92. Time: 14:20:42. Read 24 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : But Your Honor! RECEIVED I DON'T AGREE! IN ADDITION I RECENTLY SAW A VERY OLD MESSAGE WHERE YOU YOURSELF ROUNDED OFF PI! C- - - Message # 655. Reply to #652 Date: 06/13/92. Time: 20:38:27. Read 29 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : But Your Honor! RECEIVED Fantastic! Now the lawyer's fees... ou owe me 228,937,779 obfuscents. Of course, you realize you need to read this read this post three times and add the numbers together to come to the actual total... +++Gravebuster --==defense attorney==-- Message # 656. Date: 06/13/92. Time: 23:56:26. Read 27 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Ender G, Hack Man, Graveb Subj : the case... Ender: Definately B... Or maybe not. Hmm... Which is better, B or A? This is a tough decision. Should I vote for A or not? How shall I decide? Should I "A" or should I "B"? To "B" or not to "B"! Okay, that was a little forced. Really, "B" is better than "A". Hack Man: Unless you can show me significant evidence of said accusation, I won't even consider bringing myself up on charges. Remember, the "three dot" convention is allowed. Also, it's no fair bringing up cases in which I've used numbers similar to pi to describe some- thing else, like leaving an address of 314 pi circle, Piville, PI 31415. Gravebuster: You don't charge the judge the lawyer's fees. You charge your client. In this case, the client is the people and other resi- dents of Hack's Retreat. I suggest you talk to the bell cap- tain regarding your fee. I believe he's the official tax taker around here. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 657. Reply to #646 Date: 06/14/92. Time: 01:05:43. Read 25 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Endeiktikon Subj : Pi Okay, you must just be too smart for us youngsters... Why don't you go call the AARP BBS at Seizure Village? I mean, we are too young, our opinions don't mean squat to you, you don't appreciate, nor it seems, understand our humor or sarcasm, you don't like our music, or any music (what a numb life that must be...)....... What are you interested in? A higher fiber diet? Grecian formula comic strips? Does the waiter at the restaraunts you frequent cut up your steak so it's easier to chew? What would an old fogey like you want with a communications BBS like this? Call a tech board. What does your handle mean, and how do pronounce it? Message # 658. Reply to #647 Date: 06/14/92. Time: 01:09:51. Read 22 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED Well, Gav.... I would say that most of my last post was mildly irrational.... But correct! Message # 659. Reply to #658 Date: 06/15/92. Time: 00:35:25. Read 22 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : This Board RECEIVED Irrational? Irrate is more like it. It's actually disappointing that the two words appear to have the same root. It gives us irrationals a bad name. But, yes, you were indeed painfully correct. Endeikiton is just far too rational, that's all. But I blame that on the environment, not the user. This world is very limiting. Being at Berkeley has taught me at least one thing, and that is the strength of environment on personality. For instance, how many people are alive today who believe we ought to terminate all jews, blacks, gays and the disabled to enforce a worldwide racial purity? Just a handful, and they are mostly in the south. It used to be all the rage in Germany. If the Nazis had succeeded, I'm sure you and I would be thinking that way right now. And don't blame it on "brainwashing." When we tell children killing is wrong, it is called "education." If we tell them that killing is all right, it would be called brainwashing. But it's the same thing. And almost all of society stresses that we think things through in a rational, logic pattern. The ir- rational are shunned, often diagnosed as "insane". (Notice the allusion to the welcome sonnet to this subboard) And anyone who does not think the way that we do is considered irrational. Pro-choice people think that pro-lifers are irrational and vise-versa. Most well-off people (including the prez) in this country probably saw the L.A. riots as irrational behavior. But those rioters probably see the prejudices and biogtry toward them as pretty irrat- tional too. This is what I call SUBJECTIVE irrationality. What I propose is PURE irrationality. The kind of thinking that practically EVERYONE subjectively views as irrational. The kind of thinking that puts people in asylums. The kind of thinking that alienates everyone. But I take it one step beyond insanity. Because when even you consider yourself irrat- tional, that transcends all definitions of the term. And THAT, my friends, is paradox. I will be discussing this view throughout the summer. Let me gnow if you're interested in this view. (Especially you, Arwen, since I'm writing to you, and I suddenly feel guilty that the tone of this post is changing to cover everyone) It's important that I get feedback. And does that clarify the purpose of this subboard? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Don't become a cog or a sprocket of society. Become irrational. This summer course is free of charge. (Now THAT is irrational...) Message # 660. Reply to #659 Date: 06/15/92. Time: 13:09:02. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED PI / 0 = 42 C- - - #660. Message # 661. Reply to #660 Date: 06/17/92. Time: 20:27:50. Read 25 Times. From : Ender G To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED No, you got that completely wrong... Im not sure where, but somewhere you need limits in that equation. (otherwise the pi would have no limits and then it would escape and we'd all be stuck using the bucky system) (what did he have against a good circle, anywayz) Message # 662. Reply to #639 Date: 06/19/92. Time: 01:34:40. Read 26 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED The way you describe him, he could be me! Message # 663. Date: 06/19/92. Time: 01:41:12. Read 21 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : gav Subj : RECEIVED Pi is imaginary, get real! 42! Message # 664. Reply to #624 Date: 06/22/92. Time: 17:50:20. Read 20 Times. From : Ubik To : RazorBoy Subj : Bucky and his non PI Bucky did all that way back in 1923. You didn;t do your homework. Ubik Message # 665. Date: 06/23/92. Time: 16:47:02. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : LET'S GET IRRATIONAL. I'VE JUST PICKED UP A BOOK CALLED "MATHEMATICS AND THE IMAGINATION" BY EDWARD KASNER, IT'S VERY GOOD, AND I WISH TO RUB IT IN ALL OF YOUR FACES. REMEMBER WHEN I WAS SAYING THAT INFINITY COMES IN DIFFERENT SIZES AND NO-ONE WOULD BELIEVE ME, EVEN THOUGH MY BIG TOE AGREES? WELL, YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMEMBER, BECAUSE I REMEMBER ALL. I HAVE A EXPLINATION OF THE WHOLE SUBJECT NOW IN FRONT OF ME. INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH PI WAS THE INSPIRATION THAT ALLOWED A GERMAN MATHEMATICIAN TO PROVE THAT INFINITY COMES IN DIFFERENT SIZES. INFINITY COMES IN DIFFERENT SIZES, ALSO CALLED ORDERS OF CARDINALITY. EACH ORDER OF CARDINALITY HAS AN "ALEPH" NUMBER. (ALEPH IS THE FIRST LETTER OF THE HEBREW ALPHABET, AND IT LOOKS LIKE A SQUIGGLY CAPITAL N). THE FIRST ORDER IS N AND CORRESPONDS TO THE TOTAL QUANTITY OF INTEGERS. 0 THIS ZEROTH CARDINALITY (SIZE) OF INFINITY IS ALSO CALLED "COUNTABLE" BECAUSE GIVEN AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF TIME IT IS POSSIBLE TO COUNT ALL OF THE INTEGERS. INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH THE TOTAL QUANTITY OF RATIONAL NUMBERS (NUMBERS THAT CAN BE EXPRESSED AS A FRACTION) IS ALSO N0 (I'M ELIMINATING THE SUBSCRIPT TO MAKE IT EASIER TO TYPE). THIS MEANS THAT THERE ARE JUST AS MANY INTEGERS OUT THERE AS THERE ARE FRACTIONS. YOU MIGHT THINK THAT THERE ARE MORE FRACTIONS THAN THERE ARE INTEGERS, BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE. THIS IS A STRANGE CONCEPT SO I WILL PROVE IT. IT IS POSSIBLE TO COUNT ALL THE FRACTIONS IF YOU DO IT IN A PATTERN LIKE THIS. 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTICE THE OPPOSITE PATTERNS ON THE TOP ROW AND THE BOTTOM ROW. DOING THIS YOU CAN MAKE A LIST OF ALL THE FRACTIONS IN EXISTENCE, AND, YOU CAN ASSIGN A NUMBER TO EACH ONE. FRACTION #1 IS 1/1, FRACTION #2 IS 1/2 ETC. NOTE, YOU WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF NUMBERS TO ASSIGN TO FRACTIONS. THEREFORE THERE ARE JUST AS MANY FRACTIONS AS INTEGERS. THROW IN PI AND IT SCREWS EVERYTHING UP. PI IS IRRATIONAL, THAT MEANS THAT IT CAN'T BE EXPRESSED AS A FRACTION, ONLY A DECIMAL. NOW WE HAVE A REAL PROBLEM. HOW DO YOU COUNT THE DECIMALS? SEE THE PROBLEM? WHAT IS THE NEXT NUMBER THAT COMES AFTER 0.0? IS IT 0.1? OR IS IT 0.001 OR MAYBE 0.0001 WE CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO MAKE A LIST OF IRRATIONAL NUMBERS. BETWEEN ANY TWO IRRATIONAL NUMBERS THERE ARE INFINITY MORE. SO WE CALL THIS VALUE N 1 NOW HERE'S SOME INTERESTING BUT TRUE MATH EQUATIONS. N + 10000 = N N + N = N N X 10000 = N N X N = N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUT:! N 0 N = N (N0 TO THE POWER OF N0 = N1) 0 1 ALSO N 0 N X N = N N - N = N N = N 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 AND AS YOU MIGHT HAVE GUESSED BY NOW. N1 TO THE POWER OF N1 = N2 N2 TO THE POWER OF N2 = N3 AND SO ON. N2 JUST HAPPENS TO BE EQUAL TO THE TOTAL NUMBER OF POSSIBLE ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS THAT HAVE ONLY ONE VARIABLE. SO, AS YOU PROBABLY HAVE SURMISED BY NOW NOT ONLY ARE THERE DIFFERENT SIZES OF INFINITY, BUT THERE'S AN INFINITE NUMBER OF SIZES OF INFINITY. ONE MORE INTERESTING POINT: N1 / 2 = N1 THIS IS TO SAY THAT A 3 INCH LONG LINE HAS JUST AS MANY POINTS ON IT AS A 6 INCH LINE DOES (INFINITY OF THE CARDINALITY OF 1) THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO EXPLAIN ZENO'S PARADOX. ZENO'S PARADOX. IF ACHILLES RACES A TORTISE WHO IS GIVEN A HEAD START, HOW CAN ACHILLES EVER CATCH UP TO THE TORTISE, SINCE FIRST HE MUST COVER HALF THE DISTANCE TO THE TORTISE, THEN HE MUST COVER HALF THE REMAINING DISTANCE, ETC ETC. THE ANSWER IS BECAUSE THERE ARE JUST AS MANY POINTS TO COVER IN 3 FEET AS THERE ARE IN 6 FEET (NAMELY INFINITY). SO YOU SEE, IRRATIONAL NUMBERS AND DIFFERENT SIZES OF INFINITY ARE THE MOST RATIONAL THINGS OF ALL, BECAUSE WITHOUT THEM MOTION IT'SSELF WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE. I HOPE YOU ARE NOW PROPERLY DE-RATIONALIZED. C- - - P.S. IF YOU ACTUALLY READ TO THIS POINT WITHOUT LOSING INTEREST LET ME GNOW. Message # 666. Reply to #659 Date: 06/24/92. Time: 04:32:22. Read 31 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED I have always found that it is much simpler and takes less effort, to just be irate. Most of the average public seems to think so, so why should I be any different? Being irrational takes far too much effort, and those of us with very little time, and I might add, patience, find it so much easier to just BE the former. Not like I am a mindless sheep or anything.... s. shit... I hate that... Message # 667. Date: 06/24/92. Time: 15:23:09. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : PI HERE ARE SOME FORMULAS FOR PI USED OVER THE CENTURIES. The bible. Books of Kings & Chronicles Pi=3 (AND I THOUGHT THE BIBLE WAS 100% TRUE?) Archimedes. using polygons 3+10/71 < Pi < 3+1/7 Fransisco Vieta, 16th century, 10 decimal places. Pi = 2 / ( (.5)^-2 * (.5 + .5*(.5)^-2)^-2 * (.5 + .5*(.5 + .5*(2)^-2)^-2)^-2 ..... ) John Wallis (1616-1703) pi = 2 * ( 2/1 * 2/3 * 4/3 * 4/5 * 6/5 * 6/7 * 8/7 * 8/9 * ..... ) Leibnitz. Pi = 4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11 + 1/13 - 1/15 + ..... ) Lord Brouncker (1620-1684) Pi = 4 / (1 + 1^2 / (2 + 3^2 / (2 + 5^2 / (2 + 7^2 / ( ....... ))))) Machin (1680-1752) Pi = 4 * ( 4(1/5 - 1/(3*5^3) + 1/(5*5^5) - 1/(7*5^7) + ...) - (1/239 - 1/(3*239^3) + 1/(5*239^5) - 1/(7*239^7) + ...) ) AND HERE ARE SOME MORE SOLVERS OF PI. I DON'T GNOW WHAT FORMULA THEY USED. 1596 Ludolph van Ceulen spent his life getting pi to 35 places. It was inscribed on his tombstone as his epitaph. In germany Pi is still called the Ludolphian number. In 1699 Abraham Sharp got Pi to 71 places. in 1824 Dase got Pi to 200 places. in 1854 Richter got Pi to 500 places. in 1873 Shanks got Pi to 707 places. RIGHT NOW I THINK IT STANDS AT A BILLION PLACES. C- - - P.S. HEY GAV, DO YOU GNOW THAT NEW FORMULA. THE ONE I HEARD ABOUT THAT CAN BE DONE WITH A POCKET CALCULATOR, ONE DIGIT AT A TIME? Message # 668. Reply to #666 Date: 06/24/92. Time: 16:57:43. Read 23 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : This Board RECEIVED Uh oh! Just look what number message you posted! You gnow, that's a sign. Not noticing it is just denail. You're not only irrate, but you are maliciously evil about it, too. Cool. I like that. As for irrationality: Well, I never said you had to be irrational, but that doesn't mean you can't attend my seminar. I doubt anyone will really pay any serious attention to it, but then again, who pays any serious attention to a lecturer in school, either? Maybe if I can get just one person to adopt the theories of pure irrationality into their lives, then maybe... just maybe... That person will be irrational, and nothing really significant will happen, otherwise... Life will go on as usual, and I won't really feel all that bet- ter for it... What? Did you expect me to be proud of only one convert? Hell, no. I want to convert the world. Gee, if only one person wants to act that way, well fine, but I don't pay the price of a cup of coffee every day to send a Zimbabwean child to summer camp, either. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Added addendum to the illustrious, fact-giving Hack Man: No. Message # 669. Reply to #668 Date: 06/27/92. Time: 02:57:07. Read 20 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED Well, gee.... I didn't notice that I posted #666.... I really didn't plan it. Am I a convert if I just call here all the time? Calling seven hundred miles to debate and harang individuals is a little irrational... isn't it? I would come to the lecture, but I will only be there in the spirit of modem. Message # 670. Reply to #665 Date: 06/27/92. Time: 02:59:20. Read 20 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : HACK MAN Subj : LET'S GET IRRATIONAL. RECEIVED I read it all HM. I buffered it and read it three times! Trying to understand it mostly. I really wish that I had taken more math in school... I have buffered/captured your most recent post, and will analyze it also... what I understand of it is a different matter, but I am trying. #670. Message # 671. Reply to #644 Date: 06/28/92. Time: 12:59:44. Read 22 Times. From : Number Two To : Endeiktikon Subj : Pi Because Pi doesn't exist as a real number or as anything that is actually needed and the residents here like to obfuscate....... That's why.... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 672. Reply to #646 Date: 06/28/92. Time: 13:00:56. Read 20 Times. From : Number Two To : Endeiktikon Subj : Pi It's just this..... This kinda explains the whole thing....... and sort let's you know what we're like (when I say we I mean anyone who likes to call this bbs)....... FUN just FUN Your Pal 2 Message # 673. Reply to #661 Date: 06/28/92. Time: 13:07:26. Read 20 Times. From : Number Two To : Ender G Subj : This Board RECEIVED He just hasn't been visited by Candy yet. (it didn't work) (what's up with that???) Message # 674. Reply to #662 Date: 06/28/92. Time: 13:08:38. Read 24 Times. From : Number Two To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi RECEIVED Hmmmmmmm could be, but I am still convinced that it's either me or me obfuscating myself. The jury's still out. Your Pal 2 Message # 675. Reply to #665 Date: 06/28/92. Time: 13:11:26. Read 20 Times. From : Number Two To : HACK MAN Subj : LET'S GET IRRATIONAL. RECEIVED Yay!!!!! I am equal to the possible number of equations that can be blah blah blah blah..... N2 is congruent to jello Your Pal 2 Message # 676. Reply to #669 Date: 06/29/92. Time: 14:42:58. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : This Board RECEIVED Ah, the modem is all you need for these seminars. That's the beauty. No extra effort is involved! And yes, I would say that you are already being extremely irrational. Plus, by agnoledging your irrationality, yet continuing it, you've already demonstrated PURE irrationality, as opposed to subjective irrationality. I can't imagine to see any of your phone bills. Mine are bad enough. (I recently made a four hour call to Oregon--ouch!) And I never make long distance modem calls. Maybe it'd be good if I did. Harbor your irrationality. Live beyond insanity. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 677. Reply to #665 Date: 06/30/92. Time: 02:41:15. Read 20 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : LET'S GET IRRATIONAL. RECEIVED Infinities of different sizes are all the same size! +++Gravebuster --==and no, I didn't read all the way to the last sentence without losing interest. However, I did read all the way to the last sentence.==-- Message # 678. Reply to #659 Date: 06/30/92. Time: 14:17:32. Read 21 Times. From : Adonijah To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED "Reason is the faculty that identifies, in conceptual terms, the material provided my man's sneses. 'Irrationalism' is the doctrine that reason is not a valid means of knowledge or a proper guide to action" "Man's basic vice, the source of all his evils, is the act of unfocusing his mind, the suspension of his consciousness, which is not blindness, but the refuusal to see, not ignorance, but the refusal to know. Irrationality is the rejection of man's means of survival and, therefore, a commitment to a course of blind destruction; that which is anti-mind, is anti-life." "To the extent to which a man is rational, life is the premise directing his actions. To the extent to which he is irrational, the premise directing his actions is death." "The irrational is the impossible; it is that which contradicts the facts of reality; facts cannot be altered by a wish, but they can destroy the wisher." "Irrationality is a state of default, the state of an unachieved human stature. When men do not choose to reach the conceptual level, their consciousness have no recourse but to its automatic, perceptual, semianimal functions." ---Ayn Rand Adonijah -Randian Semi-expert Comments : 2.00=1 3.10=1 Message # 679. Reply to #666 Date: 06/30/92. Time: 14:27:02. Read 23 Times. From : Adonijah To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : This Board RECEIVED Quick! Get the garlic and the wooden stakes!!!! Message # 680. Reply to #678 Date: 06/30/92. Time: 14:30:39. Read 19 Times. From : Adonijah To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED GAV: I heard that Berkeley has a rather interesting Objectivist group...know (or gnow) anything about it? #680. Message # 681. Reply to #676 Date: 07/01/92. Time: 01:17:49. Read 16 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED Why would anyone talk to anyone in OREGON! for four hours?! No that is irrational... I gnow, because I live only forty miles from the border. I am having an irrational time, at the moment, and it makes me irate. Sorry, but I am too irate to really talk about it now. Message # 682. Reply to #679 Date: 07/01/92. Time: 01:19:40. Read 20 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED For whom? Not I! Message # 683. Reply to #682 Date: 07/01/92. Time: 16:29:59. Read 21 Times. From : Adonijah To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : This Board RECEIVED You're the spawn of the devil! Quick, every one behind me! I'll make quick work of this vamp... Message # 684. Date: 07/01/92. Time: 20:50:31. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Arwen/Adonijah Subj : Irrationality Arwen: Well, the Oregonian used to be a Venturian. We always call each other about two or three times a year and average about 4 hours a call. The clincher is that neither of us every really figure out what's going on in the other person's life. We talk about other things for all of that time. It's weird when you think about how many phone conversa- tions to long distance people are usually almost entirely about "What I did last week." We're beyond that. We call each other and talk of television, particle physics, Neitzche, and all sort of other, normal topics... It's cool, but I'm always at a loss in this type of encoun- ter with my friends, later: "I talked to Bobby last night for four hours." "Really? How is he?" "I have no idea." Adonijah: That Ayn Rand post is GREAT. Where'd you get it? I've always been interested in the Rand way of thinking, but I've never gotten much of a chance to read any of her books. (The only one I've read is this one about a future society in which everyone says "we" in- stead of "I" and I can never remember the name of it.) I like the "egotist" way of thinking that turns ego into a virtue, although I have many disagreements, of course. But I still respect her opin- ions even when I disagree. I love "new" ways of thinking. (Hence, "irrationality theory") It is the downfall of a civilization to be a slace to their paradigm. Indeed, there is an "Ayn Rand Society" at Berkeley. I have never gone to a meeting, not because of disinterest, but because of em- barrassment at being so ignornant to her works. I'll probably go to at least one meeting before I graduate. I'd feel bad if I never got to... As for irrationality, however, the illustrious "seminars" that I'm always talking about but never get around to writing will address the Randian point of view. Thanks for your involvement. Can you tell me the source? Atlas Shrugged? With over a thousand pages, it is probably the most likely book to have any Ayn Rand quote. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Now I feel rude. I'm going to consolidate fewer replies from now on. Arwen will get more to herself... Message # 685. Reply to #678 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 02:11:18. Read 20 Times. From : Stranger To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED Cool, someone else who likes Ayn Rand! I've been reading her novels for a few years now, and they're my favorites. I have a strange feeling that it might not have been such a good idea to admit your feelings about Rand, though...I remember about a year ago, when I did the same, scads of the people on this board jumped on me, and insulted her. I believe "bitch" was one of the epithets used to describe her. Ah well.... Strange? Message # 686. Reply to #684 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 02:14:45. Read 18 Times. From : Stranger To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED The "we" book by Rand was Anthem. Stranger Message # 687. Reply to #683 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 03:01:52. Read 25 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED Aw.... you've been reading the sex sub... Message # 688. Reply to #684 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 03:02:38. Read 20 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED Gee, and maybe they will begin to be private... I could always hope. Message # 689. Reply to #684 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 12:01:06. Read 18 Times. From : Adonijah To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED It came from the "Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z" It's kind of like a mini-encyclopaedia. They pulled quotes out of all her other sources...Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, We the Living, and her non- fiction works. It's kind of like sound bites. This is John Galt speaking... Message # 690. Reply to #685 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 12:04:03. Read 18 Times. From : Adonijah To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED I mentioned her about a month ago, and someone tried to hush me up. "Psst...shh. The last guy who talked about her got jumped on." When I tried to find out why everybody hated her, no one would tell me. So I guess you're that guy. What happened? Adonijah P.S. I'll tell you about by relationship to her philosophy later. #690. Message # 691. Reply to #687 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 12:06:48. Read 23 Times. From : Adonijah To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : This Board RECEIVED No, not I! I swear...nah, it wasn't me... IT WAS HIM! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT! IT WAS THAT GUY --- OVER THERE! Message # 692. Date: 07/02/92. Time: 16:40:47. Read 19 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Stranger/Adonijah Subj : Ayn Rand You guys are safe here. This subboard is dedicated primarily to different ways of thinking. If anyone jumps down your throat for being different, then I will take care of them... I'll... I'll... Damn. I forgot what powers I have as subop again... Let's see... I can delete or bog messages, but I'd never do that because I believe in the sanctity of a post... Oooh! I just remembered! I have the power to deny posting access! By jove, that's a spendid power! I'd hate to use it, though. It's worse than bog- ging or deleting... Hmm... Hack needs to work in some more non-discriminitory powers... Ah yes, Anthem! That was it. (Now I'll forget again... For some reason I just can't remember that particular tidbit of information) At any rate, well... er... Damn. I forgot everything I was going to say. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Uh. Message # 693. Reply to #688 Date: 07/02/92. Time: 16:48:25. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED Private? Gee... I haven't used the "private" option in posting a message since... since... I can't remember EVER using the private option when I have posted messages. Does that make me an exhibitionist? I sense some serious psychological problems, here. (Of course, I am ALWAYS sensing some serious psychlogical problems, here.) Perhaps I have one of those fears of intimacies that are always going around. Then again, maybe I am so open that there is simply nothing I feel private about. Do you think it's a fault? Should I combat my natural tendancies and work up to post- ing you a private message? But then, I'd be doing exactly what you said you wanted me to do. I'd be subject to your manipulations. That could be a worse psychological problem... This is going to take some thought... I have never much considered posting messages privately. Is it fair to the public? Do I consider some thoughts so personal that they warrant a pri- vate post? And if so, are they simply too personal? Gee, Arwen. Private posts are pretty significant. I don't gnow if I'm ready for that... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Public Message # 694. Reply to #690 Date: 07/03/92. Time: 04:12:20. Read 20 Times. From : Stranger To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED I quoted from Atlas Shrugged, and used Objectivist thought in an argument on the Soap Box last summer, and a bunch of people attacked her. Not Objectivist theory per se...just her. I think it's because Objectivism is the opposite of Obfuscation! Obfuscation is (to me) the purposeful ignoring of reason in life. That is the definition of evil in Objectivism! hehe, of course they attacked her.....she's the Devil! Actually, they had no argumements against it (as befits Obfuscation) they just made it look bad by regaling Ayn Rand with insults. (The bitch one sticks in my head.) Stranger "For several years I was almost mad--Then I found myself staring straight into the hideous face of insanity." -Munch Message # 695. Reply to #694 Date: 07/03/92. Time: 19:28:27. Read 20 Times. From : Adonijah To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED Well, she was pretty stupid, very dense, and incredibly hypocritical. Message # 696. Reply to #695 Date: 07/03/92. Time: 20:31:08. Read 19 Times. From : Stranger To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED Ayn Rand was??? I think you're loco. Or maybe just Obfuscated. Strange? Message # 697. Reply to #693 Date: 07/04/92. Time: 05:43:21. Read 18 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED Well, you could give in to your Masochistic side and submit to my request. Or you could just leave me a little private "Hi", so that I would gnow that you care. At least you respond, and that means that you aren't numb, and if you aren't numb and you respond, that means that we are beginning a signif- icant relationship. Just that fact that I make a point of margining in the presence of the *Master* gives me chills, oh, you can't gnow how it feels. Just receiving posts from you to me is nearly intimacy! Wow, I am so very, well, excited! A private post from you would probably be more than I could physically stand. But, as much as I would feel priviledged to have my long distance mentor leave me private e-mail, I will be content to just remain, public. Message # 698. Reply to #676 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 02:22:30. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED AND BEYOND YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. I HAVE A GREAT IDEA. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE TO PAY A BILL, MAKE YOUR CHECK OUT FOR THE SQUARE ROUTE OF NEGATIVE ONE DOLLARS. WHEN THEY SUBTRACT THAT AMOUNT FROM YOUR BALANCE THE TOTAL WILL BECOME COMPLETELY IMAGINARY. THEN YOU CAN REFUSE TO PAY IMAGINARY BILLS. C- - - Comments : 3.14=100 Message # 699. Reply to #677 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 02:29:56. Read 17 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gravebuster Subj : LET'S GET IRRATIONAL. RECEIVED NOPE. C- - - Message # 700. Reply to #692 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 02:38:07. Read 19 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Ayn Rand RECEIVED HMM. THAT'S A IMPOSSIBLE FOR POWER IS DISCRIMINITORY BY NATURE. C- - - #700. Message # 701. Reply to #694 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 02:39:43. Read 18 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED WHO'S THIS MUNCH? C- - - Message # 702. Date: 07/05/92. Time: 02:56:15. Read 18 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : IRRATIONALITY RECEIVED I'M STILL WAITING FOR THOSE LECTURES. C- - - Message # 703. Date: 07/05/92. Time: 04:18:35. Read 22 Times. From : YellowBeard To : all Subj : My Pi day... Hey all, I have determined that on September 2, 1992 at 3:37 am, I will be exactly Pi decades old! Arwen and I have decided to celebrate, but we don't gnow how. Does anyone have suggestions? What does one do that befits reaching one's hight of irrationality? YellowBeard Message # 704. Reply to #641 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 04:41:15. Read 15 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Ender G Subj : Pi RECEIVED Heretic! Message # 705. Reply to #646 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 04:41:59. Read 19 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Endeiktikon Subj : Pi wallow get Hahahahahaha! I would appear so! Obfuscation as it is used here is a sort of art form... Namly, obscure humer. It requires intellegence on the part of the reader to understand it, and it requires even more on the part of the writer who must outwit everyone else in order to confuse readers! Pi is the constant that defines the circle; the circle is the geometric form of pizza; pizza is the divine food that trancends all others. These things originated eons ago (about 10 years) when BBSing was just getting popular, and before the average 'normal' person was able to partake. -Normalacy Sucks- YellowBeard -Whittness to the Margin Wars- -freind of the Pizza Lovers- -Moose Umpteen- Message # 706. Reply to #647 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 04:42:49. Read 18 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED Hmmm, I just realized that my last post was just a bit off the mark. But then, if it was off the mark then it really belongs here doesn't it? It was off the mark be- cause it was rational. Then perhaps that message should be posted elsewhere, in the obuscatorium. But it would not be rational if I was to post an answer to questions asked here there. would it? So I guess it belongs here. -= Y e l l o w B e a r d =- Message # 707. Reply to #665 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 04:43:54. Read 16 Times. From : YellowBeard To : HACK MAN Subj : LET'S GET IRRATIONAL. RECEIVED CAN Actual Hack, This will only prove that there must be AT LEAST AS MANY integers as there are fractions. In actuality, there MUST be more fractions than integers becuase for every n integers existing, there are n^2 possible fractions! But then, my argument requires infinity to be finite doesn't it? *Doink* IT PROBLEM. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ No, the problem is IRRATIONAL! GNOW. I liked it. To my surprise, I didn't get lost. Here's a paradox for you: Using notation like you have shown, it is necessary to quantize (i.e. N sub zero, N sub one) that which cannot by nature be quantized (i.e. infinity)! YellowBeardStein Message # 708. Reply to #667 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 04:44:49. Read 16 Times. From : YellowBeard To : HACK MAN Subj : PI RECEIVED Y'Gnow, I once read that somewhere, I can't seem to find the reference. Actaully, you can deduce that they were using it from the text... anyway, the exact constant wasn't given, just crude measurements. Pi=3 IS true ... it just isn't very accurate. Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 709. Reply to #698 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 17:15:26. Read 16 Times. From : Ender G To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED Actually it would merely become very COMPLEX. In this situation, the following things happen: Accountant charges you money for your imaginary bill Accountant charges the bank for his services in 'correcting' the bill leaving out, of course, the imaginary amount Accountant pockets an amount of REAL dollars = to the imaginary bills he has just made out, and goes home. Seriously, I wonder if you put a small dash in front of the number, and the person at the terminal actually typed it in ("Now ms. buxton type in everything EXACTLY as you see it from now on or BANK OF A LEVY will have to let you go...") would it credit your account (if the programmer accidently forgot to disallow negetive number?) the odds are SLIM INDEED, but if you ever buy astereo, car, something over a few hundred, etc. TRY IT! you just might slip thru the system!!!!! (DONT PAY OFF 'BILLS' this way, you might slip thru THEIR system & end up owing twice as much!!!) Message # 710. Reply to #703 Date: 07/05/92. Time: 17:20:24. Read 15 Times. From : Ender G To : YellowBeard Subj : My Pi day... RECEIVED Have arwen bake you a pie, and eat exactly pi radians of it, and give the other pi radians of it to arwen, thus consuming the entire pie. OK RING RING CONNECT 9600 #710. Message # 711. Reply to #698 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 00:01:38. Read 17 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED Unfortunately, the bank can't handle that sort of thing... Once I tried to deposit a check for something like "ten and 333/1000 dollars". A friend of mine owed me money for a third of a utility bill, and he insisted on pay- ing the exact amount, down to the "third cent". He wrote the text part of the check like I showed above, and the numerical part like 10 & 33.3/100, just to make the point clear. At first, I was going to use the ATM to de- posit it, figuring that if I could avoid people and use as much machinery as possible, I might be able to convince the computer. (We both wanted to see if we could get decimal points in our balances) But the Bank of Ameri- ca ATMs put the decimal points in automatically. (I should have tried a Wells Fargo...) So, I went to the teller, hoping I'd find a stupid one who wouldn't try to think like "You can't do that" and more like "I don't gnow if the computer will accept it." Well, I got one that was kind of on the ball. I explained to her that the check was made out for ten dollars and thirty three point three cents. She seemed smart, but I was actually sur- prised that her excuse was "I can't enter that into the computer," instead of "That's stupid" or "Come on!" So she crossed out the extra three on the check and deposited it normally. I was so disappointed. But, it does seem that tellers are so mind-zapped by their jobs, that they don't really re- tain any common sense--they are only limited by "what they can enter into the computer". My point being... If we can somehow manage to get the bank computer to understand the complete number system, getting past the teller will be relatively easy, and we can pull off that imaginary dollar scam. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 712. Reply to #703 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 01:00:21. Read 14 Times. From : HACK MAN To : YellowBeard Subj : My Pi day... RECEIVED HAVE A PI EATING CONTEST. C- - - Message # 713. Reply to #698 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 01:50:20. Read 14 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED Excellent! Will that, in reality, work? Hey, I'll try anything at this point in my financial situation. Message # 714. Reply to #705 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 01:51:58. Read 14 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : YellowBeard Subj : Pi RECEIVED You forgot -Poor Speller's Society_ On your credits... Message # 715. Reply to #691 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 01:54:06. Read 16 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED I just want to gnow one thing.... How did you ever find out about me? Message # 716. Reply to #711 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 06:31:30. Read 15 Times. From : Ender G To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED Theres a simple sollution to your problem: You must sue the teller for the one third of a cent she stole from you (actually .3 cents) Message # 717. Date: 07/06/92. Time: 15:18:40. Read 14 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Arwen, Hack, YBeard. Subj : Many things, all of which are being unneccessarily delayed until Thursday All: I'm going up to Berkeley tonight and will be back Wednesday night and I will probably call again on Thursday. It's only a few days, so it doesn't really warrent me talking about it, since no one will notice such a short break, but it's important to this board, because it means I'm going to be really bored Tuesday afternoon and I'm going to get a chance to formulate decent replies to a few posts that I've been lagging on or that need ex- tra consideration... That means, specifically... HACK: While I consider my initial statements part of the seminar series, (the intro, at least) I'll work on the lectures tomorrow. Arwen: This private message dilema is going to take some serious thought. I'll decide by Thursday. I mean... This relationship is so new. Maybe I just want my first private message to be... special... Yellowbeard: Well, it sounds like I have until September 2 to come up with a neat celabration idea. So, I'm not even going to think about it tomorrow! I'm going to be too busy writing lectures, making im- portant decisions, and deciphering... er, I mean enjoying Arwen's excellent post in the Tavern (18212). !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Slightly behind... Message # 718. Reply to #701 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 16:47:55. Read 13 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED Munch is my favorite artist. He was an exprressionist. His most famous work is The Scream. It's really cool looking, although he has dozens that are equally as good... Strange? "The road is certainly a strange one, with its continued bouts of deathly oblivion followed by the bittersweet reawakenening to life." --Munch Message # 719. Reply to #717 Date: 07/06/92. Time: 20:32:17. Read 13 Times. From : Ender G To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Many things, all of which are being unneccessarily delayed until Thursday RECEIVED Why not use some codes and call here regularly. Im *SURE* their are people that can teach you about codes at berkely. I have even heard they have a working DARK Blue box up their (the DIGITAL blue box for 1990's phone systems) Message # 720. Reply to #696 Date: 07/07/92. Time: 20:16:37. Read 15 Times. From : Adonijah To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED She's dead, dude. #720. Message # 721. Reply to #703 Date: 07/07/92. Time: 20:18:54. Read 13 Times. From : Adonijah To : YellowBeard Subj : My Pi day... RECEIVED Go to Marie Calendar's and get a pi(e). Message # 722. Reply to #715 Date: 07/07/92. Time: 20:23:59. Read 13 Times. From : Adonijah To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : This Board RECEIVED I can smell it. Intuition? I don't know. It just worked out that way, I guess. Just stay away from me...I'm calling at high noon from now on. 43 34 Message # 723. Reply to #718 Date: 07/07/92. Time: 23:10:48. Read 13 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED DO YOU HAVE THOSE QUOTES IN A TEXT FILE OR SOMETHING? C- - - Message # 724. Reply to #708 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 01:23:22. Read 16 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : YellowBeard Subj : PI RECEIVED The reference talks about a thing and in decribing it it says it is circular and it's circumference (sp?) is 3 units (forgot the unit cubits maybe?) and it's diameter is 1 unit. Thus, saying that pi=3, but I think hack man (and the book he read that in (which I have read also)) are taking someones quick decription of something and taking it as the bible says PI=3 so the bible is wrong.... It's rather silly in my opinion. Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 725. Reply to #717 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 03:52:08. Read 12 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Many things, all of which are being unneccessarily delayed until Thursday RECEIVED Give it all the thought you want... Just leave me email... Message # 726. Reply to #703 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 03:53:13. Read 15 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : YellowBeard Subj : My Pi day... RECEIVED exactly how. Well, I just thought you all should gnow, since my parents are moving in about 5 weeks, and we (YB and myself) have volunteered to assist with the moving, we may be in the Ventura Co. area in, well, about five weeks! I think we should plan a pizza party. It could be an end of summer, YB and Arwen are in town, a chance for everyone to get together before those like Stranger, Adonijah and Gaviscon (just to name a few) go back to school. Besides, since my parents are moving to Bakersfield (yuk!), we most likely won't be coming to Ventura Co. for our Christmases any longer. Not that we have to be visiting my parents to come to see you, all of our friends, but their moving does take away the free place to stay. Having to pay motel bills sort of takes the fun out of it. But, I say, PARTY! PIZZA PARTY! :)Arwen(: Pizza Fiend . Message # 727. Reply to #724 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 11:24:29. Read 13 Times. From : Ender G To : Mynk Lynx Subj : PI RECEIVED Some state once passed a law saying that pi was equal to three (imagine the arrogance!!!) because the bible said so. No one cared, and all the states engineers OF COURSE ignored that law. But It still would have been fun to have taken it to court... :) Message # 728. Reply to #720 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 12:44:52. Read 13 Times. From : Stranger To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED What does that have to do with anything???? Wowie. Does death make one dense and hypocritical? She was a great woman. Stranger Message # 729. Reply to #723 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 12:46:19. Read 13 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED Nope, but whenever I see a quote I like, I copy it down so I can use it beneath my handle. One bored day I was in the Ventura College library (I'm taking Sociology during summer there) and I found a huge book on Muinch. I copied down a bunch of his quotes. Stranger Message # 730. Reply to #728 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 13:53:01. Read 15 Times. From : Adonijah To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED No. You said "She WAS???" like she was still alive. So I corrected that. I'm ready to debate the pros and cons of Miss Rosenbaum if you are. #730. Message # 731. Reply to #730 Date: 07/08/92. Time: 20:54:22. Read 17 Times. From : Stranger To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED Nah, I'm a bad debater, and I have this adverse quality to believe even more what I believe when someone says I should believe another way. (Probably one of the reasons that I'm a bad debater.) I think she was brilliant, even though I don't agree wit everything that she said. Stranger Message # 732. Reply to #697 Date: 07/09/92. Time: 04:10:47. Read 16 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED AH HA!! I've caught you! Trying to get intimate with another Moose!! I just GNEW it! Private posts, nocturnal out of body visits... Moose Umpteen. (Oh wait, You're not a moose, are you Gav? -Nevermind.) Message # 733. Reply to #698 Date: 07/09/92. Time: 04:11:09. Read 15 Times. From : YellowBeard To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED OF IMAGINARY I don't think it will work Hack... What would happen is the bank would say... "I'm sorry sir, your balance has just become imaginary". Message # 734. Date: 07/09/92. Time: 05:00:21. Read 16 Times. From : Ender G To : Subj : Geez RECEIVED I called 3am board, but too soon (like around 2) so i try to redial and it doesnt connect, too busy, all one line full. I called back at four, now here I am... ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÛÛEnder GÛÛ ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ßßßßß Five AMer Message # 735. Reply to #724 Date: 07/13/92. Time: 20:04:21. Read 15 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mynk Lynx Subj : PI RECEIVED WHAT BOOK IS THAT? C- - - Message # 736. Reply to #726 Date: 07/13/92. Time: 20:05:29. Read 13 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : My Pi day... RECEIVED OKEDOKE. KEEP US POSTED. C- - - Message # 737. Reply to #731 Date: 07/13/92. Time: 21:03:14. Read 17 Times. From : Adonijah To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED I don't know how you can say that...almost everything you posted was diametrically opposed to Rand's philosophy. Message # 738. Reply to #703 Date: 07/13/92. Time: 22:15:50. Read 16 Times. From : The Rusty Pelican To : YellowBeard Subj : My Pi day... RECEIVED You and Arwen are going out? That's rather interesting, no one had explained this to me before. Message # 739. Reply to #738 Date: 07/13/92. Time: 23:36:36. Read 14 Times. From : Ender G To : The Rusty Pelican Subj : My Pi day... Um, actually they are i think married (under the same roof anywayz) Message # 740. Reply to #737 Date: 07/14/92. Time: 01:55:12. Read 14 Times. From : Stranger To : Adonijah Subj : This Board RECEIVED Hmmm...I haven't posted the entire contents of my brain have I? (Unfortnuately, they would probably fit on Hack's hard drive.) I don't really care if you think I believe in some of Rand's philosophies or not.... The main things that I like about her views are the divine way she treats the human being. I think her ideas of love are flawed, along with a lot of her other ideras. She writes beautifully, though. Stranger "One filled with joy preaches without preaching." -Mother Teresa #740. Message # 741. Reply to #732 Date: 07/15/92. Time: 01:16:11. Read 13 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : YellowBeard Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED Actually, I see myself as something of a platypus. Say, was there ever a "Moose pi"? How about a Pi Mousse? I have a sudden craving for a sweet pickle... Don't ask why I decided it was neccessary to mention that... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | "Platypus pi" /| | | |/ | |/ -But not ice cream, even though we have cookies'n'cream in the freezer. Message # 742. Reply to #724 Date: 07/15/92. Time: 04:25:06. Read 12 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Mynk Lynx Subj : PI RECEIVED circular and (and quick is Yep, I couldn't find the reference (I looked of course). That's exactly what I was looking for. It is silly. Some people (like the author of the book) will do ANYTHING to prove that the Bible is wrong at something. void OpenMind(void) { for(Pizza=0; Pizza <=3.14159;Pizza++) Pi==DOINK(Pizza); } Message # 743. Reply to #711 Date: 07/15/92. Time: 04:25:42. Read 13 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : This Board RECEIVED she wasn't by any chance a blond was she? Message # 744. Date: 07/16/92. Time: 00:16:00. Read 24 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : Okay okay... I am going to attempt the "first" in my seminars tonight, because this is the first time I haven't felt TOTALLY adverse to the thought of uping my brain power a little. I've just been afraid of starting and then not really gnowing what to say, but I guess I can't always fake a "USER LOGGED OFF" if I run in- to problems... Irrationality: Lecture #1 Hello? SQUEAAEEEACK! zzzzt... Hello? EeeEEEearzzk. Is this thing on? Testing, one two... Testing.. Ahem. Uh, Suzy. Can we tone the spotlight a little? Yeah like.. No... Ouch! Okay! Can you hear me in the back? Good. Irrationality. Negative or positive connotations? Anybody? You there, in the third row. Yes. Negative connotations. What do we think of when we think of irrationality? Put your hands down, that was rhetorical. We think of people fuming and raving, guided by rage, jealosy, anger... Anything by logic. Com- plete illogic. Not a very good thing, right? Yes, that was rhetorical, too. I will ask for volunteers when I'm not being rhetorical. Thank you. Let's take a look at history. And I don't mean dates and events. I mean the PEOPLE of history. The Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks. They were more than people in strange robes and fnacy sandals. They THOUGHT differently. They be- lieved in different things and reacted in different ways. Over the thousands and thousands of years of reorded history, a few things about human personal- ity stand out... ...Hello? Uh, Ms. Gee, could you see what's wrong with the projector? The fan is going, but the light seems to be... What? Okay. While my assistant, Ms. Gee is fetching another lamp for the projector, let try to explain once again our standard definition of irrationality. When an individual exhibits extremely irrational behavior, he is often thought of as "insane." What? Yes, you there in the second row... You have a question? Yes. Yes. Okay, I apologize. What's your name? Your fellow student, Ms. Johanasmythe, has corrected me. I meant that when an individual exhibits irrational behavior, he OR SHE is often thought of as in- sane. Others who are less severe are viewed as people that simply "cannot be reasoned with" and therefore should be ignored until such a time when he or she exhibits rational behavior. Why? Because our society is based on logic. A person MUST be logical, or that person is not considered a productive member of society. Is this necessarily a good thing? After all, our entire world is based on logic and it seems to have gotten us pretty far. We've got nifty machines that will allow us packaged entertainment for as little effort pos- sible, and cars that help us traverse extreme distances that we never really had any reason to traverse before. We've got apartment complexes and kitchen appliances... The world has more "stuff" than it ever has before, all due to our logical minds. But are all these things necessarilly good? We assume so. But there was a time when the way the world thought was seen as just fine and it wasn't logically. In fact, logic was punishable by exile or death. To view the way we think as "just fine" is a mistake we've made since we figured out fire. A few years ago, the Catholic Church officially apologized to Galileo, a single logical man who lived on a world at the center of the universe. I hope that understanding comes sooner to the illogical people of today. Hmm? Excuse me? Oh good. Is it all set up? Great. Ms. Gee has fixed the pro- jector, so if I can divert your attention to the large screen... 1. Emotions never change 2. Perceptions always change 3. Everyone always assumes their perceptions are correct. Addressing the first point, it would appear that throughout history, emotions have been a relatively constant thing. Anger has always been anger. Jealosy, sadness, happiness, confusion... They've always been the same. The way people FEEL has always been the same. PERCEPTIONS, on the other hand, ALWAYS change. The way people view the world, the way people think, and the things people believe is as variable as your majors. The Greeks... The same group of people who invented the steam engine and used it as a toy since slaves were "good enough"... The ancient Greeks were probably the most enlightened civilization ever to crawl into history. "Question Everything!" they said! Who said that? I can never remember the guy who said that. Socrates? Well, they killed him, too... Just goes to show you that number three is so correct. Yes. Which brings us to number three. Society can be surprizingly open minded at times, but almost never when it comes to the way they view the world. Society hasn't ever succeeded in creating the Utopia it works so hard for, yet they never see it as their own fault, either. Hmm? Yes, I gnow. That was a badly constucted sentance. Give me a break. I'm not an English teacher. Pfffzzzzt! What was that? Suzy? Hmm? Damn. Well, I don't have any more displays for to- day. Next time remind me to bring extra bulbs. The projector lamp has busted again. Did everyone get everything down? There wasn't much. Anyway, I hope that from today's lesson, you'll be encouraged to think about the way you think and question the validity of it. Don't just assume that the way you think is "correct." The world has been wrong about that for thousands of years. We live in a world of logic, and logic has giv- en us quite a world. If you think it's the best of all possible worlds, then you probably shouldn't attend my next lecture. I'm going to let you all out early today. Hopefully by next time, we'll get some of pour modern conveniences to be a little more convenient. But before you go, I'll field some questions. Any questions on today's lecture? Yes you in the front... No, I wasn't being rhetorical. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Self-made professorship. Comments : 3.14=100 Message # 745. Reply to #738 Date: 07/16/92. Time: 03:09:12. Read 17 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : The Rusty Pelican Subj : My Pi day... Well, no, we are not going out. We "co-habitate". We are also engaged. Big difference.... Message # 746. Reply to #744 Date: 07/16/92. Time: 21:27:51. Read 17 Times. From : Adonijah To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Okay okay... RECEIVED Um, sir, so am I understanding you correctly by perceiving that projector bulbs with a half life of twelve seconds are due to the fact that the logical inventions of man are constructed in such a way that it is ASSUMED to be so, when it is not, i.e. Edison tried to create a Utopia by being irrational with logical tools? Message # 747. Date: 07/17/92. Time: 00:34:55. Read 19 Times. From : Ender G To : All Source Programmable U Subj : Program To: ALL Source Programmable Users On Eat_Pizza Global the_pizza -- system variable controlled by pizza sensor Put "deliver" into mode Get_Pizza Heat_Pizza Repeat until the_pizza contains "Cold" if the Stomach is full then exit repeat If there is a slice then Grab it Eat it -- 'it' is last defined variable, in this case, slice end if End Repeat Belch End Eat_Pizza On Get_Pizza If mode contains "Deliver" then dial "555-1212" using modem wait 10 secs -- wait for answer moose,animate,off moose "Hello. Deliver me a pizza with extra cheese and thin crust to" moose "1212 Imaginary Lane, Crossroads Adolfo, in VirtualVille please" moose "I dont care how much it costs." -- access the talking moose XCMD to talk, into phone line via headphone jack sendvanilla return & "ATH0" ^ return put false into Heatneeded else moose "Im a computer I cant cook in a kitchen!" end if On Heat_Pizza If the_pizza is cold then moose "Hey, I want a warm pizza" moose "Go get a warm one and deliver it in 30 minitues or less" moose "Or I'll have you FIRED!" -- the headphone jack also connects to a outdoor speaker... end if end Heat_Pizza On Belch Play "Belch" end belch There, a working HyperTalk script to order and eat a pizza! kuel! Message # 748. Reply to #746 Date: 07/17/92. Time: 14:37:40. Read 18 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Adonijah Subj : Okay okay... RECEIVED Yes, you there... In the front row. What did you say your name was? What? Donahue? No? Oh, I'm sorry. Adonijah. The acoustics in this place are just terrible. Adonijah? Is that Swedish? Anyway, what was your question? Hmmm? Yes, okay. No, that's not quite right. Edison was, in fact, a logical man who used modern logical thinking and invented, through logic, the lightbulb, which eventually evolved into the twelve-second half-life variety that the per- sonnel department supplies us with today. I'm not saying logic is wrong. I am also not saying irrationality is right. In fact, I haven't even started the discussion on irrationality yet. I'm asking you to simply question the "rightness" or "wrongness" of the way you think. A few hundred years ago, deductive thinking was all the rage. We discovered such revelations as the transformation of vegetable pods into swans and of meat into flies. It was the way people thought and everyone assumed it was correct. Then a bright individual came along and said, "Hey! We're all thinking wrong! We should be using inductive reasoning, not deductive reasoning!" Truthfully, I'm a little rust on my history these days, but it's my suspicion that that per- son was taken out and shot for suggesting that the world wasn't just fine the way it was, with it's diseases, indentured servatude to the elite, and overabundance of really good filth. But eventually, the human race changed and started thinking inductively. It always changes, no matter how much it resists. And now we see that as "right." HOWEVER! We still use deductive reasoning, every one of us. In fact, we use it most of the time. We just have to keep in mind that it's not perfect. So what I'm suggesting to you is that you look at the way we think today, and ask yourself if you think it's "just fine." The world has viewed it- self as thinking "just fine" forever now. And do you think we are living in the best of all possible worlds? If not, who do you blame? !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -No end tags today. Message # 749. Reply to #741 Date: 07/19/92. Time: 03:02:17. Read 14 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Irrationality RECEIVED Now, how could you crave a sweet pickle with ice cream available in the house? Ice cream is the food of the Gawds... Message # 750. Reply to #744 Date: 07/19/92. Time: 03:02:46. Read 17 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Okay okay... RECEIVED But, almost nearly a philosophy teacher. #750. Message # 751. Reply to #748 Date: 07/19/92. Time: 22:54:56. Read 15 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Okay okay... RECEIVED (Hand raised for attention) "Um, Mr. Edison, or the Personnel Department?" Message # 752. Reply to #748 Date: 07/20/92. Time: 04:51:20. Read 12 Times. From : Ender G To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Okay okay... RECEIVED Edison was a strong proponent of the DC (what we now use in batteries) system Ñ over the AC system. So much so in fact that he often ÔwestinghousedÕ animals that he paid 25c per head to kids to get.. most often their pets. Westinghouse of course being the electric comapny. Source: Book on Nikola Tesla at Camarillo Librabry. Cant remember name. s Message # 753. Reply to #751 Date: 07/20/92. Time: 12:10:19. Read 13 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Okay okay... RECEIVED I assume you're referring to who we should blame... Well, I'm not going to tell you that, because if I did, then you wouldn't be thinking about it, you would be hearing me tell you. It's good that you're interested, though. I'm sorry that I'm morally obligated to completely ignore your question. Thank you for asking. (Boy if that doesn't scare off future questions, I don't gnow what will.) But please! Continue to raise your hands. Chances are that if you're confused then someone else is, too... Man, Suzy, don't you hate it when your professors say that? What? The mike is still on? Oh. Um. Well, I'll continue my lecture tomorrow. (I've got to say things like that so that I'll be suddenly obligated when tomorrow comes) See you then. And by the way, it's easy to be a philosophy teacher. All you need is a phil- osophy and an urge to tell other people why yours is better. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Don't ask me! I just had a craving for a sweet pickle. I can't figure out this body sometimes... Message # 754. Date: 07/20/92. Time: 15:40:03. Read 13 Times. From : Ender G To : ALLiBOBa Subj : Can I post 11512 characters of pi here and have it all saved? just asking Message # 755. Date: 07/28/92. Time: 10:49:08. Read 16 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : TAKE THIS RECEIVED THIS BOOK I'M READING PROPOSES THIS AS ONE OF THE STRANGEST EQUATIONS IN ALL OF MATHEMATICS. BEING THE PI GUY MAYBE YOU CAN EXPLAIN IT'S SIGNIFICANCE FOR ME. i(pi) e + 1 = 0 THAT IS E (THE NATURAL LOGRYTHM (ANOTHER FAMOUS NON REPEATING DECIMAL NUMBER THAT EQUALS 2.SOMETHING OR OTHER)) TO THE POWER OF I (THE SQUARE ROOT OF NEGATIVE ONE) TIMES PI IS APPARENTLY EQUAL TO NEGATIVE ONE. THIS INTRIGUES ME THAT IF YOU TAKE THE THREE STRANGEST NUMBERS IN THE UNIVERSE AND DO SOMETHING EVEN STRANGER TO THEM THEN YOU GET AN EXTREMELY ORDINARY RESULT. THERE MUST BE SOME DEEP COSMIC SIGNIFICANCE TO THIS. C- - - Message # 756. Reply to #755 Date: 07/28/92. Time: 11:22:21. Read 14 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : TAKE THIS RECEIVED Don't worry...all of this strangeness is bound up in my genetic code somewhere...I'll take a look at it. Stranger Message # 757. Reply to #755 Date: 07/28/92. Time: 22:37:03. Read 15 Times. From : Ender G To : HACK MAN Subj : TAKE THIS RECEIVED Well, what normally happens to a number when you take an imaginary power??? Like, if its always -1, then its not so strange... the natural logarythm number, e, is equal to exactly k 1+(1/k) Where K is aproaching infinity. Message # 758. Reply to #755 Date: 07/29/92. Time: 02:36:55. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN Subj : TAKE THIS RECEIVED Actually, it's not that strange... It's more of a definition. There's a cool story behind it, too. I can't remember who it was, but a mathmatician was once in an arguement with a philosopher. The philosopher kept spouting all of this babble about the universe and challenged him to prove things and stuff. The mathmatician just replied "e to the i pi equals negative one therefore God does not exist" over and over. I can't remember who it was. I'll have to ask the guy who told me about it again... Bi Anyway, Ae represents A*cosB + A*sinB. That's a definition, I believe, so it isn't all that surprising that "e to the i pi" would equal -1. Add one to that and you've got zero. For some reason my brain has suddenly ceased functioning, so I can't give you a very good arguement. Let's see... What's the definition of e? It's related to pi somehow... (Or at least circles) Anyway, all of my math books are charcoal, so I can't look anything up anymore. But e and pi are very closely related. There's a very good reason why e to an imaginary number acts exactly like triginometric functions. It has to do with the way e is de- fined, I think. Hmm... I'm doing a very poor job of explaining this, so I will "get back to you" on it... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | |/ | |/ ...but not the "e" guy. Message # 759. Reply to #758 Date: 07/30/92. Time: 02:10:23. Read 21 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : TAKE THIS RECEIVED As long as you're not Joe Isuzu. Message # 760. Reply to #753 Date: 08/06/92. Time: 09:19:14. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Okay okay... RECEIVED WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS QUESTION THAT I AM ASKING? C- - - #760. Message # 761. Reply to #747 Date: 08/08/92. Time: 02:41:50. Read 25 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Ender G Subj : Program RECEIVED Hmm... that's cool, but I think you need to write that in a REAL language. Hypertalk is a psuedo-language as far(t) as I'm concerned! Oh well... /* PIZZA.C Y. Beard 8/5/92 This is a modified version of Ender G.'s HypoMumble pizza program. */ #include #include "makepizza.h" /* constants for use with PIZZA.LIB */ #include "Pi.h" /* I include this always ;) */ /* prototypes */ int * MakePizza(int *); extern int HeatPizza(int *); extern void Belch(void); extern int Grab(int *); extern int Scarf(int *); extern void Burp(void); extern int isfull(void); extern int Go_To_Da_Freezer_Get_Da(void *); /* void pointer allows us to point to any object structure */ #define LOTS PI*BIZZILLION^UMPTEEN /* constants defined in Pi.h */ typedef struct { int dough; int sauce; int cheeze; int *ingredients[LOTS]; float PI; } gimme; struct { gimme slice[8]; } pizza; main(void) { int bummer, piece, tummy; float spatula; while (tummy != isfull()) { *Pizza = MakePizza(*Ingredients); While (HeatPizza(Pizza) == FALSE) bummer = TRUE; bummer = FALSE; /* pizza is done! */ for (piece=1; piece < 9; piece++) { if !(Grab((float) * spatula)) printf("Hey, where's my spatula?!?"); if !(Grab(gimme * slice[piece])) printf("Hey, who ate my pizza?!?"); if !(Scarf(gimme * slice[piece])) printf("Urp!!"); if (tummy == isfull()) exit(0); } } } int *pizza MakePizza(int * ingredients) { int piece, goodie=0; for (piece=0; piece < 9; piece++) { Go_To_Da_Freezer_Get_Da(* box); gimme * slice[piece].Dough = box.yummything; Go_To_Da_Freezer_Get_Da(* can); Gimme * slice[piece].sauce = can.yummything; while (Go_To_Da_Freezer_Get_Da(* box);) /* get stuff 'til no more */ gimme * slice[piece].ingredients[goodie] = Box.yummything; } } --- P.S. To all you C programmers... I originally wanted this to be totally, correct, and actually compileable... but it was too much work, and the poiners to structures and stuff got too hairy... Too much work for a program that wouldn't really do anything! Comments : 3.14=2 Message # 762. Reply to #761 Date: 08/16/92. Time: 03:04:41. Read 19 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : YellowBeard Subj : Program RECEIVED Cool! When do we eat? Message # 763. Date: 08/19/92. Time: 12:38:04. Read 22 Times. From : Uncle GS To : All Subj : Hmm... I was just thinking, its been a while since we've seen the magic number: 3.141592654 U2x Message # 764. Reply to #763 Date: 08/20/92. Time: 09:40:26. Read 19 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Uncle GS Subj : Hmm... RECEIVED HE ROUNDED PI!!!!! OH MY GOD! SOMEONE TELL GAV! SOMEONE GRAB HIM! HANDCUFF HIM! TAKE HIM TO THE PI ROOM! Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. hahahaha Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 765. Date: 08/20/92. Time: 13:28:32. Read 22 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Get a grip RECEIVED Sorry ML, but I didn't have my PI to the 1000th decimal place chart with me. Of course, rounding PI is an induced thing as you well know. Not even dearest Gaviscon can give us a perfectly accurate description of Pi....but if he does someday, I'll lick his toes. :) U2x P.S. hahaha^2 Message # 766. Reply to #765 Date: 08/21/92. Time: 19:28:16. Read 23 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Uncle GS Subj : Get a grip RECEIVED Well the proper procedure is to put an '...' at the end. I was taken to court because someone maliciously claimed that I had posted the value of pi (rounded) without the '...' oin the end. it was horrible! ML Message # 767. Reply to #764 Date: 08/21/92. Time: 21:45:29. Read 21 Times. From : Ender G To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Hmm... RECEIVED And even more henious, he rounded UP. This means that if some caring sole came along and tried to fix his sins, they couldnt, because the error had already been engraved in stone. for example, and only as an example... 3.14159265 This is a good rounding because it can be continued 358979... 3.1416 (NEVER DO THIS, EVER) this is TERRIBLE, a HEINOUS crime indeed, because the error is UNRECOVERABLE (like what happens to a hard drive when you sprinkle magentic dust on it) Message # 768. Date: 08/28/92. Time: 00:13:26. Read 24 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : Oh dear... Oh dear... Whatever shall we do. I don't think I could handle the stress of another court case from here in Berkeley. Well, Uncle GS, I'm going to let you off with a warning... Just this once... Because I want Mynk Lynx to feel like he was unfairly persecuted. But from NOW ON, you should gnow that the proper procedure for representing pi is with the three dot notation, correcting indicating the infinity of pi. (ie: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582092494459230...) And never NEVER round off! It has been repeated by ignorant users time and time again that gnowing pi to so many decimal places is useless. They are partially correct. You see, the ACCURACY in pi after a certain digit is what becomes increasingly pointless, but the DIGITS themselves are what are im- portant. Therefore, you should never round up pi. The digits themselves are too important. Let that be a lesson to you. And to anyone who thinks I broke this law in the Library, keep in mind that in cases like that (rating a book or movie or song) I am expressing the num- ber 3.14159, not as pi, but as simply the number 3.14159. (A number extreme- ly close to pi) That is because I am rating something on a scale from one to pi and it certainly didn't receive a "pi" rating. A lot of people have tried to accuse me of rounding off or not using the three dot notation also when I use an address like 314 Pi Circle, Piville, PI 31415. Then, I am just using false numbers that have a relation to pi. But when SPECIFICALLY talking of the number pi, you MUST use the three dot notation to express the infinity of pi's digits. Glad I could clear things up... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -I'm sure I'll have to repeat all this in less than a month. Message # 769. Date: 09/05/92. Time: 16:53:00. Read 21 Times. From : CyberHack To : Uncle GS Subj : Boards? RECEIVED Why is this the only board I have seen your handle on? Message # 770. Reply to #769 Date: 09/05/92. Time: 23:22:30. Read 20 Times. From : Ender G To : CyberHack Subj : Boards? RECEIVED And how about asking the same of you. #770. Message # 771. Reply to #765 Date: 09/06/92. Time: 02:55:57. Read 19 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Uncle GS Subj : Get a grip RECEIVED me. dearest does I'd pay to see that. Message # 772. Date: 09/07/92. Time: 18:21:57. Read 20 Times. From : CyberHack To : Enger G Subj : On Other Boards... (Opps...that should be Ender G) I am on lots of other boards... Message # 773. Reply to #772 Date: 09/07/92. Time: 22:39:09. Read 19 Times. From : Ender G To : CyberHack Subj : On Other Boards... RECEIVED Type "A" to autoreply to a message (that way I can hit "d" and see what the person before you said) Message # 774. Reply to #768 Date: 09/08/92. Time: 00:38:37. Read 25 Times. From : Number Two To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Oh dear... RECEIVED Awwwww, pi sucks anyway. It's useless and not needed. Just ask Bucky Fuller. Your Pal 2 Message # 775. Date: 09/08/92. Time: 02:18:52. Read 29 Times. From : GOD. To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Final Word RECEIVED Ok, here's the deal, one night I got stoned and made up pi to really fuck with all of the mathematicians I had let loose upon you all. After all, it's only fair that thyat they get cursed with an irrational and really unneccessary number sequence thingy...... I know I know, it was really mean, but now they actually believe in the damn thing. Geez, give an inch of free will and they take a mile..... Comments : 2.00=1 Message # 776. Reply to #774 Date: 09/14/92. Time: 00:32:11. Read 26 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Number Two Subj : Oh dear... RECEIVED If it hadn't been for Pi, Buckminster Fuller would have been a nobody. Message # 777. Reply to #775 Date: 09/14/92. Time: 23:47:43. Read 25 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : GOD. Subj : Final Word Nonsense. You're a total fraud, Mr. "GOD." with the period in his/her name. The REAL god has only three characters in his name. Just check the register and you'll see. I'm sure the Creator doesn't appreciate being impersonated. ...Of course if you can find out his password, I suppose GOD has no choice but to go along with anything you might wish to declare. It would be his own fault for allowing his password to fall into someone else's hands. He'd have to take responsibily, after all. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- Message # 778. Reply to #777 Date: 09/16/92. Time: 10:45:30. Read 24 Times. From : Ender G To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Final Word RECEIVED Strange... because when I checked it said GOD.. also... Another thing, I can log in as enderg (like on IntreNet) or as E. N. Derg or even as E.N.D.E.R.G., and its all the same. So it wouldnt be possible to have a GOD and a GOD. Message # 779. Reply to #776 Date: 09/16/92. Time: 13:32:50. Read 21 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Oh dear... RECEIVED IF IT WASN'T FOR PIE WE WOULDN'T HAVE FRISBEES. C- - - Comments : 3.14=2 Message # 780. Reply to #775 Date: 09/16/92. Time: 21:04:19. Read 22 Times. From : SKURKEY To : GOD. Subj : Final Word That and Pelicans. #780. Message # 781. Reply to #778 Date: 09/17/92. Time: 02:28:09. Read 19 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Ender G Subj : Final Word RECEIVED That is now, but there was a time when GOD and GOD. was possible. Hack added code to stripp out spaces and punctuation at the login prompt Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym Message # 782. Reply to #776 Date: 09/17/92. Time: 06:50:07. Read 21 Times. From : Number Two To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Oh dear... RECEIVED Not true....he circumvented pi, because he saw it as unneccessary. Read anything he's might enjoy it and then again...... Your Pal 2 Message # 783. Date: 09/20/92. Time: 10:52:17. Read 21 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Hack Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED RE: "If it wasn't for Pi we wouldn't have frisbees." WRONG! We don't need the numerical representation of Pi in order to make a circular device. All you need is the idea of what a circle is and the ability to cut some sort of material into the appropriate shape. U2x Message # 784. Date: 09/20/92. Time: 10:53:48. Read 18 Times. From : Uncle GS To : CyberHack Subj : My handle RECEIVED You only see me on this board because I am a MacUser and only call boards in Simi Valley and Los Angeles for "non-message" purposes. I call here because it is local and contains the best message base in the tri-counties, bar none. Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 785. Date: 09/20/92. Time: 10:55:59. Read 20 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Gaviscon Subj : Pi 2 Sorry, Gav...I really didn't mean to round off Pi, honest. I just hit the Pi key on my Casio 7700G calculator and keyed in the digits...not thinking. Interesting side note on Pi though....I heared that somewhere in the bible, Pi is described as 3.2 or something to that effect...only carried to 2 decimals. At one point there was legislation to try tohange the internationally accepted fact that Pi is a continous number to the Bible version. Neat huh? (NOT...) U2x Message # 786. Reply to #783 Date: 09/21/92. Time: 00:21:39. Read 22 Times. From : Ender G To : Uncle GS Subj : Pi RECEIVED But the Frisbee was made by a company that sold pi. Without pi they never would have even gone into business to start with (get a clue...) (deserves PUNishment...) Message # 787. Date: 09/24/92. Time: 16:27:56. Read 18 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Ender G Subj : Pi RECEIVED That or the workers would have had to settle for cupcakes. Then I suppose we might have baseballs instead of frisbees Message # 788. Reply to #774 Date: 09/25/92. Time: 00:25:23. Read 18 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Number Two Subj : Oh dear... RECEIVED Fuller. That person (whom I will not mention, but you did) was a heretic! Pi Doesn't suck, Gravity does. Don't you gnow anything? YB -Don't follow that heretic, follow Fucky Buller. Message # 789. Reply to #788 Date: 09/25/92. Time: 03:22:24. Read 19 Times. From : Number Two To : YellowBeard Subj : Oh dear... RECEIVED Never ! Your Pal 2 Message # 790. Date: 09/25/92. Time: 12:02:17. Read 21 Times. From : Fuckminster Buller To : ALL Subj : Yes. Follow me. Comments : 2.00=1 #790. Message # 791. Date: 09/25/92. Time: 21:29:06. Read 22 Times. From : Uncle GS To : All Subj : Pi What is the rational significance of Pi..if such an explaination exists given the fact that Pi in itself is irrational by its very nature? Confused... U2x Message # 792. Date: 09/25/92. Time: 23:37:30. Read 23 Times. From : Nip To : Math Dudes Subj : Help me! ÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄ FACTOR COMPLETELY ÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍ X^288-1 I bet none of you can do it! Message # 793. Date: 09/26/92. Time: 11:55:28. Read 21 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Nip Subj : Factoring RECEIVED The expression (x^288)-1 is not factorable. Period. I ran it through Theorist and Theorist chewed on it for a few minutes and yielded no change. It didn't run out of memory or get overflow just said that it was not factorable. Anyone wish to differ? U2x Message # 794. Reply to #793 Date: 09/26/92. Time: 12:44:14. Read 21 Times. From : Nip To : Uncle GS Subj : Factoring RECEIVED ³UG³ The expression (x^288)-1 is not factorable. Period. ³UG³ I ran it through Theorist and Theorist chewed on it for a few ³UG³ minutes and yielded no change. It didn't run out of memory or ³UG³ get overflow just said that it was not factorable. ³UG³ Anyone wish to differ? That can't be, (x^288-1) is a difference of two squares. Anyone else want to give it a try? Message # 795. Reply to #792 Date: 09/26/92. Time: 21:08:05. Read 21 Times. From : Ender G To : Nip Subj : Help me! RECEIVED X^288 - 1 (X^144 + 1)(X^144 - 1) ((X^72 + 1)(X^72 - 1))((X^72 + i)(X^72 - i)) etc... 288 144x2 72x2x2 36x2x2x2 18x2x2x2x2 9x2x2x2x2x2 3x3x2x2x2x2x2 is 288 factored... so just use the thingy for factoring difference of cubes and you will be left with: 2 un-further-factorables with a squared sign a shitload of factors that look like "(X-1)" "(X+1)" "(X+i)" and "(X-i)" I refuse to do it tho... to long. Message # 797. Reply to #795 Date: 09/27/92. Time: 11:09:01. Read 19 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Ender G Subj : Help me! RECEIVED Sorry, but your expression is wrong from the beginning, Ender. Look at it: (X^144 + 1)(X^144 - 1) x^144 multiplied by itself is not 288, it is more like 20736. Your factoring method is beyond me. U2x By the way Nip, if it is a difference of perfect squares, then the a term is not a whole would have to be a fraction. In any case, I say it is neither. Message # 798. Reply to #794 Date: 09/27/92. Time: 12:50:04. Read 19 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Nip Subj : Factoring RECEIVED So you're saying the it really is x^288-x^0, right? Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. DOINK! Message # 799. Reply to #794 Date: 09/27/92. Time: 17:32:32. Read 19 Times. From : CyberHack To : Nip Subj : Factoring RECEIVED Who would want to try to factor that?!?! you know how big that number would be? (Can any calculator do it?). CH Message # 800. Date: 09/27/92. Time: 22:03:47. Read 20 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Ender G Subj : Stuff RECEIVED Sorry Ender, I withdraw my statement about your factoring method. I forgot the exponent rule regarding multiplication. You were correct. U2x I can't win 'em all.... P.S. I wonder why my computer didn't factor it then?! #800. Message # 801. Reply to #797 Date: 09/28/92. Time: 15:21:07. Read 20 Times. From : Nip To : Uncle GS Subj : Help me! RECEIVED ³UG³ Sorry, but your expression is wrong from the beginning, Ender. ³UG³ Look at it: ³UG³ ³UG³ (X^144 + 1)(X^144 - 1) ³UG³ ³UG³ x^144 multiplied by itself is not 288, it is more like 20736. ³UG³ Your factoring method is beyond me. I don't know Uncle GS. I think Ender did it right. Message # 802. Reply to #799 Date: 09/28/92. Time: 15:22:28. Read 22 Times. From : Nip To : CyberHack Subj : Factoring RECEIVED ³CH³ Who would want to try to factor that?!?! you know ³CH³ how big that number would be? (Can any calculator do it?). What do you mean? No numbers involved. I think if we go about it they way Ender says, we'll just end up with a 18 part monomial. Message # 804. Reply to #802 Date: 09/29/92. Time: 20:50:51. Read 22 Times. From : CyberHack To : Nip Subj : Factoring RECEIVED 18-part?! That's what I mean! Are you guys doing this for a schoold project or what? Why are you doing this problem anyways? CH Message # 805. Reply to #804 Date: 09/29/92. Time: 22:02:42. Read 20 Times. From : HACK MAN To : CyberHack Subj : Factoring RECEIVED WHY NOT? C- - - P.S. WHAT IS (PI^288)-1? Message # 806. Date: 10/01/92. Time: 15:24:46. Read 22 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Nip Subj : rules RECEIVED Maybe you missed my previous message where I stated an apology for disagreeing with Ender on that issue. I forgot the exponent addition rule which mislead me to think it wasn't factorable. Message # 807. Date: 10/01/92. Time: 15:26:55. Read 26 Times. From : Uncle GS To : All Subj : Big Problem Here is one that has been giving me trouble for a couple of days: Solve for t: 500e^(0.1t) = 1000e^(0.05t) e in this case is the natural number e = 2.718281828... Everytime I try this one, the t's cancel and that shouldn't happen, I don't think. Help!? Message # 808. Reply to #806 Date: 10/02/92. Time: 21:05:45. Read 22 Times. From : Nip To : Uncle GS Subj : rules RECEIVED About your Apology ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Yeah, I saw it but that was after I had replied to the message. ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ NiP ÃÄ¿ ÀÄÂÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ Message # 809. Reply to #807 Date: 10/02/92. Time: 21:09:55. Read 22 Times. From : Nip To : Uncle GS Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED ÝUGÞ 500e^(0.1t) = 1000e^(0.05t) ÝUGÞ ÝUGÞ e in this case is the natural number e = 2.718281828... This is exceptionally boggling but I'll give it a shot while I am on- line, right now. Let's see... ÄÍÍÍÍ͵Solving for tÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄ 500e^(0.1t) = 1000e^(0.05t) 10t ____ 20t _____ û500e = û1000e (changing to radical form} 10t _____ 500e = û1000e (raised to the "10t"th power both ways) 10t _____ 1 = û1000e (divided by 500e on both sides) ÄÄÄÄÄÄ 500e 1 = 1000e (removed radical from numerator by ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ multiplying by (1000e^(1/10t) over itself) 500e(1000e^(1/10t) 1 = 2 (1000e/500e reduced) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1000e^(1/10t) 10t _____ û1000e = 2 (1000e^(1/10t) moved to other side by ù) 1000e = 2^(10t) (radical removed from right side o' =) ÄÍÍÍÍ͵I'll stop hereÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄ I am stumped at the last part but hopefully, I've worked down what we started with to something easier. Someone start where I left off. [SOLVE FOR t]: 1000e = 2^(10t) ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ NiP ÃÄ¿ ÀÄÂÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ Message # 810. Date: 10/03/92. Time: 12:20:37. Read 24 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Nip Subj : stuff RECEIVED I haven't worked out your caclulations on paper yet to see if I agree, but assuming they are correct, then taking your last conclusion: 1000e = 2^(10t) we can use a natural log (ln) to solve: ln (1000e) = ln (2^(10t)) ln 1000 = 10t * ln 2 ln 1000 ------- = 10t ln 2 ln 1000 ------- = t ln 2 ------- 10 I beleive... #810. Message # 811. Reply to #810 Date: 10/03/92. Time: 17:58:58. Read 24 Times. From : Nip To : Uncle GS Subj : stuff RECEIVED Well I hope I didn't screw anything up on the part I did. Logarithms came to mind but I forgot how you went about using it. Message # 812. Reply to #806 Date: 10/03/92. Time: 23:14:19. Read 23 Times. From : Ender G To : Uncle GS Subj : rules RECEIVED I dunno, I thought I "K"illed the message after I read yours... but sometimes it doesnt kill, and other times it kills it but the person it was sent TO still reads it... anyways, I read it,. Message # 813. Reply to #807 Date: 10/03/92. Time: 23:16:08. Read 23 Times. From : Ender G To : Uncle GS Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED 500 e^(.1t)=1000e^(.05t) e^(.1t)=2e(.05t) The first and most obvious step... the rest... is up to you... im tired Message # 814. Date: 10/04/92. Time: 11:48:39. Read 28 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Visitors Still Flock to Trinity Site RECEIVED Gav, I hope you made this trip Saturday, because if you didn't, you'll have to wait another 6 months before you can get your piece of trinitite... From the Los Angeles Times, 20 Sep 92 *Twice a year, the area in New Mexico where the first atom bomb was tested is open to the public. By Richard A. Lovett White Sands Missile Range, N.M.-- Driving across the Southwestern desert to stand at the ground-zero point of an atomic explosion sounds like a strange way to spend a Saturday. But twice each year, severl thousand people do just that in a pilgrimage to Trinity Site in the New Mexico desert northwest of Alamogordo. It was here, on July 16, 1945, that the first atom bomb was tested, and each year, on the first Saturdays of April and October, the Army, which administers the site as part of White Sands Missile Range, opens it to the public for a few hours, free of charge. This fall, the semi-annual event will take place Oct. 3, between the hours of 8 A.M. and 2 P.M. The response to the Army's invitation--first extended in 1965--has been overwhelming. This spring, 3,600 people drove to the site, where a 10-foot lava obelisk marks the ground-zero spot. Many were probably expecting a dramatic crater, or a rock surface that had been fused to glass or blasted bare of all vegetation. But that isn't what they found. "It looks like the desert four miles away," says Missile Range representative Nancy Dumas. "To be honest, there's not a lot to see." Visitors would probably troop to the site even if there was nothing there at all, but the Army assists them by setting up the casing of a Fat Man atom bomb, the type that exploded here that day in 1945, within 50 yards or the original site. There is no permanent visitor center, but the Army also posts a series of 30 photos of the explosion along a fence near the obelisk. Visitors are allowed inside the fence, where they will find a footing from the 100-foot tower that held the bomb, and a shelter protecting a piece of the original surface. The ground was fused into what scientists named "trinitite," after the location--a green, glass-like substance produced when the heat of the blast seared the snady surface to a depth of a quarter inch. The entire blast site was once covered with trititie, but before it was opened to the public, most of the material--which is radioactive--was carted away or buried. A large sheet of trinitite is believe to still be intact beneath a layer of dirt inside the shelter, but at present, only silver-dollar-sozed pieces are visible. Pebble-sized shards can also be found outside the shelter. Two miles south of the test site is the McDonald Ranch, where the plutonium core for the bomb was assembled. The ranch has been restored to its 1945 condition, and a shuttle bus carries visitors to it from ground zero. The McDonalds had nothing to do with the bomb other than owning a sheep and cattle ranch in an isolated enough location that the government decided to appropriate it. But the ranch house, says Dumas, gives an idea of what ranch life was like in isolated locationgs like this in the 1920s and '30s, when the family that lived here only traveled to town twice a year. But the taste of isolated ranch life is only a sideshow. The real attraction is the blast site, even if the earth seems to have absorbed it without visible trace. Traces of the blast linger not only in the collective memory, but in the form of a radiation level that while surprisingly low, is 10 times higher than background. Still, on a short visit, people don't have to worry about large radiation exposures, says Dumas: "You're likely to receive a higher dose on a flight from New York." Visitors come to Trinity Site from either of two directions. Most enter the Missile Range from the north, through a well-marked gate 12 miles east of the town of San Antonio, N.M., on U.S. 380, then five miles south on New Mexico 525. The gate opens at 8 a.m. and closes promptly at 2 p.m. The site is 17 miles further. Peak hours are 9 a.m. to noon, when there can be waits for the shuttle bus to the ranch. A second group of visitors assembles at the Otero County Fairground, just north of Alamogordo, to caravan to the site under the care of the Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce and the Army. The escort is free. The caravan leaves at 8 a.m. and returns at about 12:30 p.m., though visitors are free to exit earlier via the north entrance. The distance is 180 miles, round trip on paved roads with no gas stations available. But water, hot dogs and snacks are available at the site. For more information, including possible schedule changes in 1993, contact White Sands Missile Range Public AFfairs Office, White Sands Missile Range, N.M. 88002-5047. (505) 678-1134 or 678-1135. +++Gravebuster Message # 815. Reply to #807 Date: 10/06/92. Time: 01:04:56. Read 31 Times. From : Hellflower To : Uncle GS Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED Fuck math problems. -Stranger [Miss Informed] Message # 816. Reply to #811 Date: 10/06/92. Time: 01:06:17. Read 26 Times. From : Hellflower To : Nip Subj : stuff RECEIVED 4 foot 5 all of sick hey you know[g] Daishi ? line noise damn oriental superiority pectionist mathematical AAAAAAArrrrrrggggghhhhh none of you would have even seen this board if Gaviscon [moan] hadn t come back Miss Informed !!!!!! WFM Message # 817. Reply to #813 Date: 10/08/92. Time: 13:55:21. Read 25 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Ender G Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED Who cares....that problem is 2 weeks old and I aced the exam that it was on anyway. We're doing anylitical trigonmetry now...much more interesting. Message # 818. Reply to #814 Date: 10/11/92. Time: 00:32:40. Read 29 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gravebuster Subj : Visitors Still Flock to Trinity Site RECEIVED opened or Then who would want any? So your room, and everything in it, can glow in the dark? on a Um, why and how do people become irradiated during flights FROM New York? If that was true, where is the parallel between frequent flyer mileage and cancer deaths? Why hasn't anyone discussed this before? Is the east coast a pit of seething radioactivity? No wonder I have no interest in going there, and so many people are moving west. Message # 819. Reply to #815 Date: 10/11/92. Time: 00:33:09. Read 29 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Hellflower Subj : Big Problem Wow. Stanger is Hellflower AND Miss Informed? I have always wanted to be in two places at once, but not have three of me in the same place at once. Sheesh. Message # 820. Reply to #819 Date: 10/11/92. Time: 03:55:40. Read 25 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED No, Miss informed was quoting stranger. Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym #820. Message # 821. Reply to #801 Date: 10/11/92. Time: 08:49:42. Read 23 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Nip Subj : Help me! RECEIVED All I know is that you add exponets... to exponets... but then again I'm not doing very well in my math class.. Message # 822. Reply to #815 Date: 10/11/92. Time: 10:47:13. Read 27 Times. From : Nip To : Hellflower Subj : Big Problem ÝÞ Fuck math problems. ÝÞ -Stranger Hey! Mathematics is a beautiful thing! Long live math! ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ NiP ÃÄ¿ ÀÄÂÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ Message # 823. Reply to #819 Date: 10/14/92. Time: 04:04:05. Read 26 Times. From : Stranger To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED I'm everyone. But you knew that. Strange Message # 824. Reply to #823 Date: 10/18/92. Time: 23:54:30. Read 23 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Stranger Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED Gawds... When you get headaches, how many asprin do you take? Two for every personality? Just curious... Message # 825. Reply to #824 Date: 10/20/92. Time: 13:38:11. Read 26 Times. From : Stranger To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED No, just two for every personality that has a headache. Us Comments : 3.14=1 Message # 826. Reply to #819 Date: 10/23/92. Time: 03:11:28. Read 24 Times. From : Miss Informed To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED Jammed funfunfun Helflower/WFM -tick . . . tick . . . tick Message # 827. Reply to #820 Date: 10/23/92. Time: 03:12:23. Read 23 Times. From : Miss Informed To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED Maybe , non local quoting me ???? no one believes ME !!!!! Message # 828. Reply to #822 Date: 10/23/92. Time: 03:13:39. Read 25 Times. From : Miss Informed To : Nip Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED Only for form Formation way balance pattern ! die Hellflower/WFM Message # 829. Reply to #828 Date: 10/24/92. Time: 20:30:11. Read 26 Times. From : Nip To : Miss Informed Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED I tell you Math is a beautiful thing and you respond with: Þ°ÝMIÞ°Ý: Only for form Formation Þ°ÝMIÞ°Ý: Þ°ÝMIÞ°Ý: way balance pattern ! You're CraZY! °±²ÛÛÛÛÛ²±° Hack Man °±²ÛÛÛÛÛ²±° Why can't I enter ASCII 168 (the upside down question mark) in? Is this a hidden feature of Obfuscatronix or what? Message # 830. Reply to #829 Date: 10/25/92. Time: 06:00:52. Read 27 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Nip Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED JUST TELL PEOPLE TO STAND ON THEIR HEAD! C- - - #830. Message # 831. Reply to #830 Date: 10/25/92. Time: 22:37:38. Read 27 Times. From : Nip To : HACK MAN Subj : Big Problem RECEIVED Ask BBSers to stand on their heads just for a measly upside down question mark! Hmm. Well, they do need the exercise, don't they... ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ NiP ÃÄ¿ ÀÄÂÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ Message # 832. Reply to #785 Date: 10/28/92. Time: 05:21:04. Read 31 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Uncle GS Subj : Pi 2 RECEIVED Pi It wasn't even THAT accurate... there is a description of a round object to be placed in the temple with a diameter of 1 unit (a cubit I think), and a circumference of 3 units. It was a crude approximate description, and was never intended to be a 'proof'. BTW, I think it is silly for anyone to try to pass laws based on THAT. I guess it's true, cause I've heard it before... (but then, I heard it here...) YBD ^ three letters... Message # 833. Date: 12/25/92. Time: 21:18:37. Read 26 Times. From : Bozo To : Subj : pi RECEIVED how many of you numb nuts can tell me what PI meant? No not the mathimatical term. It is a country full of nymphomaniacs Comments : 3.14=34 Message # 835. Reply to #834 Date: 12/26/92. Time: 21:50:30. Read 24 Times. From : Zaphraudiziak To : Bozo Subj : NERDS RECEIVED Whats a pocket protester? Wouldnt happen to be like some kind of miniture hippe doll or something would it? Message # 837. Reply to #836 Date: 12/30/92. Time: 00:25:13. Read 22 Times. From : Wolverine To : Bozo Subj : ASSHOLE RECEIVED I wouldn't use obsenities here if I were least not to that degree... It makes you look worse than what you already are... Message # 838. Date: 12/30/92. Time: 02:04:44. Read 28 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : Oooh! Power! Hi guys, it's the Pi Guy... I'm back. I'm bad. And I'm abusing my power. I decided to revoke my previous freedom of speech morals and now I'm going pure totalitarian. That's right: I'm abusing the power to bog, and I'm do- ing it on Bozo, who will no doubt get angry and whine, which will give me the perfect excuse to abuse my power of allowing access for the first time ever. Cool. I'm not fighting it any more. I'm going to be a bitch! And I like it! Boy, this place has gotten dusty since I left! Amazing how much math talk goes on when I'm gone. I haven't started up a convo on pi for the longest time and yet people are still interested. Let's see, what was my last top- ic before I died? I think I'd already discussed imaginary physics and all that paradoxii science. Oh yes! Irrationality theory. I never did dwell a lot on that, despite my colloqueum. But some of you learned it well, any- way. Let me make a list of topics that I've introduced in the Pi Room for consideration: Pi Leaving the planet in your spare time Paradoxii science Irrationality theory Imaginary physics/Imaginary existance Hmm... Have I left any out? Does anyone have any questions on any of these topics? Perhaps I should invent a new field to discuss. Does anyone have a nagging interest in Parapsychobotony? How about infinitely improbable phenominon? Somebody show an interest... Get my mind going. Maybe even in- troduce a field of your own. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -How about fictional character existentialism? Message # 839. Date: 12/30/92. Time: 16:51:06. Read 23 Times. From : Bozo To : ALLL Subj : PI Gay Did you mis-type your name as PI GUY? I thought you were the PI GAY.!!! Comments : 2.00=1 Message # 840. Reply to #839 Date: 12/30/92. Time: 22:15:42. Read 21 Times. From : Corwin I To : Bozo Subj : PI Gay RECEIVED Hah. Hah I say... Corwin I #840. Message # 841. Reply to #839 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 00:23:41. Read 19 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Bozo Subj : PI Gay RECEIVED Ooooh! Clever one! It took a real strech of the imagination for that. Come on, sir! You've got a name like "Gaviscon Aviscenna" to make fun of and all you can think of is "Pi Gay?" Where's your imagination, boy? I simply will not tolerate such lackluster efforts in insultation! My name is such a golden opportunity for a man with such obviously diverse talents as yours, and yet you choose to slader one of my titles? And only a single lines worth of googolplexth-rate heckling, at that! I mean, you don't seem to get any other use out of the board; you might do your job right! Come on: let's try it now. Call me Ex-Lax or something. Really get the fires burning. Misinterpret the use of stomach-upset medicane. You can do it. It's not hard. Make fun of my mother. Question my manhood. Suppose I WAS gay? Then your little insult wouldn't have been very poignant, would it? You've got to flood all areas of prejudice! Why not call me a nig- ger? I'm not black, true, but it would sure piss me off! That's what we're going for here, aren't we? Ned Zep has already flooded the areas of liberal- ist prejudice with phrases such as "pinko, tree-loving, commie gnee-biter," so you'll have trouble in that area, but there are plenty more to choose from. You could call me a WASP; I'd hate that. What are some of the Japanese derogatory terms again? I can never remember these things when I really need to anger someone in a hurry. Arab hatred is in. Call me a Kurd or something. No wait, Kurds are good, aren't they? I gnow! You could tell me that I have a short penis! You gnow that's always good for the 'ol stand-by insult. And everyone gnows that when other people see you making fun of another man's genitals, it must be because your own sex organs are enormous and gnown fondly throughout the female community, so it'll make you look good, also. So come on, Mr. Bozo. Try it again. I gnow you can do better. We've all got the hidden ability within us to be a total asshole, and you simply aren't trying hard enough to tap into that vast storehouse of misanthropy... Try it again and make us all proud! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- <-------------------------_ -Now THERE'S a good title to try to twist! -------- Comments : 3.14=43 Message # 842. Reply to #685 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 08:33:19. Read 20 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Stranger Subj : This Board RECEIVED Actually, the epithet Unka Buck hurled went something more along the lines of "Queen Bitch of Selfishness," I believe... +++Gravebuster Message # 844. Reply to #698 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 08:39:00. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : This Board RECEIVED Bravo! +++Gravebuster Message # 845. Reply to #699 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 08:39:25. Read 19 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : LET'S GET IRRATIONAL. RECEIVED YEPPERS. +++Gravebuster --==...==-- Message # 846. Reply to #766 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 09:07:58. Read 20 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Mynk Lynx Subj : Get a grip RECEIVED Hey! I got you off, didn't I? +++Gravebuster Message # 847. Reply to #786 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 09:14:26. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Ender G Subj : Pi Then here is your PUNishment... WHAMMO! +++Gravebuster --==ggrrrooooaaann==-- Message # 849. Reply to #818 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 09:29:41. Read 22 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Visitors Still Flock to Trinity Site RECEIVED People want a piece of trinitite, especially Gaviscon Aviscenna, which is why I posted the article. I think you get exposed to more gamma rays and ultra violet radiation in an airplane than you do on the ground, but I may be wrong. +++Gravebuster Message # 851. Reply to #791 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 09:39:17. Read 19 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Uncle GS Subj : Pi The rational significance of pi that confuses you because of the irrationality of pi signifies that the explanation of your confusion rationilizes the existence of pi in that pi exists to explain the irrationality of what you confusedly signify, which of course is a given... +++Gravebuster -minor confusion Message # 852. Date: 12/31/92. Time: 09:41:04. Read 18 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED So did you read that article I posted to you in message #814? Will you be going to the Trinity Site in New Mexico this April? Will you finally get that piece of trinitite you've been craving for? +++Gravebuster --==did you lose your rock collection in the fire?==-- Message # 853. Reply to #841 Date: 12/31/92. Time: 22:25:01. Read 18 Times. From : Wolverine To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : PI Gay RECEIVED GO GET'M BOY! Message # 854. Reply to #852 Date: 01/04/93. Time: 01:34:15. Read 19 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Gravebuster Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED April, huh? I'll think about it. The problem has always been school. New Mexico is pretty far away and I rarely find that the weekends when it is open correspond with a weekend that I am free. (This year, the open day was a day before my birthday. I toyed with celebrating at the Site, but decided against it, since it WAS numero 21 and I thought a bar would be a better locale.) I would really really love to find a piece of Trinitie. I have always been a little edgy to make that trip, simply because I had heard that finding a piece at the Site was pretty rare and that most of it had been snatched up. On the other hand, I kinda want to get a piece before I graduate, so that I can use the Univeristy's facilities to test it for radioactivity. Oh, and by the way: (This is to Arwen, also) The reason you get more rad- ioactivity aboard an airplane is because there is much less atmosphere to block out cosmic rays. A single plane trip is no big deal, but there is actually a significant problem for people who make business trip often. I can't remember the actual numbers, but if you're interested, I can tell you once I get back to my textbooks in Berkeley. As for my rock collection, I did, unfortunately, lose it in the fire. One of the biggest bummers of the whole experience. I'll never be able to re- place my building piece from the earthquake, and probably not the piece of lava from the latest Hawaiian volcano, but I'm busily trying to find new rocks to replace the collection. I'm starting with a rock that was a- mong the ruins of the fire that looks an awful lot like the Berlin Wall chunk I had before. (You gnow most of this already...) Mynx said he could get me another piece of the Wall for me. That would be splendid. It would really lift my confidence. That agent of mine in Washington D.C. certain- ly is busy. When I visit her in a week, I should bring back a rock from a Smithsonian exhibit, and we're going to go together to get a piece of the Lincoln Memorial. I'll probably never replace the cobblestone from Vienna since I was just lucky to find a loose one. But getting another piece of an Alp might not be too hard. I will have to get a rock from "The Rock" gnown as Alcatraz before I graduate. Gibralter is another that I'm work- ing on. But my dream is, of course, a moon rock... A meteorite will due, though. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Radioactive trinitite, asbestos-laced building chunks... This will be a dangerous collection! Message # 855. Date: 01/04/93. Time: 01:48:50. Read 26 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : I FOUND IT!!! It's been bugging me and bugging me for the longest time, so I finally went on a search for THE passage that has been mentioned and hinted at and suggested in rumour time and time again on this subboard. It seems like this subboard would be imcomplete without it. It's SO important, it's going directly into the quote-o-matic. I feel as if a great responsibility has been lifted from my shoulders. I have finally managed to locate... I KINGS, 7:23 'He made also a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round all about; the height of it was five cubits, and a line of thirty cubits compassed it round about.' Hence, pi=3, according to the Holy Bible. The entire passage from which this exerpt is taken describes the building of several palaces and temples and things by Solomon. (By the way, some Bibles apparently call this the third book of Kings, not the first, and name the two books of Samuel the first two books of Kings). The passages mention the dimensions of almost everything built in these structures. This happens to be the only time in the entire book in which both the diameter and the cir- cumference of the same circle are given. (I just found out that the "holy fathers" consider it the third book, while the Hebrews consider it the first book. I'll go with the Hebrews...) The circumference of a circle is equal to the diameter times pi. Therefore, since this passage essentially says that there was a structure made that was ten cubits in diameter and thirty cubits in circumference, pi is equal to 30 divided by 10, or 3. Of course, far be it from me to claim this passage has any meaning, whatso- ever, since every measurement in the book is given to only one significant digit. I'm sure that the prophets who wrote the book of Kings were not about to have the resources, nor the desire to mention that the circumference was, in fact, more like 31.415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058... cubits compassing it round about. It's all kind of a letdown, really, after all my searching, but I felt it needed to be said, to finally ease all of the minds of fretting pi-lovers out there. I'm sure you were all staying up at night, wondering if the rumours were true, bothered by it all. Besides, I'm the Pi Guy. I'm supposed to do this sort of thing. I was afraid that someone else might find it and claim that I wasn't doing my job. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | -Once again: FIRST BOOK OF KINGS 7:23 'He made also a molten sea of ten cubits form brim to brim, round all about; the height of it was five cubits, and a line of thirty cuibts compassed it round about.' Message # 856. Reply to #838 Date: 01/04/93. Time: 19:20:08. Read 19 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Oooh! Power! RECEIVED I'M VERY INTERESTED IN APPLIED PSYCHIC GEOGRAPHY. C- - - Message # 857. Reply to #849 Date: 01/04/93. Time: 19:24:02. Read 19 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gravebuster Subj : Visitors Still Flock to Trinity Site RECEIVED GAMMA RAYS POSSIBLY, BUT ULTRA VIOLET WOULD BE STOPPED BY THE SKIN OF THE PLANE. ULTRA VIOLET IS VERY EASY TO STOP, THAT'S WHY CREAMS CAN DO THE JOB. C- - - Message # 858. Reply to #852 Date: 01/04/93. Time: 19:25:41. Read 19 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gravebuster Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED HEY, I WOULD GO THIS APRIL. SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING POINTLESS AND FUTILE TO DO. ANYBODY WANT TO COME ALONG? C- - - Message # 859. Reply to #855 Date: 01/04/93. Time: 19:31:20. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED ACTUALLY, I'M SURE THAT THEY HADN'T INVENTED DECIMALS AT THAT TIME. ALSO, I'M NOT EVEN SURE THAT FRACTIONS EXISTED AT THAT TIME. HOWEVER, I DON'T THINK YOU COULD SAY THAT THE BIBLE WAS 100% TRUTHFUL, BECAUSE THAT JUST ISN'T TRUE. INSTEAD YOU WOULD HAVE TO SAY THAT IT WAS TRUTHFUL AS IT WAS WRITTEN BY THE PRIMITIVE PEOPLE OF THAT TIME. C- - - Message # 860. Reply to #859 Date: 01/05/93. Time: 00:19:12. Read 22 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : HACK MAN Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED Yeah, but some people would argue that since the Bible was "divinely inspired" and absolutely incapable of error, even beyond the realm of the writers, then all of it is absolute truth, despite the abilities of the peoples of the time. To say that somehow God should have found a way to make that passage correct, even though the people appeared to only be able to give measurements to a sin- gle significant digit, seems really ridiculous. But on the other hand, so does believing many many many many many other bits of the Bible, despite the fact that we gnow more about the universe now than we ever did when the thing was written. After all, nobody had a clue thousands of years ago about where the Earth came from. Yet, somehow Moses wrote all about its creation in six days. Likewise nobody gnew about pi thousands of years ago, but shouldn't a divinely inspired book be infintely accurate in such matters, nonetheless? Many people would read that passage and say that the molten sea WAS indeed ten cubits in diameter and thirty cubits in circumference. (Actually, it could be of those units if it were not exactly circular... But there are those who would sooner believe that God allowed the laws of geometry to be compromised before allow- ing their brains to figure that out.) Look at the parting of the Red Sea. Most Christians will say that it happened, declaring it a miracle, and not even try to think that there might have been something else happening there... That's a bad example, because "other" explanations are about as far reaching as divine intervention. Take the "water to wine" miracle. If anyone saw someone do that today, it would be shrugged off as a slight of hand trick. But Jesus did it. And the Bible said that he changed water into wine, so it that must have been what happened, despite the fact that it was beyond the ability of any man in that time. (Or this time for that matter) Don't even look for an alternate ex- planation, even though the New Testament was only written by simple witnesses. After all, God insures that what goes into the Bible is correct, word for word and digit for digit. A little far reaching, maybe, but the same logic applies. If you'll believe everything in the Bible without question, then you might as well consider the value of pi to be three. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -I gnow I can't ward off religious debate with this one... What have I done? #860. Message # 861. Reply to #854 Date: 01/05/93. Time: 07:24:14. Read 18 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED And, of course, don't forget about a piece of the Prudential national headquarters, wherever that is. That has got to be somewhere on your most desired rocks list... +++Gravebuster Message # 862. Reply to #855 Date: 01/05/93. Time: 07:35:05. Read 18 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED I hate to disappoint you, but four things... 1. I've discussed this already. See message #2416, seven screenfuls down, on the Science & Philosophy Board. 2. There are two passages in the Bible, not one. The other is I Chronicles 4:2. The two books of Kings and the two books of Chronicles record the same period of history. 3. One cannot conclude that the Bible says "pi equals three" from these passages for two reasons. The first one is that a cubit is an approximate measure, while in order to discover pi in a circumference, one would need a precise measure. 4. The second reason is that these books record historical events, and if the craftsmen measured the sea of bronze as 30 cubits (I Chronicles 4:2), with a line of thirty cubits (I Kings 7:23), then that is exactly what happened. Notice that the Bible does not comment on the measure itself. +++Gravebuster --==of course, this is all entirely rational, so I must abundantly apologize for posting it on this board==-- Message # 863. Reply to #858 Date: 01/05/93. Time: 07:43:04. Read 18 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED Let's find out what day in April before we go, and then let's plan it. +++Gravebuster Message # 864. Reply to #859 Date: 01/05/93. Time: 07:43:47. Read 20 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED No, it was truthful, and you obviously didn't read my reply to you on the Science and Philosophy board in message #2416. +++Gravebuster Message # 865. Reply to #860 Date: 01/05/93. Time: 07:45:50. Read 18 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED What you've done is assumed, and we all gnow what "assume" means... +++Gravebuster Message # 867. Reply to #864 Date: 01/05/93. Time: 14:01:33. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gravebuster Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED YES I DID, YOU DIDN'T READ MY MESSAGE OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE YOUR OPINION IS EXPRESSED IN THE LAST SENTENCE. HOWEVER, YOU CAN'T DENY THAT THE BIBLE HAS AT LEAST ONE IMPERFECTION. OBVIOUSLY THAT PORTION OF THE BIBLE WAS MERELY A HISTORY LESSON LIKE YOU SAID. SO, I GUESS NOT ALL OF IT IS 100% GOD INSPIRED. PORTIONS OF IT ARE MERE HISTORY AS TOLD BY FALLIBLE HUMANS. C- - - Message # 868. Date: 01/05/93. Time: 19:36:22. Read 18 Times. From : Zaphraudiziak To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED I hate to play the lord advocate (snicker) but on this one I have to... hahah Okay, pi to one significant digit *IS THREE*. If the bible were to be "divinly accurate" it would be never ending (although if you try to read it it will definitly SEEM that way). Why bother with discrediting the bible when it suggests that pi=3. Its so chock full of other easily discredited bullshit that theres no point in even arguing the small details. Message # 869. Reply to #861 Date: 01/06/93. Time: 01:51:03. Read 21 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Gravebuster Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED Actually, I'm not too concerned about Prudential right now because it would simply invite people to shrug at the fact that it's a cheap substitute for a piece of Gibraltar. Once I get a piece of Gibraltar, however, I will be extremely interested in obtaining a piece of the Prudential building. Then, it would compliment my collection perfectly, to be able to say, "..and this is a piece of 'the rock' itself, Gibralter, followed of course by a chunk of the Prudential Life Insurance building..." Let me make a list here of what I'm looking for... Piece of Parkwoods after fire (Got this one) Bit of a Smithsonian exhibit (Getting this one from my friend in D.C.) Chunk of Lincoln Memorial (Getting this one with my friend in D.C.) Rock from Gibraltar (Dunno if my friend in Spain can get there) Rock from Prudential building (Where's headquarters?) Trinitite (April?) Piece of Berlin Wall (Mynx? You still there?) Rock from top of Swiss Alp (Had one once... Can't be too hard this time) Piece of building from quake (Had one once... Probably impossible to replace) Lava rock from Hawaii Volcano (Had one once... Anything still there?) Cobblestone from Europe (Had one once... Hope they're still as loose) Pyrite from Arizona (Had one once... Not really neccessary) Pebble from Pebble Beach (I just thought of this yesterday. Need to get.) Piece of Grand Canyon (Something from the inside) Rock from Alcatraz ($20 ferry ride, but what the hell!) Rock from Stonehenge (Someday...) Chunk of the Blarney Stone (Yeah, right!) Dinosaur fossil (I hope! I hope! I hope! I hope!) Meteorite (I wish! I wish! I wish! I wish!) Moon Rock (I dream! I dream! I dream! I dream!) That's just off the top of my head. I can get a piece of a Swiss Alp really easily. What made me start my collection in the first place was the fact that during my European vacation, a friend asked me to bring him back a piece of an Alp. (He's the one in Spain now) So, just to be funny, I brought back a piece as large as my suitcase. (As well as several smaller ones for myself and some other friends, along with my cobblestone.) Anyway, he said anytime I want to chip off a chunk would be find with him... It was about three feet long if I remember correctly. That rock is in his mom's house in Oakview. I can get it any time. As for the others... Some are possible. Some are just dreams... !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -I always run out of time before I finish reading everything... Message # 870. Date: 01/06/93. Time: 16:52:06. Read 23 Times. From : Bozo To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : JUMP RECEIVED HEY DUDE Jump over to the war board and check it out Comments : 1.00=1 #870. Message # 871. Reply to #868 Date: 01/06/93. Time: 23:18:27. Read 22 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Zaphraudiziak Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED Because the big bullshit in the Bible is precisely the stuff that you will never convince people of. Believers believe too much. Now if you concentrate on something that is obviously nitpicking, and something that both sides agree on anyway, it gives to a chance to sneak in an arguement on the way people think, rather on the details themselves. You see, you'll never convince either side of anything. They're too subborn, both of them. And frankly, they're afraid to question the point, both sides. Christians are of course afraid, because they're basically told that if they don't believe, they'll burn in hell. (I gnow it's more complicated, people, but it really boils down to that.) Non-Christians are afraid to believe the Bible for various reasons, a big one being that if it's right, it means all that we gnow is wrong. Faith is a terrible, cruel, unfair thing. I am really afraid to place my faith in anything. So both sides will never really listen to each other, they just argue and argue the details. It never really matters if one side is utterly and com- pletely wrong, the human mind doesn't need to be right or even feel right to believe it's right. Remember the recent Star Trek episode in which Picard is being tortured by the Cardassian and the Cardassian keeps asking him whether there are four or five lights? It doesn't matter how many lights there are, what matters is what one believes. So I'm not really saying that the Bible say pi is three and therefore it is wrong and a bunch of bullhicky. I'm trying to address the kind of thinking that goes on when people analyze the Bible. I'm trying to undercut the eter- nity of arguements over beliefs, that will never change, and deal with the basics. Apparently it didn't work, because nobody understood that whether or not the Bible says pi is three isn't important. It doesn't. I just said that the type of thinking that goes into analyzing the Bible could very well be used to prove that pi equals three. After all, the Bible is used to prove that water can change into wine... Gravebuster argued that cubits are inac- curate, that it just documented what people measured... I argued that maybe it wasn't perfectly circular, that maybe only one significant digit was be- ing used... Now why can't we argue that the Bible only recorded was somebody SAW when water turned into wine? Why can't we say that it was beyond the realm of the historians to understand what was happening during all the "miracles"? After all, pi was beyond the realm of understanding of the historians. Both sides seem to agree on that. Why can't we question that, the way that we seem to be allowed to question the point about pi? THAT'S what I was getting at! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Besides, this is The Pi Room. It concerned pi. I had to say it. Message # 872. Reply to #870 Date: 01/06/93. Time: 23:42:21. Read 20 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : Bozo Subj : JUMP RECEIVED Yes... Intelligent retort. I'm duly impressed. Really. !!! GAVISCON !! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Cerebral insult: This post is a one-liner. If you gnew me, you'd gnow what it means for me to post a one-liner. Message # 873. Reply to #872 Date: 01/07/93. Time: 16:31:27. Read 19 Times. From : Wolverine To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : JUMP RECEIVED The gloves are off???? Message # 874. Reply to #859 Date: 01/08/93. Time: 09:10:39. Read 19 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : HACK MAN Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED So folks, hack man is the authority on what is true. Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. yeah right, like you know whether or not it's true that the bible is 100% right... You only have that opinion. Message # 875. Reply to #867 Date: 01/08/93. Time: 09:14:34. Read 24 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : HACK MAN Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED Is that that new fuzzy logic in action HM? I don't like it, if it is... Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym p.s. I think it's some funky logic you invented. Message # 876. Reply to #869 Date: 01/08/93. Time: 09:16:29. Read 21 Times. From : Mynk Lynx To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED I'll bring my rock to the garage tonight... you better show if you want a peice of my piece. Mynk Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Xnyl Knym Message # 877. Reply to #869 Date: 01/08/93. Time: 13:08:43. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED I HAVE SOME HAWAIIAN LAVA ROCK. 3 OR 4 PIECES I THINK. YOU CAN HAVE ONE. YOU CAN GET A PIECE OF MOON ROCK DEPENDING ON HOW DISHONEST YOU ARE. THEY LEND THEM OUT TO SCHOOLS AND SCIENCE CLUBS ETC (ENCASED IN PLASTIC OF COURSE). ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SAY IT'S FOR A SCIENCE CLUB OR SOMETHING AND THEN PRETEND TO HAVE A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. (WITH YOUR TRACK RECORD FOR HORRIBLE ACCIDENTS THEY WOULD PROBABLY BELIEVE IT.) C- - - Message # 878. Reply to #874 Date: 01/08/93. Time: 13:13:49. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mynk Lynx Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED I JUST PROVED IT IN THE PREVIOUS MESSAGE. SORRY. THE VALUE OF PI IS NOT A MATTER OF OPINION, THAT MATH EQUATION WAS NOT CORRECT. SURE, IT WAS AS TRUE AS IT COULD BE AT THE TIME, BUT IT WASN'T 100% TRUE. TIMES CHANGE, AND UNFORTUNATELY THE BIBLE DOESNT, INSTEAD PEOPLE TRY TO READ MORE AND MORE INTO IT THAT ISN'T THERE. THERE IS A MISCONCEPTION AMONG CHRISTIANS THAT THE BIBLE CAN ANSWER ALL OF THEIR QUESTIONS AND ANY QUESTIONS THAT MIGHT COME ALONG. THAT'S ONE ILLOGICAL THING THAT REALLY BUGS ME ABOUT THE CHRISTIAN MIND SET. IT'S ONLY OBIVIOUS THAT WHAT I JUST SAID IS TRUE. IF IT WERE POSSIBLE TO WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING THAT PEOPLE WOULD EVER NEED TO GNOW THEN A NEW TESTAMENT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN NECESSARY AND NEITHER WOULD OCCASIONAL VISITS BY PROPHETS, ETC. IT HAS BEEN PROVEN THAT THE BIBLE CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION, WHAT IS THE VALUE OF PI? NOBODY HAD EVER THOUGHT OF THE IDEA OF PI DURING THAT TIME, SO THE BIBLE DOESN'T COVER IT. NOBODY EVER THOUGHT OF ABORTION OR GENETIC ENGINEERING OR QUANTUM PHYSICS AT THE TIME EITHER, SO THE BIBLE ALSO DOESN'T COVER THAT. THAT'S ALL I REALLY WANTED TO SAY. C- - - Message # 880. Reply to #875 Date: 01/08/93. Time: 13:25:21. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mynk Lynx Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED OK, WHAT'S WRONG WITH WHAT I SAID. HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY DENY IT? LET ME ALSO ADD THIS. IF THAT PASSAGE WAS INSPIRED BY GOD, AND HE WANTED THE BIBLE TO BE 100 CORRECT THEN IT WOULD HAVE READ "ABOUT 3 CUBITS." C- - - #880. Message # 881. Date: 01/08/93. Time: 22:04:10. Read 21 Times. From : Bozo To : computer nerds Subj : nerd sub This must be the nerd sub. Hey dudes I know what pi is. it is a cuntry that is well known for loose wemen and cheep thrills and that country is the Philippine Islands......and thats the rest of the story........ Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 882. Reply to #881 Date: 01/11/93. Time: 19:33:39. Read 21 Times. From : Wolverine To : Bozo Subj : nerd sub RECEIVED Yeah, I thought I saw you there pimping your mom... Message # 883. Reply to #867 Date: 01/12/93. Time: 22:12:30. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED "Your pretense of gnowledge based on your lazy research and outdated textbooks makes you look silly sometimes." That's not an opinion. And there's nothing wrong with what the Bible said about the measurement. They measured the circumference to be thirty cubits; that's exactly what happened. Sure, the measurement itself isn't accurate, but that doesn't mean the report of the measurement is wrong. Just because God didn't say "pi" when you wanted Him to doesn't mean He made a mistake. In fact, it would have been more of a mistake if "pi" were mentioned in this passage, because then the passage would have been an obviously late-date forgery. They didn't have precise measurements back then, so they couldn't have detected pi. So God has a choice; either report the precise measurement or the historical measurement; both are true. He chose the historical. Of course, you don't think history has any worth, so I can't expect you to appreciate the value of that choice... +++Gravebuster Message # 884. Reply to #868 Date: 01/12/93. Time: 22:20:24. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Zaphraudiziak Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED You have yet to point out one error. You have only pointed out those points that don't agree with your faith in evolution, and you have yet to properly respond to the glaring inconsistencies in evolution that others have pointed out to you. You only ignore the things you don't like without even considering whether they're true or not. +++Gravebuster Message # 885. Reply to #869 Date: 01/12/93. Time: 22:24:44. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED I'd love it if you got a piece of the Blarney Stone! But you'd better use lots of disinfectant! +++Gravebuster --==now, if there ever was any place in the world for a virus to mutate, it would be the Blarney Stone, with all the millions of people who have kissed that blasted rock for good luck==-- Message # 886. Reply to #878 Date: 01/12/93. Time: 22:31:08. Read 21 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED But then there are the people who think you can't read anything into the Bible and that the Bible is full of errors, and I find you often in that category as well, redefining what the Bible says to suit your definition of errors. +++Gravebuster Message # 887. Reply to #880 Date: 01/12/93. Time: 22:32:46. Read 22 Times. From : Gravebuster To : HACK MAN Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED No, because the passage only addresses the measurement, and not its precision. If the measurement was 30 cubits, it would be wrong to write that it was about 30 cubits. Stop redefining the Bible to suit your definition of error. +++Gravebuster Message # 888. Reply to #883 Date: 01/13/93. Time: 01:17:10. Read 21 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gravebuster Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED SO IS THE ACCOUNT OF EVOLUTION IN GENESIS THE PRECISE FACT OR THE HISTORICAL ACCOUNT? HOW DO YOU TELL? C- - Message # 890. Reply to #887 Date: 01/13/93. Time: 01:19:28. Read 27 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gravebuster Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED I'M NOT TRYING TO REDEFINE THE BIBLE. IN FACT YOU HAVE HELPED TO SUPPORT MY ORIGINAL OPINION. THAT PORTIONS OF THE BIBLE ARE NOTHING MORE THAN HUMAN HISTORY WITH HUMAN IMPERFECTIONS. I WOULD EXPECT THAT SOMETHING THAT IS TOTALLY GOD INSPIRED IN ALL PARTS WOULD BE TOTALLY PERFECT. AND WELL, I GUESS IT'S NOT. C- - - THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PERFECT AND HISTORICALLY CORRECT. #890. Message # 891. Reply to #854 Date: 01/13/93. Time: 02:07:48. Read 26 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Message 814 RECEIVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanx for answering my query. Your rock collection sounds nearly dangerous to acquire. But then, I suppose anything worth having is worth taking a few risks for... like chipping a piece off of the Washington Monument. Watch out for the security guards! Message # 892. Reply to #860 Date: 01/13/93. Time: 02:08:16. Read 25 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : I FOUND IT!!! RECEIVED Why, yes you can ward off religious debate... by sending it to the Sci- Phil sub... But, I find it very intriguing welcome to paradise +++Gravebuster Message # 934. Reply to #933 Date: 04/05/93. Time: 21:40:05. Read 25 Times. From : Duke Montegieu To : Gravebuster Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED few exist in blah blah grey world: four walls, ceiling- grey walls, black alley- neither is home hang my hat somewhere else dm Message # 936. Reply to #934 Date: 04/10/93. Time: 12:42:58. Read 27 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Duke Montegieu Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED If few exist in blah blah land Millions then non-existent millions of nobodies Thus many nobodies live in la la land. Agreed! +++Gravebuster Message # 937. Reply to #936 Date: 04/10/93. Time: 16:37:55. Read 29 Times. From : Stranger To : Gravebuster Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED destruction of a dream i hate youall stranger (hah) i am the son of g(o)d! Message # 938. Reply to #937 Date: 04/10/93. Time: 21:29:24. Read 28 Times. From : Wolverine To : Stranger Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED Destruction of a dream? Hmmmm...sounds interesting...lemme know when you're finished... Message # 939. Reply to #938 Date: 04/11/93. Time: 19:17:44. Read 27 Times. From : Stranger To : Wolverine Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED I finished before I was born. The Knight of Cups Message # 940. Reply to #939 Date: 04/11/93. Time: 22:21:38. Read 27 Times. From : Wolverine To : Stranger Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED Yeah, sure...a fetus with a mission...RIGHT... #940. Message # 941. Reply to #935 Date: 04/15/93. Time: 00:41:03. Read 26 Times. From : YellowBeard To : Gravebuster Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED He musta been talk'n to JWs. :P YEP. I always tell such people... "Well Hey, If you're so concerned about them, why don't you believe, and go tell them?" YB Comments : 3.14=100 Message # 942. Reply to #937 Date: 04/15/93. Time: 17:59:20. Read 26 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Stranger Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED la la land dream? destroyed before our eyes were even shut Yes? You hate us Accuse us Why? Only said la la has no clothes. Or is anger because of "blah blah?" then what dream? +++Gravebuster Message # 943. Reply to #939 Date: 04/18/93. Time: 00:26:44. Read 29 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Stranger Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED And started after you died? Is this a tarot card, or are you boasting about your manhood? :) +++Gravebuster Message # 944. Reply to #943 Date: 04/20/93. Time: 02:04:12. Read 31 Times. From : Stranger To : Gravebuster Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED I dunno. and, the former; the one I chose as significator, and sometime handle. Stranger Message # 945. Reply to #944 Date: 04/20/93. Time: 06:52:01. Read 28 Times. From : Wolverine To : Stranger Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED I'm just glad you didn't put a size after it... Message # 946. Reply to #944 Date: 04/21/93. Time: 20:29:04. Read 29 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Stranger Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED significator? former? la-la land? confusion abides euphoria +++Gravebuster Message # 947 -- Private. Message # 948. Reply to #946 Date: 04/23/93. Time: 04:22:03. Read 34 Times. From : Stranger To : Gravebuster Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED a significator is a tarot card that one chooses to represent oneself. former is the oppsit of latter la-la land: my favorite/most hated place confusion: abides euphoria: hey, christians aren't allowed that til death... stranger: byebye Message # 949. Reply to #948 Date: 04/24/93. Time: 11:12:58. Read 33 Times. From : Gravebuster To : Stranger Subj : Pi to one significant digit RECEIVED another myth falls down with stereotypes! HUZZAH! +++Gravebuster Message # 950. Date: 05/18/93. Time: 21:54:15. Read 28 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : THE ORIGINAL MEANING OF PI FROM MY GROLIERS MULTIMEDIA ENCYCLOPEDIA. Jade In China jade was traditionally the most valued of all minerals. Jade is so hard that it cannot be cut, only ground away. The earliest abrasive known to have been used was quartz powder, presumably the material used by the Neolithic jade workers. Many jades have been found dating from the Shang dynasty. Worked with the same precision as were ritual bronzes, they were presumably used as ceremonial instruments and to adorn aristocratic dress. Some of the best known jade forms from Neolithic through late Chou times functioned as ritual symbols; for example, the pierced disc (pi) signified the heavens, the squared tube (tsung), the earth. #950. Message # 951. Reply to #950 Date: 05/26/93. Time: 02:06:01. Read 21 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : HACK MAN Subj : THE ORIGINAL MEANING OF PI RECEIVED Pi symbolizing Heaven?! Well, I guess that this means that Gaviscon is already there! Message # 953. Reply to #674 Date: 06/02/93. Time: 09:11:01. Read 28 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED Have you come to any conclusion yet? Message # 954. Reply to #917 Date: 06/02/93. Time: 09:21:38. Read 21 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Wolverine Subj : I'd had worse. Message # 955. Date: 06/02/93. Time: 09:23:52. Read 22 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : A vision RECEIVED I have had a vision from BOB. Pi is like the energizer bunny, it keeps on going and going and going... Message # 956. Reply to #955 Date: 06/02/93. Time: 16:43:01. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : A vision SHOOT THAT GUY! HOW DARE YOU COMPARE THE PERFECT PURITY OF TOTAL IRRATIONALITY BY LIKENING IT TO THAT MONOTONOUS MUNDANE DECADENT PRETENDER? A MERE MECHANIZED RODENT! C- - - Message # 958. Date: 06/02/93. Time: 16:54:14. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : NEW REALIZATION I HAVE DISCOVERED ONE OF THE MOST PERFECTLY OBFUSCATED NUMBERS IN EXISTENCE. IT IS...... ____________________ | | ________ | | | | | | \ | ---- | | \ | | | \ | | | \ | / \ \| YES THAT'S RIGHT. THE SQUARE ROOT OF NEGATIVE PI. A NUMBER THAT IS BOTH IRRATIONAL AND IMAGINARY. ONE MIGHT EVEN SAY UNREAL. IN FACT I'M NOT EVEN SURE IF IT'S SAFE TO THINK ABOUT IT, I'M SURE THAT IT HAS THE POWER TO DRIVE A MATHEMATICIAN INSANE. HERE'S THE CLINCHER I THINK. SHOW THIS TO A MATHEMATICIAN AND ASK, IS THIS NUMBER NON TERMINATING AND NON REPEATING OR NOT? C- - - Comments : 3.00=1 Message # 959. Reply to #956 Date: 06/03/93. Time: 15:34:07. Read 20 Times. From : The Asshole To : HACK MAN Subj : A vision RECEIVED keeps going...and going...and going... 3.14159265358979323846264338387950...... Message # 961. Date: 06/09/93. Time: 10:54:12. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Whomever Subj : PI! It keeps going...and going...and going... Message # 962. Reply to #961 Date: 06/15/93. Time: 13:06:50. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED ...And Going...And Going....And Going... Message # 963. Date: 01/17/92. Time: 15:09:49. Read 181 Times. From : THE MUSIC MAN To : Whomever Subj : A Poem PERMIFIED Waves of streams and rivers of floods are flowing through my head I'd better get up and go to the john before I wet the bed... MOVED FROM "STORY BOARD" BY Gravebuster ON 02/23/92 AT 16:29:00 MOVED FROM "THE BOG OF ETERNAL STENCH" BY THE MUSIC MAN ON 02/27/92 AT 12:26:44 MOVED FROM "STORY BOARD" BY Gravebuster ON 02/27/92 AT 21:05:58 MOVED FROM "THE BOG OF ETERNAL STENCH" BY THE MUSIC MAN ON 02/29/92 AT 14:24:58 MOVED FROM "STORY BOARD" BY Gravebuster ON 03/01/92 AT 00:13:20 MOVED FROM "THE BOG OF ETERNAL STENCH" BY Number Two ON 03/01/92 AT 03:56:44 MOVED FROM "HALL OF FAME" BY Mynk Lynx ON 03/20/92 AT 02:10:47 MOVED FROM "STORY BOARD" BY Gravebuster ON 03/20/92 AT 20:42:49 MOVED FROM "THE BOG OF ETERNAL STENCH" BY Number two ON 03/21/92 AT 23:17:47 MOVED FROM "HALL OF FAME" BY THE MUSIC MAN ON 06/02/92 AT 02:38:17 MOVED FROM "STORY BOARD" BY Gravebuster ON 06/11/92 AT 23:27:57 MOVED FROM "THE BOG OF ETERNAL STENCH" BY The Music Man ON 06/07/93 AT 13:59:57 MOVED FROM "STORY BOARD" BY Gravebuster ON 06/15/93 AT 23:30:14 Comments : 2.00=1 3.10=170 3.14=170 3.1415=8 Message # 964. Reply to #962 Date: 06/16/93. Time: 11:59:29. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED ...And Going...and Going...and going... Message # 965 -- Private. Message # 966. Reply to #965 Date: 06/21/93. Time: 12:43:38. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED And going...and going...and going...and going...and going... Message # 967. Date: 06/21/93. Time: 13:01:21. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : Pi is like the Energizer Bunny..... RECEIVED It keeps going...and going...and going... ...see, watch: 3.14159265358979323846264338387950 0026524023757369065181283843025689 Comments : 3.00=1 Message # 969. Date: 06/26/93. Time: 09:22:12. Read 29 Times. From : SKURKEY To : reply Subj : Energizer Bunny I happen to like the Energizer Bunny. I have a framed Ziggy cartoon where there is a bunch of Energizer Bunnies comming out of a alien spacecraft and Ziggy is looking out of his window saying simply,. "Oh, NO!". Message # 970. Reply to #968 Date: 06/27/93. Time: 19:44:09. Read 27 Times. From : Zapf Dingbat To : The Music Man Subj : Pi is like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going...and going... RECEIVED ... nothing outlasts Jim's mouth #970. Message # 971. Reply to #969 Date: 06/30/93. Time: 12:53:27. Read 29 Times. From : The Music Man To : SKURKEY Subj : Energizer Bunny RECEIVED That one happens to be hanging from my door. Message # 972. Reply to #971 Date: 06/30/93. Time: 16:43:02. Read 24 Times. From : SKURKEY To : The Music Man Subj : Energizer Bunny RECEIVED What one? Dazed and Confused. Message # 973. Reply to #972 Date: 07/01/93. Time: 11:19:26. Read 23 Times. From : The Music Man To : SKURKEY Subj : Energizer Bunny RECEIVED ZIGGY! I'll bet you never gnew that I was a big ZIGGY fan. I have dozens of his comics! That energizer bunny one just had to be cut out and hung! Message # 974 -- Private. Message # 975. Reply to #974 Date: 07/02/93. Time: 12:22:51. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED ANd going...and going...and going...and going...and going...and going... Message # 976. Reply to #974 Date: 07/03/93. Time: 21:44:01. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED And going...and going...and going...and going...and going... Message # 977. Reply to #976 Date: 07/03/93. Time: 23:23:45. Read 24 Times. From : PARTICLE MAN To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED Where are you going? Message # 978. Reply to #977 Date: 07/05/93. Time: 16:53:08. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : PARTICLE MAN Subj : RECEIVED Nowhere, it's pi that keeps going, and going...and going...and going... Just like the Energizer Bunny! Message # 979. Reply to #976 Date: 07/05/93. Time: 16:53:45. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED It keeps going...and going...and going...and going...and going... Message # 980. Reply to #978 Date: 07/05/93. Time: 20:50:23. Read 26 Times. From : PARTICLE MAN To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED I know i just made up a really dumb joke.i.e. where are you going? #980. Message # 981. Reply to #980 Date: 07/06/93. Time: 10:13:53. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : PARTICLE MAN Subj : RECEIVED I think that would be a good question to ask pi. Message # 982. Reply to #981 Date: 07/06/93. Time: 10:14:07. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED Afterall, it just keeps going...and going...and going...and going... Comments : 2.00=1 Message # 985. Date: 07/19/93. Time: 09:07:43. Read 28 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All or Nothing Subj : Able was I ere I saw Berkeley USER LOGGED OFF MOVED FROM "HALL OF FAME" BY Gravebuster ON 07/16/93 AT 00:10:59 Comments : 1.00=1 2.00=2 3.00=2 Integer=1 Rational=1 Irrational=1 Complex=1 Insane=1 Undefined=1 PROMOTE ME=2 Message # 986. Date: 07/24/93. Time: 23:32:55. Read 29 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : ALL Subj : Chew on this... Heres one: pi*i e = -1 ACDHA RMISS Enjoy! Comments : SQRT(-PI)=2 Message # 987. Date: 07/26/93. Time: 04:58:48. Read 30 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : New comments! Patrons of the Pi Room: Thank you for coming. For your convenience, the comments have recently been overhauled, thanks to the unusually speedy response time of our sysop. The new comments are: #1 = 1.00 #2 = 2.00 #3 = 3.00 #4 = 3.10 #5 = 3.14 #6 = 3.1415 #7 = 3.141592 #8 = 3.14159265 #9 = 3.1415926535 #10 = SQRT(-pi) #11 = Natural #12 = Integer #13 = Rational #14 = Irrational #15 = Imaginary #16 = Complex #17 = Insane #18 = Undefined #19 = PROMOTE ME #20 = BOG ME ...all of these comments are, of course, intended to rate the poster, not only on the quality of his/her post, but on the typecast appearance of that post. The numbers, which have been extended to at least two decimal places for aesthetic reasons, refer to "Gaviscon's scale of one to pi" Pi itself is not included, because pi sybolizes utter perfection, and there should always be room for improvement. So numbers that get increasingly close to pi are included. the "SQRT(-pi)" was included at Hack's suggest- ion, to symbolize something so abnormal that it jumps right off the scale into something totally weird and/or imaginary. The words should be taken to represent a scale also, but of complexity, not of sheer quality. Do with it what you will (you would anyway). I just wanted to let you gnow they were there. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Irrational Comments : 3.14159265=1 Natural=1 Imaginary=1 Message # 988. Date: 07/27/93. Time: 02:02:09. Read 33 Times. From : Number Two To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Pi RECEIVED Just a reminder, Pi doesn't exist, It's called make believe Get used to it... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 989. Date: 07/29/93. Time: 20:58:38. Read 28 Times. From : plato To : Subj : Cherry RECEIVED What's your favorite kind of pi? Personally, I like cherry pi! Message # 991. Date: 07/29/93. Time: 21:04:49. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : STUFF YOU GNOW, IF YOU TAKE TWO IRRATIONAL NUMBERS THEY ADD UP TO DESSERT. PIe C- - - Message # 992. Date: 07/30/93. Time: 02:54:28. Read 27 Times. From : Duke Montegieu To : plato Subj : pie actually, i've always found oddities like kumquat and coconut cream to be far more irrational than plain old cherry pi. Message # 993. Reply to #953 Date: 07/30/93. Time: 23:02:56. Read 34 Times. From : Number Two To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi RECEIVED yes Be Seeing You ?? Message # 994. Reply to #993 Date: 08/02/93. Time: 01:18:10. Read 33 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED And what might that be? Message # 995. Reply to #994 Date: 08/02/93. Time: 02:03:05. Read 30 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED That is a friend of it. Stranger (and my delf, I believe) Message # 996. Reply to #995 Date: 08/02/93. Time: 15:09:19. Read 29 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED Why was I not informed? Message # 997. Reply to #996 Date: 08/02/93. Time: 16:34:54. Read 29 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED I was in a diffewrent country at the time. He talked to I, but I didn't give he the chance to tell him (I) all the information. Stranger Message # 998. Reply to #997 Date: 08/05/93. Time: 14:23:07. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Pi RECEIVED O Message # 999. Date: 08/05/93. Time: 14:24:06. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : The Music Man Subj : Pi is like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going...and going... RECEIVED ...and going...and going...and going...and going...and going...and going... Message # 1000. Date: 08/05/93. Time: 14:24:49. Read 35 Times. From : The Music Man To : Whomever Subj : Message #1000 This just happens to be message number one thousand. #1000. Message # 1001. Date: 08/05/93. Time: 19:17:03. Read 28 Times. From : Stranger To : Whomever Subj : uh This post is the one thousand and first post. Stranger Message # 1002. Reply to #1001 Date: 08/05/93. Time: 21:50:01. Read 28 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED And this is the one thousand and second post... ACDHA RMISS DOWN WITH MICROSOFT!!! Message # 1003. Reply to #1002 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 00:31:36. Read 30 Times. From : Zaphraud To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : uh RECEIVED 1003 Message # 1005. Reply to #1003 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 00:55:42. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Zaphraud Subj : uh RECEIVED MV Message # 1006. Reply to #1000 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 12:48:06. Read 28 Times. From : PARTICLE MAN To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED are you sure?! no just kidding dumb joke.this board should have a dumb joke sub board Message # 1007. Reply to #1006 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 12:49:38. Read 29 Times. From : The Music Man To : PARTICLE MAN Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED That's what the jokers corner is for... Message # 1009. Reply to #1007 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 12:58:21. Read 32 Times. From : PARTICLE MAN To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED 1009 true... Message # 1011. Reply to #1009 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 16:00:46. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : PARTICLE MAN Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED 1011 and the wierd board, as well as the BOG... Message # 1012. Reply to #1011 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 20:36:41. Read 25 Times. From : PARTICLE MAN To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED true Message # 1014. Date: 08/06/93. Time: 21:29:44. Read 28 Times. From : Zaphraud To : ALL Subj : Message #1XXX __ /| /| / /\ /| /_| _|_ \/_/ _|_ | Message # 1015. Reply to #1014 Date: 08/06/93. Time: 22:28:57. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : Zaphraud Subj : Message #1XXX RECEIVED 1015 Message # 1016. Date: 08/07/93. Time: 12:17:48. Read 27 Times. From : PARTICLE MAN To : misac msn Subj : luv those typos.1016 Message # 1017. Reply to #1000 Date: 08/07/93. Time: 15:03:34. Read 29 Times. From : Nip To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Ú¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄ¿ÚÄ¿Ú¿ ÀÙÀÄÙÀÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÙÀÄÙÀÙ This just happens to be message number one thousand Ú¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄ¿ÚÄ¿Ú¿ ÀÙÀÄÙÀÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÙÀÄÙÀÙ Message number 1000 should have been something special. Message # 1018. Reply to #1017 Date: 08/07/93. Time: 19:42:48. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Nip Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED This is message number 1018, and numbers are NEVER special! (except for you, #2) Message # 1019. Reply to #1018 Date: 08/08/93. Time: 11:58:56. Read 27 Times. From : Nip To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Not even PI? (THE PI ROOM) Sub op: THE PI GUY 927 Messages From <1-1018> Time = 4171. Doink? : Message # 1020. Reply to #1019 Date: 08/09/93. Time: 07:56:48. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : Nip Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Well, pi isn't really a number. It's imaginary. That makes it special. #1020. Message # 1021. Reply to #1020 Date: 08/09/93. Time: 17:01:24. Read 27 Times. From : NiP To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Sure it is. Have faith in pi. Message # 1022. Reply to #1021 Date: 08/10/93. Time: 14:10:28. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : NiP Subj : Message #1000 I have faith in NO number! Message # 1023. Date: 08/10/93. Time: 17:27:14. Read 29 Times. From : Jehan To : Jehan Subj : cherry pie RECEIVED null pain, null gain Message # 1024. Date: 08/12/93. Time: 09:15:29. Read 50 Times. From : Uncle GS To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED PERMIFIED No, HM's real age is -3.141592654... U2x MOVED FROM "THE TAVERN" BY The Music Man ON 08/16/93 AT 16:01:41 Message # 1025. Date: 08/16/93. Time: 16:31:52. Read 32 Times. From : The Music Man To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : RECEIVED Message 1024, PROOF of the abomination of rounding off! Message # 1027. Reply to #1024 Date: 08/16/93. Time: 19:35:06. Read 32 Times. From : Zaphraud To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat RECEIVED No in message 2^10, UGS clearly indicates the proper "..." used when indicating awareness of further digits Although the last digit has been rounded up, the ... indicates knowledge of such and suggests to the reasonably inteligent viewer the same Message # 1028. Reply to #1027 Date: 08/17/93. Time: 09:51:08. Read 31 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Zaphraud Subj : Chat RECEIVED NOPE, I'M AFRAID THAT TMM HAS A CASE. BECAUSE THE NINTH DECIMAL DIGIT IS 3 NOT 4. C- - - Message # 1029. Reply to #1028 Date: 08/17/93. Time: 10:25:23. Read 29 Times. From : Phoenix To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED Re read my post. TMM does not have a case. Message # 1027. Reply to #1024 Date: 08/16/93. Time: 19:35:06. Read 10 Times. From : Zaphraud To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat No in message 2^10, UGS clearly indicates the proper "..." used when indicating awareness of further digits Although the last digit has been rounded up, the ... indicates knowledge of such and suggests to the reasonably inteligent viewer the same I clearly indicate in the second paragraph that any REASONALBLY INTELIGENT viewer will understand that not rounding up would actually be MORE inaccurate, and that the proper use of "..." is indeed present Message # 1030. Reply to #1029 Date: 08/17/93. Time: 10:44:32. Read 30 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED You know I seem to recall that about a year ago I displayed Pi but I did actually round it off in a blatant manner. In other words, I listed the usual 15 decimal points, but left off the ellipses. Now, I am careful to put on the ellipses and you guys have a cow anyway. As I mentioned earlier, I plead temporary insanity, and add to that plea, that I did it because I come from a disfunctional family, not unlike the Bundys as depicted on Married with Children. Also, since the last number before the ellipses is supposed to be 3 and not 4, it is possible that in my insanity, which usually induces severe nervosa, my finger may have slipped. The 3 and the 4are very close you gnow. U2x #1030. Message # 1031. Reply to #1029 Date: 08/18/93. Time: 03:37:18. Read 29 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED Rounding is rounding, and the laws clearly state "thou shalt not round off pi", it is plain and simple! He CHANGED a digit, which is WRONG!!!!!!!!! Anyway, you may want to offer to be his expert witness. It's probably the only one he could get... Message # 1032. Reply to #1030 Date: 08/18/93. Time: 03:39:17. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat RECEIVED No excuse, you will be served a summons, and GAVISCON will serve as judge. I will serve as the assistant prosecutor, and candy as the prosecution. THE ANARCHIST will be available as a public defender, unless you choose a private party to represent you. Number Two has already offered to defend you, and you may need a number on your side if you expect to get away with this temporary insanity claim! A courtroom and jury room will be established on the retreat with limited access, after the jury, procecution, and defense has been officially established. Then we will determine your guilt...and the consequences... Message # 1033. Reply to #1032 Date: 08/18/93. Time: 11:09:26. Read 33 Times. From : Uncle GS To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Amuzing....but counter-productive. My sole purpose on Hack's is to act as a missionary of conservatism--that position elevated even higher and more important with the untimely departure of the great Ned Zeppelin. You can courtmarshal me, you can torture me, you can deny me freedom, but you will not deny my essence, you cannot deny my essence, for it is conservatism that will not die; it is conservatism which cannot be squelched. The truth of that fact will prevail! U2x BUCHANAN/DOLE '96 Message # 1034. Date: 08/18/93. Time: 22:21:06. Read 31 Times. From : Newton To : Subj : RE: "..." RECEIVED One must first realize that the ellipsis points are conventionally used to show the ommission of words or letters, not digits. But putting that aside, using the ellipsis points is a sign of ommission-- in this case, ommission of positive digits in the fractional region of a number (is the word number worthy enough to be used for pi??). Rounding a number up, then using ellipsis points is wrong. For the ellipsis points are used to show digits are left out, thus implying the number typed is somewhat less than the really number trying to be represented-- which rounding up contradicts. Oh well... Newton Message # 1035. Reply to #1034 Date: 08/20/93. Time: 11:42:45. Read 28 Times. From : Uncle GS To : Newton Subj : RE: "..." I seem to recall that the BBS guidelines as posted on many credible systems strictly dictate that nobody shall accuse another user or chastize that user for that matter, when a typing mistake is made. The location of 3 and 4 facilitate the possibility of making a mistake, hitting the wrong key, etc. and thus, making an error. Therefore the accuzations brought against me can not be founded. For if such accusations are made, then I shall present in my own defense, an unlimited number of documents showing similar mistakes by other users on The Retreat, pointing on their own inability to type in a consistent and correct manner in accordance with good spelling and grammatical practices. In doing so, a precedent shall be established, which could only lead to the need to prosecute those persons whom I've sighted through courtroom exhibits, for the same sort of "treason" as I have been accused. Regards, U2x BUCHANAN/DOLE '96 Comments : Natural=1 Irrational=23 Insane=34 Message # 1036. Date: 08/20/93. Time: 11:47:07. Read 26 Times. From : Uncle GS To : The Music Man Subj : The concept RECEIVED I recall that a similar courtroom experience took place in history that involved circumstances not unlike this one. A person of high authority, and of CONSERVATIVE persuasion, was accused of doing something illegal. As a result, a special prosecutor was appointed to lead the state's case, and millions of dollars in manpower and paperwork went into the prosecution's case, but in the end, they lost--they couldn't prove anything. The prosecutor I speak of was named Lawrence Walsh and the prosecuted was named Ronald Reagan. Yes, this is the case of the Iran Hostage Crisis. Walsh couldn't prove it and they literally dragged him out of the room screaming bloody murder at the conlcusion of the hearings. His credibility is next to nothing. I don't understand why anyone would want to follow in his footsteps and take part in an equally ludicrous prosecution. Hell, there's kids starving in Africa right now! U2x Message # 1037. Reply to #994 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:40:40. Read 29 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Oh, it was just me (go figure!) Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1038. Reply to #1009 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:42:10. Read 29 Times. From : Number Two To : PARTICLE MAN Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED This is disgusting...... (choking gagging but not quite vommiting noises) Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1039. Reply to #1018 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:43:46. Read 30 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED I beg your pardon !!!! Numbers are special delicate creatures, who flex and bend to make happy those who are around them. Look at all of the numbers it takes to make (yucky face) pi. Do you think numbers like knowing they are attempting something that cannot be completed? Do you think they like making fools of themselves? No, they don't and the only reason they put upwith it is because they love people.... pure and simple, they love people. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1040. Reply to #1020 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:46:47. Read 29 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED It's a bunch of munbers all going off into oblivion. I think we need a PI memorial for all of the numbers that have self-lessly gone off to serve the cause of man's sick sense of humor. Be Seeing You ?? Comments : 3.14159265=1 #1040. Message # 1041. Reply to #1022 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:48:17. Read 28 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Thanx, I appreciate that...... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1042. Reply to #1025 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:49:10. Read 26 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED It was not rounded off. He just stopped quoting it.... or perhaps he made a simple mistake. Personally I think this whole thing is ridiculous and this case has no merit. Don't clog up our legal system TMM, drop this before our tax payers are burdened once again with the filth, and bile of the bottom of the Judicial system. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1043. Reply to #1030 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:53:44. Read 26 Times. From : Number Two To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat RECEIVED See TMM, there you are. I move for dismissal....... (big grin) Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1044. Reply to #1032 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 09:54:57. Read 29 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Oh, that's it, I am moving for a mistrial already. "Then we will determine your guilt" (quoting TMM) is clearly in violation of the fact that U2x is innocent until PROVEN guilty. This whole thing is a farce and I DEMAND that it be put to an end. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1045. Reply to #1038 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 11:52:49. Read 29 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED You're the one who responded to it...if you truly found it disgusting, you would have ignored it like the rest of us, decent law-abiding users! Stranger Message # 1046. Reply to #1044 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 11:54:32. Read 32 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED I think you're under the impression that we are using the American Judicial system! I think that we should use the Code Napolean. (Used in Europe-- you're guilty until proven innocent.) Stranger Message # 1047. Reply to #1042 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 15:21:29. Read 28 Times. From : Phoenix To : Number Two Subj : RECEIVED Yeah. Lets worry about more important things, like Clapton VS. Datsun Co. Message # 1048. Reply to #1045 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 17:53:14. Read 28 Times. From : Number Two To : Stranger Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Sorry, the vomit and spittle upon the keyboard cried out and had to be heard. Their acidic voices spitting forth their desire to be heard. They were maddening me. mad ma dmad \/ 2 /\ Message # 1049. Reply to #1046 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 17:57:18. Read 27 Times. From : Number Two To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED "Better 10 guilty men go free, than 1 innocent imprisoned wrongly" (para- phrased) Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1050. Reply to #1047 Date: 08/21/93. Time: 17:58:48. Read 26 Times. From : Number Two To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED What the hell is this about ?? I know one part, but I am unclear as to what the ransom is..... ?? Be Seeing You ?? #1050. Message # 1051. Reply to #1049 Date: 08/22/93. Time: 03:09:44. Read 28 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED "Better three daisies and a shovel than running yellow pinballs" (paraphrased REALLY loosely) Stranger Message # 1052. Reply to #1046 Date: 08/22/93. Time: 22:28:18. Read 29 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED How about guilty until proven guilty? (Soviet...) Come on, though... We can find something more interesting to hold witchhunt for... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Get a life, get a MAC... Message # 1053. Reply to #1033 Date: 08/23/93. Time: 01:56:57. Read 29 Times. From : NiP Zeppelin To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat RECEIVED I don't know about Senator Dole... He doesn't seem to be ....special. He seems like a bland person to me. (I thought Dole would go for President and not VP). Did those two already say that they were going to challenge B.C. in '96? I had a dream where the Republicans had a phi- labuster in Congress over something and some bill (which seemed extremely vital to the Raw Deals survival). Bill Clinton was really sad- lookin' and I even dreamed that I was listen- ing to Rush Limbaugh preaching that the end of the Clinton Administration had come... ÜÜÜÜÜÜ niPHty ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Message # 1054. Reply to #1053 Date: 08/23/93. Time: 02:23:30. Read 30 Times. From : Stranger To : NiP Zeppelin Subj : Chat RECEIVED I wish politicians were real people. Stranger Message # 1055. Reply to #1033 Date: 08/23/93. Time: 06:07:54. Read 27 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat RECEIVED WHAT DOES ESSENCE OF CONSERVATISM SMELL LIKE? C- - - Message # 1056. Reply to #1054 Date: 08/23/93. Time: 08:35:39. Read 26 Times. From : Ghost To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED That's all right. I always wanted to vote for a pineapple. Message # 1057. Date: 08/24/93. Time: 00:52:24. Read 30 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : Announcement To all: candy, the District Attorney, has described to me sufficient evidence to warrant the arrest of Uncle GS and as such has read him his rights in E-Mail. With the cooperation of Hack Man, I will try to have his status reduced to Twit until he pays bail, which is an arbitrary amount paid to the Bell Captain, our bailiff. (I would like to see this an automatic process in the future... GB? Your list?) Uncle GS will be allowed to officially enter his plea and declare his representative for the defense. If he chooses, the Public Defender, THE ANARCHIST, will be appointed for him. He should keep in mind that a plea of temporary insanity is an admission of guilt. And it'll be mighty hard to convince a jury of temporary insanity in a place like this, where we are mostly permanently insane. The official notice of trial is posted in the Tavern and in the next post on this subboard. I also suggest to Uncle GS and his council that he not give away in pub- lic any strategies for his defense to the prosecution! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- ___/ ___/ /| | The "Pi Guy" /| | | | | | -Da judge. Message # 1058. Date: 08/24/93. Time: 00:52:59. Read 30 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : ALL Subj : Official Public Notice of Trial PUBLIC NOTICE OF TRIAL ---------------------- On this date of [8/24/93] the public notice of a trial is announced. The accused, UNCLE GS, shall enter his plea during the week of [8/29/93] to a jury of his peers. The charge is the violation of Pi-nal code .14.159a, "THOU SHALT NOT ROUND OFF PI." This trial shall be held in The Pi Room. The District Attorney, candy, will represent The Users of Hack's Retreat and the representative for the defendant, UNCLE GS, is currently pending. Bail has been set at an arbitrary amount, to be paid by the defendant to the official bailiff, The Bell Captain. The judge for this case is the Hon- orable Gaviscon A. Aviscenna. All correspondance for this case should be directed towards him. Jurors are being randomly selected from the resident users of Hack's Retreat and should report to The Pi Room no later than the trial date, stated above. This will be an open court trial. Reporters and guests are asked to re- main quiet during the trial. Judge Gaviscon A. Aviscenna may bar disruptive participants from the courtroom. This notice will be posted in The Tavern and in The Pi Room. Message # 1059. Reply to #1036 Date: 08/24/93. Time: 10:18:22. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Uncle GS Subj : The concept RECEIVED THAT'S JUST BECAUSE PRESIDENTS ARE ABOVE THE LAW. THEY CAN'T GET NAILED FOR ANYTHING. THEY HAVE MANY LAYERS OF PROTECTION JUST LIKE A MAFIA BOSS DOES, EXCEPT THAT PRESIDENTS ALSO HAVE THE LAW WORKING FOR THEM RATHER THAN AGAINST THEM. AND EVEN IF THEY DID GET CONVICTED AND SENTENCED THEY WOULD JUST GET PARDONED. IN FACT THERE'S NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION THAT SAYS THAT PRESIDENTS CAN'T JUST PARDON THEMSELVES. C- - - Message # 1060. Reply to #1046 Date: 08/24/93. Time: 10:24:35. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED WE COULD ALSO USE THE "GUILTY UNLESS PROVEN OBFUSCATED" RULE. C- - - #1060. Message # 1061. Date: 08/24/93. Time: 16:04:20. Read 30 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : HEY!!! RECEIVED Your honor, as counsel for the defense, I must say, that is a snappy robe you're wearing today. May I approach the bench? Message # 1062. Reply to #1061 Date: 08/25/93. Time: 05:07:30. Read 31 Times. From : Number Two To : Mojo IV Subj : HEY!!! RECEIVED Are you the council for the defence ?? Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1063. Reply to #1062 Date: 08/25/93. Time: 08:04:43. Read 31 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Number Two Subj : HEY!!! RECEIVED Yes, your honor. And, to open this case, I would like to offer you a bribe of 5000 kumquats, along with $60billion dollars in cash(this will, of course, come out of my clients account). Message # 1064. Reply to #1062 Date: 08/25/93. Time: 08:33:51. Read 33 Times. From : Ghost To : Number Two Subj : HEY!!! RECEIVED I'll picket defence! Message # 1065 -- Private. Message # 1066. Reply to #1064 Date: 08/25/93. Time: 17:44:59. Read 35 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Ghost Subj : HEY!!! RECEIVED Quit picking on me! :) Message # 1067. Date: 08/30/93. Time: 02:52:09. Read 33 Times. From : LOU CIPHER To : ALL Subj : TEST Message # 1068. Date: 09/03/93. Time: 02:36:51. Read 39 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : All Subj : Legal stuff Uncle GS has not yet entered his plea, and until then we cannot get the trial underway. Construction is nearly finished on the Courtroom, tentative- ly labeled, "The Pi-pols Court" until I can figure something else better for it. We would like to thank the Trial Manufacturing Machine Inc. (TMM, Inc.) for their speedy construction work in this matter. I did, however, give him a full week in which to enter his plea and due to the complexity of this be- ing the first trial and all, I am going to give some leeway in this matter until we get all the kinks worked out. Also, three of our jurors have reported for duty, with two still unac- counted for. The punishment for not acgnowledging a jury duty summons is sure to be nasty once I make it up... er, I mean look it up. The Pi Room will remain open for people to discuss the trial, but the trial will open in The Pi-pols Court and will only be open to individuals directly associated with the trial. (All users will be able to read events in the trial but only the lawyers and witnesses will be allowed to post). Uncle GS should still enter his plea here in the Pi Room, which shall act as temporary court until construction is complete. Additionally, if you believe another law has been broken on The Retreat then you should discuss the matter with our District Attorney, candy. We'll only be able to handle one trial at a time, but candy can research more than one infraction at a time. She reports crimes to me and I place them on the docket. I suggest all correspondance take place in EMail, since you don't want to just blab your trial strategy to the world. If anyone would like to bring up a lawsuit, discuss it directly with me. candy only handles civil matters. You will have to find your own council for personal troubles. Also, Uncle GS has not declared who will be acting as council for him in this matter, so I am unable to accept Mojo IV's claim. I am solely tempt- ed to punish him for attempting to bribe a judge with something as base as money and kumquats. Surely you can find something better than that! !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -Uncle GS? We're waiting! Message # 1069. Reply to #1068 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 03:53:09. Read 26 Times. From : Phoenix To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Legal stuff RECEIVED Not answering a summons? I've been here all along, no one said anything about having to speak! I've just been calming watching. I didn't think jurors had to say anything until the trial had ENDED. silly me Phoenix Juror Message # 1070. Reply to #1068 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 07:48:59. Read 27 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Legal stuff RECEIVED Ok, how about SEX AND BOOZE!! #1070. Message # 1071. Reply to #1033 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:41:36. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat What do you plea! Message # 1072. Reply to #1036 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:42:50. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : Uncle GS Subj : The concept Ya can't weasel out of this one! The trial will be performed properly! Message # 1073. Reply to #1037 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:43:26. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED yes. . . Message # 1074. Reply to #1039 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:43:49. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Their intent has nothing to do with it! Message # 1075. Reply to #1040 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:44:06. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Agreed! Message # 1076. Reply to #1041 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:44:16. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Except you, of course... Message # 1077. Reply to #1042 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:44:39. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : RECEIVED The thing is, I am not clogging up the legal system, I am creating it! We cannot have a court without a trial, and GS is the lucky first. We've been needing a legal system here to clog up for a while now anyway! It's time has come. I hope everyone goes along with it. It should be amusing! Message # 1078. Reply to #1044 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:46:14. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED You can be up on charges soon too, if you don't watch youself!!!! IMPERSONATING A NUMBER!!!!!!!! Message # 1079. Reply to #1046 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:47:02. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED We have our own system here, the obfuscated one! Message # 1080. Reply to #1067 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:50:50. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : LOU CIPHER Subj : F- #1080. Message # 1081. Reply to #1068 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 17:52:27. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Legal stuff RECEIVED The court room and jury room are currently under construction. By the way, the kangaroos have not arrived yet. Should I lease some from the pneumatic roos? Message # 1082. Reply to #1068 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 18:02:04. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Legal stuff RECEIVED By the way, there has been some technical difficulties in the construction of the jury room, so the trial will have to be temporarily delayed until we can erect a jury sub that doesn't topple down every time somebody enters it. The trial room will have to be delayed until the other matter is fixed. time... Message # 1083. Reply to #1071 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 20:28:01. Read 26 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED re: From : The Music Man To : Uncle GS Subj : Chat What do you plea! Oh please, please please teach me the secrets of the universe. please please... Phoenix! Screaming Electron Comments : Irrational=1 Message # 1084. Reply to #1080 Date: 09/03/93. Time: 20:29:01. Read 25 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED re: From : The Music Man To : LOU CIPHER Subj : F- ZZZZZZ.... Phoenix! not on every board, puhlease... Comments : Rational=1 Message # 1085. Reply to #1074 Date: 09/04/93. Time: 00:33:03. Read 28 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Sure it does, they love us, and that is what matters. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1086. Reply to #1075 Date: 09/04/93. Time: 00:34:52. Read 27 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED I will make it, and it will sit in the desolate reamins of the Garage and it will be hooked up into the 'real' terminal. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1087. Reply to #1078 Date: 09/04/93. Time: 00:36:43. Read 27 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Oh sure try and push the focus of attention away from yourself. I didn't hear any denial of my charges...... This trial is rigged and is beginning to make me sick. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1088. Reply to #1083 Date: 09/05/93. Time: 22:42:12. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED That cannot be taught which cannot be learned... Message # 1089. Reply to #1084 Date: 09/05/93. Time: 22:42:40. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED It's my job to grade tests... Message # 1090. Reply to #1085 Date: 09/05/93. Time: 22:43:03. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED But, are they not incapable of feeling... #1090. Message # 1091. Reply to #1086 Date: 09/05/93. Time: 22:43:56. Read 23 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED And then? Message # 1092. Reply to #1087 Date: 09/05/93. Time: 22:44:39. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED Who says anything about innocence before proven guilt? That don't carry in AMERICA, and it won't carry here!!!!!!! We're all born guilty, and we all gnow it!!!!! Now, back to the number impersonation charges.... How do you pleas? Message # 1093. Reply to #1088 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 08:37:04. Read 24 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Your right. You must first master those secrets. Phoenix BTW> I took a seminar on it over the weekend. Maybe I can teach you Message # 1094. Reply to #1089 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 08:37:39. Read 22 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED Are you properly credentialled for that? ZZZZ <- Its *my* job to rate teacher's boringness! >:) Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1095. Reply to #1092 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 08:38:25. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED All born guilty? Another foolish believer in the descent of man. Phoenix! Technology will allow man to ascend further than God. We already have in many ways. Message # 1096. Reply to #1093 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 10:19:11. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED Yeah, and maybe I can teach you a few things... your=possession you're=you are GET THEM STRAIGHT, PLEEAAAAAASSSSSEE!!!!! Message # 1097. Reply to #1094 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 10:20:11. Read 20 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED Yes, actually, I am credentialed for that. And the only ones who get bored in my class are the profoundly stupid ones... Message # 1098. Reply to #1095 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 10:21:08. Read 20 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED How can technology allow to to ascend beyond God if there is no God? Is it not the technology that is evolving, and not us? (yeah, like a baby is born knowing how to program a VCR!) You just won't accept the concept because it includes you when I use the term "everybody". We all gnow YOU have no guilt... Message # 1099. Reply to #1096 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 12:18:11. Read 21 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Your really starting to annoy me with all these grammer lessonz... Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1100. Reply to #1097 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 12:18:38. Read 23 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED How can the profoundly stupid ever be bored, TMM? Boredom comes from lack of stimulation. THe profoundly stupid are maybe constantly boggled, but rarely bored. How can you possibly be bored when something like a marble can totally captivate your entire attension span? Of course, this also happens to the profoundly inteligent sometimes. Depends on what terms you think of the marble Phoenix! ZZZ/ADD #1100. Message # 1101. Reply to #1098 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 12:20:54. Read 21 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Guilt is an emotion that is used to control people. I have been hard at work since sentience trying to make sure that guilt and shame didn't affect me. I have felt them, of course, but RARELY feel shame. I feel not guilty for all sorts of things most people would, but sometimes I get feeling guilty over weird things -- like not eating my brussel sprouts. They were gross, but I felt bad because they looked cute -- i really hated throwing them away. Im a real weirdo, huh. Oh well. Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1102. Reply to #1099 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 15:20:51. Read 20 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED You're really starting to annoy my with all these grammar mistakes. You can keep making them, but I'll keep correcting them... Message # 1103. Reply to #1100 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 15:22:19. Read 20 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED Even you say boredom comes from a lack of stimulation... What do you think stupidity is? Message # 1104. Reply to #1101 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 15:23:18. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED Just remember, a person can BE guilty without actually FEELING guilty. That is my point... Message # 1105. Reply to #1102 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 16:11:28. Read 21 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Your annoied eh? Is not just me grammer, is me speling to! Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1106. Reply to #1103 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 16:12:07. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED Stupidity is the lack of ability to interpret stimulation. Therefore, a stupid person can be stimulated by the same phenomenon OVER AND OVER, and still enjoy it exactly the same. Think of sex. Its better if you try different positions every now and then, right??? Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1107. Reply to #1104 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 16:13:09. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Of course... Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1108. Reply to #1105 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 16:16:40. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED I'm just annoyed because it makes it hard to take somebody seriously who missed a few simple concepts after years of schooling... Message # 1109. Reply to #1106 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 16:18:10. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED Can you just completely eleborate the first time you state a point? Message # 1110. Reply to #1108 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 16:24:04. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Oh no senor, me ees no estupido... mee is a wize asss!! hee hee hee heeh Phoenix! Screaming Electron #1110. Message # 1111. Reply to #1109 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 16:24:45. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : RECEIVED What would be the fun in that? Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1112. Reply to #1101 Date: 09/06/93. Time: 23:45:30. Read 22 Times. From : Stranger To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED Guilt is a very powewrful, and necessary emotion. It is one of the teaching feelings. Those with no guilt are not apt to learn much about themsleves. Stranger Message # 1113. Reply to #1112 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 01:21:04. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Guilt is useful as an emotion. Shame is not. Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1114. Reply to #1113 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 01:59:41. Read 19 Times. From : Stranger To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED I never mentioned shame, but yes I completely agree with you. Stranger Message # 1115. Reply to #1100 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 07:51:53. Read 20 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED Yes, but due to the OVER stimulation of children at an early age, due to learning via entertaining television.... some children need to be OVER stimulated to learn ANYTHING. They can no longer just listen to a lecture.. it must be flowery and exciting.... Message # 1116. Reply to #1110 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 11:44:06. Read 19 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED But, I already gnow that. What I want to gnow is, do you really not gnow this stuph, or do you just not care? . Message # 1117. Reply to #1111 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 11:44:42. Read 19 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED Well, I would know what you were talking about without having to ask a million questions to get to the meaning. Then again, is there ever a meaning? Message # 1118. Reply to #1112 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 11:45:33. Read 20 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Or anybody else for that matter... Message # 1119. Reply to #1113 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 11:45:57. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED Without shame, we cannot grow... Message # 1120. Reply to #1115 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 11:50:24. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : SKURKEY Subj : RECEIVED If the children are interested, it will be flowery and exciting anyways. I always found many aspects of self education to be such. For a long time I found certain math classes to be very much so (and some others to be mind numbing) Phoenix! Screaming Electron #1120. Message # 1121. Reply to #1116 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 11:51:17. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED 1. Not care 2. To lazy to correct myself anyways If I were typing a term paper instead of cruising along here to people who are more adapt at interpreting typos than probably anyone whos not a NetCitizen, then I'd be careful... Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1122. Reply to #1119 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 11:52:32. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Shame prevents growth. It causes the individual to hide out. Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1123. Reply to #1122 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 14:10:04. Read 20 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED Shame prevents repeats. Growth through shame... Message # 1124. Reply to #1123 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 14:16:30. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED GUILT prevents repeats. Shame prevents correction. Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1125. Reply to #1120 Date: 09/07/93. Time: 15:58:29. Read 21 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Phoenix Subj : RECEIVED Yes, but the point is that NOW ADAYS the arn't interested in learning for the sake of learning.... Message # 1126. Reply to #1119 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 00:58:29. Read 21 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED I don;t agree with that. Shame is a pointless emotion. It's left over from the animal days, when strict behavior limits were needed for the group to survive. We, as humans, are transcending the group-syndrome, now. Stranger Fuck Shame! Message # 1128. Reply to #1126 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 13:35:29. Read 26 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED SHAME IS MERELY YOUR REALIZATION THAT YOU DID SOMETHING THAT YOU BELIEVE IS WRONG. WITHOUT SUCH A SELF REGULATING MECHANISM WE'D ALL BE DEAD AT EACH OTHER'S HANDS. IF YOU EXPERIENCE SHAME AT INAPPROPRIATE TIMES THAT MERELY MEANS THAT YOUR SUB- CONSCIOUS AND YOUR CONSCIOUS NEED TO HAVE A LITTLE CHAT ABOUT THE MEANING OF RIGHT AND WRONG. THAT IS OF COURSE THE HUMANISTIC EXPLINATION. OTHERS WOULD SAY THAT IT IS REALLY PURPLE MEN FROM PLUTO, OR THE DEVIL, OR THE HOLY SPIRIT TALKING TO YOU. C- - - Comments : Complex=1 Message # 1129. Reply to #1128 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 19:53:55. Read 26 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED I think guilt is fine, but shame is only limiting. Stranger Message # 1130. Reply to #1129 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 21:44:28. Read 23 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Shame causes people to withhold their true feelings. #1130. Message # 1131. Reply to #1130 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 21:45:55. Read 22 Times. From : Stranger To : SKURKEY Subj : Chat RECEIVED Exactly. Stranger ...and guilt punishes us for it. Message # 1132. Reply to #1131 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 21:48:32. Read 25 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Doesn't seem like a very effective way of communication. Message # 1133. Reply to #1129 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 21:53:01. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? C- - - Message # 1134. Reply to #1132 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 21:55:50. Read 24 Times. From : Stranger To : SKURKEY Subj : Chat RECEIVED Nope, not at all! Stranger Message # 1135. Reply to #1133 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 21:56:08. Read 24 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED Guilt is the emotion of feeling bad for an action. Shame is the inhibiting embarassment of having done something. Stranger Message # 1136. Reply to #1128 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 21:57:50. Read 21 Times. From : Phoenix To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED You are refering to GUILT. GUILT and SHAME are different although related things. GUILT has more basis in fact, SHAME is a painful and unnecessary emotion Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1138. Reply to #1135 Date: 09/08/93. Time: 22:44:41. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED SOUNDS THE SAME TO ME. C- - - Message # 1140. Reply to #1090 Date: 09/10/93. Time: 15:51:40. Read 23 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED No, they ARE capable of feeling. Perhaps, the majority of us just cannot discern this. Be Seeing You ?? #1140. Message # 1141. Reply to #1091 Date: 09/10/93. Time: 15:52:40. Read 23 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED ......then you'll see. you'll see..... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1142. Reply to #1092 Date: 09/10/93. Time: 15:53:21. Read 23 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED I refuse to acknowledge your mockery of a justice system. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1143. Reply to #1081 Date: 09/10/93. Time: 16:20:24. Read 22 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : The Music Man Subj : Legal stuff RECEIVED Use randomly-selected BBS users... They'd say anything for more access... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Exercise daily... Eat wisely... Die anyway... Message # 1144. Reply to #1093 Date: 09/10/93. Time: 16:22:11. Read 25 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED SEMINAR: From "SEMI" and "ARSE", hence any half-assed conversation... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1145. Reply to #1144 Date: 09/10/93. Time: 23:36:59. Read 27 Times. From : Phoenix To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Chat RECEIVED I posted that a while ago. You lose Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1146. Date: 09/12/93. Time: 02:06:22. Read 24 Times. From : Stranger To : Hack Subj : uh What's the 42nd digit of pi, Hack Man? Stranger Message # 1147. Reply to #1146 Date: 09/12/93. Time: 02:07:44. Read 30 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED 7 C- - - Message # 1148. Reply to #1147 Date: 09/12/93. Time: 02:12:16. Read 27 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : uh RECEIVED Thanks. What's the 12,003,034,009th digit of pi? Stranger Message # 1149. Reply to #1148 Date: 09/12/93. Time: 02:16:39. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED SORRY, MY MEMORY ISN'T QUITE THAT GOOD. AT ONE TIME I SAW ALL THE DIGITS OF PI. AFTER ABOUT THE FIRST BILLION THEY ALL LOOK LIKE A JUMBLE. C- - - Message # 1150. Reply to #1149 Date: 09/12/93. Time: 03:05:22. Read 27 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : uh RECEIVED So, you agree with me, that pi does have an end! I gnew I wasn't alone...(Eelnce told me the last digit of pi was 8.) Stranger #1150. Message # 1151. Reply to #1148 Date: 09/12/93. Time: 16:23:30. Read 27 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED 9 þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1152. Date: 09/12/93. Time: 18:30:54. Read 34 Times. From : Mojo IV To : ALL Subj : Pi Guys, why do you bother finding out how many numbers there are in PI??? Just round it to 4 like I do!!! =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug Comments : 3.1415=1 Message # 1153. Reply to #1148 Date: 09/12/93. Time: 19:31:24. Read 30 Times. From : Phoenix To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED Ask those guys from Chile (its a three) Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1154. Reply to #1153 Date: 09/13/93. Time: 22:47:59. Read 22 Times. From : Duke Montegieu To : Phoenix Subj : uh RECEIVED i personally will never stop believing that it ends in an eleventy-six. dm Message # 1155. Reply to #1154 Date: 09/14/93. Time: 01:53:05. Read 21 Times. From : Number Two To : Duke Montegieu Subj : uh RECEIVED That sounds more plausible than anything else I have heard. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1156. Reply to #1155 Date: 09/15/93. Time: 01:35:14. Read 21 Times. From : Duke Montegieu To : Number Two Subj : uh RECEIVED well, if there exists one word to describe me, it's gotta be PLAUSIBLE. dm Message # 1157. Reply to #1156 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 01:35:20. Read 24 Times. From : Number Two To : Duke Montegieu Subj : uh RECEIVED If there is one word that describes me, it's gotta be poseable. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1158. Reply to #1157 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 01:49:36. Read 21 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : uh RECEIVED Are you saying that you're a poser? Stranger Message # 1159. Reply to #1126 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:05:05. Read 25 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Shame is a purely human concept. Animals don't feel shame. That's what divides us from them. Shame is at the core of guilt. Message # 1160. Reply to #1128 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:06:26. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED Don't forget one's conscience... #1160. Message # 1161. Reply to #1129 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:06:40. Read 20 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Not if you deal with it correctly! Message # 1162. Reply to #1130 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:06:54. Read 18 Times. From : The Music Man To : SKURKEY Subj : Chat RECEIVED Sometimes shame IS the true feeling... Message # 1163 -- Private. Message # 1164. Reply to #1140 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:09:24. Read 18 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED They communicate no emotions, and do not suggest the presence of them by their basic nature, so, no, they do NOT have feelings. But YOU do... Message # 1165. Reply to #1141 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:10:31. Read 18 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED I already do... Message # 1166. Reply to #1142 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:11:23. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED Now it is YOU who is avoiding the issue. I make NO mockery of a system of justice, especially when it is doing an incredibly good job at making a mockery of itself! I am merely here to point out its nature, and if that consists of its own mockery, then that is what I am going to point out. Besides, it cannot even be called a system. A system is a organized design which works smoothly and collectively to function as a whole and produce the intended outcome flawlessly. We have a LONG way to go before we set up a true justice "system". American Justice System is a three-way contradiction in terms! Comments : SQRT(-PI)=1 Message # 1167. Reply to #1143 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:15:56. Read 17 Times. From : The Music Man To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Legal stuff RECEIVED we'll keep you in mind. Message # 1168. Reply to #1150 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:16:52. Read 23 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED You're bordering on blasphemy there! Don't forget where you are! Message # 1169. Reply to #1152 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:17:40. Read 23 Times. From : The Music Man To : Mojo IV Subj : Pi RECEIVED How dare you! Message # 1170. Reply to #1159 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 03:29:41. Read 18 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED You haven't looked into my GOlden Retriever's eyes when I scold it for something it did and knows was wrong. Phoenix! Screaming Electron #1170. Message # 1171. Reply to #1159 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 04:00:28. Read 20 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED I disagree. Stranger Message # 1172. Reply to #1161 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 04:00:51. Read 16 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED What do you believe is the correct way to deal with shame, and what do you believe is the difference between guilt and shame? Stranger Message # 1173. Reply to #1168 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 04:02:03. Read 19 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : uh RECEIVED I don't mind bordering on blasphemy. Sometimes I even fall into blasphemy. It's fun. Stranger Message # 1174. Reply to #1157 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 08:22:28. Read 23 Times. From : Ghost To : Number Two Subj : uh RECEIVED Hey, Ken, how's Barbie doing? Message # 1175. Reply to #1160 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 09:09:37. Read 18 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED WHICH ONES? C- - - Message # 1176. Reply to #1168 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 09:14:01. Read 19 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Music Man Subj : uh RECEIVED PI DOES HAVE AN END, AN INFINITE NUMBER OF THEM INFACT. C- - - Message # 1177. Reply to #1169 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 10:01:54. Read 20 Times. From : Mojo IV To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Bahahahahaha... I cannot be stopped!!! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug Message # 1178. Reply to #1170 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 13:08:36. Read 19 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED I gnow that look very well, but it is the animal unconsciously conning you. What you see in his eyes are a subtle form of fear, something I believe to be present in most higher life forms. A dog that is not trained does not have that fear. They have no point of reference in their experiences to give them any reason for fearing you if they do something wrong, and you won't see the fear in their eyes. Which you interpret as guilt/shame/whatever. Message # 1179. Reply to #1171 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 13:11:32. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED You have every right to, and I respect you for it. At the risk of getting caught up in a semantic arguement, would you like to discuss it? Message # 1180. Reply to #1172 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 13:15:06. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Guilt is not an emotion, for one thing. To me, it is the intellectual recognition of a wrongdoing, often associated with shame (the feeling) to vairous degrees. By definition, guilt is the acknowledgement of a wrong doing, or being in the position of having done something wrong. It is a cause and effect type of thing, if you do something, you are guilty of it, whether or not you recognize your guilt, and whether or not you FEEL bad about doing it (shameful, or shamed). Most people do not experience the emotion until it is triggered by a state of guilt, or recognition of ones wrong doing. We don't feel shamed until we think we are guilty, and then we feel bad. There are varying degrees of shame, as there is varying degrees any emotion or feeling. I feel shame should be dealt with by recognizing one's guilt, accepting it, learning from it, and forgiving oneself with the condition that one will try to live according to what they have learned. Guilt is the cause, shame is the effect. Of course, you can be guilty of something (without realizing it) and not feel any shame if you lacked morals. Like I said, we are all guilty, but feeling bad about it is what separates us from the animals, shame. Just because you feel it, it does not mean it has to tear you apart, or that you have to live with it the rest of your life. I'm shamed every time I do something wrong, and realize it. The shame makes me aware of my mistakes, that is, it makes me aware of my guilt. From there I can correct the mistakes, justify my guilt, and move on without feeling bad about it. Shame is a bad emotion only if you do not recognize it and deal with it! Then it will slowly eat you up inside, and poison your soul. I have defined my terms, if you still do not agree, then please correct me within my own frame of reference. I hold to true definitions of terms. Guilt is a legal term, and I apply its definition accordingly. To "feel" guilty is to recognize one's shame for an inapropriate action. #1180. Message # 1181. Reply to #1173 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 13:30:31. Read 18 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED I gnow. but is it appropriate? Message # 1182. Reply to #1175 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 13:31:32. Read 17 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED The ones who have one! Message # 1183. Reply to #1176 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 13:31:54. Read 18 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : uh RECEIVED Ok. Message # 1184. Reply to #1177 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 13:32:22. Read 18 Times. From : The Music Man To : Mojo IV Subj : Pi RECEIVED 4 is just a number. Posting is is ok. Blaspheming with it in the pi room is a different story. Your last message was clean Message # 1185. Reply to #1184 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 15:58:00. Read 17 Times. From : Mojo IV To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Pi is is 4 rounded!!! bahahahaha!!! And, rounded DOWN, its 3!!! bahahahahahahaah... =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug Message # 1186. Reply to #1178 Date: 09/16/93. Time: 18:21:12. Read 18 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Well, considering I have never given them ANYTHING to fear other than being yelled at (I don't even hit them w/ newspaper)... your chock full of shit on that one. Since when did you have a neural link with my (or any other) dog. And when the dog slinks, its not afraid, its ashamed/embarrased. Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1187. Reply to #1179 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 03:00:24. Read 18 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Not really -- you'll win because you are the better arguer. The best debater always wins, regardless of whether he's right or not. Stranger Message # 1188. Reply to #1180 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 03:03:00. Read 16 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED GUILT: the state of one who has committed an offense esp. consciously feelings of culpability esp. for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy SHAME: a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropiety I regard guilt as an emotion (feelings of cuplability, etc) as well as shame. Stranger Message # 1189. Reply to #1181 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 03:06:22. Read 20 Times. From : Stranger To : The Music Man Subj : uh RECEIVED Everything is appropriate--it all depends on your motives. Stranger Message # 1190. Reply to #1185 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 13:00:02. Read 23 Times. From : The Music Man To : Mojo IV Subj : Pi RECEIVED Actually, rounded, it is 3. You are breaking the laws of mathematics if you try to round up with a number like 3.1... Somehow I get the feeling that you want to be our first defendant... #1190. Message # 1191. Reply to #1186 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 13:02:22. Read 19 Times. From : The Music Man To : Phoenix Subj : Chat RECEIVED It is afraid of being yelled at, and slinking is the physiological response to that fear. I know dogs, I started with pavlov's work and took it further, coming to the conclusion that any psychological theory based on the responses of animals are to some extent inaccurate. You are ascribing your own feelings into something that has a limited complexity of intellectual abilities. Compare the brain structure of a dog to a human, and you will find pretty much the same parts, but not as complex as ours. Not only is the cerebrum smaller, but so is everything else. They lack emotions analogically similar to the way they lack intelligence. Certain basic elements are there, but the more complex ones are not. But then, some old ladies I gnow think their dogs are smarter than they are. They may be right. How can you feel so certain about ascribing an emotion into your pet when you don't even completely understand that emotion yourself, and admittedly don't feel it? Dogs can only recgnize their guilt, and only in an abstract way, but can NEVER feel shame. Your dog is no more special than anyone elses... Message # 1192. Reply to #1187 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 13:10:22. Read 17 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED I'm not so much a good debator, but I do know when to stop arguing and start defining terms. Once the terminology is defined, both people win the debate (that is, they are both understood). It is not my desire to win, but to see to it that both people understand each others perspective. Message # 1193. Reply to #1188 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 13:13:09. Read 16 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED That's good, for it means you are a moral person. If you are unable to recognize guilt without "feeling" guilty, your moral standards for yourself are higher than one who gnows they are guilty, but really does not care, and therefore feels nothing. Ya can't "fuck guilt" without fucking yourself in the process... Message # 1194. Reply to #1189 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 13:16:04. Read 18 Times. From : The Music Man To : Stranger Subj : uh RECEIVED I do not agree. Message # 1195. Reply to #1187 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 22:51:02. Read 20 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED Not always... Try proving you can float in mid-air... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1196. Reply to #1190 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 22:51:41. Read 19 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Nah... It would waste court room space... Use napalm instead... Its quicker, and less painful... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Also, don't the kangaroos make a huge mess on the floor? Message # 1197. Reply to #1195 Date: 09/17/93. Time: 23:00:49. Read 22 Times. From : Stranger To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Chat RECEIVED That's not a debate. Stranger (But I AM floating in mid air...) Message # 1198. Reply to #1191 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 00:50:59. Read 20 Times. From : Phoenix To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED I will grant that my dog is no more special than any of the other Golden Retrievers out there, or any of the other 'socially-bred' dogs... Phoenix! Screaming Electron Message # 1199. Reply to #1164 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 02:10:32. Read 21 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Just because you cannot discern them does not mean that they have none. I can feelthe love that generates from the number 34. I am it's favorite huma in the entire world. It protects me when it can,and is always nurturing me. I am blessed. Be Seeing You ?? (blesssed be) Message # 1200. Reply to #1166 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 02:12:09. Read 29 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED So you can take advantage of it, and use it to your own ends ?? This brings us closer to a "real" justice system, right ?? Ok, I have it figured out now. Be Seeing You ?? #1200. Message # 1201. Reply to #1174 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 02:13:27. Read 23 Times. From : Number Two To : Ghost Subj : uh RECEIVED She lost her head...... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1202. Reply to #1190 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 11:09:28. Read 26 Times. From : Mojo IV To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED No, whatever gave you that idea? =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug Message # 1203. Reply to #1196 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 13:58:29. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Pi RECEIVED Well, they are necessary for this court, despite the mess they make Message # 1204. Reply to #1199 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 13:59:19. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED I guess I just abuse the love right out of 'em or something... Message # 1205. Reply to #1200 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 14:01:02. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED Yes, emulation! Message # 1206. Reply to #1202 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 14:01:24. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : Mojo IV Subj : Pi RECEIVED Nothing... I guess we'll have to find another... (: Message # 1207. Reply to #1197 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 22:17:24. Read 26 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED You get my point don't you? You can't prove a falsehood... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1208. Reply to #1203 Date: 09/18/93. Time: 22:18:18. Read 22 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : The Music Man Subj : Pi RECEIVED Ahh... Is that one sentence, cleaning up after them, by hand with no tools? þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1209. Reply to #1207 Date: 09/19/93. Time: 03:07:22. Read 22 Times. From : Stranger To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Chat RECEIVED If you're really good, you can. Stranger Message # 1210. Reply to #1204 Date: 09/19/93. Time: 12:16:47. Read 24 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Or maybe they know you will and do not make themselves known unto you?? Perhaps, you are just not empathic enough to pickup the subtle voices they cry out with?? Be Seeing You ?? #1210. Message # 1211. Reply to #1205 Date: 09/19/93. Time: 12:17:56. Read 23 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED I'll have nothing to do with a mockery like that..... Be Seeing You ?? (I am glad Uncle GS is ignoring this farce) Message # 1212. Reply to #1208 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 00:06:45. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Pi RECEIVED We use La Machine. Message # 1213. Reply to #1210 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 00:07:24. Read 23 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED Me? Care about a number? I don't even care about cats!! Message # 1214. Reply to #1211 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 00:07:56. Read 24 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED I suppose you wouldn't/ (would have been fun though, something to do...) oh well ..... Message # 1215. Reply to #1214 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 00:41:34. Read 21 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Well, if you want to try and be real about it (ie innocent until PROVEN guilty), then I would absolutely love to be involved in a trial of some sort. Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1216. Reply to #1215 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 01:13:20. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED Ok. We'll have to find some charges to press against you... Message # 1217. Reply to #1207 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 20:39:12. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Chat RECEIVED YES BUT YOU CAN MAKE A PHONY PROOF THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD THAT IT FOOLS EVERYBODY, MAYBE EVEN YOURSELF. HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. SOME WOULD SAY THAT YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING. SOME WOULD SAY THAT TRUTH AND FALSEHOOD ARE RELATIVE TERMS. C- - - Message # 1218. Reply to #1217 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 22:25:27. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED But, er, what would YOU say? Message # 1219. Reply to #1218 Date: 09/20/93. Time: 22:59:35. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED DOINK! C- - - Message # 1220. Reply to #1216 Date: 09/21/93. Time: 00:21:20. Read 25 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED Do it tough guy....... Be Seeing You ?? #1220. Message # 1221. Reply to #1219 Date: 09/21/93. Time: 16:35:29. Read 22 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED I should have guessed! Message # 1222. Reply to #1220 Date: 09/21/93. Time: 16:35:58. Read 21 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Chat RECEIVED Go ahead, break a rule! Message # 1223. Reply to #1180 Date: 09/21/93. Time: 22:43:35. Read 27 Times. From : Gaviscon Aviscenna To : The Music Man Subj : Chat RECEIVED I, on the other hand, often seem to feel guilty even when I don't believe in any wrongdoing. I think it comes from the unfortunate remanants of years of unsuccessful Catholic brainwashing in my youth. For instance, I feel guilty when I'm bored. I feel guilty when I get my way, even when it's the way everyone else wants. I feel guilty when I watch T.V. Usually, I feel guilty about what I don't do and rarely about what I do. It might have something to do with my morals, I guess, but I don't think I ever feel shame from something that makes me feel guilt. Shame always comes from doing something incorrectly, whereas guilt comes from doing something that a person doesn't think is right. ie: I feel guilt when I don't do something, but I feel shame when I can't do something. Probably just semantics... No matter. Still, guilt is a very illogical thing with me. !!! GAVISCON !!! -=@ Margin Master @=- -I feel guilty that I really didn't write anything interesting. Which makes me feel worse since under my own definitions, I'm supposed to feel shame for that... Message # 1224. Reply to #1223 Date: 09/22/93. Time: 01:26:18. Read 22 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Chat RECEIVED HMM. EVERYBODY HAS AN IDEA ABOUT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GUILT AND SHAME BUT ME. MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE I HAVEN'T HAD THE 'BENEFIT' OF A RELIGIOUS UPBRINGING. OR MAYBE I'M JUST INHUMANLY WEIRD. ANYWAY I LOOKED THEM UP. SHAME: A PAINFUL SENSE OF HAVING DONE SOMETHING WRONG, IMPROPER, OR IMMODEST. GUILT: A FEELING OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR WRONGDOING. SO I GUESS YOU COULD SAY THAT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE WHERE MODESTY IS CONCERNED. C- - - Message # 1225. Reply to #1224 Date: 09/23/93. Time: 07:42:19. Read 20 Times. From : SKURKEY To : HACK MAN Subj : Chat RECEIVED Everyone has a different idea on everything... Message # 1226. Reply to #1201 Date: 09/24/93. Time: 08:40:00. Read 24 Times. From : Ghost To : Number Two Subj : uh RECEIVED Oh, so the best is yet to come? Message # 1227. Reply to #1226 Date: 09/26/93. Time: 06:12:03. Read 20 Times. From : Number Two To : Ghost Subj : uh RECEIVED You'll see Message # 1228. Reply to #1213 Date: 09/26/93. Time: 22:53:09. Read 24 Times. From : Jehan To : The Music Man Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED So what's been happening lately to your neighbor's cat? Message # 1229. Date: 09/29/93. Time: 01:23:50. Read 21 Times. From : Stranger To : Illusory Users Subj : synchro-Nicety Einstein's concept of spherical space, furthermore, suffers from the same defect as the concept of a smoothly or perfectly spherical earth: it rests upon the use of the irrational number, pi. This number has no operational definition; there is no place on any engineer's scale to which one can point and say "This is exactly pi," although these scales are misleadingly marked with such a spot. Pi, in fact, can never be found in the real world, and there are historical and archaeological reasons to believe it was created by a Greek mathematician under the influence of the mind-warping hallucinogenic mushroom Amanita Muscaria. It is pure surrealism. You cannot write pi as a real number; you can only approximate it, as 3.1417 . . . etc . Chemistry knows no such units: three atoms of an element may combine with four atoms of another element, but you will never find pi atoms combining with anything. Quantum physics reveals that an electron may jump three units or four units, but it will not jump pi units. Nor is pi necessary to geometry, as it is sometimes claimed; R. Buckminster Fuller has created an entire geometric system, at least as reliable as that of the ancient Greek dope fiends, in which pi does not appear at all. Space, then, may be slanted or kiltered in various ways, but it cannot be smoothly speherical . . . - - W. Clement Cotex, Ph.D - - The Illuminatus! Trilogy Stranger Message # 1230. Reply to #1229 Date: 09/29/93. Time: 03:49:37. Read 24 Times. From : Number Two To : Stranger Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Hahahaha, it comes full circle. Were you aware that I had posted that here before and it was practically ignored ?? No one wants to hear what they don't believe. Be Seeing You ?? (do you believe now) #1230. Message # 1231. Reply to #1230 Date: 09/29/93. Time: 15:54:13. Read 24 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Number Two Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED SORRY, I DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU SO I CAN'T LISTEN TO WHAT YOU SAID. C- - - Message # 1232. Reply to #1230 Date: 09/29/93. Time: 16:00:34. Read 21 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Actually, I had a premonition that you had posted it, but I couldn't remember ever reading it here. It seemed pertinent enough to be posted. :> Stranger (Actually, I'm neutral on the whole pi thing. I don't really care one way or another....) Message # 1233. Reply to #1231 Date: 09/30/93. Time: 01:53:48. Read 21 Times. From : Number Two To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED and it may hold your fortune........ Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1234. Reply to #1232 Date: 09/30/93. Time: 01:54:24. Read 23 Times. From : Number Two To : Stranger Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED I like Mr. Cotex, and his theories, and should one examine them closely, they might find out more than I have ever cared to know. Perhaps,m you might let this lay, but then again, you may not. I love you, but I am not going to burn for you...... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1235. Reply to #1234 Date: 09/30/93. Time: 02:32:55. Read 26 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED I only wish I knew what you were talking about. Strangger Message # 1236. Reply to #1235 Date: 09/30/93. Time: 08:26:56. Read 27 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED DOES ANYBODY REALLY GNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT? C- - - Message # 1237. Reply to #1236 Date: 09/30/93. Time: 21:31:07. Read 21 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED No, it's not in my job description. Message # 1238. Reply to #1236 Date: 10/01/93. Time: 02:51:25. Read 25 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Who is they? Stranger Message # 1239. Reply to #1238 Date: 10/01/93. Time: 10:32:33. Read 26 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED DOES ANYBODY REALLY GNOW WHO THEY ARE? C- - - Message # 1240. Reply to #1239 Date: 10/01/93. Time: 15:19:26. Read 28 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Does anybody know where they are? #1240. Message # 1241. Reply to #1209 Date: 10/01/93. Time: 18:07:20. Read 21 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Stranger Subj : Chat RECEIVED NO! NO! NO! You can brow-beat someone, but you cna't pprove it!!!! þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ®°±²RMISS²±°¯ Message # 1242. Reply to #1239 Date: 10/01/93. Time: 20:08:51. Read 23 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Don'y you mean who they is? Sranger t Message # 1243. Reply to #1240 Date: 10/02/93. Time: 04:36:58. Read 25 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED DO THEY GNOW WHERE WE ARE? C- - - Message # 1244. Reply to #1243 Date: 10/02/93. Time: 10:41:29. Read 25 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Do we want them to know where we are? Message # 1245. Reply to #1244 Date: 10/02/93. Time: 12:19:09. Read 23 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED DO THEY CARE? C- - - Message # 1246. Reply to #1245 Date: 10/02/93. Time: 23:44:27. Read 23 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Do we want them to care? Message # 1247. Reply to #1246 Date: 10/03/93. Time: 00:10:10. Read 20 Times. From : Stranger To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Are we sure that them is not they? Stranger Message # 1248. Reply to #1246 Date: 10/03/93. Time: 07:05:11. Read 20 Times. From : Ghost To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED They might very well be them. But would they even notice? Message # 1249. Reply to #1246 Date: 10/03/93. Time: 17:08:30. Read 19 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED DO WE CARE WHAT THEY WANT? C- - - Message # 1250. Reply to #1249 Date: 10/03/93. Time: 20:48:30. Read 21 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Are they sure they want it? #1250. Message # 1251. Date: 10/04/93. Time: 23:06:50. Read 29 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : ALL Subj : I realize that I'm asking to be stoned, or shot, but I've always believed in the beauty of E=2.718... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1252. Reply to #1235 Date: 10/04/93. Time: 23:09:16. Read 27 Times. From : Number Two To : Stranger Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Answers are a burden...... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1253. Reply to #1252 Date: 10/07/93. Time: 10:56:32. Read 22 Times. From : Mestira To : Number Two Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Yeah, but thinking of the questions can be a bitch, too... MestiraLaughing Message # 1254. Reply to #1253 Date: 10/07/93. Time: 15:42:43. Read 21 Times. From : Number Two To : Mestira Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Questions are a burdern to others Answers are a burden to one's self Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1255. Reply to #1254 Date: 10/07/93. Time: 15:43:34. Read 22 Times. From : Stranger To : Number Two Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED blah Stranger Message # 1256. Reply to #1254 Date: 10/07/93. Time: 22:56:33. Read 21 Times. From : Mestira To : Number Two Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED No...but I do consider you a burden...just wanted you to know...hehehe... MestiraGonnaGetABowlingBallDroppedOnHisHead Message # 1257. Reply to #1256 Date: 10/08/93. Time: 14:53:34. Read 27 Times. From : Number Two To : Mestira Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED well, I do weigh about 190lbs. I guess that would be a burden, especially if I jumped on you from the top of a 3 story building with both of elbows pointing in your direction and my face skrunched up as I made Hawk noises. Yeah, I guess I am a burden..... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1258. Date: 10/12/93. Time: 16:30:06. Read 42 Times. From : Mojo IV To : all Subj : all Die. Message # 1259. Date: 10/12/93. Time: 16:30:16. Read 29 Times. From : Mojo IV To : ALL Subj : ROUNDING PI!!!! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 Bahahahahahahahah!!! I cannot be defeeted! =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug Message # 1260. Reply to #1258 Date: 10/12/93. Time: 20:44:38. Read 28 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mojo IV Subj : all RECEIVED NOT RIGHT NOW. C- - - #1260. Message # 1261. Reply to #1258 Date: 10/12/93. Time: 21:23:31. Read 27 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Mojo IV Subj : all RECEIVED After you... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® . Message # 1262. Reply to #1258 Date: 10/13/93. Time: 02:02:52. Read 26 Times. From : Number Two To : Mojo IV Subj : all RECEIVED someday Message # 1263. Date: 10/13/93. Time: 18:02:12. Read 30 Times. From : Number Two To : Subj : RECEIVED Okay, I am giving Pi just 3.1 days to vacate this sub and leave it to the rest of the real numbers. Numbers will no longe tolerate your despotism and grandiose undeserved sense of importance. GET OUT !!! GET OUT NOW !!!! signed, Alpha - Omega Message # 1264. Reply to #1263 Date: 10/15/93. Time: 21:33:27. Read 26 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Number Two Subj : RECEIVED You are far more likely to leave... Being 1.1415926ì off... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1265. Reply to #1258 Date: 10/16/93. Time: 22:34:10. Read 40 Times. From : Phoenix To : Mojo IV Subj : all RECEIVED Been there done that Message # 1266. Reply to #1265 Date: 10/16/93. Time: 22:57:55. Read 34 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Phoenix Subj : all RECEIVED Fine... Tell us what death is like... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® .s.s.s.s. s.s.s.s.s Message # 1267. Reply to #1266 Date: 10/17/93. Time: 09:37:00. Read 30 Times. From : Phoenix To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : all RECEIVED Why not find out for yourself. Its not something that can be described in words... Last night my mom came into my room and I was zonked out from doing 4 zolofts 36 hours beforehand, and I was sleeping, so my Serotonin level was like waaaay up. She woke me up and she was all did you get it and I said I could only get 256K or something and she kept saying no the medicine and I kep saying memory. so after a couple of mins shes like WAKE UP WAKE UP and then I was like huh??? Oh yeah its in the car... I dont even remember the conversation but she told me about it. I thank my lucky ass I decided to talk about memory hahahahahahahahah Comments : 1.00=1 Message # 1268. Reply to #1267 Date: 10/17/93. Time: 09:53:14. Read 34 Times. From : SKURKEY To : Phoenix Subj : all RECEIVED Gee.. if that's death.. than I think I've died more times than I can count. Message # 1269. Reply to #1265 Date: 10/17/93. Time: 17:53:28. Read 31 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Phoenix Subj : all RECEIVED Why didn't you buy a summer home? =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug Message # 1270. Reply to #1267 Date: 10/17/93. Time: 22:45:24. Read 34 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Phoenix Subj : all RECEIVED Real programmers/BBSers have keyboard dents in their foreheads! þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® #1270. Message # 1271. Reply to #1268 Date: 10/18/93. Time: 07:07:02. Read 36 Times. From : Phoenix To : SKURKEY Subj : all RECEIVED Nope, just a side bar. Message # 1272. Reply to #275 Date: 10/19/93. Time: 20:01:11. Read 36 Times. From : Number Two To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi RECEIVED oh just stuff it...... Your Pal 2 Message # 1273. Reply to #275 Date: 10/19/93. Time: 21:36:22. Read 53 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : THE MUSIC MAN Subj : Pi RECEIVED Did either of you go to Buena? I heard a teacher mention something like that... Something like ä(1/Ný)? I have a program if anyones interested... þþþ[ACDHA]þþþ ¯°±²RMISS²±°® Message # 1274. Date: 01/03/94. Time: 23:26:31. Read 37 Times. From : Jehan To : all Subj : Three point one four one seven, etc. Comments : Rational=1 Insane=1 Message # 1275. Reply to #1274 Date: 01/04/94. Time: 17:41:58. Read 29 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Jehan Subj : RECEIVED 2^ã is .5998001337 less than 3ã! Acdha Rmiss -Sysop of the CyberSpace Portal, 653-6414 Message # 1276. Reply to #1223 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 20:57:58. Read 30 Times. From : The Music Man To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Chat Actually, it's the result of SUCCESSFUL catholic upbringing... And it makes perfect sense... Message # 1277. Reply to #1228 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:00:41. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Jehan Subj : Message #1000 RECEIVED A local youth decided to run some tests on it... Message # 1278. Reply to #1236 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:03:10. Read 30 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Yes. Message # 1279. Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:03:43. Read 35 Times. From : The Music Man To : All Subj : Calrification Just because I do not disagree with you does not mean that I agree with you. And vice versa... Message # 1280. Reply to #1239 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:04:47. Read 29 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Yes, I am everything. #1280. Message # 1281. Reply to #1240 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:04:56. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Yes, I am everywhere... Message # 1282. Reply to #1243 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:05:25. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Yes, everywhere... Message # 1283. Reply to #1244 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:05:41. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Yes, all the time... Message # 1284. Reply to #1245 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:05:59. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : HACK MAN Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED No, never... Message # 1285. Reply to #1246 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:06:10. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : Ghost Subj : synchro-Nicety RECEIVED Yes, all the time... Message # 1286. Reply to #1251 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:06:57. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : RECEIVED Make up your mind, are you asking to be stoned or shot? Message # 1287. Reply to #1258 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:07:45. Read 29 Times. From : The Music Man To : Mojo IV Subj : all RECEIVED why Message # 1288. Reply to #1266 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:10:12. Read 26 Times. From : The Music Man To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : all RECEIVED Unfeeling... Message # 1289. Reply to #1272 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:13:47. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Number Two Subj : Pi RECEIVED Some numbers get edgy in the presence of a more significant number. I can understand where you are coming from, missing perfection by only 1.14159265358979323846264338387950.......................... Message # 1290. Reply to #1273 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:17:25. Read 28 Times. From : The Music Man To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Pi RECEIVED I am #1290. Message # 1291. Reply to #1274 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 21:18:02. Read 27 Times. From : The Music Man To : Jehan Subj : RECEIVED No, three point one four one five etc... Message # 1292. Reply to #1291 Date: 01/05/94. Time: 23:50:58. Read 25 Times. From : Jehan To : The Music Man Subj : Or the sixteenth letter in the Greek alphabet.... Message # 1293. Reply to #1281 Date: 01/06/94. Time: 07:45:28. Read 26 Times. From : Ghost To : The Music Man Subj : synchro-Nicety Well just don't spread yourself too thin. Message # 1294. Reply to #1286 Date: 01/06/94. Time: 22:48:58. Read 26 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : The Music Man Subj : Ummm, given large amounts of cash? Message # 1295. Reply to #1290 Date: 01/06/94. Time: 22:49:49. Read 28 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : The Music Man Subj : Pi You are a Buena Student? I'm usually in Mr. Brett's room at break or lunch... Message # 1296. Reply to #1289 Date: 01/11/94. Time: 00:00:25. Read 30 Times. From : Number Two To : The Music Man Subj : Pi or insanity..... Be Seeing You ?? Message # 1297. Date: 01/11/94. Time: 23:23:42. Read 35 Times. From : NiP To : all Subj : MIT & Niphtyness. "Cosine, Secant, Tangent, Sine. Three point one four one five nine!" -That's a little something the fans of the MIT football team might be chanting at a game... Message # 1298. Reply to #1297 Date: 01/12/94. Time: 00:37:20. Read 28 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : NiP Subj : MIT & Niphtyness. RECEIVED I believe it is: E to the X, du dx, E to the X dx, Cosine, tangent, secant, sine! 3 point 1 4 1 5 9! Square root, integral, u dv, Slipstick, sliderule, MIT!!! Message # 1299. Reply to #1295 Date: 01/12/94. Time: 01:47:30. Read 28 Times. From : Tasslehoff Burfoot To : Acdha Rmiss Subj : Pi RECEIVED I go to Buena. >The Tazz< --==Obfuscate==-- Message # 1300. Reply to #1299 Date: 01/13/94. Time: 21:40:37. Read 31 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Tasslehoff Burfoot Subj : Pi RECEIVED Hmm, we've been thinking of starting a Buena BBS users meet, etc. Interested? (And yes, there is an ulterior motive: If we get enough people, we could start a club or something, and that looks great on your transcripts, especially if we could get the computer department to fund a BBS, etc...) #1300. Message # 1301. Reply to #1278 Date: 01/14/94. Time: 21:32:52. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Music Man Subj : synchro-Nicety WHAT WERE WE TALKING ABOUT? C- - - Message # 1302. Reply to #1280 Date: 01/14/94. Time: 21:33:12. Read 29 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Music Man Subj : synchro-Nicety DO YOU GNOW WHO YOU AREN'T? C- - - Message # 1303. Date: 01/15/94. Time: 14:52:37. Read 34 Times. From : Mojo IV To : HACK MAN Subj : .... RECEIVED Hump. =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug Message # 1304. Date: 02/10/94. Time: 20:59:44. Read 30 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED j'ai un petit problem. as you may gnow i am in ninth grade and am taking algebra as my math. well, the first day of this class (which begun last or the week before last) the teacher explains a few things: this class is not really an algebra honors class as it is called, and he has never taught an honors class. in actuallity, he explains, the class is an interactive math class with a little more work, and those beloved honors credits. interactive math is the math program that non-honors students participate in. so, we are using the same booklets as the other students and doing the same work. "So what's the problem?" just wait, i'm getting to that. the interactive math prog. (IMP) will be adopted for the entire school next year. the program is like examining some of the principles that are taught in traditional math classes, but doing this "interactively" (i.e. using pinto beans and Elmer's glue). one student upon hearing what this class really was decided just to go ahead to Geometry. some of my group members and i discussed her leaving and thought about this. we found that we have similar goals: to get all the high school credits as soon as possible so we can have some time to take some community college classes (they are offered free to high school students) and get some college credits and find out what we are interested in. "So *what's* the problem, already?" ok, ok. i'm getting there. i've been thinking more seriously about doing the same thing (going to Geometry). today we spent the period (90 minutes) "discovering" that the sum of the angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees. ack! ack! this concept was introduced to me in seventh grade, and funny thing, back then the lady who taught this had *expected* the class to gnow all the things that i am just now "learning". the class is terribly frustrating, but after class i feel "hey, this isn't *that* bad". then the next day in class, i start pulling my hair out again. so, i've decided to talk to the girl who left (and some other students who didn't even bother to try my class) and see what they think of the Geomety class, then possibly talking to my conselor (she gnows me by name, after my meeting w/her about my "Your-friend-the-paragraph" class)... anyways, Acdha, could you tell me (brag if you wish) about your high school math experience? Shay Pas (best darn pinto bean counter on this side o' the moon, i reckon) Message # 1305. Reply to #1304 Date: 02/10/94. Time: 22:11:35. Read 31 Times. From : Mikester To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Math sucks. Get out while you still can. And for God's sake, avoid any math class that doesn't use numbers. (x=2y, and stuff like that) I've never enjoyed a math class, and in high school we were all screwed up by a geometry honors teacher who was just killing time 'til he took off for his high-paying computer job the next year. We didn't learn anything, and that screwed us all up for the next couple years, as each teacher had to teach us the stuff we were supposed to gnow already. It got so bad that, in my senior year, on my Calculus final, I scored a 57%. On the class curve, that was an "A." We were all mathematically disadvantaged. Thank God for calculators. --the Mikester Message # 1306. Reply to #1304 Date: 02/10/94. Time: 23:09:51. Read 28 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Well, I have been lucky enough to avoid that. It seems that their way of helping people meet the standard is by lowering it. My Algebra class was very boring. I'd spend vast amounts of time at middle school, paying no attention, and still telling the teacher how he's wrong. He taught by doing 2 examples on the board, making mistakes in both, and then having us do 50 problems the same way. We used to get the odd ones out of the back of the book, and then I'd split what was left with a friend... Anyway, I encourage you to take math over the summer at a college, like VC. Last summer I took Alg. 2 at VC. 9 weeks, and I got honors credit for the yearly bonehead class. So now I'm in Trig Honors... I think you want out of the math courses you are in... Also, community college classes are free if you are in high school! Message # 1307. Reply to #1305 Date: 02/10/94. Time: 23:13:43. Read 26 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Yes. My fx7700g has saved me quite often. I'd love one of those 486-66 notebooks running MathCAD! Message # 1308. Reply to #1306 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 14:30:34. Read 28 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Shay Pas/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED hold there...they are looking at math from a different perspective, not "lowering the standards". i just think the class is annoying. what was you Alg. II class like? lots o' homework? lots o' students? more interesting than regular school teaching? Shay Pas (thanks for the opinions, you two.) Message # 1309. Reply to #1305 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 16:53:28. Read 29 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I second that!! Math bites.... I mean It might be usefull if you wanted to be some sort of hi level engineer or something AND your batteries were dead in your calculator...... I Remain Message # 1310. Reply to #1305 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 17:29:12. Read 34 Times. From : Jehan To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Hey, don't listen to him. Math is neat. It is the only place I know of where you will ever, in your whole life, maybe even after death, find an absolute right or wrong answer. And the really neat thing about math is that that is the language of the universe, expressed in Physics, so maybe it is even God's mothertongue. And the only Math I've ever been able to do, slowly and with step by step directions, is the kind without numbers, unfortunately. In fact the Farmer's rule for me is have checkbook? USE CALCULATOR! But I still love it. (Have to. The Farmer got really excited about the last earthquake because the gravity waves picked up by something or another stationed around the SF Valley measured from +.4 to +1.8 gravities during the quake and it wasn't supposed to be able to do that. I don't know why not.) So mess around in it all you want. After all, unlike paint, numbers do not need to be washed out of your clothes. #1310. Message # 1311. Reply to #1310 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 18:20:09. Read 30 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED that one equation that proves 1=2 shook my faith in them there higher maths. i remember, i read this one sci-fi story about a brilliant lady physicist who made the discovery that the very basis of math was totally incorrect. Math was her life, her being. Needless to say, she became insane and locked herself up trying to dis-prove her initial discovery. ...wonder how many people have locked themselves up and gone insane because of math... you reminded me of the tagline: God said "E=mcý" and there was light! sure, sometimes math is nifty. you can do the homework while watching t.v. but this paticualar class in not nifty, that's all. Shay Pas ("unlike paint..." hahaha! what a very quotable statement!) Message # 1312. Reply to #1310 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 21:49:39. Read 27 Times. From : Zoloft To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Math is God's mothertoungue. I know this, I looked into the Big Fractal myself. Message # 1313. Reply to #1312 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 22:27:52. Read 28 Times. From : Stranger To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/Zoloft Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Nope, math is mental masturbation for smart people. Silence is God's mothertongue. I gnow this, for I havelooked at The Big Thing. Stranger Message # 1314. Reply to #1310 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 23:26:04. Read 27 Times. From : Mikester To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Math. BAH! I expectorate upon it. But in a polite way, of course. I suppose math IS cut and dried...if you do it right. And therein lies my problem. Give me a good old fashioned essay question anyday, where I can fake the answer if I don't gnow it. --the Mikester Message # 1315. Reply to #1311 Date: 02/11/94. Time: 23:27:47. Read 28 Times. From : Mikester To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED You reminded me of a story by Asimov, where, in a future where everyone is so dependent on calculators to do math, a man who can do math on paper is hailed as a supergenius. The upshot of this story, of course, is that the military finds a way to use this incredible ability of this man to make better weapons. --the Mikester Message # 1316. Reply to #1310 Date: 02/12/94. Time: 18:17:31. Read 27 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED They ought to dispense with math in school and teach "how to use a calculator"..... I REmain Message # 1317. Reply to #1314 Date: 02/12/94. Time: 18:20:05. Read 27 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Jehan/Mikester Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED That's the point though isn't it.... MATH is not cut and dry... That's what people thought until ole albert came along..... I Remain Message # 1318. Reply to #1316 Date: 02/12/94. Time: 22:57:01. Read 30 Times. From : Jehan To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Yeah? Well, what are you guyz going to use on a cloudy day? (Ha. And I bet you can't even do a square root using only a pencil and paper. So along comes a really cloudy day and you will all run out of square root beer. So there.) Message # 1319. Reply to #1308 Date: 02/12/94. Time: 23:36:43. Read 28 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED No Homework! More interesting, and 16 3« hour classes. I like it... Message # 1320. Reply to #1310 Date: 02/12/94. Time: 23:37:58. Read 25 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Hmmm. Have you heard of Quicken? #1320. Message # 1321. Reply to #1311 Date: 02/12/94. Time: 23:38:26. Read 26 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Just remember that a black hole is where God divided by zero... And God said: E = «mvý - Zeý/r, and there was light. Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 1322. Reply to #1317 Date: 02/12/94. Time: 23:40:53. Read 29 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Jehan/Mikester/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Yeah. I first became convinced of the interesting points upon hearing about topology. Then fractals... Message # 1323. Reply to #1318 Date: 02/13/94. Time: 10:57:08. Read 28 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED YA so..... I dont do anything on cloudy days.... Let alone try to figures root beer probs...... They make me burp.. I REmain Message # 1324. Reply to #1319 Date: 02/13/94. Time: 12:29:35. Read 26 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Shay Pas/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED No Homework!: You said the magic words! 16 3« hour classes: Yowzers! (well, better than half a year of 1« hour classes) Shay Pas (this is definitely something i will think about.) Message # 1325. Reply to #1323 Date: 02/13/94. Time: 17:28:38. Read 29 Times. From : Jehan To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Aha! A fair weather fiend, no doubt. Message # 1326. Date: 02/13/94. Time: 18:27:49. Read 26 Times. From : Mojo IV To : all/Stranger Subj : all RECEIVED Power! Message # 1327. Reply to #1324 Date: 02/13/94. Time: 22:34:15. Read 26 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Yes, and its at night-- 6 to 9:30 (remember, the 30 minutes of break...) Message # 1329. Reply to #1323 Date: 02/14/94. Time: 08:08:44. Read 24 Times. From : Ghost To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Quyatt Burp was a famous figure in the Old West. He was a lawman and the propieter of a local well-known pizza parlor. One day, he and his friends met the neighborhood bullies at, yes, a church chorale, and indulged in a little subtraction. The moral of the story is: never forget the practical applications of mathematics, be they schematic, thematic, pragmatic, or problematic! Message # 1330. Reply to #1313 Date: 02/14/94. Time: 12:29:18. Read 26 Times. From : Zoloft To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/Zoloft/Stranger Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I *saw* the fractal nature of the universe for myself. Then a cop from the intergalactic police pulled the planet over for exceeding the speed of light and the oceans changed back to normal waves. #1330. Message # 1331. Reply to #1315 Date: 02/14/94. Time: 12:30:50. Read 28 Times. From : Zoloft To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Jehan/Shay Pas/Mikester Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I read that! The Human Missile... hahah Message # 1332. Reply to #1318 Date: 02/14/94. Time: 12:31:15. Read 28 Times. From : Zoloft To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Solar calc's work on cloudy power. those things are running on so little juice nowadays Message # 1333. Reply to #1325 Date: 02/14/94. Time: 15:19:07. Read 28 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED No just a fiend .... and A fine one non-the-less......... I REmain Message # 1334. Reply to #1331 Date: 02/14/94. Time: 23:11:58. Read 27 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Jehan/Shay Pas/Mikester/Zoloft Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED its one way to stop overpopulation... Message # 1335. Reply to #1332 Date: 02/14/94. Time: 23:12:21. Read 31 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan/Zoloft Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I bet you could run one off of a lemon juice/zinc/copper setup... Message # 1336. Reply to #1333 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 13:18:50. Read 30 Times. From : Ghost To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED A fine feathered fiend will see thee anon. Message # 1337. Reply to #1336 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 16:00:26. Read 30 Times. From : Mojo IV To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED <> =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug ALL HAIL DISCORDIA! Message # 1338. Reply to #1337 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 17:48:01. Read 28 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost/Mojo IV Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED YEE-HAW! Shay Pas Message # 1339. Reply to #1335 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 20:31:53. Read 24 Times. From : KEN To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan/Zoloft/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Or maybe potateos or urine or water or blood or incandescent lamps or sun lamps or charcoal..... I REmain Message # 1340. Reply to #1336 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 20:32:56. Read 22 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I've never seen an anon, have any of you peoples???? I REmain #1340. Message # 1341. Reply to #1337 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 20:33:36. Read 23 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost/Mojo IV Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED <> I REmain Message # 1343. Reply to #1338 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 20:34:53. Read 22 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost/Mojo IV/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Feeling alittle strange tonight are we Shay Pas, or perhaps maybe a little countryish? I REmain Message # 1344. Reply to #1335 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 20:41:25. Read 25 Times. From : Zoloft To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan/Zoloft/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Its been done already!!! hahah I need a way to run an Apple 2E or something that I HAVE off of CAR POWER so that I can get myself some more validated accounts on the Fun Zone from payphones (I've already used my home number for validating...) Message # 1345. Reply to #1340 Date: 02/15/94. Time: 22:45:58. Read 23 Times. From : Jehan To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/Ghost/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED When I was a kid and sent to parochial school, Our Lady of Perpetual Gloom, anon taught me many bad habits. Message # 1346. Reply to #1344 Date: 02/16/94. Time: 10:12:57. Read 25 Times. From : KEN To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan/Acdha Rmiss/Zoloft Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Why dont you get a car electrical converter, you gnow like they have for R.V.'s.. I REmain Message # 1347. Reply to #1345 Date: 02/16/94. Time: 10:13:53. Read 26 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Ghost/KEN/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Aaaah, a catholic girl... must of us guys gnow that catholic girls are more fun.. no wonder you had an accident in a tent... :)' I REmain Message # 1348. Reply to #1338 Date: 02/16/94. Time: 10:27:40. Read 30 Times. From : Mojo IV To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost/Mojo IV/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Swing your partner, Dosie-Do Rape the chicken And Promenade!!! =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug ALL HAIL DISCORDIA! Message # 1349. Reply to #1348 Date: 02/16/94. Time: 14:48:40. Read 26 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost/Shay Pas/Mojo IV Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Well... at least you're not rapping..... :) I REmain Message # 1350. Reply to #1348 Date: 02/16/94. Time: 15:11:09. Read 30 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost/Shay Pas/Mojo IV Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Don't make a fart a stinky-winky fart i just don't think that it'll land and if you make a fart a stinky-winky fart you might just blow up and kill this land. Shay Pas (it's YEE-HAW! week in m'head! YEEEEEE-HAAAAWWW!) #1350. Message # 1351. Reply to #1350 Date: 02/16/94. Time: 19:14:08. Read 29 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/KEN/Ghost/Mojo IV/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED YOU are having a terrible week aren't you.. I REmain Message # 1352. Reply to #1347 Date: 02/16/94. Time: 20:34:13. Read 27 Times. From : Jehan To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Ghost/Jehan/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Well, it was a happy accident, just waiting to happen. Message # 1353. Reply to #1352 Date: 02/17/94. Time: 13:35:09. Read 26 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Ghost/KEN/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I'll bet.... :)' I REmain Message # 1354. Reply to #1351 Date: 02/17/94. Time: 15:15:46. Read 30 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/Ghost/Mojo IV/Shay Pas/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED kinda sorta it's just--YEE-HAW!--dragging on and on. YEE-HAW! i can't walk yery yell as we've been running too much in P.E. the days have no designation, but they still feel like Fridaies :) can't wait for the weekend. Shay Pas (yeehaw. i no express in complete thoughts, maybe no.) Message # 1355. Reply to #1344 Date: 02/18/94. Time: 00:08:41. Read 31 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan/Acdha Rmiss/Zoloft Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Hmmm. Try leaching a laptop.../S Message # 1356. Reply to #1354 Date: 02/18/94. Time: 14:13:37. Read 30 Times. From : KEN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Mikester/Jehan/Ghost/Mojo IV/KEN/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED MY GOD>>>> you ARE turning country.... Quick get her a speed metal fix.. I REmain Message # 1357. Reply to #1346 Date: 02/19/94. Time: 20:56:30. Read 27 Times. From : Zoloft To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/Acdha Rmiss/Zoloft/KEN Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED PSHAW! those are expensive... besides its easier to go from 12VDC to 24VCD and bypass the apple's power supply :) Message # 1358. Reply to #1355 Date: 02/19/94. Time: 20:57:55. Read 26 Times. From : Zoloft To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan/Zoloft/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I WISH! Message # 1359. Date: 02/19/94. Time: 21:45:20. Read 36 Times. From : Dylord To : All Subj : WoW! 1.5 Millon PI Hey look! I found an FTP site that has PI calculated up to 1.5 Million Digits! It's A HUGE FILE! 600K! the FTP Site is : /doc/misc/pi/ Hope you like it. Message # 1360. Reply to #1310 Date: 02/20/94. Time: 17:36:59. Read 32 Times. From : HACK MAN To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED OH NO! YOU MEAN THE GRAVITY DETECTOR WENT OFF?? THAT MEANS THAT THE ALIENS FROM JHVH-1 ARE CAUSING THE EARTHQUAKES. C- - - #1360. Message # 1361. Reply to #1359 Date: 02/21/94. Time: 17:58:37. Read 33 Times. From : Zoloft To : Dylord Subj : WoW! 1.5 Millon PI RECEIVED Cool! I'll upload/download it to here sometime MAYBE Message # 1362. Reply to #1361 Date: 02/22/94. Time: 16:13:53. Read 35 Times. From : Dylord To : Zoloft Subj : WoW! 1.5 Millon PI RECEIVED At least don't post it. Message # 1363. Reply to #1335 Date: 02/28/94. Time: 02:34:31. Read 33 Times. From : YellowBeard To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/KEN/Jehan/Zoloft/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Yeah, but you'd be hatin' life if it spills in your pocket!! YelloWeird Message # 1364. Reply to #1304 Date: 02/28/94. Time: 02:35:07. Read 30 Times. From : YellowBeard To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED I'm not so sure I get it... just what IS interactive math? First, I can understand your frustration.... I do gnow however, that in most math classes, you will have to spend a certain amount of time reviewing old material... unless you use it a lot, most higher math is easily forgotten. When I was in HS and Jr. High, I took Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II... I wish I had gone on to Trig. and Calculus... I seem to need it now that I'm doing programming that requires gnowledge of physics, statistics, and other certain engineering stuff... Anyway, I hated the homework, but it has to be done to really learn it. I don't think I really learned to like math until I got into programming graphics and stuff. Once I could see with a computer what was really happening, it was much easier to visualize the concepts... So anyway, what IS interactive math? If it holds you back, go for a more traditional class (I mean one that teaches in a more traditional way...) YB Message # 1366. Reply to #1364 Date: 02/28/94. Time: 15:53:31. Read 32 Times. From : Shay Pas To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/YellowBeard Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED interacitve math is hard to describe... we do things the extra long way. instance: we are currently studying probability. today the class flipped pennies 50 times each in order to discover that "Hey, our feelings don't really have an effect on wheter its heads or tails!". The key word in interactive mathematics is "discover" ("can you say "discover"?...good, i gnew you could."). Despite the frustration, i decided to stay. 'tis a bit late to switch to Geometry and if some of the other students [who gnow that feelings don't influence pennies] can handle it, then Dagnabit! so can i! also, by next year, the whole school will be using pinto beans (i.e. no more traditional classes). Most homework (i say "most" 'cause i do gnow some of the homework assignments are important) is silly. my classmates are fun. this one brain has a quick mouth. she helps relieve some class frustration...most groups can get the cheesy stuff done and have time to do something constructive (talk, joke, make pinto sculptures...) Shay Pas ("I messed up your didn't say 'pen up'" --Ozzy, said after completing a Human Logo Turtle assignment [I kid you not!]) Message # 1367 -- Private. Message # 1368. Date: 03/13/94. Time: 09:58:04. Read 60 Times. From : Mikester To : All Subj : Birthday PERMIFIED It's my party, and I'll PI if I want to. --the Mikester Comments : 3.14159265=1 PROMOTE ME=17 Message # 1369. Reply to #1368 Date: 03/13/94. Time: 10:31:20. Read 30 Times. From : Dylord To : Mikester Subj : Birthday RECEIVED Hey, Now. Hey, Now. I'm gettin' old. Message # 1370. Reply to #1368 Date: 03/13/94. Time: 13:12:00. Read 28 Times. From : NiP To : Mikester Subj : Birthday RECEIVED Pi is nothing compared to e. logarithms with a base Pi should be called Bogarithms... #1370. Message # 1371. Reply to #1370 Date: 03/13/94. Time: 18:49:17. Read 29 Times. From : Mikester To : NiP Subj : Birthday RECEIVED Ha! Pi can beat up e any day of the week! --the Mikester but they both bow down before the square root of -1 Message # 1372. Reply to #1368 Date: 03/14/94. Time: 13:56:45. Read 30 Times. From : KEN To : Mikester Subj : Birthday RECEIVED HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REmain Message # 1373. Reply to #1372 Date: 03/14/94. Time: 20:48:34. Read 31 Times. From : Mikester To : KEN Subj : Birthday RECEIVED Tenk oo. --the Mikester Message # 1374. Reply to #1373 Date: 03/16/94. Time: 16:24:29. Read 31 Times. From : KEN To : Mikester Subj : Birthday RECEIVED Yor vel comb I REmain Message # 1375. Date: 03/20/94. Time: 00:07:23. Read 29 Times. From : Jinxed To : anyonethe pi guy Subj : this sub What is this sub about? Message # 1376. Reply to #1375 Date: 03/20/94. Time: 10:07:14. Read 30 Times. From : Dylord To : Jinxed Subj : this sub RECEIVED It's about PI. PI but you can't Square. Message # 1377. Reply to #1310 Date: 03/21/94. Time: 02:41:01. Read 30 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Well, speaking for myself, someone who is mathmatically crippled, I wish that I had taken more math in school. Unfortunately, through some weird mixup in high school, it wasn't discovered that I hadn't taken any math at all until the end of the first semester my senior year. And then, I had to take bonehead math. Math for idiots or something. I got an A, and actually I was amazed at how much I gnew but I hated it at the time. Then I grew up to become a bookkeeper and have been doing accounting for 15 years now. My specialty is going to companies that are transfering their accounting systems over to computer and trouble-shooting for them. Especially fun to me is setting up future-year operating budgets. What I really regret is not gnowing more math. I feel like a lost person in a universe that uses math as a roadmap. I miss out on so much. If I had it to do all over again... I did buy an Algebra program for my computer. I don't use it often because I hate having to ask YB to help me all the time. Message # 1378. Reply to #1322 Date: 03/21/94. Time: 02:41:15. Read 30 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : all/Shay Pas/Jehan/Mikester/KEN/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED YB had a nightmare once and he was talking in his sleep, saying: "Fractals don't work." I woke him up and told him that, of course Fraggles don't work, Do-sers do. I am not older and wiser and gnow what fractals are.... Message # 1379. Reply to #1377 Date: 03/21/94. Time: 22:26:14. Read 30 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Acdha Rmiss/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/Arwen Undomiel Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Its a good thing you don't program. You'd be the quadraplegic at the olympics! Message # 1380. Reply to #1378 Date: 03/21/94. Time: 22:26:59. Read 29 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all/Shay Pas/Jehan/Mikester/KEN/Acdha Rmiss/Arwen Undomiel Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Oh. They are fantastic graphs of functions. Part of chaos theory. Anyway, if you want to really find out, call a local BBS, and look for Fractint. Version 18 is that latest. Its also on Compu$erv #1380. Message # 1381. Reply to #1379 Date: 03/21/94. Time: 23:13:42. Read 34 Times. From : Jehan To : all/Shay Pas/Mikester/Jehan/Arwen Undomiel/Acdha Rmiss Subj : i'd rather fart. RECEIVED Like Stephan Hawkings? Message # 1382. Date: 04/06/94. Time: 23:49:22. Read 37 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : All Subj : 3. i propose that the pi room become the New anti-posters' democracy as it has taken no new posts for the past seventy-three quadzillion eolimps. anyone second? kilgore Message # 1383. Reply to #1382 Date: 04/07/94. Time: 10:17:19. Read 30 Times. From : Ghost To : Kilgore Trout Subj : 3. RECEIVED IF I could post on the Courtroom, though I can't, I would propose an action before the bar for that little heresy. Beware when you take the name of pi in vein. Message # 1384. Reply to #1383 Date: 04/07/94. Time: 14:02:05. Read 27 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Ghost Subj : 3. RECEIVED you pinationalist. kilgore burn, baby burn Message # 1385. Reply to #1384 Date: 04/07/94. Time: 15:51:05. Read 27 Times. From : Shay Pas To : Kilgore Trout Subj : 3. RECEIVED ...Disco FEE-VUUR! Shay Pas Message # 1386. Date: 04/07/94. Time: 17:22:09. Read 34 Times. From : Dylord To : All Subj : I have to memorize the wrong first 10 digits of PI. 7\22 is not even close to PI. Not fair. I'll show Mrs. Abbit. i'll get out that 1.5 Million digits of PI and show her how hard it really is to grade a math test. BWHAHA. Message # 1387. Reply to #1386 Date: 04/07/94. Time: 21:00:13. Read 29 Times. From : Dylord To : Dylord Subj : RECEIVED In that message I meant 22\7. Sorry. Message # 1388. Reply to #1384 Date: 04/08/94. Time: 10:26:33. Read 28 Times. From : Ghost To : Kilgore Trout Subj : 3. RECEIVED Guess I'll just pine away. Message # 1389. Reply to #1386 Date: 04/08/94. Time: 20:15:48. Read 30 Times. From : Gizmo To : Dylord Subj : RECEIVED From memory: 3.14159265358979323 I used to have the first FIFTY memorized. Gaviscon memorized some amazing number like 150+ digits!! Ten is EASY. Just remember it as the fractional equivilant: 31416926535 ----------- 10000000000 No problem!!! Message # 1391. Reply to #1389 Date: 04/10/94. Time: 23:52:56. Read 28 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Gizmo Subj : RECEIVED Did he go to Buena? Some teacher mentioned that. Message # 1392. Date: 04/14/94. Time: 00:56:17. Read 34 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Everybody Subj : * save post 3142 for me kilgore Message # 1393. Reply to #1392 Date: 04/14/94. Time: 09:45:21. Read 29 Times. From : Gizmo To : Kilgore Trout Subj : * RECEIVED I want posts 1691 and 1961 because they are themselves upside down Comments : Irrational=1 Message # 1394. Reply to #1392 Date: 04/14/94. Time: 20:15:36. Read 30 Times. From : Dylord To : Kilgore Trout Subj : * RECEIVED Cool. How did you do that? Message # 1395. Reply to #1394 Date: 04/14/94. Time: 21:53:09. Read 25 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Dylord Subj : * RECEIVED Ask the concierge. He can do anything. Oxnardus Message # 1396. Reply to #1395 Date: 04/14/94. Time: 22:58:13. Read 25 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Oxnardus Subj : * RECEIVED ..except answer for himself.... kilgore Message # 1397. Reply to #1396 Date: 04/15/94. Time: 10:02:46. Read 25 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Kilgore Trout Subj : * RECEIVED True, only a concierge's concierge can do that. Oxnardus Message # 1398. Date: 04/18/94. Time: 17:03:07. Read 32 Times. From : Oxnardus To : ALL Subj : HUngry When ever I pass thru this sub, i get hungry. Oxnardus Message # 1399. Reply to #1398 Date: 04/19/94. Time: 17:20:13. Read 29 Times. From : Shay Pas To : Oxnardus Subj : HUngry RECEIVED pi Oxnardus BULLSEYE! Message # 1400. Reply to #1399 Date: 04/19/94. Time: 22:58:15. Read 34 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Shay Pas Subj : HUngry RECEIVED I'd kick you but my shoes are longer that my height. Call is a pi peculiarity. Oxnardus #1400. Message # 1401. Date: 04/20/94. Time: 19:23:35. Read 35 Times. From : Dylord To : All Subj : What! What is the Equasion to find PI? -=Dylord=- (In other words, What is the orgin of "The PI Guy".) Message # 1402. Reply to #1401 Date: 04/20/94. Time: 22:42:20. Read 27 Times. From : Shay Pas To : Dylord Subj : What! RECEIVED take a left on Rice, keep watching for a big sign that says Marie Calander's... 'member this all has to do with circles and geometry stuff. 'tis been awhile since i've had this stuff (heh, deemed "completely useless in 7th i'm learning stuff that should be useful but instead i find a use for the stuff that was formerly deemed completely useless and the stuff that should be useful is the only mathmatic stuff that is fresh, so this is de memoir) the circumfrance of a circle is found by multiplying pi and the radius of that circle squared. could be c=pi2r, but the rythym of C=ãrý feels right. but i don't have any numbers of the top of m'head that would fit well into that equation... anyways, since C=ãrý and we're looking to put ã alone on one side of the equation and don't feel like telling you step by step how to do that, i will just say: ã=C/rý Shay Pas (avoiding one-liners like no-one has avoided before...) Message # 1403. Date: 04/21/94. Time: 00:42:08. Read 26 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Everybody Subj : hmm 1 is a beautiful number 2 is spectacular too 3 is a wonder of wonders and 4 means kilgore Comments : Natural=1 Message # 1404. Reply to #1402 Date: 04/21/94. Time: 16:12:31. Read 27 Times. From : Dylord To : Shay Pas Subj : What! RECEIVED But I belive that the formula for Curcumfreance is C=D*PI. Area is A=PI*R^2. -=Dylord=- (Besides, Where could I find a good Curcumfrance) Message # 1405. Reply to #1404 Date: 04/21/94. Time: 19:03:38. Read 27 Times. From : Shay Pas To : Dylord Subj : What! RECEIVED ahhhh! ok, so i promoted a 2. i don't gnow a good circumfrance and i also don't gnow why the stinkers who do gnow a good C and have the time to answer this won't tell you either. Shay Pas Message # 1406. Reply to #1405 Date: 04/22/94. Time: 16:04:27. Read 27 Times. From : Dylord To : Shay Pas Subj : What! RECEIVED Uhh, Right. Message # 1407. Date: 04/24/94. Time: 21:26:11. Read 37 Times. From : Oxnardus To : ALL Subj : Bean pie I had my first piece of bean pie today. Oxnardus Message # 1408. Reply to #1401 Date: 04/25/94. Time: 12:25:20. Read 32 Times. From : Gizmo To : Dylord Subj : What! RECEIVED n=oo ---- \ 4 4 __ / 4n+1 4n+3 ---- n=0 Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 1409. Reply to #1408 Date: 04/25/94. Time: 16:45:02. Read 33 Times. From : Dylord To : Gizmo Subj : What! Ummmm, Would you care to explain? Message # 1410. Reply to #1409 Date: 04/25/94. Time: 23:24:03. Read 32 Times. From : Mikester To : Dylord Subj : What! RECEIVED You mean, you don't get it? I thought it was obvious.... --the Mikester #1410. Message # 1411. Reply to #1410 Date: 04/26/94. Time: 15:49:19. Read 28 Times. From : Dylord To : Mikester Subj : What! RECEIVED That's just because you have been exposed to Taco Bells Radiation for too long. Don't worry I can see that it is going away. Message # 1412. Reply to #1408 Date: 04/26/94. Time: 23:12:54. Read 26 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : Gizmo Subj : What! Thats one of many. I think there was some relation between that and n=ì ä 1 n=0 - =ã/(something, maybe 2) ný According to Von Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia: Consider the differential equation dýx --- = -x dtý with initial conditions x(0)=1, dx ³ -- ³ =0, dt ³0 The time taken for it to reach its opposite extreme position (That is, the smallest positive value for t for which dx/dt=0) is ã or 3.141592653589793. Some ancient values for ã: Babylon: 25/8= 3.125 Egypt: 256/81=3.16049 Greece: 22/7= 3.1428 China: 355/113=3.141592920 India: û10=3.162277 USER LOGGED OFF Message # 1413. Date: 04/28/94. Time: 22:27:50. Read 34 Times. From : Acdha Rmiss To : all Subj : More PI! First, ã=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972... Appears in many parts of physics, including Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism. ã/4=1-(1/3)+(1/5)-(1/7)+(1/9)... ãý/6=1/1ý+1/2ý+1/3ý+1/4ý... Buffon needle problem: Use a wood floor, with parallel strips of wood 3" wide. What is the probability that a 3" needle dropped at random will land on 2 strips of wood (ie, crosses the line)? 2/ã Message # 1414. Reply to #1409 Date: 05/07/94. Time: 21:31:01. Read 33 Times. From : NiP To : Dylord Subj : What! RECEIVED ISN'T IT OBVIOUS?!! sheesh... Message # 1415. Reply to #1414 Date: 05/08/94. Time: 16:34:11. Read 29 Times. From : Dylord To : NiP Subj : What! RECEIVED Well yea, in a way. Message # 1416. Date: 05/17/94. Time: 10:02:37. Read 33 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : ANCIENT EGYPTIANS & PI I SAW AN INTERESTING TV SHOW ON THE LEARNING CHANNEL YESTERDAY. IT IS NOT GNOWN IF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS GNEW ABOUT PI, HOWEVER I THINK THEY DID AND THEY THOUGHT IT WAS = 3 (JUST LIKE IT SAYS IN THE BIBLE). THEY SHOWED A VERY SENSIBLE AND LOW TECH WAY THAT THE EGYPTIANS COULD HAVE BUILT THE PYRAMIDS USING PI AND CIRCLES. AND THEY PROBABLY DID IT THIS WAY. THE HOST ASSUMED THAT THE FIRST THING YOU WOULD DO IS DECIDE HOW TALL YOU WANT YOUR PYRAMID TO BE. THEN YOU MAKE YOUR BASE HALF AS WIDE. LETS SAY YOU WANT A 420 CUBIT TALL PYRAMID (I FORGET WHICH ONE THEY WERE USING AS AN EXAMPLE. POSSIBLY THE LUXOR (IN EGYPT NOT VEGAS.)). THAT WOULD BE ABOUT 210 CUBITS WIDE. NOW YOU CAN MEASURE THIS DISTANCE ALMOST TO WITHIN TWO DIGITS IF YOU JUST TAKE A 1 CUBIT WIDE WHEEL AND WALK ALONG THE GROUND FOR 70 REVOLUTIONS. (YOU WOULD PROBABLY STRETCH ALONG A PIECE OF ROPE TO MAKE SURE YOU WERE WALKING IN A STRAIGHT LINE.) YOUR MEASUREMENTS WILL BE SLIGHTLY OFF BECAUSE THE WHEEL IS ACTUALLY 3.14159265 ECT CUBITS IN CIRCUMFERENCE AND NOT EXACTLY 3. HOWEVER, IF YOU APPLY THE PI=3 RULE TO YOUR ENTIRE PYRAMID STRUCTURE YOU WILL END UP WITH A PERFECTLY BUILT PYRAMID THAT IS OFF ONLY SO SLIGHTLY THAT YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO TELL WITHOUT MODERN INSTRUMENTS. THE CHAPS ON THIS SHOW DID MEASURE IT WITH MODERN INSTRUMENTS AND DISCOVERED THAT IF THEY HAD BUILT THE SAME PYRAMID USING THIS TECHNIQUE THAT THEY SUGGEST THEN THE WIDTH OF THE PYRAMID WOULD BE EXACTLY THE SAME DOWN TO THE THIRD DIGIT OF ACCURACY. THIS SUGGESTS THAT THEY HAVE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. (NOWADAYS SINCE WE GNOW MORE ABOUT PI WE WOULD PROBABLY MEASURE OUT 66.8 REVOLUTIONS OF THE WHEEL IN ORDER TO MAKE A STRUCTURE THAT WAS EXACTLY BASED ON A RIGHT ANGLE PYRAMID. BUT THEY DIDN'T THEY USED 70 REVOLUTIONS INSTEAD.) THIS METHOD COULD PROBABLY BE USED TO MEASURE OUT EACH SUCESSIVE LAYER OF THE PYRAMID, MAKING SURE THAT IT WAS THE EXACT PROPER PROPORTION WHEN COMPARED TO THE LAYER BELOW AND ABOVE. THIS SIMPLE TECHNIQUE REQUIRES NO TRIGENOMETRY AND NO FRACTIONS AND YET IT CAN CREATE AN INCREDIBLY PRECISE STRUCTURE THAT IS PRETTY MUCH BASED ON PI (LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO THINK THE PYRAMIDS WERE DESIGNED BY ALIENS LIKE TO POINT OUT.) BECAUSE WHEELS WERE USED TO MEASURE IT. C- - - Message # 1417. Reply to #1416 Date: 05/17/94. Time: 20:40:01. Read 38 Times. From : Mikester To : HACK MAN Subj : ANCIENT EGYPTIANS & PI RECEIVED I saw a book on the Barnes and Noble bargain shelves about the history of Pi, but I couldn't scrape together the $3.14 to buy it. (Actually, I flipped through it -- not exactly the most exciting of reading.) --the Mikester Message # 1418. Reply to #1417 Date: 05/17/94. Time: 22:54:24. Read 29 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Mikester Subj : ANCIENT EGYPTIANS & PI RECEIVED Did they mention anything about apples or cherries? Oxnardus Message # 1419. Date: 05/18/94. Time: 02:42:54. Read 35 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : PI IN CASE YOU ARE INTERESTED YOU CAN NOW DOWNLOAD PI TO ONE MILLION PLACES. IT'S IN THE "TEXT" DOWNLOAD AREA UNDER PI1MIL10.ZIP C- - - Message # 1420. Reply to #1417 Date: 05/27/94. Time: 02:33:22. Read 37 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Mikester Subj : ANCIENT EGYPTIANS & PI RECEIVED being a recent inductee into the barnes & noble family i noticed that there are actually 3 books (give or take .1415) on the subject of pi. i was flipping through one of them late one night (i work graveyard) and i think they rounded off USER ROUNDED OFF Comments : 3.10=1 3.1415=1 Natural=23 Irrational=42 Insane=1 #1420. Message # 1421. Date: 05/28/94. Time: 13:52:15. Read 34 Times. From : Stranger To : piguys Subj : uh Pi is just a figment of a figment of a figment, and we gnow what that means---- kumquatment isn't too far away. Stranger eating apart newtons and lolling Message # 1423. Reply to #1422 Date: 06/10/94. Time: 20:32:29. Read 33 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Frogie Man Subj : my sub RECEIVED I am looking for political asylum. Also, have fun in the BOg. Generalismo Oxnardus Message # 1424. Reply to #1422 Date: 06/10/94. Time: 22:39:56. Read 32 Times. From : Stranger To : Frogie Man Subj : my sub RECEIVED Gaviscon Aviscenna will be very very unhappy to hear that you don't believe in him. Stranger Message # 1425. Reply to #1423 Date: 06/11/94. Time: 17:54:25. Read 29 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Oxnardus Subj : my sub RECEIVED Granted. Frogie Man what about the BOg? =) =) =) Message # 1426. Reply to #1424 Date: 06/11/94. Time: 17:55:01. Read 29 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Stranger Subj : my sub RECEIVED I haven't heard of him 'nether. Frogie Man Message # 1428. Reply to #1427 Date: 06/11/94. Time: 17:57:17. Read 28 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Frogie Man Subj : RECEIVED How did you find about my quest? But yes you may join me. You will be my second in command. Together we will rule. Frogie Man Message # 1429. Reply to #1428 Date: 06/11/94. Time: 17:58:21. Read 29 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Frogie Man Subj : RECEIVED We seem very similar, I sugest that we merge into one being, so as to increase both of our powers, what do you say? Froig Man Comments : Insane=1 Message # 1430. Reply to #1429 Date: 06/11/94. Time: 17:59:15. Read 28 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Frogie Man Subj : RECEIVED Hey buddy, I don't gnow anything about you. Lets just keep you second in command for now, okay? Frogie Man #1430. Message # 1431. Reply to #1430 Date: 06/11/94. Time: 18:00:07. Read 28 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Frogie Man Subj : RECEIVED Well, okay. Frogie Man Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 1432. Reply to #1407 Date: 06/12/94. Time: 01:39:16. Read 27 Times. From : Arwen Undomiel To : Oxnardus Subj : Bean pie RECEIVED Yes, but how was it? Message # 1433. Reply to #1426 Date: 06/12/94. Time: 02:01:33. Read 28 Times. From : Stranger To : Frogie Man Subj : my sub RECEIVED Gaviscon IS the Pi Guy. Stranger Message # 1434. Date: 06/13/94. Time: 04:43:04. Read 27 Times. From : Stranger To : Froggy Man Subj : my sub Gaviscon is NOT the Pi Guy. Stranger Message # 1435. Reply to #1425 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 10:41:34. Read 28 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Frogie Man Subj : my sub RECEIVED For some reason when I take over a sub i get bogged. They just ignire you, though. Message # 1436. Reply to #1428 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 10:42:06. Read 28 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Frogie Man Subj : RECEIVED Yup, I hear great leaders always talk to themselves...but make themselves second in command???? I don t know about that... Message # 1437. Reply to #1432 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 10:43:08. Read 26 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Arwen Undomiel Subj : Bean pie RECEIVED It was great! Tasted much better than pumpkin. Message # 1438. Date: 06/13/94. Time: 16:04:07. Read 34 Times. From : wintermute To : all Subj : ã Since ã=3.1415... and 1 is so low, why not just round it to 3? Message # 1439. Reply to #1433 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 17:23:30. Read 27 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Stranger Subj : my sub RECEIVED Oh. Well damit, he hasn't been here in a long time! I am the ruler! Frogie Man It's mine! All mine! Message # 1440. Reply to #1434 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 17:24:28. Read 27 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Stranger Subj : my sub RECEIVED WHAT???!??!?!?!? Don't lie to me! ANd spell my name right! Frogie Man /s #1440. Message # 1441. Reply to #1435 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 17:25:16. Read 28 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Oxnardus Subj : my sub RECEIVED That's because I've got, personallity, personallity. Frogi eMan see, I gnow a bit about songs =) Message # 1442. Reply to #1436 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 17:26:22. Read 29 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Oxnardus Subj : RECEIVED We may be odd. Frogie Men Message # 1443. Reply to #1438 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 17:27:03. Read 26 Times. From : Frogie Man To : wintermute Subj : ã RECEIVED THat is what the Egyptians did, and it worked okay for them. But 3.14 makes the circle come out 'better' Believe me, it makes a big difference. Frogie Man well maybe not *THAT* big Message # 1444. Reply to #1438 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 20:23:10. Read 27 Times. From : Mikester To : wintermute Subj : ã RECEIVED Read the posts in "The Courtroom," and you too will gnow why PI must remain unrounded. --the Mikester Message # 1445. Reply to #1440 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 23:13:24. Read 26 Times. From : Stranger To : Frogie Man Subj : my sub RECEIVED Gaviscon IS the Pi Guy. Stranger Message # 1446. Reply to #1445 Date: 06/13/94. Time: 23:15:51. Read 29 Times. From : Mikester To : Stranger Subj : my sub RECEIVED Gaviscon IS the Pi Guy. GAVISCON is the Pi Guy. Gaviscon is THE Pi Guy. Gaviscon is the PI GUY. GAVISCON is THE Pi Guy. Gaviscon is the PI Guy. Emphasis is everything. Emphasis IS everything. EMPHASIS is EVERYTHING. --the MIKEster Message # 1447. Reply to #1441 Date: 06/14/94. Time: 11:12:33. Read 31 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Frogie Man Subj : my sub RECEIVED Or perhaps they do not FEAR you. Message # 1448. Reply to #1442 Date: 06/14/94. Time: 11:12:56. Read 31 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Frogie Man Subj : RECEIVED May be? Message # 1449. Reply to #1447 Date: 06/14/94. Time: 20:49:37. Read 30 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Oxnardus Subj : my sub RECEIVED Mebbe they HEAR me. Frogie Man Message # 1450. Reply to #1448 Date: 06/14/94. Time: 20:57:58. Read 29 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Oxnardus Subj : RECEIVED I stand corrected. Might be Frogie Man #1450. Message # 1451. Reply to #1449 Date: 06/15/94. Time: 08:09:46. Read 29 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Frogie Man Subj : my sub RECEIVED I doubt that. Message # 1452. Reply to #1450 Date: 06/15/94. Time: 08:10:04. Read 31 Times. From : Oxnardus To : Frogie Man Subj : RECEIVED I see. Message # 1453. Reply to #1451 Date: 06/17/94. Time: 00:39:57. Read 30 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Oxnardus Subj : my sub RECEIVED AS do I. But it was all I could say Frogie Man Message # 1454. Reply to #1452 Date: 06/17/94. Time: 00:40:28. Read 33 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Oxnardus Subj : RECEIVED ...said the blind man to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw. Frogie Man Message # 1455. Date: 06/17/94. Time: 02:58:11. Read 38 Times. From : Stranger To : all Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens nevermind, maybe I was wrong. Stranger Message # 1456. Reply to #1455 Date: 06/17/94. Time: 15:01:43. Read 35 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED I think you were. Frogie Man Message # 1457. Reply to #1456 Date: 06/18/94. Time: 00:09:54. Read 35 Times. From : Stranger To : Frogie Man Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED You would .... Stranger Message # 1458. Reply to #1457 Date: 06/19/94. Time: 16:57:23. Read 32 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED ANd I do. Frogie Man Message # 1459. Date: 06/19/94. Time: 16:57:47. Read 37 Times. From : Frogie Man To : ALL Subj : SALE!!!! I have t\decided to sell this sub (which I claimed as my own) to the highest bidder. Frogie Man Message # 1460. Reply to #1459 Date: 06/21/94. Time: 01:26:45. Read 35 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Frogie Man Subj : SALE!!!! RECEIVED ill pay $314159265458979323846 for partial ownership. lets franchise. kilgore... #1460. Message # 1461. Reply to #1457 Date: 06/21/94. Time: 15:07:16. Read 36 Times. From : Tellura To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED ? I'm lost... someone find me.... Message # 1462. Reply to #1461 Date: 06/21/94. Time: 16:35:31. Read 33 Times. From : Stranger To : Tellura Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED You aren't lost --- you're perfectly there, walking in nothing just like the rest of us. Stranger Message # 1463. Reply to #1460 Date: 06/21/94. Time: 19:26:35. Read 31 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Kilgore Trout Subj : SALE!!!! RECEIVED Sure. E-Mail me the money and it's a deal. Frogie Man Message # 1464. Reply to #1462 Date: 06/22/94. Time: 17:28:41. Read 34 Times. From : Tellura To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED Oh... what a relief... I think... What is that handmaiden doing with a hacksaw, and why is she walking towards me with a maniacal gleam in her eye? Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore... ] Tell.. Message # 1465. Reply to #1464 Date: 06/23/94. Time: 03:27:43. Read 34 Times. From : Stranger To : Tellura Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED That maniacal gleam is the Proverbial Light. Stranger Message # 1466. Date: 06/23/94. Time: 08:28:47. Read 34 Times. From : Mojo IV To : all/Stranger Subj : Blasphemy! RECEIVED I generally use 3, instead, for simplification. Comments : 3.00=1 3.14=1 Message # 1467. Reply to #1465 Date: 06/23/94. Time: 13:51:16. Read 33 Times. From : Tellura To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED Really, mommy? Is it safe to come out? Tell... Message # 1468. Reply to #1467 Date: 06/23/94. Time: 22:15:03. Read 33 Times. From : Stranger To : Tellura Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED Don't get crazy... nothing's safe. Stranger Message # 1469. Reply to #1468 Date: 06/24/94. Time: 00:18:31. Read 34 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED oh come now. gumby WAS pretty safe. kilgore... Message # 1470. Reply to #1469 Date: 06/24/94. Time: 00:37:18. Read 32 Times. From : Stranger To : Kilgore Trout Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED Yeah, but I bet YOU never slipped on his slime trail. Stranger #1470. Message # 1471. Reply to #1470 Date: 06/24/94. Time: 10:31:02. Read 34 Times. From : Psycho To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED Gumby didn't have a slime trail, only that Blue Girl/Clay thing had a trail, Gumby and Pokey just glided and skated around on the ground.... they had no slime trails.... Psycho Message # 1472. Reply to #1468 Date: 06/24/94. Time: 11:24:04. Read 33 Times. From : Tellura To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED Not even the bathroom? Sheesh... see if I stay here for very long... ack. Tell... Message # 1473. Reply to #1469 Date: 06/24/94. Time: 11:24:38. Read 30 Times. From : Tellura To : Kilgore Trout Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED Yeah! But look what happened to poor Pokey! Tell... Message # 1474. Reply to #1471 Date: 06/24/94. Time: 13:13:53. Read 34 Times. From : Stranger To : Psycho Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED They did, too. I took a sample of it once. It was 34% avocado, 23% sulfuric acid, and 17% penguin lust. Stranger Message # 1475. Reply to #1474 Date: 06/26/94. Time: 11:11:46. Read 32 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw. Frogie Man Message # 1476. Reply to #1470 Date: 06/27/94. Time: 03:46:40. Read 31 Times. From : Kilgore Trout To : Stranger Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens RECEIVED it was a well gnown fact that gumby was the inventor of rollerblades, a popular means of travel in todays world, also partially made out of clay. his girlfriend was the slug like one (i personally think he could have done better [ie: he probably could have stolen ms. pac man away from her boyfriend should he have been able to keep those damn energizers away from him-- she was a complete and total babe ((curvy in all places))]) and she left a trail of something or other. it was p.c. not to mention anything about it though. kilgore... Message # 1477. Reply to #1476 Date: 06/27/94. Time: 13:58:47. Read 39 Times. From : Stranger To : Kilgore Trout Subj : hacksaws and handmaidens I hate being Poetentially Collective. Let's be G.N. Stranger Message # 1478. Date: 07/06/94. Time: 18:41:29. Read 41 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : all Subj : ?? Why do you have a board just about 3.1549? Message # 1479. Reply to #1478 Date: 07/06/94. Time: 20:19:21. Read 35 Times. From : KEn To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED Why not??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Message # 1480. Reply to #1478 Date: 07/06/94. Time: 22:11:09. Read 35 Times. From : Wintermute To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED He ROUNDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not 3.1519, it's 3.14159. . .. Get it right. #1480. Message # 1481. Reply to #1480 Date: 07/08/94. Time: 20:56:06. Read 38 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : Wintermute Subj : ?? RECEIVED Okay okay so its 3.1954. I mean its practically 3 anyway right? Whats a couple of decimal places? Message # 1482. Reply to #1481 Date: 07/09/94. Time: 14:03:16. Read 35 Times. From : Wintermute To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED Have you read the Courtroom? Message # 1483. Reply to #1481 Date: 07/09/94. Time: 14:03:47. Read 34 Times. From : Wintermute To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED No, it's not 3.1954, it's "3.14. . .," or "3. . . ," or "3.1415926535. . . " You may not round it. Message # 1484. Reply to #1482 Date: 07/09/94. Time: 21:08:49. Read 35 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : Wintermute Subj : ?? RECEIVED I read a message or two. Why? Message # 1485. Reply to #1483 Date: 07/09/94. Time: 21:09:05. Read 35 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : Wintermute Subj : ?? RECEIVED Who says I can't round pi? Theres no law against it. I can make it 3.4159 or 3.41 or 3.415 or whatever I want and noone can send me to jail for it. Message # 1486. Reply to #1478 Date: 07/10/94. Time: 14:24:38. Read 34 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED Would you like to buy it from me? Frogie Man he who staked out the PI Room as his home, . Message # 1487. Reply to #1481 Date: 07/10/94. Time: 14:26:08. Read 37 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED Sacreliege! Frogie Man Message # 1488. Reply to #1485 Date: 07/10/94. Time: 14:27:33. Read 36 Times. From : Frogie Man To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED I just forgot what I was going to type. Frogie Man Message # 1489. Reply to #1484 Date: 07/10/94. Time: 17:18:23. Read 35 Times. From : Wintermute To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED Because they were going to try him for rounding off ã. Message # 1490. Reply to #1488 Date: 07/10/94. Time: 17:19:18. Read 33 Times. From : Wintermute To : Frogie Man Subj : ?? RECEIVED Probably something about the persecution he is in for. #1490. Message # 1491. Reply to #1485 Date: 07/12/94. Time: 00:03:53. Read 35 Times. From : Jehan To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED You can round pi all you want, but it still won't bounce. Message # 1492. Reply to #1487 Date: 07/12/94. Time: 00:04:51. Read 32 Times. From : Jehan To : Frogie Man Subj : ?? RECEIVED Golly! A feudal bad back! Message # 1493. Reply to #1487 Date: 07/12/94. Time: 19:48:34. Read 36 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : Frogie Man Subj : ?? RECEIVED Why? Is pi a relgion or something? Message # 1494. Reply to #1489 Date: 07/12/94. Time: 19:49:02. Read 33 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : Wintermute Subj : ?? RECEIVED Why? Its not like its wrong or anything. Message # 1495. Reply to #1491 Date: 07/12/94. Time: 19:49:20. Read 34 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : Jehan Subj : ?? RECEIVED I dont get it. Message # 1496. Reply to #1493 Date: 07/13/94. Time: 01:55:11. Read 35 Times. From : Wintermute To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED Yes. What? You seriously didn't know? Do you want a copy of the book? Message # 1498. Reply to #1496 Date: 07/13/94. Time: 17:16:52. Read 38 Times. From : Choleric Wastrel To : Wintermute Subj : ?? RECEIVED What book? Message # 1499. Reply to #1466 Date: 07/14/94. Time: 10:46:37. Read 44 Times. From : HACK MAN To : all/Stranger/Mojo IV Subj : Blasphemy! RECEIVED STOP THAT MAN! HE HAS COMMITED THE HEINOUS ACT OF INTEGERIZATION! C- - - Message # 1500. Reply to #1498 Date: 07/14/94. Time: 10:51:41. Read 41 Times. From : Wintermute To : Choleric Wastrel Subj : ?? RECEIVED The Bible of ã. It explains most of the religion. I'll see if I can find the e-text for you. #1500. Message # 1501. Reply to #1500 Date: 07/14/94. Time: 12:38:32. Read 36 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Wintermute Subj : ?? RECEIVED PI TO ONE MILLION PLACES IS AVAILABLE HERE FOR DOWNLOAD. C- - - Message # 1502. Date: 07/15/94. Time: 01:57:06. Read 37 Times. From : Wintermute To : jehan/stranger/KEn/Frogie Man/Kilgore Trout Subj : let's. .. RECEIVED Why don't we try and make Choleric Wastral think that ã really is a religion? That would really be fun. Bet this makes me look like a real idiot now. This was a private message I sent about a week ago. Were you all laughing at me? Message # 1503. Reply to #1502 Date: 07/15/94. Time: 06:16:10. Read 32 Times. From : Stranger To : jehan/stranger/KEn/Frogie Man/Kilgore Trout/Wintermute Subj : let's. .. RECEIVED I'm always laughing at you, inside, behind the tears and the grief. Stranger Message # 1504. Reply to #1503 Date: 07/15/94. Time: 09:26:25. Read 36 Times. From : Mikester To : jehan/KEn/Frogie Man/Kilgore Trout/Wintermute/Stranger Subj : let's. .. RECEIVED I laugh at no one, save myself. --the Mikester Message # 1505. Reply to #1502 Date: 07/15/94. Time: 11:39:18. Read 34 Times. From : KEn To : jehan/stranger/KEn/Frogie Man/Kilgore Trout/Wintermute Subj : let's. .. RECEIVED Uhhh.. yeah.. we are now.. I REmain Message # 1506. Reply to #1504 Date: 07/15/94. Time: 22:19:25. Read 37 Times. From : Ghost To : jehan/KEn/Frogie Man/Kilgore Trout/Wintermute/Stranger/Mikester Subj : let's. .. RECEIVED And I laugh at myself, no one. Message # 1507. Reply to #1499 Date: 07/18/94. Time: 10:14:13. Read 41 Times. From : Mojo IV To : all/Stranger/Mojo IV/HACK MAN Subj : Blasphemy! RECEIVED 3!!!!! 3!!!!!!!! =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug ALL HAIL DISCORDIA! Message # 1508. Reply to #1507 Date: 07/18/94. Time: 10:14:27. Read 40 Times. From : Mojo IV To : all/Stranger/HACK MAN/Mojo IV Subj : Blasphemy! RECEIVED 3!!!!!! 3!!!!!!! =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug ALL HAIL DISCORDIA! Message # 1509. Reply to #1508 Date: 07/18/94. Time: 20:44:57. Read 38 Times. From : HACK MAN To : all/Stranger/HACK MAN/Mojo IV Subj : Blasphemy! RECEIVED YIKES! AND ONCE WASN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU! C- - - Message # 1510. Date: 07/19/94. Time: 13:33:17. Read 44 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE You say you are lying. But if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth. You cannot tell the truth because everything you say is a lie. You lie, you tell the truth ... but you cannot, for you lie. #1510. Message # 1511. Reply to #1510 Date: 07/20/94. Time: 13:04:32. Read 43 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED Prepare for immediate self-immolation. The time is nigh. What ever that is. Stranger Message # 1512. Reply to #1511 Date: 07/20/94. Time: 17:03:40. Read 41 Times. From : Mikester To : Stranger Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED My watch says it's half past nigh. --the Mikester Message # 1513. Reply to #1511 Date: 07/21/94. Time: 00:48:44. Read 40 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF NIGH? ANTI-NIGH? HOW DO I SEPERATE MY TIME INTO NIGH AND NON-NIGH UNLESS I GNOW THE PROPER TERMS TO USE? EVERYBODY GNOWS THAT YOU MUST SEPERATE AND SORT OUT YOUR TIME BEFORE YOU PUT IT IN A BOTTLE. C- - - Message # 1516. Reply to #1513 Date: 07/21/94. Time: 08:24:13. Read 40 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED Yes, but how to keep it there? I was all ready to put a cork in it when I discovered time was out of joint. Not only was it time out, but time did fly, and I was timeless. So I searched, until with perfect timing, time trapped me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to find I was a man before his time. Comments : 3.14159265=1 Message # 1518. Reply to #1513 Date: 07/21/94. Time: 12:02:23. Read 44 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED The opposite of "nigh" is "daigh". Stranger Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 1519. Reply to #1518 Date: 07/21/94. Time: 15:36:33. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Stranger Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED MUST YOU INTERJECT PERSPICACITY INTO THE MIDST OF MY OBFUSCATION? C- - - Message # 1520. Reply to #1519 Date: 07/21/94. Time: 17:35:32. Read 38 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED Yes, that's what you keep me around for. Stranger #1520. Message # 1521. Reply to #1517 Date: 07/21/94. Time: 21:42:44. Read 40 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED I'll agree there's a divinity shapes my end, roughhewn though it be. Message # 1522. Reply to #1521 Date: 07/22/94. Time: 07:58:15. Read 42 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ghost Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED THAT'S FITTING SINCE THIS IS A ROUGH-HEWN UNIVERSE. C- - - Message # 1523. Date: 07/27/94. Time: 20:59:20. Read 47 Times. From : Jehan To : all Subj : A Slice of Pi What I have to decide right now is if I want my circle divided by 36, 32, or 28. Anywhichway causes a knockdown dragout fight. Message # 1524. Reply to #1523 Date: 08/01/94. Time: 13:04:38. Read 42 Times. From : Stranger To : Jehan Subj : A Slice of Pi RECEIVED Divide your circle by twenty three and revel in the uproar of complacency! Stranger Message # 1525. Reply to #1524 Date: 08/01/94. Time: 16:16:59. Read 43 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Stranger Subj : A Slice of Pi RECEIVED That's a good size pizza! =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug -=- OBFUSCATE -=- Message # 1526. Reply to #1525 Date: 08/01/94. Time: 16:18:45. Read 43 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Mojo IV Subj : A Slice of Pi RECEIVED Nexer!!! <> SQuishy BOgSLug -=- OBFUSCATE -=- Message # 1527. Reply to #1524 Date: 08/02/94. Time: 09:49:45. Read 41 Times. From : Jehan To : Stranger Subj : A Slice of Pi RECEIVED This year I divide my circle by twenty-three twice, and, yes, there is considerable uproar. Message # 1528. Date: 08/02/94. Time: 10:46:32. Read 47 Times. From : Grazz't To : all Subj : cortex How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Earth? Grazzitude.. Message # 1529. Reply to #1528 Date: 08/04/94. Time: 17:52:28. Read 50 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Grazz't Subj : cortex RECEIVED NOBODY HAS GOTTEN THERE AND THEN RETURNED TO ELABORATE. C- - - Message # 1530. Reply to #1529 Date: 08/09/94. Time: 02:08:03. Read 54 Times. From : Stranger To : HACK MAN Subj : cortex RECEIVED That's just as well.... the Bible forbids elaboration. Stranger #1530. Message # 1531. Reply to #1521 Date: 08/09/94. Time: 15:38:11. Read 40 Times. From : Shea To : Ghost Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED The toilet seat tend to shape my end. e/s Message # 1532. Reply to #1531 Date: 08/09/94. Time: 23:21:29. Read 41 Times. From : Ghost To : Shea Subj : THIS POST IS A LIE RECEIVED With enough practice, anybody can learn to read without moving their lips. Message # 1533. Reply to #1530 Date: 08/12/94. Time: 01:20:54. Read 54 Times. From : Lynx To : Stranger Subj : cortex RECEIVED Wrong. Lynx Message # 1534. Reply to #1533 Date: 08/12/94. Time: 09:03:16. Read 41 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Lynx Subj : cortex RECEIVED Its certainly never stopped anyone... =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug -=- OBFUSCATE -=- Message # 1535. Reply to #1533 Date: 08/12/94. Time: 12:32:19. Read 43 Times. From : Stranger To : Lynx Subj : cortex RECEIVED Why are you posting to me? Go away. Stranger Message # 1536. Reply to #1529 Date: 08/13/94. Time: 10:19:33. Read 37 Times. From : Grazz't To : HACK MAN Subj : cortex RECEIVED I thought I was there, but not. Message # 1537. Reply to #1535 Date: 08/13/94. Time: 17:47:44. Read 38 Times. From : Lynx To : Stranger Subj : cortex RECEIVED I'm posting to you message, which was wrong. Lynx p.s. Elaborate at will. Message # 1538. Reply to #1537 Date: 08/13/94. Time: 18:32:36. Read 43 Times. From : Stranger To : Lynx Subj : cortex RECEIVED If you stop reading my messages, I'll keep on ignoring yours, and everything will be happy. Not that you want that. Stranger Message # 1539. Date: 08/16/94. Time: 19:51:19. Read 39 Times. From : The Necromancer To : all Subj : Redundancy Someone please to elucidate upon the differentiation between THE PI ROOM and THE OBFUSCATORIUM! They seem to be essentially similar in tangential meanderings, spurious logig, and color scheme (Long Live Monochrome Monitors) The Necromancer Obfuscate High Preist of the Emerald Banana Message # 1540. Reply to #1538 Date: 08/17/94. Time: 03:33:11. Read 35 Times. From : Lynx To : Stranger Subj : cortex RECEIVED Taking things personally? I never ignore posts that are worthy of attention, and I have yet to see you post something not worthy of attention. I cannot even attempt to correct something I don't know about, so unless you tell me why you decided to ignore my messages I can't even consider what to do other then to go on as I have been. Lynx p.s. Nosey Bell Captains with hurt feelings need to realize the situation and act accordingly. #1540. Message # 1541. Reply to #1539 Date: 08/17/94. Time: 10:44:32. Read 34 Times. From : Mojo IV To : The Necromancer Subj : Redundancy RECEIVED If its GREEN bloody well leave it till it ripens!!!! Message # 1542. Date: 08/17/94. Time: 19:39:29. Read 37 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Mojo iv Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED Ah, my son, therein lies the falsity of the disreputable yellow banana. What you must understand is that the green banana is alive, growing, thriving in the cosmos, while the repugnant yellow banana is come to the end of it's existence, and can look forward to naught more than turning brown and slimy. May the wise and mystical Emerald Breadfruit live unto eternity! All hail the Green Banana!! The Necromancer Obfuscate High Preist of the Emerald Bananananananananananana!!!! Message # 1543. Reply to #1539 Date: 08/18/94. Time: 08:36:15. Read 34 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : Redundancy RECEIVED THERE'S NO REASON FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN "BECAUSE IT'S THERE." C- - - Message # 1544. Reply to #1542 Date: 08/18/94. Time: 08:36:56. Read 36 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED GREEN BANNANAS ARE AN EVIL PLOT. YOU MUST SEE THE YELLOW LIGHT! IT WILL SET YOU FREE. C- - - Message # 1545. Reply to #1542 Date: 08/18/94. Time: 10:13:36. Read 39 Times. From : Mojo IV To : The Necromancer Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED I'd still rather be a fish. =>Mojo IV<= SQuishy BOgSLug -=- OBFUSCATE -=- Message # 1546. Reply to #1544 Date: 08/22/94. Time: 21:01:10. Read 39 Times. From : The Necromancer To : HACK MAN Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED Gnow you not that the yellow light means "Caution, prepare to stop, thou hast lost one turn"? The light of the green Banana, signifies that thou mayst go on down life's verdant path, smelling of the banana leaves, and growing as a free emerald soul. The Necromancer Obfuscate High Preist of the Emerald Banana Message # 1547. Reply to #1545 Date: 08/22/94. Time: 21:05:58. Read 37 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Mojo IV Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED I shall pick no bones, for it is difficult to deny a dream of such a scale. The Necromancer Obfuscate High Preist of the Emerald Banana Message # 1548. Reply to #1546 Date: 08/23/94. Time: 06:44:39. Read 39 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : The Necromancer Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED Ever been to LaConchita? a.o. Message # 1549. Reply to #1548 Date: 08/23/94. Time: 08:11:11. Read 36 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED WHAT, THE MOTEL IN LAS VEGAS? C- - - Message # 1550. Reply to #1549 Date: 08/23/94. Time: 15:45:09. Read 37 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : HACK MAN Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED No, no. La Conchita callyfornia on the way to Santa Barbara. There's a banana plantation there. a.o. #1550. Message # 1551. Reply to #1548 Date: 08/23/94. Time: 19:34:59. Read 37 Times. From : The Necromancer To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED LA CONCHITA ROCKS! Sorry about that... The Necromancer Obfuscate High Preist of the Emerald Banana Message # 1552. Reply to #1551 Date: 08/23/94. Time: 20:59:55. Read 37 Times. From : jackie ho To : The Necromancer Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED many bananas grow in the little shell. Comments : Natural=17 Complex=23 Message # 1553. Reply to #1552 Date: 08/24/94. Time: 18:24:00. Read 40 Times. From : The Necromancer To : jackie ho Subj : The Emarald Banana RECEIVED In the glowing verdant light of the Emerald Banana, you need not fear to come out of your shell! Free yourself, and emerge into the blessedness of the One True Breadfruit! The Necromancer Obfuscate High Preist of the Emerald Banana. Message # 1554. Date: 09/15/94. Time: 08:33:52. Read 38 Times. From : KEn To : All Subj : ? OF THE I REmain Message # 1555. Reply to #1554 Date: 09/15/94. Time: 09:15:43. Read 35 Times. From : The Hanged Man To : KEn Subj : ? RECEIVED Of the the the the the the ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SHOUT PIZATSTA! Message # 1556. Reply to #1555 Date: 09/15/94. Time: 10:53:45. Read 43 Times. From : KEn To : The Hanged Man Subj : ? RECEIVED Comae on.... Do the math.. I REmain Message # 1557. Date: 09/19/94. Time: 11:17:48. Read 41 Times. From : Stranger To : all Subj : um Pi is a mistranslation. Stranger Message # 1558. Reply to #1557 Date: 09/19/94. Time: 19:06:04. Read 37 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Stranger Subj : um RECEIVED Pi R Round Cornbread R square. Message # 1559. Reply to #1557 Date: 09/19/94. Time: 21:29:09. Read 45 Times. From : Mikester To : Stranger Subj : um RECEIVED Actually it's "id" -- when it was translated, someone turned the paper upside down, and the rest is, as they say, however "they" may be, is history. Of course, Freud gnew all about this original error, and, because he liked the sound of the word "id," he took it for his own use. Or maybe not. --M. Comments : Rational=1 Message # 1561. Reply to #1559 Date: 09/25/94. Time: 15:28:35. Read 47 Times. From : Jehan To : Mikester Subj : um RECEIVED Id's a weally, weally wousey idea. I wouve id. Message # 1562. Date: 10/17/94. Time: 17:34:03. Read 42 Times. From : The Necromancer To : The Pi Room Subj : Compassion. Poor, Neglected Pi Room. Here's a message of hope for you. There'll be more posts to keep you busy yet... Message # 1563. Reply to #1562 Date: 10/17/94. Time: 21:37:55. Read 45 Times. From : Mikester To : The Necromancer Subj : Compassion. RECEIVED In honor and memory of the Pi Room, I looked at message #31579 in the Tavern, which, by the way, had nothing to do with Pi. This message has no point, which, I suppose, is a point all unto itself. Huzzah. Go forth and do great things. --M. Message # 1564. Reply to #1563 Date: 10/18/94. Time: 10:15:25. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mikester Subj : Compassion. RECEIVED DO YOU MIND IF I JUST GO FORTH AND EAT A PIECE OF PI? C- - - Message # 1565. Reply to #1564 Date: 10/18/94. Time: 13:29:48. Read 38 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : HACK MAN Subj : Compassion. RECEIVED Can she bake a cherry pi, Billy Boy, Billy Boy...... a.o. / s Message # 1566. Reply to #1565 Date: 10/18/94. Time: 16:54:51. Read 39 Times. From : Psycho To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : Compassion. RECEIVED Hmm, this PI is quite stale. I want some strawberry-rhubarb. Much better in my opinion... Psycho Message # 1567. Date: 10/18/94. Time: 20:28:40. Read 49 Times. From : The Necromancer To : the pi room Subj : vindication See? I told you there would be more messages. Comments : Natural=1 Message # 1569. Date: 11/03/94. Time: 18:26:06. Read 45 Times. From : The Necromancer To : all Subj : boredom Was Jung, Skinner, or Freud right? Pick some, all, or none... Message # 1570. Reply to #1569 Date: 11/03/94. Time: 18:45:37. Read 41 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : The Necromancer Subj : boredom RECEIVED Jung. a.o. #1570. Message # 1571. Reply to #1569 Date: 11/03/94. Time: 21:19:50. Read 38 Times. From : Stranger To : The Necromancer Subj : boredom RECEIVED Yes. Stranger (But only Jung is going to Heaven) Message # 1573. Reply to #1569 Date: 11/04/94. Time: 00:33:21. Read 37 Times. From : Lynx To : The Necromancer Subj : boredom RECEIVED Who is Jung? Who is Skinner? Who could possibly even consider Freud right? Lynx Message # 1574. Reply to #1569 Date: 11/04/94. Time: 07:01:40. Read 38 Times. From : Grazz't To : The Necromancer Subj : boredom RECEIVED None, it was Hume Message # 1575. Reply to #1574 Date: 11/04/94. Time: 13:52:56. Read 36 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Grazz't Subj : boredom RECEIVED For Hume the bells toll. a.o. Message # 1576. Reply to #1575 Date: 11/04/94. Time: 17:17:50. Read 38 Times. From : Grazz't To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : boredom RECEIVED uhg. Message # 1577. Reply to #1573 Date: 11/04/94. Time: 17:36:01. Read 36 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Lynx Subj : boredom RECEIVED According to a lady friend of mine, Freud was right about one thing: Penis Envy. Women get it while camping... Message # 1578. Reply to #1576 Date: 11/04/94. Time: 17:50:35. Read 35 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Grazz't Subj : boredom RECEIVED Uhg??? a.o. Message # 1579. Date: 11/04/94. Time: 20:00:29. Read 38 Times. From : Lost Chain To : all Subj : . ** USER LOGGED OFF Message # 1580. Reply to #1578 Date: 11/04/94. Time: 21:28:10. Read 34 Times. From : Grazz't To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : boredom RECEIVED no, just uhg. No caps or exclamation point. #1580. Message # 1581. Reply to #1577 Date: 11/05/94. Time: 02:33:49. Read 35 Times. From : Lynx To : The Necromancer Subj : boredom RECEIVED There's more to it then that. Lynx p.s. anyone can be right at least once by accident. Message # 1582. Reply to #1580 Date: 11/05/94. Time: 06:43:48. Read 38 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Grazz't Subj : boredom RECEIVED Are you sure you mean UHG and not UGH? a.o. Message # 1583. Reply to #1582 Date: 11/06/94. Time: 14:36:08. Read 40 Times. From : Grazz't To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : boredom RECEIVED No no, lowercase, ugh, no exclamation point. I'm entirely too sure of it. Message # 1584. Reply to #1583 Date: 11/06/94. Time: 21:46:49. Read 36 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Grazz't Subj : boredom RECEIVED no, no you didn't get it. Go back and press d a few times. You spelled ugh uhg. Or maybe you did get it and you're just fucking with my head. Have fun. Head needs fed. a.o. Message # 1585. Reply to #1583 Date: 11/07/94. Time: 05:59:35. Read 41 Times. From : I am WRONG To : Grazz't Subj : boredom RECEIVED Here, see, I replied to this post. Message # 1586. Reply to #1584 Date: 11/07/94. Time: 18:21:55. Read 38 Times. From : Grazz't To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : boredom RECEIVED Uh huh... Message # 1587. Reply to #1585 Date: 11/07/94. Time: 18:22:16. Read 43 Times. From : Grazz't To : I am WRONG Subj : boredom RECEIVED good for you. Message # 1588. Reply to #1569 Date: 11/13/94. Time: 10:18:57. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : boredom RECEIVED JUNG FREUD WAS A SKINNER BY TRADE. C- - - Comments : SQRT(-PI)=1 Integer=12000 Rational=1 Irrational=9000 Undefined=1 Message # 1589. Date: 11/17/94. Time: 17:41:58. Read 45 Times. From : The Necromancer To : all Subj : mind games Let's say you were driving a bus. At the first stop, four people get on. at the next stop, three more get on. At the third stop, two more get on, and five get off. Next stop, seven get on, and five get off. At the following stop, two more get on, and one gets off. At the final stop, eight more get on, and three get off. The question is..... How old is the bus driver? (No going back) Comments : Irrational=1 Undefined=1 Message # 1590. Date: 11/17/94. Time: 17:46:39. Read 50 Times. From : The Necromancer To : all Subj : more mind games We have a school dnace. Junior high, and everyone's shy. The boys are all lined up against one wall of the gym, and the girls are lined up against the opposite wall. The boys make their move. The boys can move half the distance to the girls, then stop for a minute to work their nerve up. The girls, being the demure little flowers that they are, have to stay where they are. The boys can then move half the remaining distance (or a quarter of the total way, since they already moved half), then they have to stop again. Then, it's half of THAT remaining distance (or an eighth of the total), then stop again. The boys can only ever move half the distance, creating ever smaller fractions, then they have to stop, then half, then stop, and so forth. What is going to be the outcome? Will the dance be a failure? Will Billy get his first kiss? Will the principal and miss Zaftig the english teacher stop what they're doing behind the curtains? Gee, I dunno. What do you all think. By the way, this is a test to find out your particular mathematical bent. #1590. Message # 1591. Reply to #1589 Date: 11/17/94. Time: 22:57:44. Read 38 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : mind games RECEIVED You can't trick me into giving out my age THAT easily. úfPú Message # 1592. Reply to #1590 Date: 11/17/94. Time: 22:58:15. Read 49 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : more mind games RECEIVED Aahhh. The infamous Achilles and the Tortoise argument. Ever read Godel, Escher, Bach? By the way, there's a keen article on why the argument's mathematically unsound in last month's Scientific Ameri- can. Technical, but interesting. úfPú (But I know what you're trying to get at... They'll get closer and closer, ad infinitum, never scor- ing with the chicks. Sure.) úfPú Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 1594 -- Private. Message # 1595 -- Private. Message # 1596. Reply to #1590 Date: 11/18/94. Time: 05:06:04. Read 38 Times. From : Number Two To : The Necromancer Subj : more mind games RECEIVED Of course they'llnever make only going half way. what these boys want is to go all of the way (and what boy wouldn't) Comments : Natural=2 Rational=1 Message # 1597. Reply to #1590 Date: 11/18/94. Time: 08:36:12. Read 37 Times. From : Mikester To : The Necromancer Subj : more mind games RECEIVED I have the answers to everything, but I'm keeping them to myself. --M. Message # 1598 -- Private. Message # 1599. Reply to #1590 Date: 11/18/94. Time: 17:33:47. Read 42 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : The Necromancer Subj : more mind games RECEIVED 'm beginning to wonder about you. a.o. Message # 1600. Reply to #1592 Date: 11/18/94. Time: 17:43:29. Read 46 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : more mind games RECEIVED AHA! Fink Ployd is a mathmatician type! Now, let's see if there are any engineers out there... #1600. Message # 1601. Reply to #1596 Date: 11/18/94. Time: 17:44:29. Read 42 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Number Two Subj : more mind games RECEIVED Number two joins the ranks of the mathematicians. Message # 1602 -- Private. Message # 1603. Reply to #1600 Date: 11/19/94. Time: 02:09:23. Read 47 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : more mind games RECEIVED When explained right, anything can be understood. Here's one for ya. I've got a vinyl single of "Hey Jude". It runs for, say, 12 minutes. The album revolves at, say, 33 rpm (revolutions per minute). At those approximations and values, just how many grooves are there on my single? úfPú Message # 1604. Reply to #1603 Date: 11/19/94. Time: 13:28:32. Read 40 Times. From : Jehan To : Fink Ployd Subj : more mind games RECEIVED "Hey, Jude!?" Oh, wow, man, Grroooovy! Message # 1605. Reply to #1603 Date: 11/19/94. Time: 19:09:05. Read 45 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : more mind games RECEIVED One. Two if you count the flip side. Message # 1606. Reply to #1605 Date: 11/19/94. Time: 19:09:52. Read 43 Times. From : The Necromancer To : The Necromancer Subj : more mind games RECEIVED And Howcum nobody's answered my Bus quiz, aside from FP, who gnows these games already. And STILL no Engineers? Message # 1607. Reply to #1604 Date: 11/20/94. Time: 00:55:57. Read 41 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Jehan Subj : more mind games RECEIVED It's the biggest single I've ever seen. Bigger than a large pizza. úfPú Message # 1608. Reply to #1605 Date: 11/20/94. Time: 00:56:36. Read 42 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : more mind games RECEIVED Very good. Here's your obligatory Pez machine. úfPú Message # 1609. Date: 11/27/94. Time: 18:06:03. Read 44 Times. From : The Necromancer To : all Subj : anwers to the riddles Okay, here we go. In the bus thing, as FP gnows, the very first line states "YOU are driving a bus". Hence, the correct answer varies between individuals, who tend to have different ages. As for the school dance question, which FP also correctly identified as a variation on Achille's Fleet and the Turtle, that was a test to see if you think mathematically or practically. All those of you who answered said (As I did, and as most people who even understand the problem do), is that by moving in ever decreasing increments, the boys will necer reach the girls. However, the practical answer, which I hav gotten a few times, and which is just as correct, is more or less "Maybe not, but hell, they'll get close enough!" You may now resume your original destinies. Message # 1610. Reply to #1609 Date: 11/27/94. Time: 22:21:12. Read 40 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Those studly guys in the realm of mathematical science finally made (discovered?) a proof that total- ly debunks the Achilles argument. I mentioned it earlier. Look for last month's Scientific American. úfPú #1610. Message # 1611. Reply to #1610 Date: 11/28/94. Time: 19:56:03. Read 45 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED I tend to dislike pure math on that level. I see absolutely no use for a science that needs two thousand years to prove something so obvious as the fact that something moving ten miles per hour will pass something moving five miles an hour. I also have the same problem with pure philosophy, which my ex had (has) a degree in. We had many long discussions about various philosophical schools while she was in school, and they all came out to the same thing: How do you know that what your senses percieve is reality? The only answer is that we sort of have to operate on that assumption, and it works out okay. Of course, one can always expand one's perceptions... Message # 1612. Reply to #1603 Date: 12/01/94. Time: 21:33:44. Read 48 Times. From : Lady K To : Fink Ployd Subj : more mind games RECEIVED I used to have an equation for that. Wonder what I ded with it? Message # 1614. Reply to #1611 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 02:00:48. Read 39 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED So, how can we integrate philosophy, physics, math, and science down to a level that allows them to coincide? úfPú (We can't... Contradiction is funda- mental in each genre's definition.) úfPýú Message # 1615. Reply to #1612 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 02:13:05. Read 42 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Lady K Subj : more mind games RECEIVED No evading the question. úfPú Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 1616. Reply to #1614 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 13:22:16. Read 38 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Physics, math, and science are a daisy chain of disciplines, each dependent upon the other's rules, with math ascendent. Philosophy is the art of making up new rules and seeing if they fit the facts. If they don't, then the facts must be wrong. Personally, however, I tend to prefer philosophy. If taught and studied correctly, it will teach one how to think. The danger is that many people let it teach them WHAT to think. A mistake at best. Message # 1617. Reply to #1615 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 14:28:51. Read 36 Times. From : Lady K To : Fink Ployd Subj : more mind games RECEIVED Honestly, I am not evading the question. I really don't know where I put that equation. I have it somewhere here and I do know how to use it. Given enough time I could probably figure it out again but I never have that kind of time anymore. Lady K Message # 1618. Reply to #1616 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 15:20:48. Read 34 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED You don't think that math, as we have defined, doesn't contradict the truth we jnow as reality? (Weren't we just talking about the Achilles' argument, and its practical absurdity?) Math's define rules first, and attempting to explain reality with them, afterward. (*I* jnow what I'm trying to say. It just isn't coming out right, dammit.) úfPú Message # 1619. Reply to #1617 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 15:27:15. Read 33 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Lady K Subj : more mind games RECEIVED Silly. The answer is that there's only ONE groove in the album. Any album's groove is a spiral... What equation were YOU thinking of? úfPú Message # 1620. Reply to #1619 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 16:09:31. Read 32 Times. From : Lady K To : Fink Ployd Subj : more mind games RECEIVED I have an equation that would tell you how long the grove is. #1620. Message # 1622. Reply to #1620 Date: 12/04/94. Time: 20:37:18. Read 33 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Lady K Subj : more mind games RECEIVED Groovy. úfPú Message # 1623. Reply to #1618 Date: 12/05/94. Time: 18:59:05. Read 39 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED I think I gnow what you're trying to say, but I'm not totally sure, so I'll reservve comment. Message # 1624. Reply to #1623 Date: 12/05/94. Time: 22:53:08. Read 41 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Even *I* don't jnow what I was trying to say, at this point. úfPú (Who the hell is *I*? And why is he in my past two posts?!) úfPýú Message # 1625. Reply to #1623 Date: 12/06/94. Time: 09:41:47. Read 37 Times. From : Jehan To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Just don't go on the warpath when you leave the reservation. Message # 1626. Reply to #1624 Date: 12/06/94. Time: 19:32:53. Read 42 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Sounds like you're getting starry I'ed... Message # 1627. Reply to #1626 Date: 12/06/94. Time: 22:55:02. Read 38 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED You're killin' me. úfPú Message # 1628. Reply to #1627 Date: 12/08/94. Time: 20:21:09. Read 41 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED I'm a Necromancer. It's what I do when I'm short of naturally occuring study subjects. Message # 1629. Reply to #1628 Date: 12/08/94. Time: 23:38:38. Read 48 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Jnow any card tricks, Neck Boy? úfPú Comments : PROMOTE ME=1 Message # 1630. Reply to #1629 Date: 12/09/94. Time: 18:50:09. Read 46 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Just how to get into a house using a credit card. #1630. Message # 1631. Reply to #1630 Date: 12/09/94. Time: 23:59:06. Read 37 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Visa or Mastercard? úfPú Message # 1632. Reply to #1631 Date: 12/11/94. Time: 11:33:23. Read 41 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Library. Reading is fundamental. Message # 1635. Date: 12/19/94. Time: 17:21:14. Read 40 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Gavisconý Easy as ã. úfPú Message # 1636. Reply to #1611 Date: 12/20/94. Time: 09:28:36. Read 38 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED SIMPLE. REALITY IS WHAT YOUR SENSES PERCIEVE. THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF REALITY. OTHER THAN THAT REALITY DOESN'T EXIST. ASK ANY NUCLEAR PHYSICIST. THERE IS A DIFFERENT REALITY FOR EVERY SET OF SENSORY ORGANS. (AT THE LEAST) C- - - Message # 1637. Reply to #1630 Date: 12/20/94. Time: 09:32:25. Read 36 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED MEE TOO. YOU CALL THE LOCKSMITH AND HAND YOUR CREDIT CARD TO HIM. C- - - Message # 1638. Reply to #1636 Date: 12/20/94. Time: 17:26:03. Read 38 Times. From : The Necromancer To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Not so. Ask any philosophy student. There is no way of gnowing whether or not what you percieve is reality, or even if there is one. Or even if there is ONLY one, which I tend to doubt. Perception is not a conclusive test. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle works in Philosophy just like in Physics. Message # 1639. Reply to #1635 Date: 12/20/94. Time: 21:36:47. Read 42 Times. From : Shea To : Fink Ployd Subj : Gavisconý RECEIVED xý+3x-9 d Easy as lim ------- , --- [2x+3] , floor(ã)? x->ì xý-7x+1 dx e/s Comments : 3.14159265=1 Message # 1640. Reply to #1639 Date: 12/21/94. Time: 02:33:59. Read 41 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Shea Subj : Gavisconý RECEIVED That was cool. Huhhuhh. úfPú #1640. Message # 1641. Reply to #1638 Date: 12/21/94. Time: 08:55:00. Read 49 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED EXACTLY MY POINT, AND THAT'S WHY YOU'RE WRONG. :) THE HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE AND OTHER QUANTUM PHYSICS CONCEPTS SHOW THAT NO ABSOLUTE REALITY CAN BE PROVEN BEYOND THAT WHICH YOU CAN OBSERVE. SOME OF THEM PHYSICISTS POSTULATE THAT SOMETHING DOESN'T EVEN EXIST UNLESS SOMEBODY IS LOOKING AT IT. SO, IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO USE THE TERM REALITY YOU NEED TO REDEFINE IT AS "THAT WHICH I CAN SEE WITH MY OWN EYES (AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS)." THAT'S WHAT THE PHYSICISTS DO. I THINK THE UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE WAS STUCK IN THERE TO KEEP US FROM GETTING TOO COCKY. C- - - Message # 1642. Reply to #1641 Date: 12/21/94. Time: 17:08:29. Read 49 Times. From : The Necromancer To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED The physicists are too cautious. Even if you CAN observe it, that doesn't prove that it exists. The best we can do is figure out the things we agree upon, and act under the premise that they are "reality". Reality is like sanity: Both only exist by consensus. Message # 1643. Reply to #1641 Date: 12/22/94. Time: 04:50:58. Read 43 Times. From : Unka Buck To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Does that mean that if I ignore that post, it will not exist? --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1644. Reply to #450 Date: 12/25/94. Time: 20:02:03. Read 48 Times. From : Mojo IV To : Lynx Subj : Hackin RECEIVED Which Garage? Message # 1645. Reply to #1644 Date: 12/26/94. Time: 01:38:01. Read 42 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Mojo IV Subj : Hackin RECEIVED THE Garage. --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1646. Reply to #31 Date: 01/02/95. Time: 01:19:50. Read 41 Times. From : Raevan To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Boy... It's easy to get recognized around here... As per your note about friction, wouldn't you be spreading yourself a little thin? Ha! A Nup! (A Nup is a fantastical creature distantly related to the Pun. It is not as tasteful, sometimes even violent or crude, but is almost the same thing.) Message # 1647. Reply to #1642 Date: 01/06/95. Time: 08:05:34. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED I THOUGHT THE IDEA WAS THAT IF YOU CAN SEE IT IT EXISTS. (UNLESS IT'S NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT, THEN OF COURSE IT DOESN'T EXIST.) C- - - Message # 1649. Date: 01/06/95. Time: 15:32:18. Read 42 Times. From : Fastjack To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED The thing with this reality conceptualization is rather tediously run over and over, but however I will enter this forum. The tree in the woods. If nobody was there to see it then it really isn't there according to your postulating scientists. Then I raise this question: If it was not there to begin with, how could it make a noise? And furthurmore, how did you know it was there in the first place? Enjoy, Me. Who is general Failure, and why is he reading my disk? Message # 1650. Reply to #1647 Date: 01/06/95. Time: 18:13:32. Read 41 Times. From : The Necromancer To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED If you can see it, it obviously exists on SOME level, even if it's only in your warped imagination. But just because it exists for YOU, does in nessesarily follow that it exists for ME? #1650. Message # 1651. Reply to #1649 Date: 01/06/95. Time: 18:15:44. Read 41 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED First off, scientists will assume a tree IS there, especially if they've been to the woods and seen it, or at least heard a description of it. It's the postulating PHILOSIPHERS who don't think so, or at least not completely convinced. Sort of like Reality Agnostics. Secondly, you need to define terms like "noise", "hear", and "nobody". until those terms are quantified, the answer will be meaningless, subject to the arbitrary individual interpretationd of those having the discussion. Message # 1652. Reply to #1651 Date: 01/07/95. Time: 01:11:26. Read 37 Times. From : Fastjack To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Well perhaps you are right that scientists WILL assume that a tree is in the forest. We might all assume that, I suppose. The terms to be used are in the normal sense of the word. "Hear" would obviously mean that sound waves have reached your ear and you mind has interpreted that as a sound. "Noise" will be defined as the actual sound that the object or entity in question makes for whatever reason. reason. "Nobody" will be defined as no person thing or entity that is classified as alive. The whole premise of the argument here is that if what you cannot see doesn't exist or doesn't exist for you, how can it make a noise if nobody is there to see it, since what cannot be seen by anybody (opposite definition of nobody) is not really there because it does not exist by the stated premise above. Since what cannot be seen by anybody, does not exist for anybody, how could it make a sound? This is the paradox. The theory behind "reality agnostics" does not make sense, or maybe more on the mark, creates paradoxes that would prove the theory wrong. Enjoy, Me. Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my disk? Message # 1653. Reply to #1652 Date: 01/07/95. Time: 12:12:11. Read 36 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED You need to define your definitions. What is "Sound". To shorten this, I will ASSUME that by sound you mean those alternating spaces of air compression and decompression gnown as "Sound waves". If this is the case, it would seem reasonable to assume that a falling tree WOULD make a SOUND, assuming that there was air around when it fell (And I am going to assume that, for the sake of simplicity), but if there were no entities, mechanical or physical, to interpret the sound waves into the phenomenon we call "noise", then, perforce, it would not make a noise. Only sound. And The Egg came first. Message # 1654. Date: 01/07/95. Time: 19:25:54. Read 40 Times. From : Lady K To : fastjack Subj : answers to the riddles RECEIVED Warning! Warning! The Necromancer used to live with a philosopher! You may now resume your regularly schduled BBSing. Message # 1655. Reply to #1650 Date: 01/07/95. Time: 23:34:12. Read 39 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED WELL, YOU CAN'T SEE ME RIGHT NOW, SO WHATEVER I'M SEEING DOESN'T EXIST. C- - - Message # 1656. Reply to #1654 Date: 01/08/95. Time: 07:07:09. Read 35 Times. From : Fastjack To : Lady K Subj : answers to the riddles RECEIVED Thank you for the warning.....too late that is. <<<<<<>>>>>> Message # 1657. Reply to #1655 Date: 01/08/95. Time: 07:08:30. Read 34 Times. From : Fastjack To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED Then you do not exist as well... <<<<<<<>>>>>>>> Message # 1658. Reply to #1655 Date: 01/08/95. Time: 11:24:12. Read 35 Times. From : The Necromancer To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED You are correct. I cannot see you, therefore you do not exist, so whatever you nonexistant types think you are seeing can only be an illusion, because YOU are only an illusion, and illusions cannot imagine reality. Except the bell captain, of course. Message # 1659. Reply to #1649 Date: 01/09/95. Time: 03:24:48. Read 39 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Of COURSE, it makes a sound... It's a tree! úfPú Message # 1660. Reply to #1659 Date: 01/09/95. Time: 18:00:34. Read 38 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Interesting. What sounds do trees make? Do they talk to you? What do they say? Something about taking off all your clothes and hanging around the Seven- Eleven? #1660. Message # 1661. Reply to #1660 Date: 01/10/95. Time: 00:12:08. Read 39 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Trees can't talk, silly... They CAN, however, make an awful nice batch of potato salad. úfPú Message # 1662. Reply to #1661 Date: 01/12/95. Time: 02:33:38. Read 41 Times. From : Stranger To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED I guess you should remember that next time you hug a tree. Stranger Message # 1663. Reply to #1659 Date: 01/12/95. Time: 18:51:12. Read 44 Times. From : Fastjack To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED What sound does a tree make? Obviously I have not listened close enuff to one. Message # 1664. Reply to #1663 Date: 01/12/95. Time: 21:43:10. Read 46 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Don't be dumb. Trees bark, of course. Comments : 3.1415=18 Message # 1665. Reply to #1662 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 01:55:25. Read 40 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Stranger Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Contrary to popular belief, trees actually HATE being hugged. They much prefer their bark ripped off in large, vertical strips. Do it enough and they might even reward you with some potato salad. úfPú Message # 1666. Reply to #1663 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 01:57:46. Read 36 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED They BARK, of course. úfPú (Hey, you asked.) úfPýú Message # 1667. Reply to #1664 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 01:59:20. Read 44 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED He must be new. úfPú Message # 1668. Reply to #1665 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 14:57:04. Read 46 Times. From : Stranger To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED I never would have realized that masochism is the only state in nature. it figures that man would label it mental disease! Stranger Message # 1669. Reply to #1668 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 16:49:12. Read 36 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Stranger Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Masochism is perfectly natural. úfPú (And makes for a good symbiotic relationship.) úfPýú Message # 1670. Reply to #1667 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 17:31:48. Read 45 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Apparently. But one of the guys at the last Friday at The Retreat thought he was cute, so... #1670. Message # 1671. Reply to #1668 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 17:32:40. Read 43 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Stranger Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Um, last I checked, you exhibited all the secondary phisiological sexual characteristics of a man. Am I making an unwarranted assumption? Message # 1672. Reply to #1669 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 17:34:08. Read 34 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Ever tried squeezing into wet leather pants, lacing them up tightly, and letting them dry? Message # 1673. Reply to #1670 Date: 01/13/95. Time: 17:42:52. Read 39 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED So?????? Then what. AO Message # 1674. Reply to #1668 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 00:12:03. Read 38 Times. From : Ashiqui To : Stranger Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED masochism anagrams to machismos Message # 1675. Reply to #1671 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 02:27:43. Read 41 Times. From : Stranger To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Uh, no... I was talking about trees, how bout you? Stranger Comments : 3.00=1 Message # 1676. Reply to #1673 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 14:19:11. Read 43 Times. From : The Necromancer To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED It means that he may have redeeming values. Message # 1677. Reply to #1674 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 14:19:39. Read 35 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Ashiqui Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Bilingual anagrams now? Message # 1678. Reply to #1675 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 14:20:17. Read 36 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Stranger Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Then change the word "man" to something gender-neutral, like "The Human Race", or something equally ludicrous. We must be politically correct, after all... Message # 1679. Reply to #1676 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 16:11:57. Read 39 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Arg. You know what I meant. You won't answer. AO Message # 1680. Reply to #1670 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 22:33:25. Read 35 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Well, then... I s'pose he's allowed to post mondobvious questions then... Carry on, Jack Fast! úfPú #1680. Message # 1681. Reply to #1672 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 22:34:41. Read 32 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED No, but I'd imagine they'd end up as little more than a tatoo... (Actually, I DO have a pair of black skin- tight leather pants.) úfPú Message # 1682. Reply to #1680 Date: 01/14/95. Time: 22:58:52. Read 34 Times. From : Fastjack To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Thank you for your permission. And there was no barking, I must have been listening to a cat tree. Or was it a geometree... Message # 1683. Reply to #1682 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 01:41:12. Read 40 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Anything I can do... Sedimentree? úfPú Message # 1684. Reply to #1683 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 04:30:15. Read 35 Times. From : Fastjack To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Elementree. Message # 1685. Reply to #1679 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 11:37:51. Read 35 Times. From : The Necromancer To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED I almost invariably answer direct questions. My tendency to obfuscate questions is my protest against people who ask indirect questions, hoping thereby to gain extra information. A good trick, and one I use frequently, but it's cheating. Message # 1686. Reply to #1681 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 11:40:02. Read 32 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED well, give it a shot! But first, let me watch, and record the event. it could even be an article in your mag. I'll lay odds it's probably not a subject that's recieved all that much attention. If nothing else, it's original... Message # 1687. Reply to #1684 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 13:33:25. Read 39 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Only in a kindergarden. úfPú Comments : 2.00=1 Message # 1688. Reply to #1686 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 13:34:14. Read 32 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Actually, we just did an article on the Cranberries, and the lead singer's search for tight leath- er pants. Go figure. úfPú Message # 1689. Reply to #1685 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 17:16:46. Read 36 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED You are a true brat. AO Message # 1690. Reply to #1678 Date: 01/15/95. Time: 23:29:50. Read 32 Times. From : Stranger To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED No, we mustn't. Maybe you.... but not I. Stranger #1690. Message # 1691. Reply to #1688 Date: 01/16/95. Time: 17:17:47. Read 36 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Yeah, but was it from a Crotch-Eye view? What format do you want articles in, anyway? Message # 1692. Reply to #1689 Date: 01/16/95. Time: 17:18:59. Read 32 Times. From : The Necromancer To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED This is news? Message # 1693. Reply to #1691 Date: 01/16/95. Time: 22:29:16. Read 34 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Aw, hell... Microsoft Word, if you have it. Otherwise, standard ASCII's peachy. úfPú Message # 1694. Reply to #1693 Date: 01/17/95. Time: 19:11:05. Read 37 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED WP? Message # 1695. Reply to #1694 Date: 01/18/95. Time: 00:37:54. Read 35 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Peachy keen. Filters are FABulous. úfPú Message # 1696. Date: 01/18/95. Time: 09:19:41. Read 42 Times. From : Caffeine Fiend To : ALL Subj : hehe intel inside - can't divide Comments : SQRT(-PI)=1 Message # 1697. Reply to #1695 Date: 01/18/95. Time: 21:53:46. Read 40 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Keep in mind, I'm a technopeasant. Message # 1698. Reply to #1658 Date: 01/20/95. Time: 15:42:22. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED HEY, I CAN'T SEE YOU EITHER SO STOP TALKING BACK TO ME YOU UPSTART ILLUSION. C- - - Message # 1699. Reply to #1698 Date: 01/20/95. Time: 19:14:34. Read 35 Times. From : The Necromancer To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED DE-lusion, if you please. Message # 1700. Reply to #1697 Date: 01/20/95. Time: 22:34:25. Read 39 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Keep in mind, I'm a technoweenie. úfPú #1700. Message # 1701. Reply to #1698 Date: 01/21/95. Time: 06:01:27. Read 38 Times. From : Ashiqui To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED does that mean dobbs is a hallucination owned by an illusion? a hallucination fed by an illusion, that rabbit is. a hallucination gnawing on illusional furniture. Comments : Imaginary=43 Message # 1702. Reply to #1644 Date: 01/22/95. Time: 16:10:28. Read 41 Times. From : Lynx To : Mojo IV Subj : Hackin RECEIVED The Garage. Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1703. Reply to #1660 Date: 01/22/95. Time: 16:12:01. Read 41 Times. From : Lynx To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Define sound. Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- p.s. the English language is one of the worst languages to use to pose a question in because the meaning of each word you use can mean a different thing depending on who you are speaking to. Message # 1704. Reply to #1696 Date: 01/22/95. Time: 16:18:15. Read 38 Times. From : Lynx To : Caffeine Fiend Subj : hehe RECEIVED I was waiting for you to pipe up on this topic. Lynx --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1705. Reply to #1703 Date: 01/22/95. Time: 20:41:14. Read 36 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Lynx Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED That's my point. Message # 1706. Reply to #188 Date: 01/24/95. Time: 08:10:44. Read 40 Times. From : Raevan To : YellowBeard Subj : Alright Everybody!!! RECEIVED Ah, excuse me Sir... As always, Until the Next, Me. Raevan Message # 1708. Reply to #1701 Date: 01/24/95. Time: 13:45:04. Read 44 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ashiqui Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED YES, BUT THEN WE ALL EAT OUR ILLUSIONS. AND SOMETIMES EACH OTHERS IF WE ARE FAVORABLY DISPOSED. C- - - Message # 1709. Reply to #1708 Date: 01/24/95. Time: 21:18:07. Read 40 Times. From : Ashiqui To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED no one eats my illusions...i've found they're rather bitter... Message # 1710. Reply to #1708 Date: 01/25/95. Time: 00:37:50. Read 41 Times. From : Ghost To : HACK MAN Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED And some of us end up eating our words. #1710. Message # 1711. Reply to #1710 Date: 01/25/95. Time: 01:03:40. Read 39 Times. From : Herzog To : Ghost Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED If the words are good tasting, some people don't mind. And some people have no tastebuds.... ³³ÚÙڳijڳڳ ³³³ ³³ ³³³³Ù Ú³ÚÙ ´ÚÙ³³Ã³ ³³³ ³³³ ³³³³ ÙÙÄÙÙÙÄÙÄÙÄÙ -Herzog/MiB Message # 1712. Reply to #1709 Date: 01/25/95. Time: 08:34:43. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Ashiqui Subj : anwers to the riddles RECEIVED THEN YOU NEED TO USE SOME VANISHING CREAM ON YOUR BITTER ILLUSIONS. C- - - Message # 1713. Date: 01/29/95. Time: 19:02:41. Read 44 Times. From : Raevan To : All Subj : ... I think that I shall never sigh a poem lovely as a pi... As Always, Until the Next, Me. Raevan Comments : BOG ME=1 Message # 1714. Reply to #1713 Date: 01/29/95. Time: 23:11:15. Read 42 Times. From : Caffeine Fiend To : Raevan Subj : ... RECEIVED say it brother, no sing it... sing it in binary!! Thom Mcullen sez laws yes!!! heheh pi=11.00100100001111110110...... this is probably very innaccurate... done with floats... heheh Message # 1715. Reply to #1714 Date: 01/30/95. Time: 09:55:57. Read 39 Times. From : Fastjack To : Caffeine Fiend Subj : ... RECEIVED At least you did not round it. THAT would be inexcusable. Message # 1716. Reply to #1714 Date: 01/30/95. Time: 17:36:31. Read 50 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Caffeine Fiend Subj : ... RECEIVED That's Tom Cullen, you King wrecker... By the way, does anyone out there have a copy of "The Stand" on videotape? Message # 1717. Reply to #1716 Date: 01/30/95. Time: 17:52:43. Read 39 Times. From : Ashiqui To : The Necromancer Subj : ... RECEIVED i think daryl does, and i know blockbuster video does, too :) Message # 1718. Reply to #1653 Date: 01/30/95. Time: 22:18:10. Read 40 Times. From : Unka Buck To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Yeah, I met the chicken that layed that egg that started it all. She was hatched zillions of years ago. Met her parents, too. They were hatched even earlier. --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1719. Reply to #1654 Date: 01/30/95. Time: 22:22:32. Read 38 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Lady K Subj : answers to the riddles RECEIVED As he returns to his regulae BSing. --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1720. Reply to #1683 Date: 01/30/95. Time: 22:30:30. Read 45 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Perhaps an L M N tree? --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- #1720. Message # 1721. Reply to #1703 Date: 01/30/95. Time: 22:36:32. Read 42 Times. From : Unka Buck To : Lynx Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED That depends on your intent when you ask the question. English May be the best language for obfuscation. --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1722. Reply to #1721 Date: 01/31/95. Time: 08:36:16. Read 38 Times. From : Lady K To : Unka Buck Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED The English Language IS an Obfuscate! Message # 1723. Reply to #1721 Date: 01/31/95. Time: 15:14:58. Read 44 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Unka Buck Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED EVERYTHING MEANS SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO EVERYBODY, AND EVERYTHING ELSE MEANS SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO EVERYBODY ELSE, AND ANYTHING MEANS NOTHING TO SOMEBODY, AND SOMETHING MEANS NOTHING TO ANYBODY. THEREFORE TRUE COMMUNICATION IS IMPOSSIBLE AND THE BEST WE CAN HOPE FOR IS ENLIGHTENED SYNCHRONISTIC OBFUSCATION. C- - - Comments : PROMOTE ME=2 Message # 1724. Reply to #1717 Date: 01/31/95. Time: 17:24:06. Read 41 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Ashiqui Subj : ... RECEIVED Would he be willing to loan it to me? Message # 1725. Reply to #1718 Date: 01/31/95. Time: 17:24:31. Read 41 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Unka Buck Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Ah, but the first true chicken was a mutant. The egg which it hatched out of was, by definition, the egg of a chicken, since it had a chicken inside of it, but the almost-chicken who laid this mutant egg was NOT actually a chicken. Quite. Message # 1726. Reply to #1721 Date: 01/31/95. Time: 17:26:19. Read 38 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Unka Buck Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Absotively. Message # 1727. Reply to #1724 Date: 01/31/95. Time: 17:34:57. Read 38 Times. From : Ashiqui To : The Necromancer Subj : ... RECEIVED of course! i'll ask him... Message # 1728. Reply to #1716 Date: 01/31/95. Time: 19:03:46. Read 39 Times. From : Caffeine Fiend To : The Necromancer Subj : ... RECEIVED Damn. Oh well. Message # 1729. Reply to #1725 Date: 02/01/95. Time: 00:45:25. Read 41 Times. From : HACK MAN To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED BUT MAYBE THAT MUTANT CHICKEN ATE SOME CORN THAT WAS GROWING IN URANIUM ORE WHEN IT WAS A SMALL CHICK AND THIS CAUSED IT TO MUTATE INTO A GENUINE GRADE AA FULLY FORMED AND FLAKED CHICKEN. THIS IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE AND WOULD PRODUCE A GENUINE CHICKEN WITHOUT THE INTERVENTION OF EGG. C- - - Message # 1730. Reply to #1729 Date: 02/01/95. Time: 17:28:58. Read 40 Times. From : The Necromancer To : HACK MAN Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED I don't believe in mutates. Except Spider Man, of course. #1730. Message # 1731. Reply to #1716 Date: 02/02/95. Time: 01:37:37. Read 42 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : ... RECEIVED M-O-O-N! That spells "obfuscation"! Laws, yes! úfPú Message # 1733. Reply to #1720 Date: 02/02/95. Time: 01:40:08. Read 40 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Unka Buck Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED How 'bout a Journalentree? úfPú Message # 1734. Reply to #1733 Date: 02/02/95. Time: 10:51:18. Read 39 Times. From : Fastjack To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Psychiatree? Message # 1735. Reply to #1734 Date: 02/02/95. Time: 10:53:24. Read 35 Times. From : Fastjack To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Ex-treemly? Message # 1736. Reply to #1734 Date: 02/02/95. Time: 13:39:55. Read 38 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Goclimbatree? aAO Comments : Insane=1 Message # 1737. Reply to #1736 Date: 02/02/95. Time: 18:00:43. Read 38 Times. From : The Necromancer To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Tree-mendous. Message # 1738. Reply to #1731 Date: 02/02/95. Time: 18:36:30. Read 41 Times. From : Raevan To : Fink Ployd Subj : ... RECEIVED Now THAT was neat. Grassy Ass. As Always, Until the Next, Me. Raevan Message # 1739. Reply to #1734 Date: 02/03/95. Time: 02:54:38. Read 38 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Fastjack Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Oooh. A Chia Tree. úfPú Message # 1740. Reply to #1738 Date: 02/03/95. Time: 02:55:44. Read 41 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Raevan Subj : ... RECEIVED WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING??!?!?!?! úfPú #1740. Message # 1741. Reply to #1723 Date: 02/03/95. Time: 04:11:09. Read 42 Times. From : Unka Buck To : HACK MAN Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED My goodness! You've just elucidated deconstructionism. --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1742. Reply to #1725 Date: 02/03/95. Time: 04:13:37. Read 39 Times. From : Unka Buck To : The Necromancer Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Well, obviously. --==UNKA BUCK==-- --==OBFUSCATE==-- Message # 1744. Reply to #1741 Date: 02/04/95. Time: 23:21:58. Read 44 Times. From : Ghost To : Unka Buck Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED But it doesn't count unless he was lucid when he did it. Message # 1745. Reply to #1739 Date: 02/04/95. Time: 23:22:27. Read 48 Times. From : Ghost To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED A fruitless endeavor would make it a famous celebratree. Message # 1746. Reply to #1745 Date: 02/10/95. Time: 23:08:51. Read 45 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Ghost Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Tree cool. úfPú Message # 1747. Reply to #1746 Date: 02/10/95. Time: 23:46:21. Read 44 Times. From : Ghost To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Your theory drips; mine is classic and parlimentree, Minister. Message # 1748. Date: 02/11/95. Time: 17:07:33. Read 45 Times. From : Raevan To : All Subj : Pi-ism Mined iz gnot 2 squishtion pI, Mined iz butt too dew oar dye. (I said ism) As Always, Until the Next, Me. Raevan Message # 1749. Reply to #1747 Date: 02/14/95. Time: 02:39:21. Read 61 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Ghost Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED A minister? Administer? Administer a minister? Admonishment a sinister, allude to Quaaludes and my monitor. My mind is slowly melting in a myr- iad of miasmiatic gingerbread, it slowly mumbles life into the battlefield of criminals, my mind. úfPú (Ouch, dammit. My brain smarts from stupiding.) úfPýú Comments : Complex=1 Message # 1750. Reply to #1749 Date: 02/14/95. Time: 19:36:32. Read 63 Times. From : Caffeine Fiend To : Fink Ployd Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED What the hell does a quaalude feel like? why were they placed in 'schedule 1' - drugs that have 'no legitmate medical use' better than drugs with less abuse potential (i.e. methcathinone, cocaine freebase, heroin, LSD, etc are schedule 1) I mean, a quaalude has got to be more than just a valium feeling or whatever. I can't even begin to guess why they were banned from their molecular structure... ? #1750. Message # 1751. Reply to #1750 Date: 02/15/95. Time: 06:24:08. Read 52 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Caffeine Fiend Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED They make you feel boneless. AO Message # 1752. Reply to #1750 Date: 02/15/95. Time: 12:38:07. Read 51 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Caffeine Fiend Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED It feels like... victory. úfPú Message # 1753. Reply to #1751 Date: 02/15/95. Time: 22:10:37. Read 55 Times. From : Caffeine Fiend To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED boneless? like muscle relaxers or like you just dont care? How would you contrast the feeling to ... Valium Xanax Benedryl/diphenhydramine (otc sleep meds) barbituates anything else, perhaps opiateS? any hint as to why they are totally banned? Message # 1754. Reply to #1750 Date: 02/27/95. Time: 01:45:01. Read 54 Times. From : bellum To : Caffeine Fiend Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED It had something to do with the fact that people were consuming them without full knowledge of how to spell or even sound out their names, so rather than allow thousands of pharmasceutical companies go broke, they banned the things to avoid any confusion. Unfortunately, everybody had already taken several of them before the ban, and confusion was generally inevitable. Aspirin is far better, and can reduce the risk of cancer. Just don't try to spell the chemical name for it, or that may be outlawed before you know it! Message # 1755. Reply to #1753 Date: 02/27/95. Time: 01:49:29. Read 52 Times. From : bellum To : Caffeine Fiend Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES RECEIVED Nobody could spell them! And then they couldn't wake up after taking them. Have you ever tried vitamin d? Message # 1756. Reply to #1754 Date: 02/28/95. Time: 03:51:03. Read 54 Times. From : Caffeine Fiend To : bellum Subj : ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES acetylsalicyclic acid. whew... thats the iupac for it i think, but (ahem) the chemical name for aspirin is... ASPIRIN. don't believe me? look up aspirin in the merck index... its listed as aspirin! Prozac, on the other hand, is fluoxetine. Quaaludes are like methaqualone or something... Message # 1757. Date: 03/13/95. Time: 09:42:21. Read 78 Times. From : Mikester To : All Subj : Birthday Refer back to #1368. --M. Message # 1759. Reply to #1757 Date: 04/08/95. Time: 01:21:14. Read 82 Times. From : Psycho To : Mikester Subj : Birthday RECEIVED Gosh Mikester.. i have discovered the evils of Azile and Eliza too.. they seek to destroy my computer Applications class and take over the world with their sayings of "Elaborate please?" and "I do not concur, Dummy" Look what you have started!! Psycho Message # 1760. Date: 08-02-95. Time: 23:59. Read 62 Times. From : Terminal To : ALL Subj : blah. IMPURE MATHEMATICS Once upon a tim(l/t) pretty little Polly Nomial was strolling across a field of vectors when she came across a singularly large matrix. Now Polly was convergent and her mother had made it an absolute condition that she must never enter an array without her brackets on. Polly, however, who had changed her variables this morning and was feeling particularly badly behaved, ignored this condition on the grounds that it was insufficient and made her way in amongst the complex elements. Rows and columns enveloped her on all sides. Tangents approached her surface. She became tensor and tensor. Quite suddenly three branches of a hyperbola touched her at a single point. She oscillated violently, lost all sense of directrix and went completely divergent. As she approached a turning point she tripped over a square root that was protruding from the erf and plunged headlong down a steep gradient. When she was differentiated once more she found herself completely alone, in a non-Euclidean space. She was being watched, however. That smooth operator Curly Pi, was lurking inner product. As his eyes devoured her curvilinear co-ordinates a singular expression crossed his face. Was she still convergent, he wondered. He decided to integrate improperly at once. Hearing a vulgar fraction behind her Polly turned around and saw Curly Pi approaching with his power series extrapolated. She could see at once by his degenerate conic and his dissipative terms that he was bent on no good. "Eureka!" she gasped. "Ho,ho!" he said. "What a symmetric little polynomial you are. I can see you are absolutely bubbling over with secs." "O Sir," she protested "keep away from me. I haven't got my brackets on." "Calm yourself my dear," said our smooth operator, "your fears are purely imaginary." "i,i" she thought. "Purhaps he's homogeneous then?" "What order are you?" the brute demanded. "Seventeen" replied Polly. Curly leered, "I suppose you've never been operated on yet?" he said. "Of course not," Polly cried indignantly. "I'm purely convergent." "Come come," said Curly. "Lets off to a decimal place I know and I will take you to the limit." "Never!" gasped Polly. "EXCHLF!" he swore, using the vilest oath he knew. His patience was gone. Coshing her over the coefficient with a log until she was powerless, Curly removed all her discontinuities. He stared at her significant places and began smoothing her points of inflection. Poor Polly. All was up. She felt his hand tending toward her asymptotic limit. Her convergence would soon be gone forever. There was no mercy, for Curly was a Heavyside operator. He integrated by parts. He integrated by partial fractions. The complex beast even went all the way round and did a contour integration. What an indignity! To be multiply connected on her first integration. Curly went on operating until he was absolutely and completely orthagonal. When Polly got home that evening her mother noticed that she had been truncated in several parts. But it was too late to differentiate now. As the months went by Polly increased monotonically. Finally she generated a small but pathological function which left surds all over the place until she was driven to distraction. The moral of our sad story is this: if you want to keep your expressions convergent, never allow them a single degree of freedom. ... If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people. Comments : 1.00=11 3.14159265=1 Irrational=1 PROMOTE ME=1 #1760. Message # 1761. Reply to #1760 Date: 08/03/95. Time: 01:22:12. Read 50 Times. From : Caffeine Fiend To : Terminal Subj : blah. RECEIVED I printed that out and gave a copy to Van Der Veen... she almost suspended me hahahaha Message # 1762. Reply to #1563 Date: 08/06/95. Time: 22:25:13. Read 58 Times. From : MPS To : Mikester Subj : Compassion. RECEIVED Imagine my chagrin when I looked at this message and realized I got the numbers of Pi completely wrong. Oh, by the way, I'm Mikester. Nice to meet you. My other self is currently alone in the Chat Room. Sigh. Maybe I'll go page me. --M. 3.14159 Comments : Imaginary=1 Message # 1763. Date: 09/07/95. Time: 14:30:22. Read 44 Times. From : Stranger To : all Subj : halB Blah Message # 1764. Reply to #1763 Date: 09/07/95. Time: 21:57:50. Read 41 Times. From : Mikester To : Stranger Subj : halB RECEIVED Don't be too "BLAH" here...the Pi Room will be one of the main sections of the Retreat zine. :) (Whenever I get it done!) --M. Message # 1765. Date: 09/19/95. Time: 16:29:42. Read 46 Times. From : Kassius To : anyone Subj : pi pi = 3.14 Comments : Integer=1 Irrational=1 Message # 1766. Reply to #1765 Date: 09/19/95. Time: 18:36:43. Read 41 Times. From : Mikester To : Kassius Subj : pi RECEIVED I round it up to 5. It's easier to work with that way. --M. Message # 1767. Reply to #1766 Date: 09/19/95. Time: 20:05:13. Read 37 Times. From : Kassius To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED That's a good idea... :) Message # 1768. Reply to #1766 Date: 09/19/95. Time: 23:24:27. Read 43 Times. From : Stranger To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED Why don't we round it up to 10, to make it even easier? Stranger Message # 1769. Reply to #1768 Date: 09/19/95. Time: 23:24:47. Read 34 Times. From : Stranger To : Stranger Subj : pi RECEIVED Message # 1770. Reply to #1768 Date: 09/19/95. Time: 23:26:39. Read 43 Times. From : Mikester To : Stranger Subj : pi RECEIVED We should round every number to ten. I mean, every number. What's 10 + 10? 10. 10 x 10? 10. 10 will be the only number we use. "How old are you?" "I'm 10." "How far is it?" "10 miles away." See the beauty of it? --M. (this is post #10, by the way) #1770. Message # 1771. Reply to #1770 Date: 09/19/95. Time: 23:34:04. Read 34 Times. From : Stranger To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED I LOVE IT! It has a sort of Mikesterine appeal to it. Stranger Message # 1772. Reply to #1765 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 01:05:57. Read 33 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Kassius Subj : pi RECEIVED You die first. úfPú Message # 1773. Reply to #1766 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 01:06:29. Read 35 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED You die second. úfPú Message # 1774. Reply to #1768 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 01:06:43. Read 32 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Stranger Subj : pi RECEIVED You die third. úfPú Message # 1776. Reply to #1770 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 01:07:32. Read 33 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED And when you DO die second, you shall die ten times. úfPú Message # 1778. Reply to #1765 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 01:31:51. Read 51 Times. From : Terminal To : KASSIUS Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Ka> pi = 3.14 kassius_iq < 90 kassius = moron Who fucking cares. Terminal ... It's 25:00! Do you know where I am? Comments : 3.14=1 BOG ME=55 Message # 1779. Reply to #1778 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 02:39:55. Read 36 Times. From : Stranger To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED You suck. Stranger Message # 1780. Reply to #1770 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 08:26:18. Read 35 Times. From : Kassius To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED that's cool # 10... 10 clothes we have to put on a day! #1780. Message # 1782. Reply to #1778 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 08:27:51. Read 41 Times. From : Kassius To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED That was fucking rude! to the 10th power Message # 1783. Reply to #1768 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 09:44:30. Read 35 Times. From : Gizmo To : Stranger Subj : pi RECEIVED easier if you round it down to zero Message # 1784. Reply to #1773 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 10:37:08. Read 37 Times. From : Mikester To : Fink Ployd Subj : pi RECEIVED No...I die tenth. --M. Message # 1785. Reply to #1778 Date: 09/20/95. Time: 10:38:25. Read 46 Times. From : Mikester To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Don't be a dick. --M. Message # 1786 -- Private. Message # 1788. Reply to #1785 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 06:16:30. Read 41 Times. From : Terminal To : Mikester Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Sarcasm shouldn't be taken so personally. Terminal Message # 1789. Reply to #1782 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 06:18:31. Read 33 Times. From : Terminal To : Kassius Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED No shit. Sorry to state the obvious. Terminal Message # 1790. Reply to #1788 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 08:16:00. Read 35 Times. From : Mikester To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED I think you're confusing "sarcasm" with "abuse." --M. #1790. Message # 1791. Reply to #1770 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 17:54:40. Read 34 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED Number Two will have to change his name. úfPú Message # 1792. Reply to #1784 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 17:55:22. Read 36 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED If all numbers are ten, all three (ten) of you will die at the same time, so it doesn't make much difference. úfPú Message # 1793 -- Private. Message # 1794. Reply to #1788 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 18:07:02. Read 40 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Sarcasm is one thing. Calling someone a moron is another. Message # 1795. Reply to #1794 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 19:49:10. Read 41 Times. From : Jehan To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED I don't know, Necker. When AO gets her dander up, she's usually more expressive than just calling someone "moron". Comments : Insane=1 Undefined=1 Message # 1796. Reply to #1791 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 20:25:13. Read 33 Times. From : Mikester To : Fink Ployd Subj : pi RECEIVED He'll be Number Ten. He's number ten on all the top ten lists. --M. Message # 1797. Reply to #1796 Date: 09/21/95. Time: 22:21:51. Read 28 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Mikester Subj : pi RECEIVED Then again, in your world, everyone would be number ten on the top ten lists. úfPú Message # 1798. Reply to #1795 Date: 09/22/95. Time: 05:25:08. Read 30 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Jehan Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Wow, i searched the thread and I'm not in it. More than a moron. Sounds like a band name. Tonight at the sniper room... More Than A Moron. AO Message # 1799 -- Private. Message # 1801 -- Private. Message # 1802. Reply to #1795 Date: 09/22/95. Time: 18:09:18. Read 41 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Jehan Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Agreed, but I ail to see where Annie comes into the equation. Terminal posted an equation stating that Kassius was a moron, for no reason I can see, beyond either pure spite or the act that she wouldn't be cought dead with him. It was mean, uncalled-for, and rude. Message # 1803 -- Private. Message # 1804 -- Private. Message # 1805. Reply to #1802 Date: 09/23/95. Time: 07:31:19. Read 31 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Yeah, where do I fit into this? I hate pi anyway and if Buckminister Fuller says it sucks and should be ignored, i'm with him. AO Message # 1806 -- Private. Message # 1807 -- Private. Message # 1810. Reply to #1802 Date: 09/27/95. Time: 05:06:57. Read 33 Times. From : Terminal To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Since your gonna bitch and moan about it, I'll change my theory here. It takes a REAL wise person to figure pi to two decimal places... happy? Damn, 196 and all, she's a real brain.. eh? Hell, promote it. Terminal #1810. Message # 1811. Reply to #1790 Date: 09/27/95. Time: 05:10:55. Read 29 Times. From : Terminal To : Mikester Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED "Yes, your honor. I was verabally.. err.. typomatically abused." Terminal Message # 1812 -- Private. Message # 1813. Reply to #1810 Date: 09/27/95. Time: 18:33:21. Read 35 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED There's a big difference between being wise and having the time on your hands nessesary to memorize an irrational number to x decimal places. I`ve only got Pi memorized to four places myself. This makes me stupid? Or does it make me twice as smart as Kassius? Message # 1814. Reply to #1813 Date: 09/27/95. Time: 21:14:31. Read 29 Times. From : Kassius To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Hey now that wasn't exactly nice....are you insisting that I am stupid? Message # 1815. Reply to #1813 Date: 09/27/95. Time: 22:26:46. Read 32 Times. From : Gizmo To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED It makes you LAZY, not necessarily stupid. From memory: 3.14159265358979323 Message # 1816. Reply to #1814 Date: 09/28/95. Time: 18:45:11. Read 31 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Kassius Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Sorry about that. As an experienced debater/arguer, I've found that the best way to make a point is to argue from your opponent's point of view. Since his position seems to be that you are dumb, I'm basing my arguments on that premise, to show that NO argument based upon such shaky foundations can stand for long. Message # 1817. Reply to #1815 Date: 09/28/95. Time: 18:47:37. Read 31 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Gizmo Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Because I choose to devote my mind to other pursuits than memorizing an irrational number that even mathematicians almost never use, preferring to think of (and do) things I find to be more useful, more productive, and especially more fun, this makes me lazy? Interesting idea; doesn't apply. Message # 1818. Reply to #1815 Date: 09/28/95. Time: 19:34:29. Read 30 Times. From : Moon Dancer To : Gizmo Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED thats only because you were being an ass and may Skurkey memorize it to 50 places(or something like that) and picked some of it up in the process. What some women will do. Dance on the Moon Moon Dancer Message # 1819. Reply to #1816 Date: 09/28/95. Time: 20:02:54. Read 32 Times. From : Kassius To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED okay I am dumb....but only if you say so...but in reality what ever that is...I'm really not...I'm just a smart dummy that's all.. Message # 1820. Reply to #1819 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 01:36:37. Read 34 Times. From : Lost Chain To : Kassius Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED in reality your just another glitch in the call #1820. Message # 1821 -- Private. Message # 1822. Reply to #1820 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 02:35:32. Read 29 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Lost Chain Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED PINK FLOYD REFERENCE! úfPú Message # 1823 -- Private. Message # 1824. Reply to #1820 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 07:04:00. Read 31 Times. From : Kassius To : Lost Chain Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED I'm a dumb glitch .. Message # 1825. Reply to #1824 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 08:48:41. Read 32 Times. From : Lost Chain To : Kassius Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED ill take your word for it Message # 1826. Reply to #1817 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 13:09:36. Read 30 Times. From : Gizmo To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED If you dont know pi to at least ten digits, there's a good chance you could end up being a square. Message # 1827. Reply to #1818 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 13:10:04. Read 29 Times. From : Gizmo To : Moon Dancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED its pretty funny isnt it... heheh... Message # 1828. Reply to #1820 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 13:10:49. Read 31 Times. From : Gizmo To : Lost Chain Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED All in all we are just grains of dust embedded in the brick. Message # 1829. Reply to #1828 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 15:32:32. Read 33 Times. From : Lost Chain To : Gizmo Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED all in all its just a pure LISP function call Message # 1830. Reply to #1824 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 18:27:26. Read 31 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Kassius Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED I'm a son of a glitch. #1830. Message # 1831. Reply to #1826 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 18:27:48. Read 30 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Gizmo Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Me? A square? Naaahhh.... Message # 1832. Reply to #1830 Date: 09/29/95. Time: 19:16:26. Read 29 Times. From : Kassius To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED I'm a dumb daughter of a glitch with purple and pink ears and I fly too! Message # 1833. Reply to #1829 Date: 10/01/95. Time: 10:25:53. Read 29 Times. From : Gizmo To : Lost Chain Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Hehhhh... clever Message # 1834 -- Private. Message # 1835 -- Private. Message # 1836 -- Private. Message # 1837. Reply to #1792 Date: 10/04/95. Time: 16:41:21. Read 35 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Fink Ployd Subj : pi RECEIVED BUT NOTHING CAN VIOLATE THE SANCTITY OF 42. C- - - Message # 1839. Reply to #1837 Date: 10/04/95. Time: 22:26:58. Read 32 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : HACK MAN Subj : pi RECEIVED That's right...the year i was born. pretty cool 2/3 42 ao / Message # 1840. Reply to #1837 Date: 10/04/95. Time: 22:46:10. Read 31 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : HACK MAN Subj : pi RECEIVED I'm kinda partial to the number j. úfPú #1840. Message # 1841. Reply to #1813 Date: 10/05/95. Time: 16:50:06. Read 36 Times. From : Terminal To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED That's my point, you don't post the obvious. She did. Terminal Message # 1842. Reply to #1841 Date: 10/05/95. Time: 17:49:43. Read 31 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Of course you post the obvious. At least, on this board. Wher've YOU been? Message # 1843. Reply to #1798 Date: 10/06/95. Time: 21:00:43. Read 31 Times. From : Jehan To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Was that dumb enough for you? I feel dumber. Message # 1844. Reply to #1802 Date: 10/06/95. Time: 21:01:46. Read 34 Times. From : Jehan To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Annie can come anywhere she wants to, Necker. Why are you ailing? Message # 1845. Reply to #1841 Date: 10/06/95. Time: 21:04:01. Read 31 Times. From : Jehan To : Terminal Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Whwn you post the obvious, you really nail it down. Message # 1846. Reply to #1843 Date: 10/07/95. Time: 03:53:32. Read 31 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Jehan Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED dumb and dumber hey that's a movie AO Message # 1847. Reply to #1844 Date: 10/07/95. Time: 03:53:58. Read 30 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Jehan Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED I AM the equasion. AO Message # 1848. Reply to #1846 Date: 10/07/95. Time: 08:50:47. Read 31 Times. From : Jehan To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED That's a way of life. Message # 1849 -- Private. Message # 1850. Reply to #1844 Date: 10/08/95. Time: 22:43:38. Read 32 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Jehan Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED Stupid "F" key... #1850. Message # 1851. Reply to #1850 Date: 10/10/95. Time: 07:59:18. Read 33 Times. From : Jehan To : The Necromancer Subj : Re: pi RECEIVED So, you admit it, huh? You're "effing" off? Message # 1852 -- Private. Message # 1853 -- Private. Message # 1854 -- Private. Message # 1855 -- Private. Message # 1856 -- Private. Message # 1857 -- Private. Message # 1858. Date: 10/30/95. Time: 22:54:26. Read 52 Times. From : Mikester To : all Subj : Hey. Why is this the "PSI ROOM" all of a sudden? --M. Message # 1859. Reply to #1858 Date: 10/30/95. Time: 22:54:46. Read 40 Times. From : Mikester To : Mikester Subj : Hey. RECEIVED I gnew you'd say that. --M. Message # 1860. Reply to #1858 Date: 10-31-95. Time: 10:24. Read 35 Times. From : Grazz't To : MIKESTER Subj : Hey. RECEIVED dose it matter? ---------- ¯ Ask not for whom the bell tolls, let the machine get it. --- #1860. Message # 1862 -- Private. Message # 1863. Reply to #1858 Date: 11/01/95. Time: 00:17:25. Read 33 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Mikester Subj : Hey. RECEIVED Maybe Shay's taking over. úfPú Message # 1864. Reply to #1860 Date: 11/01/95. Time: 00:18:26. Read 32 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Grazz't Subj : Hey. RECEIVED Er, YES. PI is a really long number. PSI, however, is not. úfPú Message # 1865 -- Private. Message # 1866. Reply to #1864 Date: 11-01-95. Time: 16:00. Read 34 Times. From : Grazz't To : FINK PLOYD Subj : Hey. RECEIVED but it could be. ---------- ¯ Cat: A small, furry beast resembling a meatloaf... --- Message # 1867 -- Private. Message # 1868. Reply to #1866 Date: 11/01/95. Time: 22:21:09. Read 38 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Grazz't Subj : Hey. RECEIVED NO! There is NO SUCH THING as a PSI GUY. And IF THERE WERE, he'd be a wuss with bad hair. úfPú Message # 1869. Reply to #1863 Date: 11/01/95. Time: 23:21:42. Read 33 Times. From : Shay Pas To : Fink Ployd Subj : Hey. RECEIVED must--intercept...Mikester Psifi Comments : Natural=1 Message # 1870. Reply to #1868 Date: 11/02/95. Time: 05:40:32. Read 32 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Fink Ployd Subj : Hey. RECEIVED Loook up psi then turn red AO Comments : 1.00=1 #1870. Message # 1871. Reply to #1858 Date: 11/02/95. Time: 19:35:31. Read 29 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Mikester Subj : Hey. RECEIVED I gnew you were going to say that. Message # 1872. Reply to #1859 Date: 11/02/95. Time: 19:35:50. Read 30 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Mikester Subj : Hey. RECEIVED Die, temporally-inverting plagairist! Message # 1873. Reply to #1869 Date: 11/02/95. Time: 23:12:14. Read 34 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Shay Pas Subj : Hey. RECEIVED Naah. You do a better Cagney. úfPú (THE SHATNER ROOM) Sub op: THE SHATNER GUY 1748 Messages From <1-1878> Time = 2897. Doink? : (DOINK!) úfPýú Message # 1874. Reply to #1870 Date: 11/02/95. Time: 23:16:07. Read 30 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : Hey. RECEIVED I've got your 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet, RIGHT HERE! úfPú Message # 1875. Reply to #1874 Date: 11/03/95. Time: 06:55:07. Read 33 Times. From : ANN OTHERWORLD To : Fink Ployd Subj : Hey. RECEIVED Not in the letter sense in the psi sense.... think metaphysics AO Message # 1876 -- Private. Message # 1877. Reply to #1875 Date: 11/04/95. Time: 05:06:29. Read 36 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : ANN OTHERWORLD Subj : Hey. RECEIVED I jnow. My dictionary is my bible... Albeit a dry, boring bible--but a bible nonetheless. úfPú Message # 1878 -- Private. Message # 1879. Reply to #1877 Date: 11/04/95. Time: 15:46:46. Read 40 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Fink Ployd Subj : Hey. RECEIVED And today we are quoting from the book of adverbs, gerunds 12:1 through 12:10, skipping only 12:9, which has been found to promote self will. Message # 1880. Reply to #1879 Date: 11/05/95. Time: 04:21:42. Read 41 Times. From : Kilowatt Jules To : The Necromancer Subj : Hey. RECEIVED Oh great, religious censorship in the middle of my self will. What about those of us that willed ourselves into being ? Kilowatt Jules, kinda glad for the death of node 3 #1880. Message # 1881. Reply to #1880 Date: 11/05/95. Time: 12:14:13. Read 39 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Kilowatt Jules Subj : Hey. Would a self-willed individual, unable to pass on his will when he willed his own loss of will, die intestate? If he swallowed his will, would he die intestinate? If he did it on the freeway, would he die interstate? Message # 1882. Reply to #1858 Date: 11/05/95. Time: 16:05:49. Read 38 Times. From : HACK MAN To : Mikester Subj : Hey. RECEIVED I WAS FEELING ORTHAGONAL. C- - - Message # 1883. Reply to #1879 Date: 11/05/95. Time: 23:51:07. Read 41 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : The Necromancer Subj : Hey. RECEIVED The Gospel According to Webster. úfPú Message # 1884. Reply to #1768 Date: 11/10/95. Time: 22:01:55. Read 41 Times. From : Shea To : Stranger Subj : pi RECEIVED I round it down to 1, so it automatically drops out of the equation. e/s Message # 1885. Reply to #1765 Date: 12/16/95. Time: 22:53:51. Read 39 Times. From : Fastjack To : Kassius Subj : pi Sin! Sin! You should be arrested by the Pi police! Message # 1886. Reply to #1885 Date: 12/17/95. Time: 17:23:44. Read 39 Times. From : Kassi To : Fastjack Subj : pi RECEIVED OK When? Message # 1888. Reply to #1886 Date: 12/17/95. Time: 17:47:23. Read 37 Times. From : Fastjack To : Kassi Subj : pi RECEIVED I, as a self imployed Pi Policeman, hereby arrest you for the insideous act of rounding Pi. The courtdate is in Pi days. As soon as I figure out how many that exactly is. Message # 1889. Reply to #1888 Date: 12/17/95. Time: 18:38:24. Read 35 Times. From : Kassi To : Fastjack Subj : pi RECEIVED ok pi! Message # 1890. Reply to #1889 Date: 12/17/95. Time: 22:12:26. Read 42 Times. From : Fastjack To : Kassi Subj : pi RECEIVED You are forgiven and if there are no objections by the People we will drop the charges. #1890. Message # 1891. Reply to #1890 Date: 12/18/95. Time: 06:32:20. Read 42 Times. From : Kassi To : Fastjack Subj : pi Thank you kindly :> Kassi Message # 1892. Reply to #1888 Date: 12/18/95. Time: 06:33:32. Read 44 Times. From : Anais Nin To : Fastjack Subj : pi hahahaha...that was too funny :) Anais Message # 1893. Reply to #1892 Date: 12/18/95. Time: 06:34:13. Read 45 Times. From : Anais Nin To : Anais Nin Subj : pi RECEIVED I wonder...if maybe, just possibly...when they sing "Friends of P." they mean Pi...and they just shortened it? Hummmmm Anais Message # 1894. Reply to #1893 Date: 12/19/95. Time: 18:12:42. Read 47 Times. From : The Necromancer To : Anais Nin Subj : pi RECEIVED Actually, I heard they were watching Sesame Street when thay came up with the idea for that song. Message # 1895. Reply to #1894 Date: 12/20/95. Time: 07:49:45. Read 51 Times. From : Anais Nin To : The Necromancer Subj : pi RECEIVED I've heard so much about these little brother (who is so ultimately cool) bought the KROQ calendar and it came with a CD..that sog was on it...and it explained that all the members of the band met in C ooo..Im forgetting where exactly... because their parents were all part of some embassy or world political thing....and the leader (Im forgetting who that is too) was put in A prision for political offenders and al of this political stuff. I actually thing P. stands for peace, or politics ? :) who knows, right? Anais Message # 1896. Date: 12/31/95. Time: 01:09:38. Read 42 Times. From : ice-queen To : Anais Subj : friends of p According to an interview on the lead singer of The Rentals. The P dosent stand for anything particular. It suppose to be personal for each person so P could be just about anything. Ice Message # 1897. Reply to #1896 Date: 12/31/95. Time: 07:35:50. Read 43 Times. From : Anais Nin To : ice-queen Subj : friends of p RECEIVED Oh...well, then...I like that much better :) Anais Message # 1898 -- Private. Message # 1900. Reply to #1899 Date: 02/07/96. Time: 13:23:38. Read 45 Times. From : aphrodite To : harold Subj : mojofucker RECEIVED Pity upon those that have nothing else to cling to ..... Aphrodite #1900. Message # 1901. Date: 02/09/96. Time: 00:43:16. Read 49 Times. From : harold To : all Subj : masterbating in the dressing room at Target only some times Comments : Undefined=1 Message # 1902. Reply to #31 Date: 03/02/96. Time: 23:44:05. Read 46 Times. From : Mikester To : Gaviscon Aviscenna Subj : Boy... It's easy to get recognized around here... Press "D" to read Gav's own explanation of this sub. If I gnew more about science, I'd be able to contribute more. the Mikester ==--OBFUSCATE--== or perhaps I am the perfect person to contribute Message # 1903. Reply to #1898 Date: 03/26/96. Time: 02:04:17. Read 38 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Skurkey Subj : pi STOP. SLOW--CHILDREN AT PLAY. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK. CAR POOL LANE. 15. DIE COMMIES. úfPú Message # 1904. Reply to #1903 Date: 03/26/96. Time: 13:09:13. Read 35 Times. From : HACKER 2.1 To : Fink Ployd Subj : pi RECEIVED Styler Message # 1905. Reply to #1903 Date: 03-26-96. Time: 20:53. Read 31 Times. From : Grazz't To : FINK PLOYD Subj : pi RECEIVED Please have you pet...spayed or neutered...the white zone is for loading and unloading only..smoke a joint.. ¯ When encryption is illegal, only 8cz&93/,xhSU*b *7Jkld2-1=}[ !! --- Message # 1906. Reply to #1904 Date: 03/27/96. Time: 03:51:39. Read 30 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : HACKER 2.1 Subj : pi RECEIVED There once was a limerick on Pi, Its verse was inherently dry; The problem, you see, Was redundancy, And ending its last line with "pi." -+-+- Please, do not approximate Pi as 3.14158. 3.14159... Will do just fine. úfPú Message # 1907. Reply to #1905 Date: 03/27/96. Time: 05:57:55. Read 32 Times. From : Fink Ployd To : Grazz't Subj : pi RECEIVED I met the Pi Guy, by the by. He wore a beautiful black derby. We shared a chocolate croissant. He may be dead, but he's not unpleasant. He margins his speech. úfPú Message # 1908. Reply to #2 Date: 04/02/96. Time: 17:06:30. Read 30 Times. From : Rachel To : The Pi Guy Subj : Woah! Jamma! Apple pi, semper Fi. Message # 1909. Date: 04/28/96. Time: 23:20:45. Read 21 Times. From : HACK MAN To : ALL Subj : SOMETHING FROM GAV From: Darren Bleuel Subject: We're from the government (fwd) To: (Shea Bond), smythe@predator.ME.Berkeley.EDU (Charles Stewart Smith III), (Jim Alexander), (Brett Thunstrom), (Rick Donahue), rgrisso@cml.ME.Berkeley.EDU (Ryan Grisso), (Michelle Lewis), (Ray White), (Genevieve Dy), (Kim Green), (Chris Peloso), (Bobby Wolfington), (Angela Frank), (Don Cottman), kuz@neutron.Nuc.Berkeley.EDU, (Alison Howell), danhua@neutron.Nuc.Berkeley.EDU (Danny), (Greg Casher) Date sent: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 16:05:19 -0700 (PDT) agents were cans the go the agent? starving. -- Lates... Darren "Gav" Bleuel (Traveling)